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《2020中考一模检测《英语卷》带答案解析.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020中考一模检测《英语卷》带答案解析.pdf(15页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、英语中考模拟测试卷(考试时间:90 分钟试卷满分:90 分)本试卷分卷I 和卷 II 两部分,卷 I 为选择题,卷 II 为非选择题.卷I(选择题,共50分)注意事项:1.答卷 I前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、科目填涂在答题卡上.考试结束,监考人员将试卷和答题卡一并收回.2.答卷 I时,每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,答在试卷上无效.笔试部分I.单项选择(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,计 10 分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.1.Lucy,pass _ the book.He wants to read it.A.me B.him C.her D.the

2、m 2.She wants to be a/an _.She practices drawing every day.A.actor B.waiter C.writer D.artist 3.You look quite beautiful _ this pink dress.A.in B.on C.with D.for 4.Dad,the phone is ringing.I guess either you or your mom _ on the phone.A.was wanted B.is wanted C.wanted D.wants 5.Lucy,you _ the math t

3、est.Congratulations!A.pass B.will pass C.have passed D.are passing 6.I m sorry I m late.I should get here 10 minutes _.A.earlier B.early C.later D.late 7.Mary,turn off the water _ you are brushing your teeth.A.until B.after C.while D.before 8.The _ of staying healthy is to eat healthy food and exerc

4、ise more.A.place B.secret C.time D.game 9.Who is the girl under the tree?She _ be Tom s sister.But it s too far,I m not sure.A.may B.can t C.must D.shouldn t 10.Could you tell me _ if I enter this high school?Sure.You can study and enjoy the school life with many top students.A.why my life will be b

5、oring B.what my life will be like C.how many hours I should study D.where I will study with my classmates II.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.On a sunny day,three old men with long white beards(胡子)knocked the door of a small and old house.When a woman opened the door,she found

6、 she never 11 them before.She said,I don t think I know you,but you look 12.Please come in and have a rest.We do not go into a house together,they replied.Why?she asked.One of the old men explained:His name is Wealth,and he is Success,and I am Love.You need to discuss 13 your family which one you wa

7、nt to invite.The woman went back into the house and told her husband about it.Her husband was very happy.How 14!,he said.Let us invite Wealth.He can fill our home with 15!His wife disagreed.My dear,why don t we invite Success?Their daughter suggested:Wouldn t it be better to 16 Love?Our home will be

8、 filled with love.Let us take our daughter s 17,said the husband.Then,they went out and invited Love.Love got up and walked into the house.The other two 18 got up and followed him.The woman asked Wealth and Success 19:I only invited Love,why are you coming in?The old men replied together:If you had

9、invited Wealth or Success,the other two of us would have 20,but since you invited Love,wherever He goes,we go with him.Wherever there is Love,there is also Wealth and Success!11.A.looked B.heard C.met D.taught 12.A.hungry B.tired C.thirsty D.happy 13.A.to B.at C.on D.with 14.A.bad B.strange C.nice D

10、.difficult 15.A.wealth B.success C.love D.happiness 16.A.meet B.invite C.think D.take 17.A.news B.advantage C.way D.advice 18.A.just B.still C.also D.always 19.A.by mistake B.in surprise C.at last D.in a hurry 20.A.stayed out B.stayed in C.said sorry D.said hello III.阅读理解(共15小题,每小题 2分,计30分)阅读 A、B、C、

11、D四篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.AFind your perfect trip.Book or buy today for big savings!Beach Vacations If you want a beach vacation,we can offer you a choice of some of the beautiful beaches in the world.Why not experience the soft white sand and the clear water of St.Vincent in the Caribbean?The beac

12、hes are perfect,the water is warm,and you can relax at your luxury(豪华)hotel.Backpacking Trip If you like to stay in youth hotels(青年旅社)or bed&breakfasts on a backpacking trip,we can plan your trip and book all your transportation and accommodations(食宿).With an Inter Rail card,you can travel cheaply b

13、y train everywhere in Europe.In America,you can travel by bus,by plane,or by train.We can help you?nd the best way to save your money.Active Vacations If you want to be active when you are on vacation,then try an active vacation.This fantastic trip offers you a chance to go mountain biking,hiking(远足

14、),and climbing in Lima,Peru.You can stay in a friendly guesthouse and eat fresh local food.You can also book trips into nearby towns to visit the sights and local markets.City Tours Interested in a tour of some great cities?Try our Europe Tour!It includes two nights in Rome,Venice,Lucerne,Paris,and

15、London.You can travel by plane and by bus,and we make all the arrangements(安排)for you.You can stay in three-star hotels,eat in fantastic restaurants,and visit all the top tourist sights and museums with an experienced guide.21.What can you do when you go on a beach vacation?A.Experience the clear wa

16、ter.B.Book trips to visit local markets.C.Travel by train everywhere in Europe.D.Visit museums with an experienced guide.22.You will probably take Backpacking Trip if you want to _.A.enjoy food B.go shopping C.stay at a luxury hotel D.spend less money on a trip 23.Which trip can give you a chance to

17、 go mountain biking?A.Beach Vacations.B.Active Vacations.C.City Tours.D.Backpacking Trip.B Edward rose early on the New-year morning.He looked in every room and wished a Happy New Year to his family.Then he ran into the street to repeat that to those he might meet.When he came back,his father gave h

18、im two bright,new silver dollars.His face lighted up as he took them.He had wished for a long time to buy some pretty books that he had seen at the bookstore.He left the house with a light heart,expecting to buy the books.As he ran down the street,he saw a poor family.I wish you a happy New Year.sai

19、d Edward,as he was happily passing on.The man shook his head.You are not from this country?said Edward.The man again shook his head,for he could not understand or speak his language.But he pointed to his mouth,and to the children shaking with cold,as if(好像)to say,These little ones have had nothing t

20、o eat for a long time.Edward quickly understood that these poor people were in trouble.He took out his dollars,and gave one to the man and the other to his wife.They were excited and said something in their language,which doubtless meant,We thank you so much that we will remember you all the time.Wh

21、en Edward came home,his father asked what books he had bought.He hung his head a moment,but quickly looked up.I have bought no books,said he,I gave my money to some poor people,who seemed to be very hungry then.He went on,I think I can wait for my books till next New Year.My dear boy,said his father

22、,Here are some books,more as a reward for your goodness of heart than as a New-Year gift.I saw you give the money cheerfully to the poor German family.It was nice for a little boy to do so.Be always ready to help others and every year of your life will be to you a Happy New Year.24.What did Edward e

23、xpect to do with the money he got from his father?A.Help the poor family.B.Buy something to eat.C.Buy some pretty books.D.Learn another language.25.Why did the poor man shake his head when Edward spoke to him?A.He wouldn t accept the money.B.He couldn t understand the boy.C.He was too cold to say an

24、ything.D.He didn t like theboy s language.26.According to the passage,we can know that Edward _.A.got a prize for his kind heart B.had to buy his books next year C.got more money from his father D.bought the books at the bookstore C Here are three forms of Chinese art.Calligraphy(书法)The ancient Chin

25、ese thought of writing as an important form of art.Calligraphy is a popular form of writing.To produce Chinese characters one needs a brush,paper,inkstick and inkstone.These are called the Four Treasures of the Study.It is necessary to learn these tools in order to learn calligraphy.Poetry Poetry wa

26、s an important part of art,Du Fu,Li Bai and Su Shi are considered among the best ancient poets,and there are five major kinds of ancient poetic styles called Shi,Ci,Ge.Qu and Fu.During the Tang Dynasty,poetry became so important that writing poetry was part of the examinations to work for the govern

27、ment.Opera Chinese opera is considered as one of the three oldest dramatic art forms in the world.It is a combination of music,art and literature.During the Tang Dynasty,Emperor Taizong set up an opera school.27._ are called the Four Treasures of the Study.A.A pen,a book,inkstick and inkstone B.A pe

28、n,paper,inkstick and inkstone C.A brush,paper,inkstick and inkstone D.A brush,paper,inkstick and ink box 28.How many major kinds of poetic styles are there in ancient China?A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.29.If you wanted to wok for the government,you had to learn to write poetry during _.A.the Yuan Dyn

29、asty B.the Tang Dynasty C.the Ming Dynasty D.the Qing Dynasty 30.What is a combination of music,art and literature?A.Opera.B.Painting.C.Calligraphy.D.Poetry.DIt s important for us to keep healthy.But in fact,many people have health problems.Many people fall ill and many children become heavier.As we

30、 grow older,we experience many life changes,such as job changes,children leaving home and physical(身体的)changes.How we grow from these changes is the key to staying healthy.These ways can help us keep our physical and emotional(情绪的)health.First,we must keep away from smoking and drinking.Second,we sh

31、ould do exercise every day.We can walk to school instead of taking a bus or a car.Third,we shouldn t eat too much fast food.We can eat more fruit and vegetables.Many studies show that people always feel better when they re with friends than when they re alone.So be sure to make some friends.Staying

32、healthy is important at any age and that doesn t change just because we have a few more white hairs.31.The writer mainly tells us _ has something to do with our health.A.what we like B.what we experience C.how we go to school D.how we look 32.From the second paragraph,we can know if we want to keep

33、healthy we must learn to face _.A.life changes B.health problems C.food problems D.exercise problems 33.The writer tells us _ are the ways to stay healthy in the third paragraph.A.eating more fruit and doing exercise B.stopping smoking and drinking C.exercise and good eating habits D.A,B and C 34.If

34、 we want to feel better,we can _.A.see doctors often B.exercise more and drink less C.keep our life full D.make more friends 35.The passage mainly tells us _.A.how to keep physical and emotional health B.three ways to stay thin C.how to feel well D.staying healthy is very important 卷II(非选择题,共40分)IV.

35、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题 2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成 3640题.One fresh sunny day,while I was swimming in the water,I felt something special going through my gills(鳃).It was a different kind of water.I also found many of my friends became sick.Some of them were dying.I was starting to worry because I didn t want to get

36、sick or die.I was also thinking about what I should do to save my friends,so I decided to do some research for my underwater life.My research started.At first,I noticed there were many bottles,cans and other kinds of rubbish in the water.Then I went on I got closer and then I tasted many different k

37、inds of liquid(液体).(A)To my surprise,I noticed a man pouring some liquid into the water.Others also saw him doing so and they decided to follow him.I hated it!I wish I could have told them that it was killing us!I think it is so stupid for people to do this to the earth that they are living on!I can

38、 t understand(B)_ they are doing this.Humans should stop throwing waste into the lakes or rivers.I want to have a normal life with my friends.People should stop being so selfish and care about the environment.If they do that,everyone will be fine and will have nothing to worry about.I suggest they f

39、ollow my words.If so,I believe everyone will be able to live a happy life.36 题完成句子;3738 题简略回答问题;39 题在 B 处横线上填上一个恰当的词;40 题将画线句子译成汉语.36.Some of the writer s friends were dying because of _.37.What was the weather like?_ 38.What should people do according to the passage?_ 39._ 40._ V.词语运用(共10小题,每小题 1分,

40、计10分)根据短文内容及所给提示,补全文中单词或用所给单词的正确形式填空.A good friend is like a mirror.Everyone 41(need)friends.We can share secrets 42 our friends and turn to them for h 43 when we are in trouble.But do you know how to make friends?First,learn to smile.A smile always makes the others like you.Smile at someone and you

41、 are sure to get a smile back from 44(he).Second,try to remember names.It makes your new friends f 45 happy when you call them by their names b 46 you don t forget them.Third,learn to discuss instead of arguing when you have 47(difference)ideas.If you don t agree with other people,you should still b

42、e friendly.Teenagers need to have one or a group of good friends because friends can discuss things which are too difficult to say to their family 48(member).All in all,a good friend will help to bring out the 49(good)in you.Once you have 50(find)such a good friend,do treasure him.VI.基础写作(包括 A、B两部分,

43、A部分5分,B部分15分,共计20分)A)连词成句(共 5小题,每小题 1分,计5分)将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出.要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用.51.go,to,a,we,on,Canada,trip,be going to _.52.watch,father,my,is,in,TV,the,living room _.53.a,and,sisters,two,have,Bob,brother _.54.Brain,places,visit,some,last,interest,of,year _.55.people,fishing,time,do,go,long

44、,ago,a _?B)书面表达(计 15分)56.假如你叫Jane,这个暑假你们全家准备出去旅游,就下列内容给旅行社的经理写一封信.要求:1.必须用上所有提示,并适当发挥;2.信中不得出现真实校名和姓名;3.词数 80 左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数).Dear manager,My whole family wants to _ _ Yours,Jane 答案与解析卷I(选择题)I.单项选择1.B【解析】句意:露西,把这本书给他.他想要读它.me 我,him 他,her 她,them 他们.根据 He wants to read it.可知此处他想要读这本书,因此把这本书给他,故用 h

45、im.故选 B.2.D【解析】句意:她想要成为一名艺术家.她每天练习画画.actor 演员,waiter 服务员,writer 作者,artist 艺术家.根据 She practices drawing every day.可知她练习画画,因此想要成为一名艺术家,故选 D.3.A【解析】句意:你穿上这件粉色的裙子,看起来相当漂亮.in 在 .里;on 在 上面,with 和 一起,for为了.in+颜色+衣服,表示穿着某种颜色的衣服,故选 A.4.B【解析】句意:爸爸,电话响了.我猜有人打电话找你或者你妈妈.主语 your mom 与谓语 want 之间是被动关系,根据 the phone

46、is ringing.可知打电话找某人,sb.is wanted on the phone 有人打电话找某人,故选B.5.C【解析】句意:露西,你数学考试通过了.祝贺你!根据Congratulations!可知现在祝贺你,因此表示现在已经通过考试了,故用现在完成时,故选 C.6.A【解析】句意:对不起我迟到了.我应该早到10 分钟.earlier 更早的,early 早的,later 以后,late 迟的,晚的.根据 I m sorry Im late.可知,我现在晚了,因此应比现在更早,故用比较级earlier.故选 A.7.C【解析】句意:玛丽,在你刷牙的时候,关上水.考查状语从句,unt

47、il直到,after在之后,while当时候,before 在 之前.根据 turn off the water 可知,表示要关上水,应是在刷牙的时候,故用连词 while.故选C.8.B【解析】句意:保持健康的秘诀是吃健康的食物,并且多锻炼.place 地方;secret秘密,秘诀;time 时间;game 游戏,比赛.根据句意is to eat healthy food and exercise more 可知,这是保持健康的秘诀.故应选 B.9.A【解析】句意:树下面的那个女孩是谁?她可能是Tom 的姐姐,但是太远了,我不确定.may 可能;cant不可能;must 一定;shouldn

48、 t不应该.根据句意But it s too far,I m not sure可知,这里表示“可能”,不是很确定,语气比较弱.故选 A.10.B【解析】句意:你能告诉我如果我进入了这所高中我的生活会是什么样的吗?当然,你可以和很多尖子生一起学习,享受学校生活.why my life will be boring我的生活为什么是令人厌烦的;what my life will be like我的生活将会是什么样的;how many hours I should study 我应该学习多少小时;where I will study with my classmates在将在哪里和我的同学们一起学习.

49、根据下面的回答You can study and enjoy the school life with many top students可知,这里问的是去了高中之后的生活是什么样的,故选 B.II.完形填空【文章大意】爱、财富和成功,如果只能选择一个,你会选哪一个呢?这篇短文给我们讲述了一个故事,告诉我们有爱的地方就有财富和成功.11.C【解析】句意:当一个女士打开门的时候,她发现她以前从来没有见过他们.looked 看,不及物动词;heard听见;met 遇见;taught 教.根据下文She said,“I don t think I know you可知,这个女士不认识这三个老人,所以

50、他们以前没有见过.故应选 C.12.B【解析】句意:她说:“我想我不认识你们,但是你们看起来很累,请进来休息一下吧.”hungry 饿的;tired累的;thirsty 口渴的;happy 开心的.根据下句话Please come in and have a rest可知,这个女士让三个老人进来休息一下,所以他们是累了.故应选 B.13.D【解析】句意:你需要和你的家人讨论一下,你想邀请哪一个.to 到;at 在具体小地方;on 在上面;with 和一起.discuss with sb.和某人讨论,是固定短语,故选 D.14.C【解析】句意:他说:“多好啊!让我们邀请财富进来.”bad 糟糕的


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