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1、哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校 哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校, 要求每三天测一次新冠病毒,今日我给大家带来了哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校 ,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我就和大家共享,来观赏一下吧。 哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校 要求每三天测一次新冠病毒 Harvard will allow some students on campus this fall so long as they take coronavirus tests every 3 days Harvard University is welcoming freshmen and some other students to campus thi

2、s fall semester, but students will have to take coronavirus tests every three days, classes will be taught online and it wont discount tuition, the school announced Monday. 哈佛高校本周一(7月6日)宣布,欢迎新生和一部分其他年级学生今年秋季学期到校,但学生每三天就要进行一次新冠病毒检测,全部课程将在线进行,不会减免学费。 Upperclassmen will be able to petition to return if

3、 they dont have sufficient technology at home or have challenging family circumstances. The total percentage of undergraduates living on campus would be limited to around 40%. 家里没有技术条件或家庭环境不适合学习的高年级学生可以申请返校。到校本科生的比例将限制在40%左右。 "Assuming that we maintain 40% density in the spring semester, we wou

4、ld again bring back one class, and our priority at this time is to bring seniors to campus,” Harvard said. “Under this plan, first years would return home and learn remotely in the spring.” It expects to release a decision about the spring in early December. 哈佛称:“假定明年春季我们维持40%的学生密度,我们将能让一个年级的学生返校,那时

5、我们会优先让毕业班学生返校。依据这一安排,春季学期大一学生将在家进行远程学习。”哈佛预料会在12月初宣布关于春季学期的确定。 Harvard is the latest school to announce its fall semester plans as coronavirus cases continue to spike in the US. 随着美国新冠肺炎病例持续飙升,哈佛高校是最新宣布秋季学期安排的学校。 Harvard previously announced that all teaching would occur online. Today it also said t

6、uition will not be discounted from $49,653, although students enrolled remotely wont pay housing fees. The semester will begin as scheduled on Sept. 2, and all students living on campus will be expected to leave by Thanksgiving. 哈佛从前宣布,全部教学活动都将在线上进行。如今哈佛又表示,学费不会打折,仍旧是49653美元(约合人民币34.8万元),不过远程入学的学生不必

7、支付住宿费。新学期定于9月2日开学,全部在校学生都将在感恩节前离校。 Students will have to undergo Covid-19 testing upon arrival and every three days afterward. 学生一到学校就必需接受新冠病毒检测,之后每三天都要检测一次。 Anticipating that many students under this plan will not live on campus for any part of the upcoming academic year, Harvard will allow all enr

8、olled undergraduates studying remotely for the entire year to take two courses on campus at the Harvard Summer School in 2022 with tuition waived. 预料到这一安排之下很多学生在整个新学年都不会住校,哈佛高校将允许全部全年远程学习的入学本科生在2022年哈佛暑期学校免费上两门课。 Harvards plan is more restrictive than those of other universities that have been annou

9、ncing their fall plans. Last week Yale University announced it would allow 60% of undergraduates to return to campus. Other Ivy League schools such as the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University plan to reopen most of their residential halls and hold some in-person classes. 哈佛高校的安排比其他已经宣布秋

10、季安排的高校有更多限制条件。上周耶鲁高校宣布,将允许60%的本科生返校。其他的常春藤盟校,比如宾夕法尼亚高校和康奈尔高校,安排重新开放大部分宿舍楼,并进行一些面对面授课。 Princeton University also announced Monday it would bring freshmen and juniors to campus in the fall and sophomores and seniors in the spring, with Covid-19 testing upon arrival and “regularly thereafter.” Most cla

11、sses would be remote. Rutgers University, also in New Jersey, announced Monday that its fall semester would feature a majority of remote classes and “extremely limited” on-campus housing. 普林斯顿高校周一也宣布,将让新生和大三学生今年秋季入校,大二学生和大四学生明年春季入校,学生一到学校就必需进行新冠病毒检测,“此后定期进行检测”。大多数课程都将远程教授。同样在新泽西州的罗格斯高校周一宣布,秋季学期将以远程授

12、课为主,住校名额也“极为有限”。 新冠肺炎痊愈后会出现疲惫感?科学家正在调查中 Scientists investigate cases of post-Covid-19 fatigue Most people experience Covid-19 as a short-term illness: once the infection has been fought off, they bounce back to health. But evidence is emerging of a significant minority sometimes referred to as “long

13、 haulers” who struggle with long-term symptoms for a month or longer. 大多数感染新冠病毒的人都是经验了一场小病:一旦病毒被击退,他们很快就复原了健康。然而新的证据显示,少部分人有时被称为“打长久战的人”会出现长期的症状,可能持续一个月,也可能更长。 Anecdotal reports have abounded of people left with fatigue, aching muscles and difficulty concentrating. Online support groups on Facebook

14、and Slack have sprung up, already hosting thousands of members who say they have not got better. 有零星报告讲解并描述了很多痊愈后感到乏力、肌肉酸痛和难以集中留意力的人。脸书和Slack上兴起了在线支持小组,已经有数千名没有好转的人加入。 Speaking to the BBCs Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, Matt Hancock said it was difficult to gauge the scale of the problem. “This is a re

15、ally serious problem for a minority of people who have Covid,” the health secretary said. “Some people have long-term effects that look like a post-viral fatigue syndrome.” 英国卫生大臣马特汉考克周日(7月5日)在BBC的安德鲁马尔秀上告知主持人说,这个问题难以估量。汉考克说:“对于感染过新冠病毒的一小部分人,这是一个很严峻的问题。新冠病毒在一些人身上留下了长期的影响,感觉像是病毒后疲惫综合征。” Scientists ar

16、e only just beginning to investigate the potential causes of enduring fatigue, but say that there are likely to be a wide variety of reasons why some people face a longer road to recovery. 科学家才刚起先调查持续性疲惫感的潜在缘由,不过他们表示,有些人康复期更长可能有各种各样的缘由。 "Fatigue itself will take on lots of different guises,” sa

17、id Chris Brightling, a professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Leicester, who is leading a newly announced 8.4m study of the long-term health impacts of Covid-19. 莱斯特高校呼吸医学教授克里斯布莱特灵说:“疲惫会以多种不同假象出现。”英国新公布了一个探讨新冠病毒对健康长期影响的项目,布莱特灵是这项耗资840万英镑(约合人民币7404万元)探讨的领头人。 A report published in Febr

18、uary by the World Health Organization, based on preliminary data, suggested that in mild cases the median recovery time from Covid-19 is roughly two weeks from the onset of symptoms, and in severe or critical cases about three to six weeks. However, some of those who appear to have only mild illness

19、 initially also end up wrestling with symptoms, including fatigue, that linger for weeks or months. 世界卫生组织二月份发布的一份基于初步数据的报告显示,新冠肺炎轻症患者的中位康复时间为出现症状后两周左右,重症患者的康复时间约为3到6周。但是,有些最初症状看似稍微的患者最终却出现了持续数周或数月的症状,包括疲惫乏力。 Those who have suffered severe illness in the acute phase, including admission to intensive

20、 care, typically experience muscle loss, which can result in direct physical fatigue. Others are left with lung damage, including scarring that can cause breathlessness, leaving people feeling tired. There are other physical effects that are less clearly understood the disease is known to cause bloo

21、d clots in the lungs and other parts of the body and neurological symptoms ranging from stroke to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. 那些在急性期发展成重症的患者,包括进入重症监护室的人,通常会经验肌肉流失,而这将干脆导致身体疲惫。其他人则受到了肺部损伤,包括导致喘不上气的创伤,这也会让人感觉疲惫。还有其他了解的没有那么清晰的身体影响目前已知新冠肺炎会导致肺部和身体其他部位出现血栓还有中风、焦虑和抑郁等心情紊乱的神经症状。 "Ho

22、w common each of those things are, we simply dont have good information,” said Brightling. 布莱特灵说:“这些症状有多普遍,我们还没有驾驭充分的信息。” There is previous evidence linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) to infectious outbreaks, including Epstein-Barr virus and Q fever. A study of people infected during the 2003 Sa

23、rs outbreak revealed that almost a third had a reduced tolerance to exercise many months later, despite having normal lung function. 从前的证据曾将慢性疲惫综合征和人类疱疹病毒第四型和Q热等传染病暴发联系在一起。一项对2003年非典感染者的探讨揭示,近三分之一的人在肺功能复原正常数月后,对熬炼的承受力降低了。 Brightlings study will track around 10,000 patients who were admitted to hospi

24、tal with Covid-19. This will allow scientists to assess what proportion of patients end up with which long-term health impacts, and what the risk factors are for different symptoms. This could help pave the way to better treatments and medical support for those who are left struggling months after i

25、nitially becoming ill. 布莱特灵的探讨将追踪因新冠肺炎而入院的1万名患者。这将让科学家可以评估留下长期后遗症的患者占据多大比例,以及不同症状的风险因素。这将有助于为那些染病后症状持续数月的患者供应更好的治疗和医疗支持扫清障碍。 Figuring out how Covid-19 triggers fatigue symptoms could also offer new insights into some of the ways that chronic fatigue can occur more generally. “One of the big challeng

26、es is that theres so much that we dont yet understand,” said Brightling. “People who specialise in fatigue are seeing people with multiple reasons why theyve ended up at that point.” 查明新冠病毒如何引发疲惫症状也可以为长期疲惫普遍发作的一些方式供应新见解。布莱特灵说:“一个较大的挑战是我们还不理解的东西太多了。特地探讨疲惫症状的人对于患者为何会感到疲惫能给出多种缘由。” In this case, he said

27、, because the trigger for fatigue is known, there is a better chance of understanding what is happening in the body. “It gives you a way of trying to unravel that puzzle,” said Brightling. 布莱特灵指出,在这种状况下,由于了解了疲惫的诱因,就能够更好地理解身体里在发生什么。他表示:“这为你供应了解开谜团的一种方法。” 美国说唱歌手“侃爷”宣布将竞选总统 这些明星也跟风 Kanye West again say

28、s he will run for president US rapper Kanye West has said he is running for president, potentially pitting him against a man he says he admires, Donald Trump. 美国说唱歌手坎耶韦斯特表示,他将竞选美国总统,这可能会让他与一位他表示仰慕的人竞争,也就是唐纳德特朗普。 pit pt:vt.使竞争 "We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying

29、 our vision and building our future," he tweeted. "I am running for president of the United States!" 他在推特上写道:“我们现在必需通过信任上帝、统一看法并共筑将来来实现美国的诺言。我要竞选美国总统!” His wife Kim Kardashian West and entrepreneur Elon Musk endorsed him. 他的妻子金卡戴珊韦斯特和企业家埃隆马斯克都支持他。 But it's unclear whether West is

30、really running. 但尚不清晰韦斯特是否真的会参与竞选。 He does not appear to have registered his name with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for November's election. The closest name the FEC database shows is a candidate called "Kanye Deez Nutz West", who filed their papers with the Green Party in 202

31、2 and appears to have raised no money. 他好像没有向联邦选举委员会登记参与11月的选举。联邦选举委员会数据库显示的最接近的名字是一位名叫“坎耶迪兹纳茨韦斯特”的候选人,他在2022年向绿党提交了他们的参选文件,但好像没有筹到任何资金。 It is also not the first time West has claimed that he is running for the White House. 这也不是韦斯特第一次宣称要竞选美国总统。 At the 2022 MTV Video Music Awards, he said he had deci

32、ded to run for president in 2022. 在2022年MTV音乐录影带大奖颁奖典礼上,他说他确定在2022年竞选总统。 But last November he pushed the date back, saying he would actually run in the 2024 contest. 但去年11月,他将竞选日期推后,表示自己事实上会参与2024年的竞选。 "What are you laughing at?" he asked the crowd at Fast Company's Innovation Festival

33、. “你们在笑什么?”他在快公司的创新节上问观众。 "We would have created so many jobs that I'm not gonna run, I'm gonna walk," he said, adding he was considering changing his name for the run to "Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West". 他说:“我们会创建许多就业机会,所以我不须要焦急了。”他还表示,正考虑在竞选中把自己的名字改为“基du教天才亿万富翁

34、坎耶韦斯特”。 In his tweet on Saturday, US Independence Day, West, 43, did not say if his supposed run would be affiliated with a particular political party. 在上周六(7月4日)美国独立日这天发布的推特上,43岁的韦斯特并没有说他是否会作为某个政党的候选人参选。 In any case, contesting the nomination of one major parties would be impossible at this stage,

35、with the election only four months away. 无论如何,在目前阶段,争夺一个主要政党的提名是不行能的,因为距离选举只有四个月了。 In order to appear on the ballot as an independent candidate, West would have to gather a certain amount of signatures and register in states by a particular deadline. The deadline has already passed in some major sta

36、tes but the music star would still technically have time to file in many others. 为了以独立候选人的身份参选,韦斯特必需在规定的截止日期前收集肯定数量的签名并在各州进行登记。在一些主要州,截止日期已经过了,但从技术上讲,这位音乐明星仍有时间在其他很多州提交申请。 This year's contest is likely to be a straight battle between Republican President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden. 今年的总

37、统竞选很可能是共和党总统唐纳德特朗普和民主党候选人乔拜登之间的一场激战。 eIn 2022, West made a bizarre appearance at the White House with President Trump during which he wore a Make America Great Again hat and made an expletive-filled rant that Mr Trump described as "quite something". 2022年,韦斯特和特朗普总统一起出现在白宫,让人们感到惊异。他戴着一顶写着“让

38、美国再次宏大”的帽子,激烈到飙脏话,被特朗普形容为“相当了不得”。 expletiveksplitv:n.咒骂语 rantrnt:n.咆哮;激扬的长篇演说;豪言壮语 "I love this guy right here," West said, walking behind the desk to hug the seated president, who said: "That's really nice." “我喜爱特朗普总统,”韦斯特说着,走到桌子后面,拥抱坐着的特朗普总统。特朗普总统说:“这感觉真好。” eThe rapper also

39、 pushed back on the idea that African-Americans are overwhelmingly Democratic Party voters, saying: "People expect that if you're black, you have to be Democrat." 这位说唱歌手还反对了非洲裔美国人主要支持民主党的观点,他说:“人们认为假如你是黑人,你就必需支持民主党。” Kim Kardashian West retweeted her husband's statement about the p

40、residential run with an American flag. 金卡戴珊转发了丈夫竞选总统的声明,并配上美国国旗图标。 She has in recent years become a significant voice in the US movement for criminal justice reform and has successfully lobbied President Trump to release several prisoners. 近年来,她已成为美国刑事司法改革运动的重要人物,并胜利游说特朗普总统释放了几名囚犯。 多位明星纷纷宣布参选 继“侃爷”宣布竞选美国总统后,美国社交网站上掀起了“竞选总统热”,多位明星纷纷宣布参选,除了坎耶韦斯特外,还有希拉里达芙(Hilary Duff),Linkin Park的Mike Shinoda。 哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第19页 共19页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页


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