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《2022年湖北省武汉市六中学致诚中学英语九年级第一学期期末学业质量监测模拟试题含解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年湖北省武汉市六中学致诚中学英语九年级第一学期期末学业质量监测模拟试题含解析.pdf(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022-2023 学年九上英语期末模拟试卷 考生须知:1全卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,全部在答题纸上作答。选择题必须用 2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题的答案必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔写在“答题纸”相应位置上。2请用黑色字迹的钢笔或答字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。3保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。.单项选择 1、To our surprise,yesterday she sold _ new car at such a low price.Ahers Bshe Cherself Dher 2、David Burts dream in China is

2、to go into the west and _ an early childhood school there.Aclean up Blook up Cgive up Dset up 3、Both of them had the same opinion.They reached a(n)_ quickly.Aorganization Bvictory Csituation Dagreement 4、Now more and more people are paying attention to protecting the environment.So we believe _ ther

3、e will be less pollution in the future.Awrongly Bhardly Cstrongly Dimpossibly 5、They the English role play for the show last night.Awill practice Bpracticed Cis practicing Dhave practiced 6、-Mike had an accident,he hurt one of his legs yesterday.-_!I hope hell get better soon.AHurry up BBad luck CWe

4、ll done DCome on 7、_is it from your home to school?About 20 minutes by bus.AHow long BHow far CHow soon DHow much 8、Boys,please tell me something about the new film The Hunger Games,OK?Sorry._ Frank _ I have ever seen it.AEither;or BNot only;but also CBoth;and DNeither;nor 9、(2017甘肃白银10)I wonder if

5、these are Dannys glasses.They_be Dannys.He doesnt wear glasses.Acant Bmust Cmustnt Dcan 10、If one kind of food is _,it is from a country which is not your own.Aspecial Bexcellent Cforeign.完形填空 11、Once upon a time,there lived a kind-hearted king.He liked birds and animals,and had a huge bird sanctuar

6、y(禁猎区)in his kingdom.He never 1 the animals and birds.He even did not 2 them for their meat.One day,the king looked up and 3 two birds.One bird was flying very high,very quickly.4 ,the other bird just sat on the branch(树枝)and didnt move even a step.The trainer said that he had tried everything he co

7、uld but still 5 to make the bird move.Soon,the king 6 that anyone who could make the other bird move and in a week would be given a bag of 7 .The news spread very quickly.A few days later,an old man reached the king s palace and promised that he would make it 8 the other one.The king asked the train

8、er to take the old man to 9 the bird.The next day,the king went to visit the old man.He was very 10 to see the other bird fly like the first one to great heights in rapid speed.The king was very happy and offered the old man a bag of gold and asked the old man 11 he had done to make the bird fly in

9、just a 12 .Without saying too much,the old man 13 replied,I just cut down the branch of the tree where the bird 14 to sit Many of us are like this.We have 15 to fly;we know how to fly,and where to fly.Still we sit doing nothing or doing something that makes us inferior(较差的)to others.1Aharmed Bprotec

10、ted Cbought Dfed 2Ateach Bkill Cwatch Dfind 3Aheard Bsaw Cfelt Dsmelled 4AAnyway BBesides CMoreover DHowever 5Amanaged Bfailed Cpreferred Dforgot 6Aasked Bdiscovered Cdoubted Dannounced 7Aapples Bvegetables Crice Dgold 8Afor Bto Clike Dwith 9Athrow Bcatch Cpunish Dtrain 10Anervous Bproud Csurprised

11、Dworried 11Awhat Bwhy Cwhen Dhow 12Asecond Bminute Cday Dweek 13Aloudly Bsuddenly Cquickly Dsimply 14Ahappened Bused Ccontinued Ddecided 15Aarms Bfeet Cfeathers Dwings.语法填空 12、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空,使短文完整。Early this morning,we all went to the Future Hall to have our graduation ceremony.The headmaster made

12、a wonderful speech,and many of us1(move)to tears.Now the ceremony is over,We will leave school soon I feel very excited because Im one of the best graduates.At the same time.I am a little sad because I have to say goodbye to my classmates and teachers.I want2(take)some photos with them and I will gi

13、ve some gifts to my teachers as well.In the past few years,I 3(learn)not only how to study,but how to be a man.In the future,I will work much harder.I hope I can be an astronaut when I4(grow)up.Maria,Jane and Michael will go back to their hometowns tomorrow and I will see them off at the airport.We

14、will keep in touch with each other by5(send)emails.We6(be)good friends forever.I wish my classmates and teachers health,happiness and good luck.阅读理解 A 13、February has long been a month of romance.With the sweet smell of roses in the air,romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and

15、 magazines.On the 14th day,it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner,buy her flowers and chocolates,write poems,sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals!This is what you see on Valentines Day,a day named after Valentine who was a priest in the third century Rome.Wh

16、en the emperor(皇帝)decided that single men could become better soldiers than those with wives,he didnt allow marriage.But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret.When his actions were discovered,the emperor sentenced him to death.While in prison,it is said that V

17、alentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard.Before his death,he wrote her a letter,which he signed“From your Valentine”,an expression that is still in use today.Valentine died for what he believed in and so he was made a Saint(圣徒),as well as becoming one of historys most romantic cha

18、racters.Nowadays,Valentines Day is also popular among Chinese young people.Some students are planning to make Valentines cards for parents,teachers and friends.Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes.The idea is to have fun and encourage people

19、to share in the spirit of St.Valentine.1Why did the emperor in Rome not allow marriage in his country?ABecause there were few women in his country at that time.BBecause there wasnt enough food for so many people.CBecause he thought a single man was better than a married man as a solider.2Valentine w

20、as put into prison because _.Ahe killed one of the soldiers Bhe didnt obey the emperors order Che didnt want to be a soldier 3The last paragraph mainly tells us _.AValentines Day is also popular in China now Bit is a good idea to celebrate Valentines Day in China Cit is interesting to celebrate Vale

21、ntines Day in China 4The best title for this passage should be _.AValentines Day in China BA Brave Priest CValentines Day B 14、Thai New Year is also called Songkran Festival.It is celebrated for three days from April 13 to April 15 every year.SongKran Festival is the most fun-filled time of the year

22、 in Thailand.For Thai people,it is an important holiday.It is a time to stay with their family,do good things in temples(寺庙),visit and show their love to the elderly.It is also a time to enjoy the water fight that takes place on almost every street in this country during the hottest month of the yea

23、r.The first day of Songkran Festival is an important day to do good things.Thai people will visit temples.Also they will give money,clothes and food to the monks(僧侣)that live in the temples.After that they will spend time with their family.On the second day of Songkran Festival,Thai people will carr

24、y sand into temples to build small pagodas(塔)and put colored flags on them.It is believed to bring luck.Also,it is considered lucky to clean out the house and throw out trash on this day.On the last day of Songkran Festival,Thai people will visit their elderly relatives and perform a water ceremony(

25、典礼).They will gently pour water on their elderly relatives hands,which is a traditional way to show their love to them.In modern times,the gentle pouring of water has become a crazy water fight and its a time for all Thai people to have fun.So Songkran Festival is also known as Water Festival.If you

26、 are a tourist at this time of year,be prepared to join in this big festival and take part in the worlds biggest water fight!1How long does Songkran Festival last?ATwo days.BThree days.CHalf a month.DA week.2Thai people will build small pagodas and put colored flags on them in Songkram Festival beca

27、use its believed that _.Aits good for their children Bit can make them healthy Cits good for their parents Dit can bring them luck 3Which can be the best title of the passage?ATraditions on Thai New Year BWonderful Festivals in Thailand CThe History of Songkran Festival DThe Importance of Festivals

28、in Thailand C 15、Scientists in Britain and the United States have made a new kind of enzyme(酵素)that eats plastics(塑 料).With its help,plastics can be turned into smaller parts and go away quickly.Scientists believe that,in the future,it could solve the problem of plastic pollution.The enzyme is able

29、to break down PET,a form of plastic.PET was first made in the 1940s and is now widely used to make plastic bottles.It can remain in the environment for many years and pollute large areas of land and water.So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics.The researc

30、hers made the discovery(发 现)while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan.They found that the natural enzyme was helping to break down PET plastics.So,they decided to make small changes to the enzyme by adding some amino acids(氨 基 酸).It made the natural enzymes plastic-eating abilities

31、work faster and better.John McGeehan,one of the lead researchers,said,“Weve made an improved enzyme.Its better than the naturl one.And we are trying to make more improvements to it.”He went on,“The enzyme is not harmful to humans or animals,and it is friendly to the environment.So we are considering

32、 putting it into wider use.”The team is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities(大量的).“Well see that the plastic pollution may be stopped with this technology.However,there is still a long way to go,”John McGeehan added.1According to the scientists,the enzyme may solve the po

33、blem of pollution.Aair Bwater Clight Dplastic 2The underlined phrase“break down”in the passage probably means“”in Chinese.A实验 B生产 C发明 D分解 3Researchers discovered that a natural enzyme helped eat plastics .Ain Bin the US Cin Japan Din China 4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?ATh

34、e scientists are sill trying to improve the enzyme.BThe enzyme will pollute large areas of land and water.CThe natural enzyme woks better than the improved one.DThe natural enzyme is harmful to humans and animals.D 16、Last summer I went to India with my family.We spent 10 days traveling around Rajas

35、than and I will never forget it.We saw lots of things like the Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)and we went to a tiger reserve(保护区).Our guide was called Krishna and he was really nice especially when I didnt always understand things he would explain it to me and answer all my stupid questions.Also when I got ill with

36、a fever,he was really kind and gave me medicine and got a priest(神父)to give me ablessingin a Hindu temple we visited,and then I got well again very quickly.There were lots of amazing parts of the holiday.One was when we got to ride on elephants in Jaipur.My sister and I rode an elephant called Lucky

37、.We were in a camel cart but Krishna talked to the camels owner and we were allowed to ride on them,which was really cool.I also really liked the Taj Mahal because it was even prettier than I imagined.My sister lost her shoes.But the people in India are really kind,so we found them again.The weather

38、 was really hot which was nice because Krishna gave us lots of time to spend in the pool and relax in-between going to see all the amazing places.This was the best holiday that I have ever been on.I wish I could come back another year.1From this passage we can know that a good guide _.Aneeds to lear

39、n about giving a blessing Bcan answer visitors some stupid questions Cmust take visitors to the Taj Mahal and the tiger reserve Dshould explain something that visitors cant understand 2The underlined word“blessing”in the passage probably means _.Adream Bsurprise Cwish Dsuggestion 3What happened to t

40、he writers sister during the trip?AShe missed the pretty sights.BShe lost her shoes.CShe got ill in hot weather.DShe fell into the pool.4What does the passage mainly talk about?AA stupid tourist.BA kind tour guide.CA terrible trip.DA holiday experience E 17、There was once a professor of medicine,who

41、 was very strict with the students.Whenever he took the chair on the exam committee(委员会),the students would be in fear,for he was seldom pleased with the answers they gave.A student would be lucky enough if he or she could receive a good mark from him.At the end of the term,the students of medicine

42、would take their exam again.Now a student entered the room and got seated before the committee.This student was a little nervous as he knew it would not be so easy to get through the exam at all.The professor began to ask.The student was required to describe a certain illness,his description of whic

43、h turned out to be OK.Then the professor asked about the cure(治疗)for illness,and the student also answered just as right.“Good,”said the professor,“and how much will you give the patient?”“A full spoon,”answered the student.“Now you may go out and wait for what you can get,”said the professor.At the

44、 same time the committee discussed carefully the answers the student had given.Suddenly the student noticed that there was something wrong with his last answer.“A full spoon is too much,”he thought to himself.Anxiously,he opened the door of the room and cried,“Mr.Professor,Ive made a mistake!A spoon

45、 is too much for the patient,He can take only five drops.”“Im sorry,sir,”said the professor coldly,“but its too late.Your patient has died.”1The passage is mainly about _.Athe students being poor at answering the questions Bthe professors rude behavior to the students Cthe professors strictness with

46、 the students Dthe committees hard questions for the students 2The student who finished his answers was asked to go out _.Ato cure a patient Bto wait for his mark Cto think over his answers Dto ask someone else to go in 3We learn from the passage that _.Avery few students receive a good mark from th

47、e professor Bone students careless mistake led to one patients death Cthe students were not clever enough for the questions Dthe exam at the end of the term was most difficult 4According to the passage,taking the chair probably refers to _.Asitting down on the chair Btake a chair in front Casking th

48、e hardest questions Dcontrolling the exam 5We can infer that the student who corrected his answer would _.Aget a good mark Bnot get a good mark Cbe lucky enough to cure a patient Dhave no chance to go on with the study F 18、Little Mikes grandmother died weeks ago.He missed her very much.One afternoo

49、n Mike went to the city park where his grandmother used to go.There he saw an old lady.She looked very kind.She was sitting there,watching pigeons(鸽子).Little Mike went up and sat next to her.He took out his food and drinks and gave some to her.She smiled at him.Her smile was very sweet and Mike want

50、ed to see it again.She seemed to understand him,so once again she smiled.Mike was very happy.They sat there all the afternoon,eating and talking.As it was dark,Mike got up to leave.Before he left,he hugged the old lady and she gave him her sweetest smile.When Mike got home,his mother was surprised b


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