2019学年七年级英语下学期3月月考试题 牛津译林版 人教新版(1).doc

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1、120192019 年七年级英语下学期年七年级英语下学期 3 3 月月考试题月月考试题 一听力部分(20 分)A.听对话,选出正确答案。 (读两遍)( )1. Where would Sandy like to live ?A. B. C.( )2. What is Millies sister going to be in the future ?A. B. C.( )3. How will they go to Tiananmen Square ?A. B. C.( )4. Which animal does the girl like best ?A. B. C.( )5. What w

2、ill Lily do ?A. B. C.( )6. Whose ruler is this ?A. Helens . B. Mikes C. Peters.( )7. Whats the womans phone number ? A. 75289026 B. 5383596 C. 7538096.( )8. How many Chinese students are there in Toms class ?A. 41 B. 39 C. 36 2( )9. Whats Linda doing ?A. Watching TV. B. Reading a book. C. Listening

3、to music .( )10. When will the plane leave for Paris is ?A. At 9:10 . B. At 9:30. C. At 9:50.B.听对话或独白,选出正确答案。 (读两遍)听第一段对话,回答第 11、12 题。( )11. What is the mother going to do ? A. She is going to do the cooking .B. She is going to do the washing .C. She is going shopping .( )12. What does the boy want

4、?A. A ball pen . B. A pen . C. A football.听第一篇短文,回答第 1315 题。A sports meetingAnimals ActivitiesA horse ,a cat and a panda runningA dog and two tigers _13_ in the grassTwo monkeys Climbing up the treesFive birds _14_The elephants _15_under a big treeA fox Sitting in the tree( )13. A. walking B. eating

5、 C. jumping( )14. A. flying around B. standing on the ground C. singing in the tree ( )15. A. drinking B. dancing C. standing听第二篇短文,回答第 1620 题。( ) 16. Where does Jenny come from?A. The UK B. The USA C. France ( ) 17. Who is good at cooking in Jennys family?A. Jennys brother. B. Jennys mother. C. Jen

6、nys father. ( ) 18. How does Jennys mother go to work?A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. ( ) 19. What does Jennys father do?A. A doctor B. A computer teacher C. An engineer ( ) 20. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Jenny is a tennis player now.B. Jennys father goes to work by car.C. Jennys mother wo

7、rks in a hospital in their neighbourhood.二单词辨音 (每小题 0.5 分,共 5 分) ( ) 21.A. beforeB. zeroC. belowD. design ( ) 22A. shortB. doctorC. porkD. sport ( ) 23.A. postmanB. stopC. lotD. often3( ) 24.A. managerB. manyC. palaceD. bad ( ) 25.A. exercisesB. balconiesC. washesD. oranges ( ) 26A. seventhB. eighth

8、C. twelfthD. bathroom ( ) 27.A. lampsB. weeksC. likesD. visitors ( ) 28.A. engineerB. EnglishC. thankD. uncle ( ) 29.A.policemanB. sitC. pickD. live ( ) 30.A. jobB. communityC. officeD.wont三单项选择 (每小题 1 分,共 15 分)31. Nanjing is _ beautiful city. Its _ capital of Jiangsu.A. a.a B. the.the C./ .the D. a

9、. the 32. The students _ the trip to the Great Wall the day after tomorrow.A. will plan B. are going to plan C. are planning to D. are planning 33. -What _your daughter like? -Shes very pretty _a film star.A. does; like B. is; likes C. does; likes D. is; like 34. Mrs. Green cant eat anything, becaus

10、e she _ about her _son.A .is worry; sick B. worries; sick C. is worrying; sick D. is worrying; ill 35. Those students _different skills are always ready _.A. have; helping B. with; help C. with; to help D. have; to help 36. I _ sure you _good at English if you try your best.A. am; will be B. am; are

11、 C.不填; will be D.不填;will37. Who are you waiting _ the school gate?A.不填 B. for C. for at D. at38. _ exciting news! We will have a _ holiday after the exam.A. What an; two months B. How an; two months C. What; two -month D. How; two months 39. _teacher is Miss Gao. She teaches _English. A. Toms and Pe

12、ters; them B. Toms and Peters; their C. Tom and Peters; them D. Tom and Peters; their 40. My friends _ me to go out with them but my mother tells me _.A. Hope; dont not B. want; not to C. hope; not to D. want; dont not 41. What she says sounds _. It sounds _ a good idea.A. good; / B. well; / C. good

13、; like D. well; like 42. 108,006,532 can be read as _. A. one and eight million six thousand five hundred and thirty-two. B. one and eight million six thousand five hundred thirty-two. C. one and eight million and six thousands five hundred and thirty-two. A. one and eight million and six thousand f

14、ive hundred and thirty-two. 43. _the afternoon of the New Year Day, my family get together _ a big dinner.A. In; to B. In; for C. On; to D. On; for 44. -Isnt Dick sitting in the front of the classroom? - _. Hes the shortest (最矮) in his class.A. No, he isnt B. Yes, he is C. Yes, he isnt D. No, he is

15、45. - Shall we go on a trip to the Amusement Park? -_.A. Yes, we should. B. Thats a good idea. C. Of course D. Not bad.4四 完形填空 (本大题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) What is time? We cant 46 it and we cant catch hold of(抓住) it. But we can feel it go away. Time is 47 with us in our life. When we wash our faces, time 48

16、 away in front of us. And when we play, time goes away 49 .Time is fair(公平) to every one of us. If we make the 5 0 use of it, time will give us a lot, or we will 51 a lot. We cant find the best time again. Today time is getting more and more important to us. We often 52 people say, “Time is money. T

17、ime is life.” It tells us not to waste(浪费) any time.My friends, we must keep it in mind. “Time waits for no man.” Now we are still 53 . It is the best time for us to learn 54 . We must make good use of every minute and be the 55 of time. ( ) 46. A. seeB. feelC. hearD. watch ( ) 47. A. sometimesB. of

18、tenC. usuallyD. always ( ) 48. A. runsB. takesC. putsD. brings ( ) 49. A. finallyB. slowlyC. lovelyD. quickly ( ) 50. A. bestB. worstC. badD. better ( ) 51. A. getB. missC. catchD. understand ( ) 52. A. listenB. seeC. thinkD. hear ( ) 53. A. oldB. youngC. littleD. strong ( ) 54. A. someB. a lotC. a

19、littleD. more ( ) 55. A. friendsB. mastersC. teachersD. students五阅读理解 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)A Happy Middle School is a bilingual (双语) school for children of 6-15. Now we want a cook, a library assistant(助理), a PE teacher and a language(语言) teacher.JobAgeLanguageSkillOther terms (条 件)cook25- 40Chinese can

20、cook Chinese and Western foodhealthyLibrary assistant 20 - 35 Chinese and Englishread different kinds of books carefulPE teacher 20- 40Chinese and Englishmajor in(主修) PE healthy and stronglanguage teacher25-40Chinese and Englishmajor in English healthy and kind( )56. Which of the following can go to

21、 Happy Middle School?A. A four-year-old child. B. A ten-year-old child.C. A sixteen-year-old child.D. A five-year-old child. ( )57 Happy Middle School doesnt want .A. a nurse B. a cook C. a library assistant D. a PE teacher ( )58. Maybe you can read these_.A. in a storybook B. in a fashion magazine(

22、杂志) C. in a newspaper D. in a textbook(课本)B What is a Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! It is in another country. It is a place where many overseas (海外的)Chinese live together.5There are lots of Chinatowns in America. The biggest one is in New York. There are about 150,000 people in it

23、. It is the home of Chinese New Yorkers. And it is also a good place to go. Shopping in Chinatown Shopping in Chinatown is fun. You can find lots of things here. Most of them are made in China. Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap. Eating in Chinatown Chinato

24、wn has more than 200 restaurants. You can enjoy traditional(传统的) Chinese food here. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. Why dont you have breakfast with a cup of green tea in it? You can eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant. Living in ChinatownLiving in Chinatown i

25、s comfortable. You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it. In some schools, students must study Chinese. Many overseas Chinese send their children to these schools. They want their children to learn more about China and its culture. ( )59. Which of following is True?A.

26、Chinatown is a town in China.B. There is only one Chinatown in the USA.C. All the Chinese people in another country live in Chinatown.D. The biggest Chinatown in the USA is the one in New York. ( )60. Why do many overseas Chinese send their children to the schools where they must learnChinese? A. Be

27、cause their children dont like English. B. Because its cheap to study in these schools. C. Because they would like their children to learn more about China and its culture. D. Because there are no English schools for Chinese students there. ( )61. From the passage, we know that _.A. Many things in C

28、hinatown are made in the USA. B. The Chinese can have green tea in Chinatown. C. The things in Mott Street are not cheap. D. You cant find hospitals in Chinatown. C Mr Green has a shoe shop in the north of our city . He gets a letter one day. He doesnt know who sends the letter to him . Someone in t

29、he letter asks him to bring 10, 000 to Happy Park near his shop the next day. Mr. Green thinks for a while and decides (决定) not to do that. The next day, he doesnt find anything unusual on his way to his shop. Three days later, a modern girl is trying on shoes in his shop at about 9:30 a.m. She says

30、 to Mr. Green, “This pair of shoes fits me well. Id like to buy them. But my wallet is in my car. Ill go to get it”. Suddenly, three men run into the shop. They stop the girl with knives and ask Mr. Green to give them all the money in the shop. Mr. Green is very kind and he does not want the girl to

31、 get hurt (受伤) , so he gives the robbers (盗贼) all his money. Then, the robbers run out of his ship and get into their car. But Mr. Green is surprised to see the girl 6getting into the car too. He now knows that the letter is from them. Mr. Green calls the police at once. He tells the police the car

32、number and what the three robbers and the girl look like. Six hours later, the police catch (捉住) the robbers and Mr. Green gets back his lost money.( )62. What does Mr. Green do? A. He is a writer. B. He is a shopkeeper.C. He is a shoe maker D. He is a driver. ( )63. What does the underline word “un

33、usual” mean in Chinese ? A. 异常的 B. 偶尔的 C. 罕见的 D.独特的( )64. We can know that the police catch the robbers at about _ after Mr. Green calls for help. A. 3:30 p.m. B. 5:30 p.m. C. 7:30 p.m. D. 9:30 p.m. ( )65. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage ? A. Mr. Greens shoe shop is in th

34、e north of the city. B. Mr. Green doesnt take $ 10,000 to Happy Park. C. The modern girl doesnt know the three robbers. D. At last, Mr. Green knows the letter is from the robbers.主观题六单词拼写 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 (共 10 分,每小题 1 分)1. Im new here, and I dont know the _ (经理) names.2. Mary comes from _(俄国), but

35、 she lives in France now. 3. My book is not interesting. May I read _(他们)?.4. With enough _ (信息) , you can fill in the blanks very quickly.5. _ (百万) of people are watching the fireworks in Chinatown, New York.6. The _ (通知) on the blackboard are very important.7. The bike is one of my _ (邻居) . A stud

36、ent is checking it.8. The Chinese _ (绘画) from Huangji Palace look really wonderful.9. English people often go to the _ (剧院) to enjoy plays and shows.10. They will have a party for their grandfathers _ (99) birthday.七动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (10 分,每小题 1 分)1. The teachers tell her _ (not be ) late next t

37、ime.2. My father _ (be ) back in ten minutes. You can wait here for a moment.3. The police _ (catch ) the robber tomorrow, arent they? 4. If it _ (not rain ) next week, we will play football on the football field.5. Its so cold and dark now. It _ (snow).6. Our headmaster hopes all of us _ (get ) goo

38、d jobs in the future.7. Millie will make her cousin _(check ) the washing machine for her mother.8. -Can I borrow your knife? -sorry, I _ (use ) it at the moment.9. Look! There is a little dog _ (lie ) on the grass.710. You neednt worry about _ (miss ) the film. We have enough time.八句型转换 (根据所给题目要求改写

39、句子,共 5 分,每空 0.5 分)1. He has his own bedroom. (同义句)He has a bedroom _ _ _.2. Its 40 minutes by underground from the city centre.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ it from the city centre?3. Sandy and his sister study in the same room.(改为同义句)Sandy _ a study _ his sister.4. There isnt anything in the fridge. (改为同义句)There

40、_ _ in the fridge.九完成句子 (共 10 分)1. Ann 家的花园长满了各种各样的花。Anns home _ _ _ all kinds of flowers.2. 他们总是准备绰绰有余的食物在厨房吗?Do they always get _ _ _ food ready in their kitchen?3. 她的一个朋友期待着品尝北京烤鸭。A friend of _ is _ _ to _ Beijing Duck.4. 在他的家乡,一些家庭养牛,还有一些种植小麦。In his hometown, _ _ _ cows, and _ grow wheat.5. 我们的校

41、园里到处都是绿树和鲜花。Green trees and beautiful flowers _ _ _ our school.6. 有一个技师会在这儿帮着解决你们的问题。_ your problems.十书面表达 (5 分) 请根据所给中文提示,用英语写一篇短文,向大家介绍你们的社区中心。 1. 在我们的居民区里有一个社区中心,它很有帮助; 2. 周末有很多志愿者聚在这里,和大家分享各自的一技之长; 3. 帮助我们解决各种问题. 4. 社区中心还帮助老人,有时社区的人为他们买东西; 5. 我们很幸运有这样的社区中心。 注意:1. 文章须包括所有的内容要点,要求语句通顺,意思连贯;第三要点要至少发挥 2 句;2. 词数在 70 个左右。_8Test for 7B U13 答题卷六单词拼写 根据所给中文,写出单词的正确形式。 (共 10 分,每小题 1 分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _七动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 (10 分,每小题 1 分)1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _


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