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《人教版八年级下册英语《期末检测卷》附答案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版八年级下册英语《期末检测卷》附答案.pdf(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、人 教 版 英 语 八 年 级 下 学 期期末测试卷学校 _ 班级 _ 姓名 _ 成绩 _ 第一部分:听力测试情景反应听下面 5 个句子,根据你所听到的句子内容,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答语。每个句子均读两遍。1.A.Great.B.Nice.C.Blue.2.A.It s a pleasure.B.That s right.C.Sure,go ahead.3.A.You are right.B.What a good news!C.It s very kind of you.4.A.Really?B.Good idea!C.Thank you.5.A.Never mind!B.

2、Bad luck!C.Well done!听句子选图听下面 5 个句子,根据你所听到的句子内容,选择与其内容相符的正确图片。每个句子均读两遍。6.A.B.C.7.A.B.C.A.B.C.9.A.B.C.10.A.B.C.对话理解听下面三段对话,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出相应问题的最佳选项。每段对话均读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-13小题。11.How many countries did Mr.Smith visit?A.2.B.3.C.4.12.How did Mr.Smith go to Japan?A.By ship.B.By train.C.By plane.13.Wha

3、t did Mr.Smith go to France for?A.Watch a fashion show.B.See his friends.C.Hold a fashion show.听第二段对话,回答第14-16小题。14.What was the matter with Mike?A.He had a cold.B.He had a headache.C.He had a backache.15.What will the two speakers do tomorrow?A.Watch a movie.B.Watch an opera.C.Watch a game.16.Where

4、 will the two speakers meet?A.At the theater.B.At the girl s home.C.At the school gate.听三段对话,回答第17-20小题。17.The woman wants to have her breakfast in .A.the dining hall B.the restaurant C.her room 18.At the woman will have breakfast.A.8:00 B.8:30 C.9:00 19.The man may be the .A.waiter B.womans friend

5、C.womans husband 20.The conversation may take place .A.in a hotel B.in a restaurant C.in a shop 短文理解听下面一段短文,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出相应问题的最佳选项。短文读两遍。21.Who was sitting outside the kind womans house?A.Two old men.B.Three old women.C.Three old men.22.Why did the womans busband want Money to get into the hous

6、e?A.Because he wanted lots of money.B.Because Money is very poor.C.Because he didnt like the others.23.Who did the kind woman want to get into her house?A.Money.B.Health.C.Success.24.Who did the family agree to get into their house?AMoney.B.Love.C.Success.25.How many people got into the house at las

7、t?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.第二部分语言知识运用单项选择 从每小题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空格处的最佳选项。1.Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖).We are of her.A.surprised B.nervous C.proud D.pride 2.The policeman asks the child not to cross the street _ the traffic light turns green.A.when B.until C.because D.after 3.The old man liv

8、es _,but he doesnt feel _ .A.lonely;alone B.alone;lonely C.alone;alone D.lonely;lonely 4._ I feel tired,_ I don t want to stop working.A.Though;but B.But;/C.Though;/D.Because;/5.The T-shirt is _ bright _ most of the boys like it.A.too;to B.such;that C.so;that D.very;that 6.In Hong Kong,you must driv

9、e_.The traffic goes on the _.A.careful;left B.careful;right C.carefully;left D.carefully;right 7.Mary about 600 yuan for the new bike.Oh,it cost so much.A.spent B.took C.paid D.cost 8.-How careful Jim is!-He writes _ in our class.A.more careful B.most carefully C.most careful D.more carefully 9.Coul

10、d you tell me _ you bought the schoolbag?Of course.I bought it on the Internet.A.when B.why C.where D.what 10.It s necessary _ our environment.I agree with you.A.protect B.protecting C.to protect D.protects 11.Why do you sell old books?I sell them_ raise some money for the poor students.A.in order t

11、hat B.in order to C.so that D.because of 12.Where is Hubei?It s _ the north of Hunan.A.in B.at C.to D.on 13.What can I do for you?I d like _ some tickets.A.to book B.book C.booking D.booked 14.Our football team won._ A.Good luck!B.Well done!C.Congratulations!D.Thanks!15.I didn t watch the movie last

12、 night._ A.Sounds great.B.Not at all.C.What a pity!D.That s OK.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Traffic rules help to keep order on the road.They also help to keep people _16_.The pedestrian(行人)has as many rules to _17_ as the driver of a car.You should walk on the sidewalk(人行道)or

13、 at the side of the road.Always look _18_ before you walk across the street.If you like riding a bike,don t ride in the middle of the road or run _19_ red traffic lights.When you ride a bike with a friend,don t look around or talk.If you drive a car,you should _20_ at the traffic lights.You must alw

14、ays _21_ a seat belt(安全带).Without belts _22_ the driver and the passengers may be badly hurt in a sudden accident.You may not need to take a bus,but _23_ if you have to travel in one.Get on or get off a bus only when it comes to a _24_.When it is full,don t try to get inside,_25_ you may fall off.Tr

15、affic rules are also called Road Safety rules.The maxim(格言)for all road users is“Thinking about others”.16.A.healthy B.safe C.happy D.careful 17.A.follow B.make C.break D.pass 18.A.happy B.happily C.careful D.carefully 19.A.through B.across C.along D.around 20.A.speed up B.go ahead C.get off D.slow

16、down 21.A.take B.wear C.carry D.bring 22.A.half B.none C.both D.all 23.A.look around B.look out C.look after D.look back 24.A.sign B.stop C.corner D.crossing 25.A.and B.so C.or D.but 第三部分阅读理解阅读理解阅读下列短文。从每篇短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。A I m going to eat healthy food,such as vegetables and fruit.I pla

17、n to get up early and do sports every morning.I also plan to help my mother with the housework after school because she is too tired.Richard,from the U.S.A.I got bad grades in the exams last term.So I m going to study really hard this year.To study better,I should make a weekly plan for my schoolwor

18、k.Wu Min,from China I m going to take dancing lessons this year.I am a little fat.I think dancing can make me fit and I enjoy dancing very much.Alice,from England The 2020 Olympic Games is coming.It s the second time for our country to hold the game.I m going to work hard at my English so that I can

19、 be a good volunteer(志愿者)then.Yuki,from Japan 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。26.What is Richard s plan?A.Making a weekly plan for schoolwork.B.Helping his mother do the housework.C.Taking dancing lessons to keep healthy.D.Being a volunteer for the 2020 Olympic Games.27.Who got bad grades in the exams last term?A.Rich

20、ard.B.Wu Min.C.Alice.D.Yuki.28.Where s Yuki from?A.The U.S.A.B.China.C.England.D.Japan.29.How many times did Japan hold the game before 2020?A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.30.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Alice plans to take dancing lessons this year.B.Wu Min is going to study hard

21、 this year.C.Richard is going to do sports every week.D.Yuki wants to be a volunteer.B Many people like traveling.We have some ways of traveling.The fastest way of traveling is by plane.In the past,when people wanted to go to a far place,they needed a month or more to get there.But now,people can ge

22、t to the far place in one day by plane.Traveling by train is slower than by plane,but you can see many beautiful places when you travel through.Modern(现代的)trains have comfortable seats and dining cars.They even make the long journey happy.Because people get to a far place quickly by plane or train,t

23、hey usually take a train or a plane when they travel on business.Some people prefer to travel by sea.You can visit many other countries or different parts of your country.Ships are not so fast as trains or planes,but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.Many people like to trav

24、el by car.They can make their own timetable.They can travel seven or eight hundred kilometers in a day,just as they like.They can stop if there is something interesting.For example,at a good restaurant,they can enjoy a good meal,or at a hotel to spend the night.So traveling by car is popular for ple

25、asure trips.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。31.From the passage,we know when people went to a far place,they needed _ to get there in the past.A.a week B.two weeks C.a month or more D.two months 32.The underlined word“they”refers to(指的是)_.A.modern trains in the country B.the comfortable seats and dining cars C.the tra

26、velers on the modern trains D.the slower ways of traveling 33.When people travel on business,they usually take _.A.a plane or a car B.a car or a boat C.a boat or a train D.a train or a plane 34.If we travel by car,we can _.A.make the long journey happy B.travel to a very far place in a few minutes C

27、 make our own timetable D.visit many other countries 35.How many ways of traveling are mentioned(提及)in the passage?A.Four.B.Three.C.Two.D.Five.C 任务型阅读Customs on Eating Food in China and western countries is different.China has about five thousand years history.Chinese people may spend half of their

28、time on food.They choose food very carefully.They only use fresh materials to make food.For example,they only eat fresh fish.Chinese people have a lot of ideas for cooking.They can cook a chicken in over ten ways._36_ Western countries,like England or America,don t have fresh food because they buy t

29、heir food from supermarkets.They only sell stored materials._37_ They are unhealthy for people s body.Western people are very good at making desserts and chocolates.They can make very good cakes and chocolates._38_ In China,when people invite others for a meal,they would pay for the meal,but it s no

30、t the same way in western countries._39_ They won t be happy if you pay for them.Another difference in eating is that:_40_ Chinese people only have three meals in a day.But western people may have more.They usually have afternoon tea when they would have fruit or cakes with cheese.根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能

31、填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,内容完整。A.These food are very sweet and can make people fat quickly.B.Chinese people use chopsticks but western people use knives and forks.C.Western people also prefer fast food like hamburgers and chips.D.So Chinese food is very popular around the world.E.In western countries,peo

32、ple will think you only invite them but don t need to pay for them.第四部分书面表达短文填词阅读下面短文,然后在空白处写出适当的单词,单词首字母已给出。有的词请注意词形的变化!Mr.Smith works in Sydney.Last month he had a fifteen-day holiday,but he didn t know where to s_41_ it.He said to his friend Bill,“I hate hot weather,but I can t find a c_42_place

33、in Australia.How should I spend my holiday?”“That s easy,”said Bill.“You d better go to Harbin,China.Snow and ice are c_43_ the ground now.”Mr.Smith a_44_ with his friend.He bought an air ticket and soon arrived in Harbin.He had a happy trip there.But one day he got into t_45_.After lunch he went to

34、 watch a fashion show.On the way,he saw a dog f_46_ him while he was walking past a house.The dog was hungry and wished him to give it some f_47_ to eat.Bad luck!He had no bread or cake in his pockets.He tried to run away.But it began to bark at(对 吠)him.He wanted to look for a stick but he couldn t

35、find a_48_ except snow and ice.Suddenly he saw a stone(石头)on the ground.He hurried to pick it up but f_49_.“How strange!”Mr.Smith said to himself.“People didn t t_50_ their dogs,but firmly(紧紧地)tied the stones.My God!”短文写作51.每个人在生活中不可能事事顺心,因此保持良好的心态非常重要,请以“How to Stay in a Good Mood”为题,写一篇短文。写作要点:1.我

36、们为什么要保持良好的心态?2.影响我们心情的是什么?3.我们该做些什么来保持良好的心情?写作要求:1.内容包括所有的写作要点。2.语句通顺,80 个词左右。3.短文开头已给出,但不计入总词数。参考词汇:affect 影响;relaxed冷静的镇定的How to Stay in a Good Mood As we all know,everyone can t be happy all the time._ 答案与解析第一部分:听力测试情景反应听下面 5 个句子,根据你所听到的句子内容,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答语。每个句子均读两遍。1.A.Great.B.Nice.C.Blue.

37、2.A.It s a pleasure.B.That s right.C.Sure,go ahead.3.A.You are right.B.What a good news!C.It s very kind of you.4.A.Really?B.Good idea!C.Thank you.5.A.Never mind!B.Bad luck!C.Well done!听句子选图听下面 5 个句子,根据你所听到的句子内容,选择与其内容相符的正确图片。每个句子均读两遍。6.A.B.C.7.A.B.C.A.B.C.9.A.B.C.10.A.B.C.对话理解听下面三段对话,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项

38、中,选出相应问题的最佳选项。每段对话均读两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-13小题。11.How many countries did Mr.Smith visit?A.2.B.3.C.4.12.How did Mr.Smith go to Japan?A.By ship.B.By train.C.By plane.13.What did Mr.Smith go to France for?A.Watch a fashion show.B.See his friends.C.Hold a fashion show.听第二段对话,回答第14-16小题。14.What was the matter

39、with Mike?A.He had a cold.B.He had a headache.C.He had a backache.15.What will the two speakers do tomorrow?A.Watch a movie.B.Watch an opera.C.Watch a game.16.Where will the two speakers meet?A.At the theater.B.At the girl s home.C.At the school gate.听三段对话,回答第17-20小题。17.The woman wants to have her b

40、reakfast in .A.the dining hall B.the restaurant C.her room 18.At the woman will have breakfast.A.8:00 B.8:30 C.9:00 19.The man may be the .A.waiter B.womans friend C.womans husband 20.The conversation may take place .A.in a hotel B.in a restaurant C.in a shop 短文理解听下面一段短文,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,选出相应问题的最佳选项。

41、短文读两遍。21.Who was sitting outside the kind womans house?A.Two old men.B.Three old women.C.Three old men.22.Why did the womans busband want Money to get into the house?A.Because he wanted lots of money.B.Because Money is very poor.C.Because he didnt like the others.23.Who did the kind woman want to ge

42、t into her house?A.Money.B.Health.C.Success.24.Who did the family agree to get into their house?A.Money.B.Love.C.Success.25.How many people got into the house at last?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.第二部分语言知识运用单项选择 从每小题 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入相应空格处的最佳选项。1.Tu Youyou won the Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖).We are of her.A.surprise

43、d B.nervous C.proud D.pride【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:屠呦呦获得了诺贝尔奖。我们为她感到骄傲。考查形容词。surprised 惊奇的;nervous 紧张的;proud 骄傲的;pride 骄傲。我们根据be proud of“为感到骄傲”选出答案。故选C。【点睛】be proud of 为感到骄傲;take pride in 为感到骄傲。其中proud 为形容词;pride 为名词。2.The policeman asks the child not to cross the street _ the traffic light turns green.A.w

44、henB.untilC.becauseD.after【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:警察要求这个孩子不要过马路,直到红绿灯变成绿色。考查连词。when 连接副词,当时候,引导时间状语从句;until 连接副词,直到,引导时间状语从句;because从属连词,因为,引导原因状语从句;after连词,在 之后,可以引导时间状语从句。根据句意可知,此处表示不要过马路,直到交通信号灯变成绿色,not.until.直到 才。故 until 符合题意,故选B。3.The old man lives _,but he doesnt feel _ .A.lonely;aloneB.alone;lonelyC.

45、alone;aloneD.lonely;lonely【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:那个老人单独生活,但是他不感到孤独。lonely 有浓厚的感情色调,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊时所发生的一种悲伤的和忧郁的感情,意思是“孤独”、“寂寞”,作形容词。alone 只是陈述一个客观事实,意思是“独自一人”、“没有同伴或助手”,只用作表语。另外,alone 可用作副词,表示“独自地”、“单独地”。第一句中表达的意思是“单独地”,作副词,修饰live;第二句作表语,表达“孤独,寂寞”,故选B。4._ I feel tired,_ I don t want to stop working.A.Though;

46、butB.But;/C.Though;/D.Because;/【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:尽管我感觉累了,但是我不想停止工作。考查连词。Though 从属连词,尽管,引导让步状语从句;but 并列连词,但是,表示转折;because从属连词,因为,引导原因状语从句。根据句意可知,尽管累了,但是不想停止工作,空白处需要填写表示“尽管”的含义,though 符合题意,但不可以与but 连用。故选C。5.The T-shirt is _ bright _ most of the boys like it.A.too;toB.such;thatC.so;thatD.very;that【答案】C【解

47、析】【详解】句意:这件T 恤太亮了,以致大多数男孩都喜欢它。考查固定搭配。too to 太以至于不;suchthat 如此以致,such修饰名词;sothat 如此以致,so修饰形容词或副词;very 副词,非常地;题干中后半句为完整的句子,根据题意可知为结果状语从句,不是不定式,故排除A。空白后bright 为形容词,表示“明亮的”,故不能用such修饰,排除 B。sothat 为固定搭配,表示“如此以致”,符合题意,故选C。【点睛】suchthat 与 sothat 都可以用来引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以致”。其中,so主要修饰形容词和副词,such主要修饰名词,主要句型如下:1.so

48、that 用于以下四个句型:so+形容词/副词+that so+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+that so+many(多)/few(少)+复数可数名词+that so+much(多)/little(少)+不可数名词+that 注:sothat 容易和 so that混淆,要注意区分。so that 引导目的状语从句,意为“以便;为了”,相当于 in order to/so as to。sothat 可以与 too to 结构互换,需要注意too to 结构中含有否定含义,且后接动词不定式,要注意区分。2.such that 用于以下三个句型:such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+tha

49、t such+形容词+复数可数名词+that such+形容词+不可数名词+that such+不可数名词+that 如本题中,第一空后有形容词bright,故不能使用such,且本结构后接结果状语从句,不能使用不定式,需要排除 too to 结构。6.In Hong Kong,you must drive_.The traffic goes on the _.A.careful;leftB.careful;rightC.carefully;leftD.carefully;right【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:在香港,你必须认真驾驶。车辆要靠左行驶。考查副词和名词。第一空前有动词drive

50、,故此处填写副词修饰动词。careful 形容词,认真的,carefully 副词,认真地,仔细地。根据常识可知,在香港,车辆需要靠左行驶。right 右边;left 左边。left 符合题意。故选 C。7.Mary about 600 yuan for the new bike.Oh,it cost so much.A.spentB.tookC.paidD.cost【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:玛丽花了大约600 元买了这辆新自行车。哦,太贵了。考查动词。spend花费,主语为人,常用于spend money on sth;take花费,常用于it takes sb.sometime to


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