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《形容词副词的原级比较级.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《形容词副词的原级比较级.pptx(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、形容词是描述,修饰名词或代词,作定语或表语,说明事物或人的性质或特征的词。eg.He is a good boy.That sounds good.副词在句子中修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子,作状语,用来表示时间、场所、状态及程度。eg.The book is very good.He studies hard .第1页/共26页大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:1、原级,即原形。2、比较级,表示“较”或“更一些”。两者比较时用比较级 3、最高级,表示“最”的意思。三者或三者以上的比较用最高级He is tall.他高。He is taller than I.他比我高。He is the t

2、allest in my class.他是我们班最高的。第2页/共26页 情况情况构成方法构成方法原级原级 比较级比较级 最高级最高级1一般情况一般情况加加-er,-esttall talltall tallerer tall tallest est great greatgreat greaterer great greatestest2 以不发音以不发音e结尾的单音结尾的单音节词节词加加-r,-stlarge larglarge larger er larg largest est nice nicnice nicerer nic nicestest3 在重读闭音节中,在重读闭音节中,(即

3、:辅音元音辅(即:辅音元音辅音)音)先双写末尾先双写末尾的辅音字母的辅音字母 再再加加-er,-estbig bigbig biggerger big biggest gest hot hothot hotterter hot hottesttest4 以以“辅音字母辅音字母y”结结尾的双音节词,尾的双音节词,把把y改为改为i再加再加-er,-esteaeasy sy eas easi ier easer easi iest est heaheavy vy heavheavi ier heaver heavi iest est 5 其他双音节词(其他双音节词(ly结结尾的副词)和多音节词,尾的

4、副词)和多音节词,比较级在前比较级在前面加面加more,最高级在前最高级在前面加面加mostbeautiful beautiful moremore beautiful beautiful most most beautifulbeautifuldifficult difficult moremore difficult difficult most most difficult difficult easily easily moremore easily easily mostmost easily easily规则变化:一、形容词和副词比较级和最高级的构成第3页/共26页原级原级比较级比

5、较级 最高级最高级good,wellgood,wellbetterbetterbestbestbad,ill,badlybad,ill,badlyworseworseworstworstmany,muchmany,muchmoremoremostmostlittlelittlelesslessleastleastfarfarfartherfarther距离距离,further,further程度程度farthest,furtherfarthest,furtheroldoldolderolder年龄年龄,elder,elder 辈分辈分oldest,eldestoldest,eldest不规则变

6、化:小贴士1.elder和eldest可用来表示兄弟和子女的长幼顺序:my elder sister 我的姐姐 my eldest brother 我的大哥 their eldest son他们的长子2.further表示“进一步的”;而farther表示距离:My home is farther than yours.我家比你家远。Do you need any further help?你还需要更进一步的帮助吗?第4页/共26页 thin calm short heavy funny outgoing hot serious athletic smart quiet important p

7、opular nice easy exciting late fat happy wet young tall long relaxingPut the following words in the five groups.smallerlargerbiggerbusiermore interestingthinnercalmershorterheavierfunniermore outgoninghottermore seriousmore athleticsmarterquietermore importantmore popularnicereasiermore excitinglate

8、rfatterhappierwetteryongertallerlongermore relaxing第5页/共26页 写出下列单词的比较级和最高级cleversafeheavydifficultearlynewthin cleverercleverestsafersafestheavierheaviestmore difficultmost difficultearlierearliestnewernewestthinner thinnest第6页/共26页变比较级和最高级smallnicebigearlyheavywetlatecoldfineredhappyearlysmallerthe

9、 smallestnicerthe nicestbiggerthe biggestearlierthe earliestheavierthe heaviestwetterthe wettestlaterthe latestcolderthe coldestfinerthe finestredderthe reddesthappierthe happiestearlierthe earliest第7页/共26页变比较级和最高级happily-easily-friendly-quickly-carefully-heavily-luckily-特殊:early-interesting-importa

10、nt-popular-beautiful-delicious-more happily-the most happilymore easily-the most easilymore friendly-the most friendlymore quickly-the most quicklymore carefully-the most carefullymore heavily-the most heavilymore luckily-the most luckilyearlier-the earliestmore interesting-the most interestingmore

11、important-the most importantmore popular-the most popularmore beautiful-the most beautifulmore delicious-the most delicious第8页/共26页特殊的比较级和最高级1,good/well -2,bad/badly/ill-3,many/much-4,little -5,far路程远-意义深远或进一步-6,old年龄大小-家庭成员长幼-better-the bestworse-the worstmore-the mostless-the leastfarther-the fart

12、hestfurther-the furthestolder-the oldestelder-the eldest第9页/共26页二、用法 意思意思 结结 构构表示表示A和和B一样一样Aas+原级原级+as B表示表示A不如不如BA not as/so+原级原级+as B表示表示A是是B的几的几倍倍A half,twice,three times+as+原级原级+as B1、原级第10页/共26页1、A与B在某一方面程度相同:as+原级+as eg.1)My friend Kay is as tall as I/me.我朋友Kay与我一样高。2)My friend Kay runs as qui

13、ckly as I/me.Kay与我跑得一样快。我和她一样外向。我学习和他一样认真。2、A在某一方面不及B:Anot as/so+原级+as B.eg.1)My friend Kay isnt as/so tall as I/me.2)My friend Kay doesnt run as/so fast as I/me.3)Im not _ she/her.A.as hard as B.as harder as C.as hard so 4)I dont study _ he/him.A.so careful as B.so carefully as C.more carefully as

14、I am as outgoing as her.I study as carefully as him.A B第11页/共26页ExercisesJoan与Kate一样漂亮。Joan is _ Kate.as beautiful as 2、我与你学习一样努力。I study _ you.ashardas 3、那条绿色的裙子不如那条红色的漂亮。The green skirt _ the red one.is not so/as niceas 4.那些学生跳高不如我。The students didnt jump _ I.as(so)highas 5.他没吉姆那么早来到学校。He _ come t

15、o school _ Jim.doesntas/so earlyas 6、汤姆与她一样认真听老师讲课。Tom listens to the teacher _ she.ascarefullyas第12页/共26页1)比较级通常由)比较级通常由“形容词(副词)比较级形容词(副词)比较级+than”构成,表示构成,表示在两者中间一方比另一方在两者中间一方比另一方“更加更加”。连词。连词than后可接句子,后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、-ing结构和结构和-ed结构,有时也可省去结构,有时也可省去than。

16、如:。如:Mary is happier than Jane.玛丽比珍妮幸福。玛丽比珍妮幸福。(系动词(系动词be后加形容词后加形容词happy)He lives more happily than I/me.他过得比我幸福。他过得比我幸福。(副词(副词happily修饰实义动词修饰实义动词live)2)注意)注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致。如:前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致。如:Her ruler is newer than mine.她的尺子比我的新。她的尺子比我的新。(主语是(主语是her ruler,后面比较对象是,后面比较对象是my ruler,避免重复,使用名,避免重复

17、,使用名词性物主代词词性物主代词mine)She has a newer ruler than I/me.她比我有更新的尺子。她比我有更新的尺子。(主语是(主语是She,比较对象是,比较对象是I)2、比较级第13页/共26页3)比较级前可用比较级前可用much,even,far,still,a little等词语来修饰,等词语来修饰,表示表示“得多得多”,“甚至甚至”,“更更”,“一些一些”等意思。如:等意思。如:Japan is a little larger than Germany.日本比德国大点儿。日本比德国大点儿。用用“.times+形容词的比较级形容词的比较级+than.”句式表示

18、倍数。句式表示倍数。如:如:Our room is twice larger than theirs.我们的房间比他们的大两倍。我们的房间比他们的大两倍。4)隐含比较级隐含比较级 有时比较级并不一定出现有时比较级并不一定出现than,这时通过上下文可暗示出。,这时通过上下文可暗示出。如:如:Are you feeling better now?你现在感觉好些了吗?你现在感觉好些了吗?Please be earlier next time.下次早点。下次早点。第14页/共26页5)“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越”,多音节比较级用“more and more形容词原级”形式6)“the+比

19、较级,the+比较级”表示“越,越”7)表示不及另一方时,用“less+原级+than”(双音节和多音节词)He becomes healthier and healthier.The more you exercise,the healthier you will be.Jim is less healthy than Tom.Tom is healthier than Jim.Shanghai is becoming more and more beautiful.第15页/共26页你吃的越多就越胖。_ _ you eat,_ _you will be.Themorethe heavier

20、越干净越好。_ _,_ _.The cleanerthebetter3、书读的越多,懂的就越多。_ _ you read,_ _ you know.Themorethemore第16页/共26页 Which one is _ _ among students,going to concerts _ going to movies?4.去音乐会和看电影之间,哪一样在学生中更受欢迎?more popularor5.李明和汤姆谁更聪明?Who is _,Li Ming _ Tom?clevereror第17页/共26页 4.足球越来越受欢迎了.Football is_ _ _ _.2.这个房间不如那

21、个房间漂亮。This room is_ _ than that one.less beautiful3.你的房间比我的大三倍.Your room is _ _ _ than mine.more and more popularLets try.1.你工作越努力,你的成绩就会越好._ _ you work,_ _ result youll get.The harder the betterthree times bigger第18页/共26页3._you are,_mistakes you will make.(你越仔细,做错的题目就越少)4._you eat,_youll be.(你吃得越多,

22、就越胖)5.Alice writes well.Mary writes _ than she.(甚至更好)The more carefulthe fewerThe morethe fatter1.The girl becomes _.(越来越漂亮)more and more beautiful2.The weather is getting _.(越来越槽糕)worse and worseeven/still better第19页/共26页 Exercises 0ne 1.他今天好多了。better这个故事比那个故事还更有趣。This story is _ _ _ than that one.

23、even moreinteresting 3.今天天气热了一些。alittleHe is _ _ today.muchIts _ _ hotter today.第20页/共26页 4.他跑得越来越快。He ran _ _ _.faster andfaster 5我们的生活变得越来越好。Our life is getting _ _ _.better andbetter6那个公园变得越来越美丽。The park is getting _ _ _ _.more andmore beautiful 7她越来越聪明了。She becomes_ _ _.cleverer andcleverer8.雨正越

24、下越大。Its raining _ _ _ _.moreandmoreheavily第21页/共26页 他比约翰矮。He is _ _ _.shorter thanJohn3.你舞跳得比她好。Exercises Two汉堡包比薯条更好吃。Hamburgers are _ _ _ French fries.moredeliciousthanYou dance _ _ she/her.betterthan 4他开车比我小心He drives _ _ _ I/me.morecarefullythan第22页/共26页1.I am _ than him (tall).2.It is much _(co

25、ld)today.3.The coat is even _ _(beautiful)than that one.1.He writes a little _(slowly)than you.2.Our classroom is _(bright)than yours.3.He is even _(ill)today.4.I can walk _ than he.(far)5.English is much _(important)6.The meat smells still_(delicious)than that one.7.The rain is as _ as it was yeste

26、rday.(hard)8.We cant read so _ as they.(loud)taller colder more beautiful more slowly brighter worse farther more important more delicious hard loudly 第23页/共26页1.这本书比那本书难这本书比那本书难 The book _ that one1.这个故事和那个一样有趣这个故事和那个一样有趣 The story is _ that one1.李雷跑得比你快多了李雷跑得比你快多了Lilei runs _ 2.这个盒子比那个重一点这个盒子比那个重一

27、点 The box is _that one 1.我们国家越来越强大我们国家越来越强大 Our country is getting _.1.中山越来越漂亮中山越来越漂亮 Zhongshan is _.2.我们英语比他们好多了我们英语比他们好多了 Our English _ 1.他不如我外向他不如我外向 He is _ me.我跳得不如他远我跳得不如他远 I dont jump _ him 他英语说得不如我好他英语说得不如我好 He doesnt speak English _meis more difficult than as interesting as much more quickly than you a little heavier than stronger and stronger more and more beautiful is much better than theirs not so/as outgoing as as far as so/as well as第24页/共26页第25页/共26页谢谢您的观看!第26页/共26页


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