关于大自然风景的英语美文 关于大自然的美文.doc

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1、关于大自然风景的英语美文 关于大自然的美文世界上最美的声音,不是哗啦啦的雨声;不是泉水的叮咚声;不是草丛中的沙沙声;也不是雷电的轰隆声,世界上最美的声音,不是独奏,而是大自然所有声音的合奏!本文是关于大自然风景的英语美文,有帮助!关于大自然风景的英语美文:Flowery Tuscany如花的托斯卡纳D.H.Lawrence英D·H·劳伦斯North of the Alps, the everlasting winter is interrupted by summers that struggle and soon yield;south of the Alps,t

2、he everlasting summer is interrupted by spasmodic and spiteful winters that never get a real hold, but that are mean and dogged.The in between,in either case,is just as it may be.But the lands of the sun are south of the Alps, forever.在阿尔卑斯山的北面,持续的冬天会受到夏季的顽强入侵,但夏天很快屈从了。而其南面,夏季会被间歇性的、充满敌意的寒冬袭扰,但冬天永远也

3、不能真正占了上风。在南北两者之间,任何一种情况都有可能发生。但是,阳光普照的地方,永远都是阿尔卑斯山的南面。In the morning,the sun shines strong on the horizontal green cloud-puffs of the pines,the sky is clear and full of life,the water runs hastily, still browned by the last juice of crushed olives.And there the earths bowl of crocuses is amazing.You

4、 cannot believe that the flowers are really still.They are open with such delight, and their pistil is so red-orange, and they are so many, all reaching out wide and marvellous, that it suggests a perfect ecstasy of radiant, thronging movement, lit-up violet and orange, and surging in some invisible

5、 rhythm of concerted,delightful movement.You cannot believe they do not move, and make some sort of crystalline sound of delight.If you sit still and watch,you begin to move with them,like moving with the stars,and you feel the sound of their radiance.All the little cells of the flowers must be leap

6、ing with flowery life and utterance.清晨,阳光强烈地照射在地平线上松树团团的绿雾上,天空清新,充满了活力。河水急匆匆地流着,直到被最后一些压碎的橄榄汁染成棕色。遍地的番红花更是令人惊讶不已。你不会相信这些花是静止的。它们如此欢快地绽放,雌蕊是那样的橘红。不计其数的花朵,竞相开放,争奇斗艳,让人如痴如醉。花朵们翩翩起舞,那亮堂起来的紫色和橙色的色彩,合着无形的美妙节奏欢快地摆动。你不得不相信它们在动,而且发出了水晶般的欢快声。假如你是坐着欣赏花朵,你就会不由自主地随着它们舞动,那样的情形就好似跟着星星走一样。当然,你还会听到花朵们的欢快声。花的每一个小细胞都跳

7、跃着绚丽的生命和思想。And now that it is March, there is a rush of flowers.Down by the other stream,which turns sideways to the sun,and tangles the brier and bramble, down where the hellebore has stood so wan and dignified all winter, there are now white tufts of primroses,suddenly e.Among the tangle and near

8、the water-lip,tufts and bunches of primroses,in abundance.Yet they look more wan,more pallid,more flimsy than English primroses.They lack some of the full wonder of the northern flowers.One tends to overlook them,to turn to the great,solemn-faced purple violets that rear up from the bank, and above

9、all,to the wonderful little towers of the grape hyacinth.如今正是三月,也是花儿竞相开放的时节。在其他一些朝太阳方向流动的溪流边,荆棘灌木交织,莬葵无助而不屈地对抗冬天,一丛丛白色的樱草花出乎意料地生长着。丛丛的樱草花占满了杂乱的灌木丛和溪水的拐角处。可它们比莬葵无助,更加苍白,比英格兰的樱草花薄弱许多。樱草花不像北面的花朵那样让人惊奇。人们往往会注意不到它,而是会被长在河岸边庄严而美丽的紫罗兰所吸引,会更愿意欣赏那些深紫色的风信子小花塔。This is the time,in March,when the sloe is white a

10、nd misty in the hedge-tangle by the stream,and on the slope of land the peach tree stands pink and alone.The almond blossom,silvery pink, is passing,but the peach,deep-toned,bluey,not at all ethereal this reveals itself like flesh,and the trees are like isolated individuals,the peach and the apricot

11、.It is so conspicuous and so individual,that pink among the ing green of spring,because the first flowers that emerge from winter seem always white or yellow or purple.Now the celandines are out, and along the edges of the podere, the big,sturdy, black-purple anemones, with black hearts.三月,刚好是溪边灌木乱丛

12、中白色的野李花朦朦胧胧、粉红的桃树单独站立在山坡的时节。银粉色的杏花已渐渐褪去,桃树裹着深深的蓝,一点也不飘逸,却是本来面目,而桃树与杏树,看起来就像毫不相干的个体。绿意盎然的春天里,桃树的粉色是如此别致。因为最先从冬天开出来的花,通常看起来都是白色或黄色的或紫色的。白屈菜也冒出头来了。在湖边你可以发现高大强壮,黑色花蕊的银莲花。The daisies are out too,in sheets,and they too red-mouthed.The first ones are big and handsome.But as March goes on,they dwindle to br

13、ight little things,like tiny buttons,clouds of them together.That means summer is nearly here.雏菊穿着红色的衣服成群地跑出来,开场的时候,它们长得又大又漂亮。可是渐渐地,进入三月中下旬,花就变成了光鲜的小东西,像小小的纽扣聚在一起。这预示着夏天的降临。In some places there are odd yellow tulips, slender, spiky and Chinese-looking.They are very lovely, pricking out their dulled

14、yellow in slim spikes.But they too soon lean,e_pand beyond themselves, and are gone like an illusion.And when the tulips are gone, there is a moments pause, before summer.Summer is the ne_t move.你还可以在一些地方,看到一些修长、带穗的黄色郁金香。在细长的穗上嵌着光亮的黄色,非常惹人喜欢。不过,它们也很快变得倾斜,然后虚弱起来,仿佛幻觉一样消失得无影无踪。In the pause towards the

15、 end of April,when the flowers seem to hesitate,the leaves make up their minds to e out.For sometime, at the very ends of the bare boughs of fig trees, spurts of pure green have been burning like little cloven tongues of green fire vivid on the tips of the candelabrum.Now these spurts of green sprea

16、d out, and begin to take the shape of hands, feeling for the air of summer.And tiny green figs are below them, like glands on the throat of a goat.郁金香分开以后,在夏天前,花儿们都短暂地歇息了一下。夏天即将到来。Now the aspens on the hill are all remarkable with the translucent membranes of blood-veined leaves.They are gold-brown,

17、but not like autumn, rather like thin wings bats when like birds-call them birds-they wheel in clouds against the setting sun,and the sun glows through the stretched membrane of their wings, as through thin, brown-red stained glass.This is the red sap of summer, not the red dust of autumn.寂静的四月底,在花儿

18、们踌躇不定的时候,叶子们一股脑地跑了出来。一时间,纯洁的绿色在无花果的树枝尖冒出,好似烛台顶那生动的绿色小火舌头一样在燃烧。如今,这团绿焰伸展开来,变成小手的样子,触摸着夏天的气息。小小的绿色无花果像一只山羊喉咙的腺附下面。The cherry tree is something the same, but more sturdy.Now, in the last week of April,the cherry blossom is still white,but waning and passing away: it is late this year, and the leaves ar

19、e clustering thick and softly copper in their dark blood-filled glow.It is queer about fruit trees in this district.The pear and the peach were out together.But now the pear tree is a lovely thick softness of new and glossy green, vivid with a tender fullness of apple-green leaves, gleaming among al

20、l the other green of the landscape, the half-high wheat, emerald, and the grey olive, half-invisible, the browning green of the dark cypress, the black of tte evergreen oak, the rolling of the heavy green puffs of the stone-pines, the flimsy green of small peach and almond trees,the sturdy young gre

21、en of horse-chestnut.So many greens, all in flakes and shelves and tilted tables and round shoulders and plumes and shaggles and uprisen bushes, of greens and greens, sometimes blindingly brilliant at evening,when the landscape looks as if it were on fire from inside, with greenness and with gold.如今

22、,山坡上白杨的叶子上有一层半透明薄膜的叶脉,显得格外引人注目。与秋天不同,叶子是金棕色的,像是薄翼的蝙蝠,如同鸟儿一样-我们暂时就叫它们鸟吧-在落日的余晖中,叶子在云层里涌动,太阳照射在这薄翼拉紧似的薄膜上,仿佛透过棕红色的彩绘玻璃。这是夏天里树叶旺盛时所特有的红色树液,并不意味着秋天的红尘。In the wood, the scrub-oak is only just ing uncrumpled,and the pines keep their hold on winter.They are wintry things,stone-pines.At Christmas, their hea

23、vy green clouds are richly beautiful.When the cypresses rise their tall and naked bodies of dark green, and the osiers are vivid red-orange, on the still blue air, and the land is lavender; then,in mid-winter, the landscape is most beautiful in colour, surging with colour.樱桃树和白杨差不多,只是更加顽强。如今都已是四月的最后

24、一个星期,白色的樱桃花仍然绽放,可已经渐渐虚弱,即将逝去。今年的时节晚了,树叶团团紧簇,鲜红的光亮中挥洒着轻柔的铜色。这个地方的果树非常不同寻常,梨花和桃花会在同一时节开放。不过,如今这里有还未伸长的麦子,翠绿色的橄榄,柏树所特有的棕绿,长青橡树的黑色,石松浓重的绿色,小桃树和杏树脆弱的绿色,七叶树强壮的新绿。而在这所有的绿色中,梨树清新光亮的绿色是得意的、浓密的、轻柔的, 像苹果绿色叶子柔和的饱满一样鲜明。在这绿色的海洋中,绿 色一片一片的,一层一层的,像斜斜的一块板,像圆圆的肩膀, 又像羽毛,像矮树丛,像挺直的灌木。有时在夜晚,从外面向 绿色里望去,仿佛绿色带着绿色、带着金色在里面燃烧,显

25、得 光荣夺目。Not that this week is flowerless.But the flowers are a little lonely things, here and there:the early purple orchid, ruddy and very much alive, you e across occasionally, then the little groups of bee-orchids, with their ragged concerted indifference to their appearance.Also there are the hug

26、e bud-spikes of the stout, thickflow-Bring pink orchid,huge buds like fat ears of wheat, hard-purple, and splendid.But already odd grains of the wheat-ear are open,and out of the purple hangs the dell-cate pink rag of floweret.Also mere are very lovely and choice cream-clouted orchids with brown spo

27、ts on the long and delicate lip.These grow in the more moist places, and have e_otic tender spikes,very rare-seeming.Another orchild is a little pretty yellow one.在森林里,矮灌木即将倒下,而松树在冬天里那么稳稳地保持自己的站姿。冬天是最适宜石松生长的季节。一到圣诞节的时候,石松团团的深绿色更显得婀娜多姿。当柏树裸露地显示出自己高高的、墨绿色的身躯时,柳树仍然在蓝色的空气中展现着自己活泼的鲜橙色。大地染上淡紫色的时候,浓冬时节就到了。

28、这儿将成为颜色的世界,颜色才是最美的风景。By May, the nightingale will sing an unbroken song,and the discreet barely audible Tuscan cuckoo will be a little more audible.Then the lovely pale-lilac irises will e out in all their showering abundance of tender, proud, spiky bloom,till the air will gleam with mauve, and a ne

29、w crystalline lightness will be everywhei0e.There wilt be tufts of iris everywhere,arising up proud and tender.When the rose-coloured wild gladiolus is mingled in the corn,and the love-in-the-mist opens blue:in May and June, before the corn is cut.But as yet is neither May nor June, but the end of A

30、pril,the pause between spring and summer,the nightingale singing uninterrupted,the bean-flowers dying in the bean-fields,the bean-perfume passing with spring,the little birds hatching in the nests, the olives pruned,and the vines, the last bit of late ploughing finished,and not much work to hand,now

31、, not until the peas are ready to pick,in another two weeks or so.当然,这一个星期还会有花的足迹,但这时候的花儿成了孤独的小东西,四处分散。你会在不经意间发现它们的足迹:提早出来的紫兰花,红润而有生命力;成群结队的蜜蜂兰,它们对自身的外表,都显露出刻意的、不屑的神情。当然,也少不了顶着宏大的花苞穗,长满茂密花儿的强壮的粉红兰花,兰花那宏大的花苞穗如同饱满的麦穗一样,配上耀眼的紫色,让人觉得完美无缺。但零星的麦穗已经开花了,在紫色中旋着一幅由娇嫩小花编织成的精致花布。还有那些非常得意的、米色的兰花,在它们的细长花蕊上有些棕色斑点。

32、兰花喜欢在较潮湿的地方生长,因此它奇异柔和的穗是不常见的。其他的兰花都是小小的花形,漂亮的黄色。So the change,the endless and rapid change.In the sunny countries,the change seems more vivid, and more plete than in the grey countries.In the grey countries,there is a grey or dark permanency, over whose surface passes change ephemeral, leaving no re

33、al mark.五月一到,夜莺便不连续地唱着一首歌。这时候,小心翼翼的托斯卡纳杜鹃也会唱出平日里听不到的歌。接着,浅淡紫色的丁香花大量地出现,展示着它们柔嫩、穗状的花,直到空气中露出紫红,清澈透明的轻柔四处飘荡。世界将变成一丛丛蝴蝶花的天下,它们得意而柔嫩地昂起头。五六月,谷物还没收割的时候,在野外,玫瑰色的唐首蒲就会混合在谷物中。而黑种草开着蓝色的花朵。但如今还没到五月或六月-只是四月末,春夏之间的间歇。在这个时节里,夜莺不停地歌唱;豆地里的豆花正在凋谢;豆的芳香正随着春天一起逝去;小鸟在巢里成长;橄榄已被修剪;葡萄已经过了最后的耕种时间;两个星期后豌豆成熟之前,没有多少活要做。But in

34、 the sunny countries,change is the reality and permanence is artificial and a condition of imprisonment.Hence,to the northerner, the phenomenal world is essentially tragical,because it is temporal and must cease to e_ist.Its very e_istence implies ceasing to e_ist, and this is the root of the feelin

35、g of tragedy.But to the southerner, the sun is so dominant that shadow, or dark, is only merely relative:merely the result of something getting between one and the sun.这样才是变化,永不停息的快速变化。在阳光照耀的地方,变化似乎更显著,比在昏暗地带更彻底。而在没有阳光的地方,是一成不变的灰暗和阴暗。变化只是短暂的事,不会留下任何记号。In the human race, the one thing chat is always

36、there is the shining sun, and dark shadow is an accident of intervention.For my part, if the sun always shines,and always will shine,in spite of millions of clouds of words.In the sunshine, even death is sunny.And there is no end to the sunshine.然而,对于生活在阳光地带的人,却是不同的概念。变化对他们来说就是现实,永久是人创造的,是一种囚禁。因此,生活

37、在北面的人认为,变化中的世界实际上是悲惨的,因为世界只是短暂的,注定消逝的。世界的存在意味着自己的完毕,这就是伤感本身。而生活在南面的人,对他们来说,阳光具有决定性的作用,阴影或黑暗不过是相关联的事物-只是在人和太阳之间才会出现的东西。That is why the rapid change of the Tuscan spring is utterly free, for me, of any senses of tragedy.The sun always shines.It is our fault if we dont think so.对于人类来说,有一件事是千真万确的,那就是在这个

38、世界上,仅有一个发光的太阳,黑色的影子不过是一个干扰的意外罢了。而在我看来,尽管争议纷纷,但太阳一直光辉四射,也将永远光辉四射。在阳光下,即便死亡也是充满阳光的。阳光没有终点。托斯卡纳的春天飞快地流逝,而我没有感到一丝的悲惨。这就是原因所在。太阳永远在照耀。假如不这样想,那就是我们的责任了。关于大自然风景的英语美文:自然Ralph Waldo Emerson美拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society.I am not s

39、olitary whilst 1 read and write,though nobody is with me.But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars.The rays that e from those heavenly worlds,will separate between him and what he touches.One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man,in the heavenly b

40、odies,the perpetual presence of the sublime.Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years,how would men believe and adore;and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night e out the

41、se envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.一个想要追求孤独的人,不但要分开自己的卧室,还要分开社会。在我阅读和写作之时,尽管无人相伴,可我没有觉得孤独。然而,假设有谁用尽心思追求孤独,那就让他抬头凝望星空吧。那来自天国的光辉,能在他和他生活的天地之间分出一条界限。你也许会认为,如此的设想简直太棒了:空旷辽阔的大地之上,人们抬头仰视星空,仿佛从中领悟到某种崇高的永久。从城市的街道看过去,那种场面确实令人恭敬!假设天上的星星一千年才出现一次,可想而知他们会对这上苍的显圣该是何等的崇敬,又该是如何

42、仔细地将它进记忆里好流芳百世啊!只可惜,这些美的使者夜夜都会带着劝诫式的微笑降临,将光辉普照整个宇宙。The stars awaken a certain reverence,because though always present, they are inaccessible;but all natural objects make a kindred impression,when the mind is open to their influence.Nature never wears a mean appearance.Neither does the wisest man e_t

43、ort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection.Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit.The flowers,the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood.When we speak of nature in this manner, we

44、have a distinct but most poetical sense in the mind.We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects.It is this which distinguishes the stick of timber of the wood-cutter,from the tree of the poet.The charming landscape which I saw this morning,is indubitably made up of some twen

45、ty or thirty farms.Miller owns this field,Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond.But none of them owns the landscape.There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts, that is, the poet.This is the best part of these mens farms, yet to this their w

46、arranty-deeds give no title.To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature.Most persons do not see the sun.At least they have a very superficial seeing.The sun illuminates only the eye of the man,but shines into the eye and the heart of the child.The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward

47、senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood.His intercourse with heaven and earth,bees part of his daily food.In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows.Nature says, he is my creature

48、,and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me.Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight; for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind, from breathless noon to grimmest midnight.Nature is a sett

49、ing that fits equally well a ic or a mourning piece.星星使我们产生敬畏之心,不是因为它常常高悬于空中,而是因为它的可望而不可即。然而,只要拥有一颗包容的心,你就会发现世间万物和人类其实都是心灵相通的。自然从不把它吝啬的一面显露出来,顶尖聪明之人也不会强求翻开它全部的奥秘,而会保存好奇之心去探寻它所有的完美之处。在智者看来,自然永远不会是一个玩物。鲜花、动物、山脉-折射出他们的纯真童年-也是他最高智慈的表达。当我们以这种方式来议论自然时,头脑中自然会产生一种明晰而又极富诗意的画面,这种画面是世间万物在我们的印象中留下印迹的总和。也正是在这种印象的指引下,才会有伐木工手中的是木头,而诗人笔下却是大树的区别。今天早上我所看到的那一片令人陶醉的风光,毫无疑问它是由二三十个农场组成的。米勒占有这一块土地,洛克是那一片田野的主人,树林外面的那一片那么归曼宁所有.可是,他们谁都不能拥有这片风景。远处有一块土地,谁也不能将其划在自己的名下,唯有那个又能看见土地又看得见风景的人,才是它真正的主人,而


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