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《2023年英语专业八级考试模拟卷(2).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2023年英语专业八级考试模拟卷(2).docx(19页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2023年英语专业八级考试模拟卷(2)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.In Anglo-Saxon period, Beowulf represented the _ poetry.ApaganBreligiousCromanticDsentimental 2.What was Shakespeares first original play written in about 1590AHamlet.BThe Merchant of Venice.CKing Henry VI

2、.DKing Lear. 3.New Zealand is a large, long group of islands in the _ Pacific Ocean.ASouth-westBSouth-eastCNorth-westDNorth-east 4.Pride and Prejudice was written by _.AJane AustenBEmily BronteCJane EyreDCharlotte Bronte 5.From paragraph 4 we can infer that _.Athe increasing concentration is certain

3、 to hurt consumersBWorldCom serves as a good example of both benefits and costsCthe costs of the globalization process are enormousDthe Standard Oil Trust might have threatened competition 6.According to the author, one of the driving forces behind MA wave is _.Athe greater customer demandsBa surplu

4、s supply for the marketCa growing productivityDthe increase of the worlds wealth 7.Toward the new business wave, the writers attitude can be said to be _.AoptimisticBobjectiveCpessimisticDbiased 8.What is the typical trend of businesses todayATo take in more foreign funds.BTo invest more abroad.CTo

5、combine and become bigger.DTo trade with more countries. 9.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passageARSVP.B. COBCIRS.DAT. 10.ASAP, which is often heard in business office, means _.Athe work must be finished by close of businessBthe work must be finished by the end of the workdayCthe wor

6、k must be finished as soon as possibleDthe work must be finished at once 11.Why do Americans try to use a short way of sayingAIts easy to remember.BThey like to shorten long names.CThey try to say things as quickly as possible.DThey are told to do so. 12.How do Americans shorten their long namesAThe

7、y use the first letters of the words instead of saying each word.BThey are told how to shorten them by authorities.CThey shorten long names as they like.DNot mentioned in the article. 13.The purpose of this passage may be _.Ato urge schools to return to an earlier form of educationBto help scientist

8、s regain powerCto provide education for the intellectual onlyDto argue for a change in curriculum 14.The three faculties in human beings mentioned are _.Aintellect, emotions, imaginationBintellect, ideas, factsCthinking, abilities, emotionsDthinking, distorting, departing 15.The writer is probably _

9、.AFrenchBEnglishCAmericanDItalian 16.The underlined term natural law as it appears in the middle of the second paragraph refers to _.Acommon senseBthe honor systemCthe result of an inductionDthe order of nature 17.The author has the approach of a (n) _.AscientistBartistCnovelistDeconomist 18.Which o

10、f the following would be the best title for the passageADiscovering the Natural Laws of Apples.BThe Use of Induction.CExperimental Verification as an Adjunct to Reasoning.DThe Logic of Everyday Reasoning. 19.Apples are used _.Ain order to convince the reader that fruit has no intellectBto illustrate

11、 the subject of the passageCto give color to the storyDto show how foolish logic is 20.If the hypothesis stated at the end of the passage is true, it can be inferred that the crystallin proteins in the lenses of people with cataracts _.Ahave increased elasticityBdo not respond to enzymatic glycosyla

12、tionCare at least several months oldDrespond more acutely than other proteins to changes in moisture levels 21.According to the passage, which of the following is characteristic of enzymatic glycosylation of proteinsAAGEs are formed after a period of months or years.BProteins affected by the process

13、 are made unstable.CGlucose attachment impairs and stiffens tissues.DGlucose is attached to proteins for specific purposes. 22.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true of Amadori products in proteinsAThey are created through enzymatic glycosylation.BThey are composed entir

14、ely of glucose molecules.CThey are derived from Schiff bases.DThey are derived from AGEs. 23.Martin Luther King, Jr. , a young black clergyman, became a national leader of the _ Movement in the 1950s.ACivil RightsBBoycottCSegregationDIntegration 24.The objective of the Chartist Movement was democrat

15、ic right for all men, and it took its name from “_”Athe Bill of RightsBThe Agreement of the PeopleCThe Peoples CharterDThe Great Charter 25.Which of the following best describes the nature of Thomas Hardys later worksASentimentalism.BTragic sense.CSurrealism.DComic sense. 26.In Britain, ministers ar

16、e appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of _.Athe Lord ChancellorBthe Prime MinisterCthe SpeakerDthe Parliamentary Commissioner 27.Linguistically, compared with the writings of Mark Twain, Henry Jamess fiction is noted for his _.Afrontier vernacularBrich colloquialismCvulgarly descriptive wor

17、dsDrefined elegant language 28.Britain is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the _ and the North Sea in the east.AeastBsouthCwestDnorth 29.Which of the following words is inflectionalAunfairBcarefreeCsubmarineDgoing 30.English has undergone dramatic periods. The period of _

18、is roughly from 449 to 1100.AAncient EnglishBOld EnglishCMiddle EnglishDModern English 31.A typical feature of the English Victorian literature is that writers became social and moral _ , exposing all kinds of social evils.ArevolutionariesBidealistsCcriticsDdefenders 32.With which of the following s

19、tatements concerning the stiffening of aging tissues would the author most likely agreeAIt is caused to a large degree by an increased rate of cell multiplication.BIt paradoxically both helps and hinders the longevity of proteins in the human body.CIt can be counteracted in part by increased ingesti

20、on of glucose-free foods.DIt probably involves the nonenzymatic glycosylation of proteins. 33.We can infer from the article that in the 1800s England was probably rich in _.Awood resourcesBtechnological resourcesCnatural resourcesDcoal resources 34.In modem Western society, the environmental problem

21、 has _.Areceived great attention from the governmentsBcaused some serious disorders in technology and economyCaffected modem technologies more directly than beforeDbecome more important but received less and less attention 35.We may infer that the author does not favor _.Aa fathers helping his son w

22、ith the latters studiesBwritten communication to the parent from the teacherChaving the parent observe lessons which the children are being taughtDprincipal-parent conferences rather than teacher-parent conferences 36.Which of the following statements is TRUEAEnvironment enables man to adapt success

23、fully to new technology.BTechnologies enable man to adapt successfully to his environment.CThe development of technologies depends solely on the natural environment.DLack of technologies to cope with the environment is caused by lack of natural resources. 37.The author directly discusses the fact th

24、at _.Aparents drill their children too much in arithmeticBprincipals have explained the new art programs to parentsCa father can have his son help him construct articles at homeDa parents misguided efforts can be properly directed 38.What is the topic of the articleAWhat can nature contribute to tec

25、hnology .BEnvironment can sometimes block the progress of technology.CTechnologies of all kinds should serve the natural environment.DEnvironment deserves the most attention in the development of technologies. 39.The example given in the passage implies that _.Aparticipation in interesting activitie

26、s relating to a subject improves ones achievement in that areaBschool principals do more than their share in interpreting the curriculum to their parentsConly a small part of the school day should be set apart for drilling in arithmeticDteachers should occasionally make home visit to parents 40.The

27、central idea conveyed in the passage is that _.Ahome training is mom important than school training because a child spends so many hours with his parentsBteachers can and should help parents to understand and further the objective of the schoolCthem are many ways in which the mathematics program can

28、 be implemented at homeDparents have a responsibility to help students in doing homework 41.The central idea conveyed in the above passage is that _.Aattitudes affect our actionsBteachers play a significant role in developing or changing pupils attitudesCattitudes can be changed by some classroom ex

29、periencesDthe elementary school is a more effective milieu for developing wholesome attitudes than high school or college 42.A statement NOT made or implied in the passage is that _.Aattitudes can be based on the learning of falsehoodsBattitudes cannot easily be changed by rewards and lecturesCworth

30、while attitudes may be developed in practically every subject areaDthe attitudes of elementary school-aged children are influenced primarily by the way they are treated as infants 43.The author implies that _.Athe teacher should guide all discussions by revealing her own attitudeBchildrens attitudes

31、 often come from those of other childrenCin some aspects of social studies a greater variety of methods can be used in the upper grades than in the lower gradesDschools should offer the student opportunities for travel so that he can come into contact with people he would not otherwise meet 44.In re

32、cent years, there has been a marked increase in the number of technical terms in the terminology of _.AfanningBsportsCgovernmentDfishery 45.The author was, no doubt, _.Aa linguistBan essayistCa scientistDan attorney 46.The first and fourth paragraphs have all the following points in common EXCEPT _.

33、Athe importance of experience in building attitudesBhow attitudes can be changed in the classroomChow reading affects attitudesDreference to straight thinking and attitudes 47.It is true that _.Aan educated person would be expected to know most technical terms.Beveryone is interested in scientific f

34、indingsCthe average man often uses in his own vocabulary what was once technical language not meant for himDvarious professions and occupations oRen interchange their dialects and jargons 48.The documents adopted _.Aproved to be a point of argument between the countriesBwere identical to one another

35、Cincluded an agreement between the nations involved to fight the drug problemDwere not very specific or 49.Special words used in technical discussion _.Anever last longBshould be confined to scientific fieldsCare considered artificial language speechDmay become part of common speech 50.The United Nations Conference _.Awas not as intense as previous meetingsBfailed to recognize drug problems in many countriesCwas successful in developing a two-level action planDshowed governments confidence in handling their own problems independently


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