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2、生学习生活及生命的质量呢?在过去的一学期里,我们班在学校的统一组织、领导和同学们的共同努力下及任课老师的大力支持和配合下,各项工作顺利开展,安全、学习、工作等方面都取得较突出的成绩,现将我所做的一些工作总结如下:一、做好学生的思想工作,培养学生良好的道德品质,净化学生的心灵,努力培养德智体全面发展的人才。做好学生的思想工作从两方面入手,一是重视每周的班会课,开好班会课;二是重视与学生的思想Dream It PossibleWhen your dreams come aliveWhen your dreams come alive,youre youre unstoppable unstoppa

3、ble Take a shot,chase the sun,find the Take a shot,chase the sun,find the beautifulbeautifulWe will glow in the dark turning dust to We will glow in the dark turning dust to goldgoldAnd well dream it possibleAnd well dream it possibleCONTENTS1人称,物主,反身代词2指示代词3疑问代词4不定代词2011-2017中考代词考点 年份 考查代词知识点 2011

4、ours 2012 不定代词all/none/either/neither 2013反身代词 2014电话用语 that 2015反身代词 2016不定代词one 2017形容词性物主代词her知识解析 代词:代名词/一句话的词类,具有名词/形容词的功能。(分为八大类,巧记:人物反指相互疑问不定关系)1.人称代词主格I,we,you,you,he,she,it,they宾格2.物主代词形容词性名词性3.反身代词(主要考短语)4.指示代词(区别使用)this,that,these,those5.相互代词(了解)each other(两者之间互相),one another(三者或以上互相)6.疑问

5、代词(区别疑问副词)who,whom,whose,which,what,whoever,whichever,whatever7.不定代词(难点)简单不定代词:one/some/any,each/every,none/no,many/much,few/little/a few/a little,other/another,all/both,neither/either复合不定代词:some(one,body,thing)/any(one,body,thing)/no(one/body/thing)/every(one/body/thing)8.关系代词(定语从句中)that,which,who,

6、whom,whose,as1CONTENTS人称,物主,反身代词1人称代词的主格在句中作主语I love my country.2人称代词的宾格在句中作动词,介词的宾语或表语I dont know her.His mother is waiting for him outside.This is me.3人称代词的语序并列作主语时,它们的顺序是:单数二三一(You,he/she and I)复数一二三(We,you and they)1.人称代词人称代词(4)it的用法3.指婴儿或不明身份的人Someone is knocking.Please go and see who it is.4.可

7、代替动词不定式作句中的形式主语或形式宾语,也可用于某些固定句式It is adj/n for/of sb to do sthsb find/think/make/believe/consider it adj sb to do sth1.可代替前面提到过的事物This is a watch.is new.2.指时间,天气,距离,金钱,度量等is eight oclock in the evening.练习题1.-Whos singing over there?-is Sandys sister.A.That B.It C.She D.This2.is necessary to get on w

8、ell with others.A.That B.This C.It D.These3.are students in No.1 middle School.A.I,you and he B.You,he and IC.He,you and I D.You,I and heBCB2.物主代词Our teacher is coming to see us.(1)形容词性物主代词=形容词,可用在句中作定语 Our school is here,and theirs(their school)is there.(2)名词性物主代词=名词,在句中作定语,宾语和表语He is a friend of m

9、ine.(3)名词性物主代词可用在of后面=of+名词所有格3.反身代词(1)作宾语,表示动作的承受者就是动作的发出者,主语和宾语指同个人或一些人He called himself a writer.(2)作表语It doesnt matter.I will be myself soon.(3)作主语或宾语的同位语,表示亲自或本人I myself washed the clothes=I washed the clothes myself.(4)常用词组teach oneself help oneself to dress oneself come to oneself lose onesel

10、f in by oneself练习题1.He is old enough to washclothes by.You can just wash.A.his;himself;yours B.his;himself;yourC.him;himself;yours D.him;himself;yours2.invited to come to birthday party last Saturday.A.Me;they;mine B.I;them;mineC.I;them;my D.Me;they;myAC2CONTENTS 指示代词1.指示代词this,that,these,those的用法 t

11、his/theseThis is a pen.These are my book.Please remember this:no pains,no gains.This is Mike speaking.that/thoseThat is her car.I have a cold.Thats why I didnt come.Who is that speaking?The weather in Shenzhen is not as cold asin Beijing.The population of China is larger thanof South Korea.1.近指2.下文将

12、提3.打电话介绍自己1.远指2.指前面刚刚提到的事3.打电话询问对方4.知识小拓展:在比较级中的用法2.it,one与that作代词时的区别This book is mine.Its very interesting.it:指代上文提到的同一事物,或同类同物-Who has a pen?-I have one.one:泛指上文提及同类事物的一个,同类不同物The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou in winter.that:常用比较结构中,代替前面提到的避免重复练习题1.Hello,is Tom speaking.Whos

13、?A.it;this B.this;thatC.that;this D.this;it2.-Who has a dictionary,children?-I have.A.it B.this C.one D.thatBC3CONTENTS 疑问代词1.疑问代词who(主格),whom(宾格),what(什么),which(哪一个),whose(谁的)。E.gWho is the man over there?Whom are you talking to?What are you going to do this afternoon?What is your father?He is a do

14、ctor?What is the population of China?Which is the best one?Whose book is it?2.疑问副词when,where,why,how,及how ofen,how soon,how long,how far的用法(1)特殊疑问句里面:when问时间,where问地点,why问原因,how问方式(2)区别how often,how soon,how long,how far a.how often提问时,答语一般用twice a day,sometimes,often等表频率的词 -How often do you watch T

15、V?-Twice a day.b.how soon提问时,答语一般用in+一段时间 -How soon will you arrive in Beijing?-In 20 minutes.c.how long提问时,答语一般用for+一段时间或since+时间点 -How long have you been in Guangdong?-For 2 years./Since two years ago.d.how far用来问路程距离,答语一般为2kilometers,twenty minutes等表示路程的词 -How far is it from your home to your com

16、pany?-Twenty minutes by bus.练习题1.is more beautiful,the blue one or the red one?A.What B.WhoseC.Which D.Who2.-have you studied in middle school?-For 3 years.A.How soon B.How often C.How many D.How longCD4CONTENTS 不定代词不定代词:不明确指代某人,某事的代词somebody someone somethinganybody anyone anythingnobody no one not

17、hingeverybody everyone everything常见的不定代词:A.简单不定代词:some,any,no,all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,one,none,either,neitherB.复合不定代词:不定代词用法解析 对比组1 用法 典例some一般情况下用于肯定句,但想要得到对方表达肯定回答或请求,建议时的一般疑问句也可用some1.There arebooks on the desk.2.Would you like more coffee?any多用于否定句和一般疑问句3.He doe

18、snt havemoney.4.Do you have questions?E.g.Is therein todays newpaper?A.anything interesting B.nothing interesting C.something interesting D.everything interesting对比组2用法典例many vs.muchmany后接可数名词复数much后接不可数名词I have friends.I dont havemoney.对比组3用法典例a few,few,little,a littlea few(肯定)和few(否定)后面接可数名词a litt

19、le(肯定)和little(否定)后面接不可数名词I have apples,so I can give you one.Hurry up!We havetime.E.g 1.The American student could speak only Chinese,but he managed to communicate with us.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little2.Bob knows how to cut the cost of the project.Im sure he can do the work withmoney and people.

20、A.less;less B.fewer;more C.more;fewer D.less;fewerABD不定代词用法解析 对比组4 用法 典例botheitherneither1.of the twins are kind to their parents.2.I have only two tickets.of you can go with me.3.Grandpa Li has sons,butof them lives with him.alleachnone1.All the books useful to all of us.2.Each of us an apple.=We e

21、ach an apple.3.None of the students in our class are/is from Japan.everyEvery student loves the teacher习题小测1.of these two hats looks good on my daughter.Do you have another one?A.Both B.All C.Neither D.None2.of them knew about the plan because they didnt go to the meeting.A.Some B.Any C.No one D.Non

22、eCDboth(两者都):后接名词,动词复数,可接ofeither(两者中任何一个):动词单数,可接ofneither(两者都不):动词单数,可接ofall:三者或三者以上,可接ofeach:两者或以上任何一个,动词单数,可接ofnone:三者或以上没有一个,动词单数或复数,可接of表示每一个,强调整体情况动词单数;指三个或三个以上的人或事物(every one 不可以与of连用)不定代词用法解析 对比组5 用法 典例五胞胎anotherotherthe otherothersthe others1.I dont like this pen.Can you show me(pen)?2.Som

23、e students are reading.students are doing homework.3.I have two pens.One is red,is blue.4.There are 60 students in my class.30 are girls,are boys.5.He has 5 children.2 of them are middle school students.are primary school students.习题小测1.-You wantsandwich?-Yes,I usually eat a lot when Im hungry.A.oth

24、er B.another C.others D.the other2.I have three friends.One is a doctor,are policemen.A.another B.the other C.others D.the others3.With the help of the Internet,we can learn what people around the world are doing.A.another B.the other C.other D.the othersBDCanother:三者或以上中的另一个,+名词单数(有时省略名词)other:其他的,

25、别的,+名词复数the other:1).两者中另一个,one.the other 2)特指其他的,别的,+名词复数,一般有范围others:泛指另外几个,some.others,其他人,后面不加名词the others=the other+名词:特指其他的,别的,后面不加名词,一般有范围典题精炼典题精炼()1.-Which basketball player do you like best,Kobe,James or Jordan?-_of them.Lin Shuhao is my favorite.A.All B.None C.Either D.Neither()2.Boys,dont

26、 lose _in playing Angry Birds.It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time.A.himself B.yourself C.themselves D.yourselves()3.-Hello,Linda speaking.Whos _?-Hello,this is Martin.A.he B.one C.that D.this()4.-Look at this model ship.I made it all by _last week.-Wow,you are so smart!A.m

27、e B.my C.mine D.myself ()5.-Im a little hungry Daddy.-See the cupcakes on the plate,but you can only take _,dinner is ready soon.A.it B.one C.this D.that()6.Jessica used to be a manager at a big company,but she gave up _ job when she became a mother.A.she B.hers C.her D.herselfBDCDBC勇攀高峰勇攀高峰DADBB()1

28、.-Could you please tell me _ in todays newspaper?-Sorry,_.A.something special,special nothing B.special something,special nothing C.anything special,something special D.something special,nothing special()2.-Which would you like,rice or noodles?-_ is OK.Im hungry.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All()3.-I

29、s this _ bike?-No,its Lilys_ is over there.A.your;My B.yours;My C.yours;Mine D.your;Mine()4.-No one taught _.She learned it all by _.-Woo!I dont believe it.A.she;her B.her;herself C.her;her D.herself;herself()5.We should learn to help _ when we are in trouble.A.us B.ourselves C.you D.myself勇攀高峰勇攀高峰A

30、DCAC()6.-Look,_ is playing basketball on the playground.-Oh,thats my classmate,Ken.A.somebody B.anybody C.nobody D.everybody()7.These shoes are too small,you may buy some _ shoes.A.another B.the other C.others D.other ()8.Liu Tao found _ useful to listen to tapes.A.that B.it is C.it D.this()9.-May I

31、 have _ cakes,please?-Sorry,I dont have _ cakes in my fridge.A.some;any B.any;any C.any;some D.some;some()10.Some people like reading books online,but _ prefer reading paper ones.A.another B.the other C.others D.other勇攀高峰勇攀高峰CDDAC()11.He has two daughters._ of them is a teacher.A.None B.Both C.Neith

32、er D.No one()12.-Which do you like best,pears,oranges or grapes?-_ of them.Apples are my favorite.A.All B.Neither C.Either D.None()13.-Help _to some cookies,Juliet and Mark!-Thank you,Mrs White.A.herself B.yourself C.himself D.yourselves()14.-Congratulations!Among the best pictures in the competitio

33、n,I found _.When did you draw it?-During the trip to the Yellow Mountain _May.A.yours;in B.yours;on C.you;in D.you;on()15.-Who was _ chemistry teacher last year?-Susan.She taught _ chemistry very well.A.you;we B.you;ours C.your;us D.yours;our勇攀高峰勇攀高峰CBCAC()16.-What a cool motorbike!_does it belong t

34、o?-Im not sure.Please ask Uncle Sam.It might be _.A.Whose;his B.Whose;her C.Whom;his D.Whom;her()17.The book cant belong to _,because his book was left at home.A.he B.him C.hisD.Hes()18.-What kind of house would you like?-Id like _with a garden in front of _.A.it;one B.one;one C.one;it D.it;it()19.W

35、e need to go shopping.There is _juice left in the fridge.A.littleB.few C.many D.much()20.Tony and I looked for our things in the Lost and Found.Ive got my pens back but _are still missing.A.they B.we C.his D.ours习题答案课后作业单项选择1-5 CBACA 6-10 ACCCC 11-15 CBBBC 16-20 ACBCCA.信息归纳81 Class Nine 82 15/Fiftee

36、n 83(Completely)honest 84 Dave 85 Jane参考文章:During this winter vacation,our class discussed the meaning of“good friends”.Some think good friends should communicate with each other.Others think good friends should share with each other.I think good friends should be good listeners.Last year my grandpa

37、 died.I felt really sad because I loved him so much.I couldnt sleep or eat well and I stayed in my bedroom,missing my grandpa.My parents were worried about me,but they could do nothing.Then,my good friend,Jane came.She stayed with me all day and listened to me talking about the good days that I spent with my grandpa.After that,I felt much better.Everybody needs friends.Lets make friends with people who are good and helpful to us.We should stay away from people who are bad or harmful to us.(108 words)感谢观看!2018.1.


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