2019七年级英语下册 Unit 9 What does he look like Section B.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 9 9Section B Self-Check1.1. MyMy favoritefavorite singersinger isis JohnJohn Jackson.Jackson. 我喜欢的歌手是约翰我喜欢的歌手是约翰杰克逊。杰克逊。singer 是由“动词 sing+后缀-er”构成,意为“歌手”。如:Jay Chou is a pop singer. I like him very much.周杰伦是一名流行歌手。我非常喜欢他。在动词加后缀-er 构成名词还有:teachteacher 教师;readreader 读者;playplayer 运动员,选手write

2、writer 作者(以 e 结尾,直接加-r)listenlistener 听众 2.2. TheyThey telltell himhim whatwhat thethe criminalcriminal lookslooks like.like. 他们告诉他这名罪犯的长相。他们告诉他这名罪犯的长相。这是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,其中 “They tell him”是主句,“what the criminal looks like”是宾语从句,作动词 tell 的宾语。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,时态与主句保持一致。如:I dont know where he comes from. 我不知道他

3、是哪里人。3.3. ThenThen JoeJoe drawsdraws a a picturepicture ofof thethe criminal,criminal, andand thethe policepolice putput itit inin newspapersnewspapers andand onon televisiontelevision toto findfind him.him. 然后然后 JoeJoe 画出一张罪犯的像画出一张罪犯的像, ,接着警察把它刊登在报纸或电视上来通接着警察把它刊登在报纸或电视上来通缉他。缉他。(1)put 在句中表示“放上;写上;发表

4、”,put sth. in. 意为“把某物放进里”。如:Can you please put my letter in todays magazine?请你把我的信发表在下个月的期刊上好吗?He puts my photo in the album. 他把我的照片放入影集里。【拓展】常用短语:put on 穿上;如:Its cold outside. Put on your coat, please. 外面冷。请穿上你的大衣。 (2)句中的 “to find him”是动词不定式作目的状语。如:Some girls are going to exercise to keep healthy.有

5、些女孩子打算锻炼以保持健康。They go to the supermarket to buy some fruit and vegetables.他们去超市买一些水果和蔬菜。24.4. HeHe wantswants toto drawdraw a a goodgood picturepicture ofof eacheach criminal,criminal, butbut thisthis jobjob isis sometimessometimes difficult.difficult. 他想画出每名罪犯的精确照片他想画出每名罪犯的精确照片, ,但这项工作有时很难。但这项工作有时很

6、难。each 为限定词,意为“各;各自的;每”,作定语修饰名词 criminal。each 用于单数名词前,后接动词单数形式;用于复数名词主语后,谓语动词用复数形式。如:Each girl in our class likes singing. 我们班的每个女生都喜欢唱歌。We each are getting ready for the meeting. 我们每个人都在为这次会议作准备。辨析:each 与 every (1)each“每一个”,表示两个或两个以上的人或物之中的每一个,个别意义较重。如:Each student has a dictionary. 每个同学都有字典。Our te

7、acher talks with each of us. 我们的老师与 我们每个人都谈话。(2)every“每一个”,只作定语。指三个或三个以上的人或物中的每一个。后面不能跟介词 of。其后谓语动词用单数。如:The exam is coming, every minute is important to us. 就快考试了,每分钟对我们来说都很重要。Every student in the class is able to pass the exam. 班上的每个学生都能够通过这次考试。5.5. ManyMany peoplepeople dontdont alwaysalways sees

8、ee thingsthings thethe samesame wayway soso theythey maymay describedescribe thethe samesame personperson differently.differently. 很多人看待事物的方式前后不一致很多人看待事物的方式前后不一致, ,因此他们对同一个人的描述也会不同。因此他们对同一个人的描述也会不同。(1)the same way 意为“同样的方式”,其中 way 用作名词,意为“方式;方法”。如:Music makes me feel the same way. 音乐也使我有同样的感觉。The tw

9、o girls do their hair the same way. 这两个女孩把头发梳成相同的造型。(2)differently 是由形容词 different 加-ly 构成的副词,意为“不同地;有区别地”,在句中作状语,修饰动词或句子。如:What do you want to do differently this year? 今年你想要做哪些不一样的事呢?拓展:different adj. 不同的常用短语:be different from 与不同This book is diff erent from that one. 这本书和那本不同。difference n. 区别;差异T

10、here are a lot of differences between them. 他们之间有很多不同之处。 6.6. AnotherAnother womanwoman says,.says,. 另一名妇女说另一名妇女说3another 作形容词时,后面一般接可数名词的单数形式,用来指“(三者或三者以上中的)另一个”,是泛指。如:Would you like another banana? 你还想再要一根香蕉吗?Lets do it another time. 咱们下次再办这件事吧。【拓展】another 作“又;再”讲时,“another+数词+可数名词”相当于“数词+more+可数名

11、词”。如:I need another three chairs.=I need three more chairs. 我还需要三把椅子。 7.7. InIn thethe end,end, thethe realreal criminalcriminal isis a a shortshort andand heavyheavy oldold man.man.结果这名真正的罪犯是一位又矮又结果这名真正的罪犯是一位又矮又胖的老人。胖的老人。(1)in the end 是固定短语,意为“最后”,表示事物发展的自然终结,可与 finally 或at last 互换。如:He will be a s

12、cientist in the end. 最终他将成为一名科学家。His dream came true in the end. 他的梦想终于实现了。(2)real 用作形容词,意为“真正的;真实的”。如:Do you want to know her real name? 你想知道她的真实名字吗?We think the story is real. 我们都认为这个故事是真实的。拓展:really 是 real 的副词形式,意为“真正地”常用于形容词或行为动词之前,以加强语气。如:I like Hu Ge because hes really cool. 我喜欢胡歌,因为他真的很酷。I re

13、ally want to go to Beijing. 我真想去北京。8.8. FirstFirst ofof all,all, hehe isis veryvery tall,.tall,. 首先首先, ,他他个子很高个子很高,first of all 意为“首先”用于开场白。表示顺序时常与 second, third, then 等呼应使用。如:First of all, you should wash your hands. 首先,你应该洗手。First of all, let me tell you the news. 首先,让我告诉你这个消息。9.9. .,., andand heh

14、e isis goodgood atat soccer.soccer. ,他很擅长足球。他很擅长足球。be good at 意为“擅长,在方面成绩好”,at 后可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。同义词组 do well in。如:My sister is good at math. (后接名词) 我姐姐擅长数学。Mary likes playing the piano and shes good at it. (后接代词) 玛丽喜欢弹钢琴,她也很擅长。Are you good at drawing? 你擅长绘画吗?(后接 v-ing)4例 1 English is my favorite subj

15、ect, and I am good _ it. A. for B. to C. at D. of【解析】 句意“英语是我最喜欢的科目,我很擅长它”。be good at 意为“擅长”,符合句意。而 be good for “对有益”,be good to “对好”均与句意不符。【答案】 C。例 2 Li Na is an outstanding tennis _ (play). 【答案】 player。例 3 Could you please tell me _?Theyre over there.A. where are the restrooms B. where were the re

16、stroomsC. where the restrooms are D. where the restrooms were【解析】 本题考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句中从句的语序应是陈述句的语序,排除 A、B 项。Could you please.?是表示有礼貌请求的句型,因此本句主句不是一般过去式,由答语“Theyre over there”可知是现在时,所以选 B 错误,应选 C。【答案】 C。例 4 How often does the train run to Jinan?_ twenty minutes. A. Any B. Each C. Every D. Some【解析】 考查不定

17、代词的用法。句意:火车隔多长时间去一趟济南?每隔 20 分钟。就频率提问用 how often。【答案】 C。例 5 Why is the traffic today moving so slowly? We are running late!Calm down. Lets take _ route. Turn left over there. A. a same B. the same C. a different D. the different【解析】 考查形容词的辨析。same 意为“相同的”,different 意为“不同的”。根据句意“别着急,让我们走不同的路线”,可知选 C。【答

18、案】 C。5例 6 Their answers to the question were not the same, thats to say, they answered the question_ (不同地). 【解析】 副词 differently 修饰动词短语 answer the question,意为“不同地”。【答案】 differently。例 7 Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry, lets make it _ time. A. others B. the other C. another D

19、. other【解析】 我们明天早上九点可以见面吗?对不起,我们再定时间吧。another 后接单数名词,意为“再一;另一”符合句意。根据句意可知答案选 C。【答案】 C。例 8 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空Linda is a top student, she is _ hard-working. (real)【解析】 句意“琳达是尖子生,她真的很勤奋”。副词 really 修饰形容词 hard-working,意为“很勤奋”。【答案】 really。英语口语:遇到失窃麻烦时的英语表达Call the police!Call the police! (叫警察。)Sure thing! (好的

20、。)Please call for help! (快叫人帮助。)我的包被偷了。I had my bag stolen.My bag was stolen.Somebody stole my bag.我该告诉谁?Who should I report it to?6失物招领处在哪儿?Where is the Lost and Found?什么样的包?What kind of bag?What kind of bag was it?里面都有什么?What was in it?里面有多少钱?How much was in it?我们找到后会跟你联系的。Well call you if we find it.Well contact you when we find it.您能填一下儿这张表吗?Could you fill out this form? *fill out 表示在空白处填写。form 为“表格。”Please fill out this form.请您写一下被盗经过。Please give me a report on the theft. *theft “窃案,偷盗”。Please fill out a report on the theft.


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