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《2021-2022学年高中英语语法专题12非谓语动词教案(含解析)新人教版必修1.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021-2022学年高中英语语法专题12非谓语动词教案(含解析)新人教版必修1.docx(24页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、十二、非谓语动词动词不定式1不定式的构成及变形动词不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。1 .不定式的一般式不定式的一般式表示的动作通常与谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。如:He appears to be very happy.(同时发生)To catch the train, wed better hurry to the station by taxi. (to catch the train 发生在 hurry to the station 之后)2 .不定式的进展式不定式的进展式表示正在进展的或与谓语动词同时发生的动作。如:It happe

2、ned to be raining when I got there.3 .不定式的完成式不定式的完成式表示的动作在谓语表示的动作之前发生。如:I* m sorry to have lost your key.4 .不定式的完成进展式不定式的完成进展式表示的动作在谓语之前发生并且一直进展着。如:He was said to have been living in London for twenty years.不定式的时态意义:如:He is said to be studying abroad.(不定式的进展式表示动作正在进展)He is said to have studied abroa

3、d.(不定式的完成式表示动作已经完毕)I d like to.2.如果不定式to后的构造中含有be, have或have been,通常要保存be, have或have been, 但随后的成分仍可省略。如:一Is your mother a teacher?No, but she used to be.He hasn, t finished yet.一Well, he ought to have.动词的-ing形式1如何区别动名词和现在分词动名词和现在分词的构成一样,即动词原形ing。那么,在使用的过程中如何区别它们呢?1 .用法不同动词除具有动词的特征外,还有名词的特征,在句子中可以作主语

4、、表语、宾语、定语等; 而现在分词除具有动动词的特征外,还具有形容词的特征,在句子中可以作定语、表语、状 语、补语等。2 .区分方法:如果-ing形式在句子中作状语和补语,那么它一定是现在分词。如:She saw Jim playing with the cat.Having finished his homework, he went out to play.如果-ing形式在句子中作主语、宾语和同位语,那么它一定是动名词。如:Smoking is harm to your body.I 1 ike swimming.His aim, going to college, will come

5、true.作定语的区分方法:如果被修饰的名词与-ing形式有逻辑上的主谓关系,即都表示所修 饰的人或物所发出的动作,那么它就是现在分词;如果没有,那么它就是动名词。如:Do you like sleeping cars?(动名词)The sleeping girl is my little sister.(现在分词)作表语的区分方法:如果Tng形式相当于个形容词,表示主语的性质或特征,和主语 的位置不能互换,那么ing形式就是现在分词;如果Tng形式相当于一个名词,与主语处 于同等地位,可以与主语互换位置,那么ing形式就是动名词。如:Her job is feeding these anim

6、als.(这句话可以改为:Feeding these animals is her job.因此,feeding是动名词。)The book is interesting(这句话不可以改为:Interesting is the boo 所以,interesting 是现在分词。)2动词ing形式作主语1 .动词ing形式作主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作,谓语动词用单数。如:Swimming is my favorite sport.2 .在 It is no use/no good/useless/ worthwhi 1 e/dangerous/a waste of time 箱庙需 用动名

7、词作真正的主语。如:It is no use waiting for him any longer.It is a waste of time arguing about it.3 .当句型“There is na.表示不允许、制止某种行为的发生或存在时,需用动名词 作主语。如:There is no joking about such matter.这种事开不得玩笑。There is no point (in)doing sth.干.没意义。There is no sense (in) doing sth.干.没道理/意义【注意】当动名词做主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词或名词所有格构成

8、。如:My sisters being ill made us worried.3动词-ing形式作宾语1 .作动词的宾语。可接动名词作宾语的常见动词可用下面的口语记住:防止错过少延期(avoid, miss, postpone)建议完成多练习(advice, finish, practise)喜欢想象禁不住(enjoy, imagine, cart help)成认否认与嫉妒(admi t, deny, envy)逃避冒险莫原谅(escape, risk, excuse).英语中有一些动词短语也常跟v-ing形式作宾语。常见的跟v-ing形式作宾语的动词短 语有 insist on, obje

9、ct to, be good at, lead to, put off, give up, look forward to, feel like, devote to, get used to, pay attention to, be worth, busy 等。如:He insisted on doing it in his own w坚持要按自己的方法去做。1 have never dreamed of visiting that place我从未梦想过要参观那个地方。3 .有些动词或词组后跟动词-ing形式或不定式都可以,但意思不同。Stop to do st停卜.来去做某事/Stop

10、 doing sth停顿做某事Remember doing sth记得做了某事/Remember to do sth记住要去做某事Forget doing sth忘记做了某事/Forget to do sth忘记要去做某事Regret doing sth懊悔做了某事/Regrel to do si遗憾要去做某事Mean to do sth想要做某事/Mean doing sth意味着做某事Try to do st努力(企图)做某事/Try doing sth试着做某事4 .以下动词可接动词-ing形式的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动形式。 necd/want/rcquirc/desc

11、rve doing=necd/want/rcquirc/doservc to be done动词-ing形式的否认形式动词-ing形式的否认形式通常是在其前加nol,带有逻辑主语时nol应放在动词ing形式 之前。如:Excuse me for my not coming on time.Im sorry for not having kept my promise.动词-ing形式的复合构造动词ing形式的复合构造由物主代词或人称代词宾格,名词所有格或普通格加动名词, 即“sb./sb.s+doing”构成。动名词的复合构造实际上是给动名词加了一个逻辑主语。 动词-ing形式的玛合构造有四种

12、形式:a.形容词性物主代词+动名词b.名词s动名词c.代词宾格+动名词d.名词+动名词【注意】动名词的复合构造可在句中作主语或宾语。作主语时,不能用cd两种形式。如:Toms winning the first prize last year impressed me a lot.汤姆去年得了一等 奖使我印象深刻。4动词-ing形式作表语1 .动名词作表语表示抽象的、般的行为,现在分词作表语表示主语的特征、性质和状态。 我们最大的幸福是为人民效劳。Our greatest happiness is serving the people.(动名词) 我们的任务是建立社会主义。Our task i

13、s building socialism.(动名词).表示主语的具体内容时候,主语和表语可以相互替换.如:His job is painting. =Painting is his job.我们昨晚看的电影十分动人。The film we saw last night is quite moving.(现在分词) 他的话很鼓舞人。His words are encouraging.(现在分词).常 用 来 作 表 语 的 现 在 分 词 有astonishing, amusing,confusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, inspiring,

14、 moving ,tiring, interesting, surprising 等:常译为”令人如何的动名词作表语和主语是等值关系,两者有时可以互换,句子意思不变;动名词后面可以 接宾语、状语。现在分词作表语和主语不是对等关系,现在分词后面不能接宾语,但它前面可以有修饰 性的副词,如very, rather等。5动词-ing形式作定语1 .动名词作定语用来说明该名词的用途,不表示名词本身的动作;现在分词作定语与所修 饰的名词具有逻辑上的主谓关系,即现在分词相当于所修饰名词的谓语入如:我们必须改良工作方法。We must improve ourworking method.(动名词)他们将手术

15、台架设在一座小庙里。They set up anperating table in a small temple.(动 名词)中国是开展中国家。China is adeveloping country.(现在分词)正在做实验的那个学生是我们的班长。The studentmaking the experiment is ourmonitor.现在分词)2 .动名词短语不能作定语,单个的动名词可以用作定语,但仅作前置定语。如:working method=method for working 工作方法.单个分词和分词短语都可作定语,单个分词一般作前置定语,分词短语那么作后置定语, 相当于一个定语从

16、句。如:the man visiting Japan=the man who is visiting Jad 的那个人。6动词ing形式作宾补1 .动名词不能作宾语补足语。现在分词作宾补表示的是正在发生的动作。如:我看见他正在上楼。I saw himgoing upstairs.我们看着她在过大街。We watched herrossing the street.我们听见她在房间里唱歌。We heard hesinging in her room.表示感觉的词(感观动词)和表示状态动词:see Iook at/not i ce/watch/observe/catch /feel/find /s

17、mell/ hear/ listen eo. +doing如:Can you smell anything burning?2 .表指使的词(使役动词):have, set keep, catch, leave如:I m sorry to have kept you waiting long.3 .接现在分析作宾语补足语的动词有 feel, hear, 1 isten to, see, look at, watch, observe, notice, find, smell, set, have, keep, start, leave, get, catch 等7动词-ing形式作状语可以修饰

18、谓语动词或整个句子,表示时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随或补充。1 .表示时间:动词-ing形式作时间状语,相当于一个时间状语从句。常置于句首或句末。如:Turning around, she saw a car driving up.=When she turned around, she saw a car driving up.她转过身,看见一辆车朝她开来。2 .表示原因:表示原因的动词-ing形式一般置于句首,相当于一个原因状语从句。常置于句首句中或句 末。如:Being ill, he could not walk any further.=As he was ill,he

19、could not walk any further.因为疲倦,他不能再往前走了。3 .表示结果:动词-ing形式作状语表示一种必然的结果,可扩展为一个含有并列谓语的简单句。常置于 句末。如:The fire lasted nearly a month, leaving nothing valuable.二The fire lasted nearly a month, and left nothing valuable.大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么值钱的东西。4 .表示条件:动词-ing形式作条件状语,相当于一个条件状语从句。常置于句首。如:Being more careful, you

20、 can make fewer mistakes.=If you are more careful, you can make fewer mistakes.更细心点,你就会少犯错误。5 .表示让步动词-ing形式作让步状语,相当于一个让步状语从句。常置于句首。如:Knowing all this,they made me pay for the damage.=A1though they knew all this,they made me pay for the damage.尽管知道了一切情况,他们还是要我赔偿损失。6 .表示方式、伴随或补充说明动词-ing形式表示行为方式、伴随情况或补

21、充说明,可以扩展成为一个并列成分。常置于 句末。如:I stood by the door, not daring to say a word.=1 stood by the door, and did not dare to say a word.我站在门旁,不敢说一句话。He was walking along the street, looking this way and that.=He was walking along the street, and looked this way and that.他在街上走着,左顾 右盼。8特别提醒1 .附属连词+动词-ing形式作状语为了使

22、动词-ing形式作状语所表达的时间、条件、让步等意思更加明确,可在动词-ing形 式前加上适当的连词(when, while, if, though, unless, even if 等)。如:Dont talk while hav i ng dinner.吃饭时不要说话。Once losing this chance, you can* t easily find il 一旦失去这次时机你就很难找回。2 .要防止无依着(无逻辑主语)动词-ing形式动词-ing形式作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致,如果状语与主语不一致,可 给从句加上主语,变成主从复合句。如:【错误】While rea

23、ding the book, the telephone rang.【正确】While she was reading the book, the telephone rang.她看书的时候,铃响了。(reading 的动作不是 the telephone 发出)【错误】Looking out through the window the garden was beautiful.【正确】Looking out through the window we found a beautiful garden.从窗户里,我 们看见一个漂亮的花园。(looking的动作不是garden发出).独立动词

24、-ing形式作状语英语中有些动词-ing 形式,如:generally (frankly, honestly , speaking, supposing (假 设),judging from (从判断),talking of (谈到),speaking of (谈到)等,它们作状语时的逻辑主语可以和句子的主语不致。这种形式已经成为固定的用法。如:Generally speaking, girls are more careful than boys.Supposing you lose, what will you do?Judging fromhis accent,he must be fr

25、om the north.Talking oftravel, have you ever been to Beijing?Supposing he is ill, who will do the work?假设他病,谁来做这工作呢?Generally speaking, boys are more interested in science than girls.一般来说,男孩 比女孩对科学更感兴趣。9动词-ing形式作状语考点聚焦1 .动词-ing形式作状语,当句子的谓语动词和动词-ing形式的动词所表动作在时间上几乎 同时发生时,用doing作状语:假设动词-ing形式动作发生在句了-谓语

26、动词所表示的动作 之前,用其完成时having done作状语;动词-ing形式的否认形式为:not doing或者not having done。2 .有些固定的动词-ing形式作状语,这就是独立成分。3 .当句子主语和动词-ing形式的主语不一致时,那么不可省略动词-ing形式的主语。这时 可用独立主格构造,即:带有逻辑主语的动词-ing形式作状语;或者用with复合构造作伴 随状语。假设分词的动作发生在谓语动词以前,那么分词使用完成式:having done。如:Having finished his homework,he went home.Having been bitten by

27、 a snake,she was frightened.复合构造和独立主格构造的区别:动名词更合构造:动名词复合构造是由物主代词或名词所有格加上动名词构成,它们在逻辑上存在主谓关系, 在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语等等。而在口语或非正式文体中,这种构造如不置于句首 作主语,那么可用人称代词的宾格代替物主代词,用名词的普通格代替所有格形式。如:I cant imagine his/him marrying her.我无法想象他与她结婚。There is no question of MasMarry being able to do it well.玛丽能做好此事,这是毫 无疑问的。The st

28、udents kowing English well helped him in loaming French.这个学生良好的英语 根底有助他学习法语。Her being i 11 made us worried.她生病了使我们很担忧。Do you mind my/me opening the door?你介意我翻开门吗?独立主格构造:独立主格构造是由逻辑主语(名词或代词主格)加上分词(包括现在分词和过去分词)、形 容词、副词、不定式、介词短语、名词等构成的语法构造。在句子中一般作状语,表示时间、 原因、条件、行为方式或伴随等。独立主格可置产句首、句尾,用逗号与主句隔开。如:Time perm

29、i tting, we wi 11 hold a sports meet.时间允许的话,我们将进展运动会。There being no bus, we had to walk home.没有车,我们只好步行回家。动词的-ed形式 动词的-ed形式也是非谓语动词的一种,它具有动词的一些特点,同时也具有形容词、副词 的句法功能,在句中可用作表语、定语、状语和宾语补足语等。1动词的-以!形式的特征1.动词的-ed形式是由动词的过去分词构成动词的-ed形式只有一种形式,即传统语法中的过去分词。绝大局部的动词的-ed形式由动 词原形加-ed构成,也有些动词的-ed形式是不规那么的。规那么动词的-ed形式

30、 不规那么动词的-ed形式词义动词原形动词-ed形式限制limitlimited假装pretendpretended逃脱escapeescaped提供provideprovided提交referreferred拖dragdragged祈祷prayprayed供应supplysupplied词义动词原形动词-ed形式投掷castcast传播spreadspread原谅forgiveforgiven吐spitspat穿wearworn搏斗fightfought丢失loselost少数动词的-ed形式作定语时,读音与一般过去分词不同learned a learned professor 一位知识渊博

31、的教授aged an aged man 老人be loved his beloved computer 他心爱的计算机5 .不定式的被动形式当不定式逻辑上的主语是这个不定式表示的动作的承受者时,不定式一般要用被动形式。不 定式的被动形式根据其与谓语动作发生的先后关系,有一般式和完成时两种。一般式to be done如:These are the books to be given out to the students.完成式 to have been done如:The novel is said to have been translated into many languages.6 .

32、不定式的否认形式不定式的否认形式由not或never加不定式构成。如:We decided not to go out because of the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们决定 不出去。注意:谓语动词的否认和不定式的否认不同的意义如:I did not promise to wake him up.我没有容许叫醒他。I promised not to wake him up.我容许了不叫醒他。2不定式句法功能不定式可以作句子的主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等成分。1 .作主语如:To hear from you is nice.To be a good teach

33、er is not easy.不定式作主语时,为了保持句子的平衡,往往以it作形式主语,而不定式置于谓语动词后。如:It s nice to hear from you.It s not easy to be a good teacher.2 .作宾语通常用于 afford, agree, aim, arrange, ask, attempt, choose, continue, dare, decide,动词的-ed形式的否认形式动词的-ed形式的否认形式是由not或never加动词的-ed形式构成。如:Not allowed to go in, he had to wait outside

34、.不允许他进去,他只好在外面等着。 Never invited to his party, she got angry with him从未被邀请过去他的聚会,她很生 气。3 .动词的-ed形式的特征动词的-ed形式有被动的意思,有时也可表示完成的动作。动词的-ed形式表示已完成的动作。除了作形容词用的-ed形式外,动词的-ed形式可带有完成的意义,有的同时也带有被动的 意义。如:Born and brought up in the countryside, he was interested in biology.由于在农 村出生并长大,他对生物很感兴趣。One of the glasses

35、 was found broken.有人发现其中一个杯子破了。The books, written by Lu Xun, are popular with many Chinese people.鲁迅写的这些书, 受到了许多中国人的喜爱。及物动词的-ed形式般表示被动的意思。如:Given more time, I could have solved that riddle.要是有充足的时间,我就能猜出 那个谜语。(句子的主语I和动词give之间是被动关系。)When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood.你说英语的H寸候

36、, 一定 要让人懂得你的意思。(动词make的宾语yourself和宾语补足语understand之间是被动 关系JThe experience gained in the army was of great value to our study.在军队获得的经 历对我们的学习很有帮助。不及物动词的-ed形式只表示完成的意思,并不带有被动的含义。如:an escaped prisoner 逃犯(=a prisoner who has escaped)a retired worker 退休工人(=a worker who has retired)a new 1 y arrived guest 新

37、来的客人(=a guest who has just arrived)We should bring in advanced technology from developed countries from time to time. 我们应该不时地从兴旺国家引进先进技术。Peop 1 e shou 1 d pay attention to the changed situation.人们应该注意到变化了的形势。2动词的-ed形式的用法动词的-以!形式在句中主要起形容词和副词的作用,可以作定语、表语、状语和补语。1.动词的-ed形式作表语-ed形式在连系动词后作表语,说明主语的状态。如:The

38、 students are fully prepared.学生们已做好了充分的准备。hen we got there, the shop was closed.我们到那儿时,商店已经关门了。She felt satisfied with her performance on the high-and-low bars.她对自己在上下 杠上的表现感到很满意。The land remained unexploited.这片土地尚未开发。Hear ing the news, he looked disappointed.听到这个消息,他看起来非常失望。The top of the mountain

39、is covered with snow all through the year.山顶上终年积雪 覆盖。比拟:要把-cd形式作表语和被动语态区别开来。作表语的-cd形式表示状态,被动语态中的-ed 形式表示被动动作。如:Al I the doors are locked.所有的门都是锁着的。(-ed形式作表语,表示状态)All the doors were locked by the guard.所有的门都被卫兵锁上了。(被动语态,表示动 作)Peter the Great is buried here.彼得大帝就埋葬在这里。(ed形式作表语,表示状 态)Peter the Great wa

40、s buried here in 1725.彼得大帝于1725年被埋葬在这里。(被动语态, 表示动作) 同一动词的-ed形式与-ing形式作表语时的区别。动词的-ed形式作表语,主要表示主语的心理感觉或所处的状态,含有被动的意思,而-ing 形式作表语多表示主语具有的特征,含有主动的意思。如:They were frightened to hear the frightening sound.他们听到那可怕的声音很害 怕。At the sight of the moving scene, all the people present were moved.看至lj这么动人 的情景,所有在场的人

41、都感动了。上述动词的-ed形式,有的(如pleased, tired, excited, disappointed等)已经变成形容 词,可以被very, too等副词修饰。有的(如amused, puzzled, relaxed等)还不能被very, too修饰,只能被much修饰。如:These problems are very puzzl ing.这些问题很令人迷惑。We are much puzzled by his failure to reply.他不给我们回信使我们百思不得其解。His speech was very moving.他的演讲非常感人。All the people

42、present were moved to tears.在场的所有人都被感动得流泪了。2 .动词的-cd形式作宾语补足语当作宾语补足语的动词和前面的宾语之间是被动关系时,一般应用动词的-ed形式作宾语 的补足语。 在感觉动词see, hear, feel, notice, watch, find后作宾语补足语。如:I heard the Ninth Symphony played last night.昨晚我听了第九交响乐的演奏。We found all the rivers seriously polluted.我们发现所有的河流都被严重污染了。Yesterday I noticed a l

43、ittle girl caught stealing in the shop.昨天我在商店里注意 到一个小女孩偷东西被抓住了。He felt his collar pulled by someone f rom behind.他感觉到衣领被人从后面拉了一下。在使役动词get, have, make, leave, keep等后作宾语补足语。(1)动词的-ed形式作get的宾语补足语。如:Doris got her bad tooth pulled out in the hospital.多丽丝在医院把坏牙拔了。I* 11 just get these dishes washed and the

44、n I* 11 come.我得先把盘子洗了,然后就来。 比拟:动词get后也可接动词不定式或动词的-ing形式作宾语补足语,和宾语是主动关系。 如:I couldnt get the car to start this morning.今早我无法把汽车发动起来。He got his sister to help him wi th his clothes.他让姐姐帮他洗衣服。It is not hard to get him talking; the problem is stopping him!让他说话不难,难的 是说开了止不住他。Can you real ly get that old

45、clock going again你真的能让那辆旧钟再走起来吗?动词的-ed形式作make的宾语补足语。He raised his voice in order to make himself heard.他提高了嗓门为了使别人听清他 的讲话。You should make your views known to the public.你应该让公众知道你的观点。注意:动词make后的宾语补足语可用不带to的动词不定式或动词的-cd形式,但不可用动 词的-ing形式。如:【误】Can you make the students understanding the text.【正】Can you

46、make the students understand the text.你能让学生理解这篇课文吗?IE Can you make the text understood by the students 你能让学生理解这篇课文吗? 动词的-ed形式作keep或leave的宾语补足语。如:They all went home, leaving all the work undone.所有的工作都没完成,他们就回 家了。The detective and his assistant kept themselves locked in the room al 1 night.侦 探和他的助手把自己

47、整夜反锁在房间里。(4)动词的-ed形式也可用在with (without)构造中,作介词的宾语补足语。如:With everything well arranged, he left the office. 切都安排妥善之后,他离开 了办公室。She has come back with her backpack filled with interesting picture-books.她已经 回来了,背包里塞满了有趣的图书。Without any grain left in the house, the little girl had to go begging.家里没有粮 食,小女孩只好出去讨饭。Without any more time given, we couldnt finish the task in three weeks.如果不再 给我们任何时间的话,我们三星期之内完成不了任务。(5)某些动词后(如want, need, prefer, would like等),作宾语补足语的不定式被动形式 省略“to bc,就成了-cd形式作宾语补足语。如:I wou 1 d like this matter (to be)settled immediately.我希望这事立即得到解决。


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