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《初一英语音标班.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初一英语音标班.pdf(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、-.-优选英语发音突破一字母的读法特别注意斜体字母的读法。Aa Bb CcDd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz/ei/bi:/si:/di:/i:/ef/?i:/eit?/ai/?ei/kei/el/em/en/pi:/kju:/a:/es/ti:/ju:/vi:/dblju:/eks/wai/zi:/发音是英语学习的最根底的问题。以下提供的例句要求全体学员必须全部过关。Vowel sounds元音元音又称作母音。所有元音的发音都需要嘴振动声带。几乎所有的英语单词都有元音,因此说元音是构成英语单

2、词发音的根本元素。一长元音1/i:/长衣音e-he me she we bee email evening ea-mealsea dream mean east ee-feet week free need knee tree teeth cheese sheep beach i-ski ie-believe piece 超级句子挑战:Sweet dreams.A friend in need is a friend indeed.2/:/轻读卷舌音er-her term person ir-sir bird girl shirt first ur-turn hurt nurse church

3、 ear-early or-word work 超级句子挑战:Don t bother me.A fool may give a wise man counsel.愚者千虑,必有一得惟楚競才学校2World war two was worse than world war one.3 :中嘴卷舌音or-born short sport fork pork corner horse ore-more before oor-door floor our-fourth your course al-call tall also 超级句子挑战:I want to be a lawyer 4 u:长乌音

4、u-blue June ruler o-move who whose oo-food moon room 超级句子挑战:My room is full of new books.5 a:大嘴卷舌音a 在 n 前 France banana a 在 s 前 ask class last ar-arm far hard a 在 th 前 father au-aunt al-half 超级句子挑战:far from it 二短元音6 i it city little did ill miss fifth e-English pretty u-busy 超级句子挑战:I can speak a lit

5、tle English I feel a little sick Tongue twister绕口令:Six sick sheep Keep it a secret 7 away woman ago about e-student o-wele today er-over matter 操练:please e again 8 dog long stop cost coffee a 在 w 后 wash watch what 9 u 短乌音pull put oo-cook book foot good“脚短食物长ou-would could 操练:a good-looking man She l

6、ooks sad today I m in no mood to go swim-.-优选Tongue twister:1)Good cook could cook good cookies.2)At noon,I took a book,Sat by the pool in the wood Put my foot in the pool,Oh,how cool.10 被打击音cup cut bus just nut sun duck truck o 在 m 前 e some o 在 n 前 front month son monkey money ou-touch o 在 th 前 bro

7、ther mother nothing 超级句子挑战:The bus is ing.I need more money.11)e45 度嘴音get bell better best never ea-head health a-any many 超级句子挑战:She is my best friend.I m getting better.Never forget.Tongue twister 绕口令:Good,better,best,Never let it rest,Until it be the best,Better is the best.12)90 度咧嘴音a-cat fat ba

8、ck bad hand 操练:a bad apple A fat cat Bad habit Why does Mike marry that bad and fat girl 三双元音13 ei a-day date face page age hate ai-train pain gain ay-may say stay play eigh-eight eighth 操练:No pains,no gains Take a break I made a mistake It s raining everyday,I hate it14)ai 饱满双元音i-like side tiger ie

9、-die lie tie ice y-by why my 操练:How time flies.A fool may give a wise man counsel.愚者千虑,必有一得惟楚競才学校4I don t mind.She makes eyes at all the cute guys.Have you ever tried Chinese food 超级句子挑战:Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.15)i 中嘴短衣音oi toilet oil noise oy boy enjoy voice 操练:enjoy y

10、our life He is a handsome boy.超级句子挑战:O joy,o joy,A boy with his toy.Shouting at the top of his voice.Making such a terrible noise.O joy,o joy.16)舀水音o-hope nose ago home o 在 ld 前 cold hold o 在 st 前 most post oa-boat road ow-row grow 操练:I don t knowYou re my only hope to learn English Go home,leave me

11、 alone.17)au鬼哭狼嚎音ou-about house ow-how brown down owl 操练:How about going out tonight I m very proud of my new car.18)i ea-idea really near ere-here eer-beer cheer ear-dear hear ear year 操练:Do you live near here Never fear 19)咧嘴卷舌音air-air chair hair are-careful parent ear-pear wear eir-their theirs e

12、re-there where 操练:I swear.Where do you live I don t care what you do.20)u短乌卷舌音ure-sure poor 操练:That s for sure.-.-优选超级句子挑战:She sells seashells on the shining seashore,the seashells she sells on the seashore are seashells I m sure.辅音 consonants sounds 辅音又称为子音。顾名思义,辅音依靠元音存在。辅音与元音配合,产生音节,形成英文字的多样化。辅音包括

13、浊辅音震动声带以及清辅音不震动声带两类。辅音一共有以下28 个:清辅音/p/t/k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/e/z/清辅音/?/h/ts/t?/tr/浊辅音/?/r/dz/d?/dr/鼻音/m/n/?/半元音/j/w/边音/?/1 b p 双唇爆破辅音发音要点:双唇紧闭,憋住气,然后突然分开,使气流冲出口腔,发出爆破的声音。p元音之前:peak pay 元音之后:cup top keep 比拟以下发音:pit put pan tip top nap b Bob boy before robber 操练:pay back I only buy the best Look before y

14、ou leap I hate robbers Keep the change.超级挑战:Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.2/d/t/舌齿爆破辅音发音诀窍:舌尖紧贴齿龈,憋住气,然后突然开口,使气流冲出口腔,发出爆破的声音。ttake teacher hit get sit meat 操练:Don t hit me Don t tell anyoned do die good day under red middle 英文动词以“t 结尾,之后接“ed形成过去式或者过去分词时,“-ted的音标为-tid,其中 d的音只要做到舌尖抵住上齿龈再

15、憋气即可。例如:wanted patted 操练:How many days are there in a week You hurt my feelings.Did you do it A fool may give a wise man counsel.愚者千虑,必有一得惟楚競才学校63 k g舌后软颚爆破辅音发音诀窍:舌后部隆起贴近软颚,憋住气,然后突然开口,使气流冲出口腔,发出爆破的声音。kkey cake book black ggo gate get bag dog 操练:Where are my car keys She is a cold girl.Don t get caug

16、ht.Keep going.Let s go to the movies tonightHe keeps a dog as a pet.比拟:cap curl back gap girl bag 4 f v唇齿摩擦辅音发音诀窍:下嘴唇靠里约三分之一的部位,轻触上齿气流由后齿间的缝隙过摩擦成音。f food wife face full vvery never give five 操练:Never say never.Life is beautiful.I feel very foolish.Give me a kiss,honey.比照:face leaf feel very leave fl

17、y 5e舌齿摩擦辅音发音诀窍:舌间轻轻触上齿下边的边缘,气流由舌齿间的窄缝泻出,摩擦成音。thank both thing three think mouth mouse ethere that this 操练:Thank you very much for your help.That the truth.Take a deep breath This is good,but that is bad.超级挑战:thick theater,thick theater.6 s z舌齿摩擦辅音发音诀窍:舌端靠近齿龈,气流由舌与齿龈所形成的窄缝过时摩擦成音。s see ask class sun-.

18、-优选zzebra busy is 操练:See you later May I ask you a question.He s lazy.We don t have class todayI want something sweet.Notice 注意:出现在单音节或者重读音节的字中,之后有 p k t等辅音的时候,要分别念成bg d的辅音发音。除非是非重读音节。单音节字典列出的音标实际发音speak spi:k/sbi:k/skirt _ _ 重音节字典列出的音标实际发音skillful _ _ 7舌端齿龈后部摩擦辅音发音诀窍:舌端包括舌尖抬起,靠近齿龈后部的舌头的两侧贴住上齿的两侧,形成

19、一条狭长的通道,气流通过的时候摩擦成音。双唇必须稍向前突出并收圆。ship show sure shirt usual pleasure television 操练:It s pleasure to meet you.Can you show me the way to the station Panda is our national treasure.8t 舌端齿龈破擦音发音诀窍:舌尖以及舌端顶住上齿龈后部,舌身抬高,做好发摩擦音F F的准备,先憋住气,不发音,然后舌尖稍微下降。t rich teach cheat cheap church joy judge joke July Janu

20、ary 操练:She likes to tell jokes Sorry,I m just joking.He s just cheapHe goes to church every Sunday.9 m浊辅音发音诀窍:发音较为简单,双唇闭合,舌头平放,振动声带,气流由鼻腔出来,发出的声音就象我们闭着嘴巴念的“恩的鼻音不要嘴。第一种音:May meat mummy 第二种音:aim b A fool may give a wise man counsel.愚者千虑,必有一得惟楚競才学校8操练:Tell me the truth She is a beautiful woman.What tim

21、e is it now 10 n浊辅音发音诀窍:双唇微微开,舌尖上扬轻轻抵住上齿龈,震动声带,气息由鼻腔出来,发出的声音就象我们开嘴巴念“恩的鼻音。第一种发音:night no snow 第二种发音:Dean kind hand 操练:May I have your name,please My son is your fan.My father is very mean.11 浊辅音发音诀窍:与 n有点类似,不同的地方就是发n的时候舌尖要抵住上齿龈,而发的时候双唇微,舌头平放,舌后根那么上扬,抵住软颚,震动声带,气流由鼻腔出来,发出的声音类似汉语拼音的“eng或者汉字的“蓊。-ing sin

22、g wing song-ink link sink 操练:what are you thinking 12 l浊辅音有两种发音:1在元音前发汉语拼音的“l 的音。like lake look leap 2)在元音后发汉语拼音的“ouall kill sell milk 操练:Look before you leap.Call me when you are free.13 r浊辅音read right poor ear hurry 操练:Sorry,I m in a hurry.How do you read this Have a heart.14 j浊辅音汉语类似音“爷。操练:you ye

23、s young new year You can do it.She is young and beautiful.-.-优选15 h清辅音操练:hi he hat home hate 比照:hat hair home fat fair 16 w浊辅音汉语类似音U 操练:we way wind work 17/tr/dr/tr/tree train trouble trip/dr/dream drive dress drink drop/tr/在 s 后面浊化为/dr/street 操练:Please try again.Dont trouble trouble till trouble tr

24、oubles you.18/ts/dz/ts/cats,hats/dz/beds,kids 英语发音技巧一连音的念法字尾辅音+字首元音操练:stand up,good idea,dad and mum,pick it up in an hour,e on.keep it a secret,Stop it Not at all 二省音某字字尾是辅音,之后另有一字,而其字首还有一样的辅音时,通常前者的辅音可以省略,只念后者的辅音,常见有/p/t/k/d/g/的辅音出现的时候。操练:hot tea,at two,take care,good day,cold day,bookcase,类似音:sit

25、 down,hot day,put it down,good teacher.I ask Bob to sit behind me.Glad to meet you.A fool may give a wise man counsel.愚者千虑,必有一得惟楚競才学校10When did you e back 超级句子挑战:Betty bought a bitter butter,but the butter Betty bought was bitter.附录字母联想表字母是构成单词的根底,所以对应于每个字母,我们都恰当的为它们找到对应的联想方法。比方:字母形状的联想发音的联想符号的联想a 不

26、定冠词“ab 月牙c“see 看见d 弟弟e 鹅f 拐杖,利剑g 9 哥哥克h 椅子i 罗马数字一“I 我j 钩子k“king 国王l 棍子,筷子,1 m 大门,山峰“M 麦当劳n 小门o 大嘴,洞,0 p 斧子,旗帜屁屁“person 人q Q 皇后r 人s 蛇,5-.-优选t 十字架,伞,十u 井,桶“you 你v 山谷。罗马数字五“Victoryw 波浪,牙齿x 剪刀y 酒杯,树杈“why为什么z 2 打呼噜字母歌大 A 箭头指上方,小a系辫好模样;大B 耳朵右边长,小b 食指伸向上;大 C 吃饭把嘴,小c 大 C 一个样;大D 肚子圆又胖,小d 五线谱里藏;大 E 将山竖着放,小e像鱼

27、肉真香;大F 像旗杆上绑,小f 像个小拐杖;大 G 让 C 挂根棒,小g 大辫真正长;大H 工字放倒写;小h 椅子侧着放。大 I 工字中间长,小i 像人跪地上;大J长得像鱼钩,小j 子弹射出膛;大 K 伸臂又踢腿,小k 稍息把事想;大L 指针三点整,小l 像根火腿肠;大 M 像海鸥在飞翔,小m 鼻孔出气长;大N 闪电实在亮,小n 单门墙上装;大 O 鸡蛋喷喷香,小o 蛋小人人抢;大P 圆旗高飘扬,小p 让 b 练倒立;大 Q 西瓜连藤摘,小q和 9 很相像;大R 是 P 右踢腿,小r 向上撅撅嘴。大 S弯弯溪流淌,小s 像 8 没合上;大T 铁锤当当响,小t 像个大写七;大 U 陷阱在下方,小

28、u将 n 倒着放;大V 竖起两手指,小v 长个尖下巴;大 W 是 M 朝天躺,小w 将 v 弄成双;大X 像叉画本上,小x 剪刀裁衣忙;大 Y 弹弓没皮筋,小y 比 v 多尾巴;大Z 和 2 最相像,小z 呼噜声最响。英语字母书写歌英语书写有规那么,右倾五度才合格。大写一律上两格,上要顶线是原那么。头上有辫上两格,有尾拖在下两格。无辫无尾中间格,唯有f,j,p 占三格。i,t 靠上一格半,对照课本仔细看。(1)字母书写有规那么,右倾五度才合格,每个字母都稍向右倾,斜度要一致,约为5。(2)大写一律上两格,上要顶线是原那么,大写字母都一样高,上边顶第一线。(3)头上有辫上两格,有尾拖在下两格,小

29、写字母b,d,h,k,l 的上端抵第一线。小写字母g,q,y的下端抵第四线。(4)无辫无尾中间格,唯有f,j,p 占三格。小写字母 a,c,e,m,n,o,r,s,u,v,w,x,z写在中间的一格,上下都不出格。小写字母f,j,p 占三格位置,下端抵第四线。(5)i,t 靠上一格半,对照课本仔细看。小写字母i 的点和 t 的上端都在第一格中间。A fool may give a wise man counsel.愚者千虑,必有一得惟楚競才学校12综 合 练 习一、找出以下单词画线局部与其它发音不同的一项:()1.A.appleB.matterC.plan D.any()2.A.schoolB.

30、catchC.beachD.teacher()3.A.butB.cute C.us D.love()4.A.foodB.cookC.footD.good()5.A.threeB.these C.thankD.think 二、以下哪个单词有与画线局部的发音是一致的()1.sheep A.sheB.cheerC.deer D.bear()2.man A.place B.east C.panda D.lake()3.short A.shot B.football C.normal D.cook()4.cool A.wool B.food C.wood D.put()5.not A.nut B.loc

31、k C.good D.door 三、以下哪两个单词画线局部的读音与给出音标一致 w A.whoB.whose C.what D.where s A.blessB.shirtsC.sleep D.wish t?A.schoolB.sandwichC.watchD.beach e A.theseB.thankC.thinkD.with 四、找出以下单词画线局部与其它发音不同的一项:()1.A.place B.paperC.gain D.glass()2.A.note B.hopeC.lock D.yellow()3.A.life B.skiC.mind D.cry()4.A.town B.cowC

32、.blouse D.toe()5.A.foot B.bootC.food D.pool()6.A.earthB.hearC.tearD.dear 五、以下哪个单词有与画线局部的发音是一致的()1.bear A.hereB.beerC.pear D.fear()2.tour A.poorB.careC.hear D.chair()3.door A.hot B.sawC.possible D.cool()4.hen A.apple B.any C.all D.hat-.-优选()5.turn A.around B.ago C.sofa D.work 六、以下哪两个单词画线局部的读音与给出音标一致:A.heartB.loveC.hardD.buti A.billB.pictureC.sheD.sheet?:A.floorB.notC.pureD.core?A.bikeB.iceC.plan D.happen


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