2019七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Listening练习(无答案)(新版)牛津深圳版.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 ListeningListeningThe Eiffel Tower is the tallest tower in Paris. It is 324 metres tall. It took two years to build this wonderful tower and it was finished in 1889. Now the tower is painted every seven years.Every year, almost 7,000,000 people visit the tower. Some people take the lif

2、t and go up to the top of the tower to have a look at the city of Paris. But if you dont want to wait for the lift, or if you want to do some exercise, you can walk up more than 1,000 steps to the top!Many interesting things have happened to the tower in the past. In 1948, an elephant walked up to t

3、he first floor. In 1983, two men went down the stairs on bicycles.一、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The Eiffel Tower is the tallest tower in Paris. It is 324 m etres 1 . It took two years to build this wonderful 2 and it was finished in 1889. Now the tower is painted 3 seven years.Ev

4、ery year, almost 7,000,000 people 4 the tower. Some people take the lift and go 5 to the top of the tower to have a look at the city of 6 . But if you dont want to 7 for the lift, or if you want to do some 8 , you can walk up more than 1,000 steps to the top!Many interesting things have happened to

5、the tower in the 9 . In 1948, an elephant walked up to the first floor. In 1983, two men went down the stairs 10 bicycles.( )1.A.tall B.wideC.longD.old( )2.A.floorB.towerC.palaceD.lift( )3.A.otherB.eachC.anotherD.every( )4.A.buildB.watchC.visitD.paint( )5.A.upB.downC.alongD.for2( )6.A.ParisB.Beijing

6、C.LondonD.New York( )7.A.lookB.waitC.stand D.send ( )8.A.excuse B.experimentC.experienceD.exercise( )9.A.futureB.presentC.pastD.bottom( )10.A.byB.onC.inD.atUnit2 Listening一、阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词。tallest if exercise up happened painted finished bicycle wonderful forThe Eiffel Tower is the 1 tower

7、 in Paris. It is 324 metres tall. It took two years to build this 2 tower and it was 3 in 1889. Now the tower is 4 every seven years.Every year, almost 7,000,000 people visit the tower. Some people take the lift and go up to the top of the tower to have a look at the city of Paris. But 5 you dont wa

8、nt to wait 6 wonderful the lift, or if you want to do some 7 , you can walk up more than 1,000 steps to the top!Many interesting things have 8 the tower in the past. In 1948, an elephant walked 9 to the first floor. In 1983, two men went down the stairs on 10 . 2、回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。The Eiffel To

9、wer is the tallest tower in Paris. It is 324 metres tall. It took two years to build this wonderful tower and it was finished in 1889. Now the tower is painted every seven years.Every year, almost 7,000,000 people visit the tower. Some people take the lift and go up to the top of the tower to have a

10、 look at the city of Paris. But if you dont want to wait for the lift, or if you want to do some exercise, you can walk up more than 1,000 steps to the top!Many interesting things have happened to the tower in the past. In 1948, an elephant walked up to the first floor. In 1983, two men went down th

11、e stairs on bicycles.31. Hall tall is the Eiffel Tower?2.When was it finished?3. How often is it painted?4. How many people visit it every year?5. Does it have a lift to the top?三、综合阅读The Eiffel Tower is the tallest tower in Paris. It is(A) 324 metres tall. It took two years to build this wonderful

12、tower and (B) it was finished in 1889. Now the tower is painted every seven years.Every year, almost 7,000,000 people visit the tower. Some people take the lift and go up to the top of the tower to have a look at the city of Paris. But (C)_ you dont want to wait for the lift, or if you want to do so

13、me exercise, you can walk up (D)more than 1,000 steps to the top!Many interesting things have (E) _ to the tower in the past. In 1948, an elephant walked up to the first floor. In 1983, two men went down the stairs on bicycles.1. 就文中划线部分(A)提问:_ _ is it ?2. 写出划线部分 (B) 处所指代的内容:_3. 在 (C) 和 (G) 处分别填入一个适当的单词:_; _4. 写出文中划线部分(B)的同义词:_ 5. 本文的标题是:_


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