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1、主要内容一、翻译要旨二、翻译技巧三、译文评析第1页/共44页一、翻译要旨1.政论语篇功能:强调政策的观点,具有庄严性和规定性2.预期译文功能是在译语语境中让译文读者了解原文论述的政策和观点,保证原文政治含义的准确性。3.政论语篇翻译主要目的:达意4.政论文翻译的特点:语言的简洁、准确、顺畅。第2页/共44页二、翻译技巧1.范畴词的省略2.一词双义的简练3.英语语素的简练4.词义准确5.褒、贬义的准确6.词类转换第3页/共44页1.范畴词的省略 科学家与环保人士担心全球变暖的问题。Scientists and environmentalists are concerned about(the p

2、roblem of)global warming.必须清除行政管理中的官僚现象。We must clear away(the phenomena of)bureaucracy in the administrative management.第4页/共44页 我国有十二亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平。China has a population of more than 1.2 billion,and its land natural resources per capita are less than the worlds average(level).这件事情对我们的伙伴

3、关系会带来负面影响。It will have negative impact on our(relations of)partnership.第5页/共44页 在国际风云变幻的形势下,我国外交工作进一步开创了新局面,国际地位和影响继续提高。Amid the changes in international relations,Chinas diplomatic work has entered a new stage,and its international status and influence continue to grow.外交工作可译成:diplomacy第6页/共44页2.一词

4、双义的简练 我们要推动农产品生产、加工和销售的有机结合。We should integrate the production,processing and marketing of agricultural products.建设一支高素质的专业化国家行政管理干部队伍。We should build up a contingent of administrators who are highly competent and professionally specialized.第7页/共44页 本办法所称的土地使用费,是指使用土地资源性质的费用,不包括征地安置费用和基础设施建设费用。原译:Fo

5、r the purpose of these procedures,“land use fees”means an amount of money paid in consideration of the use of land resources and does not include expenditures for requisition of land,demolition of buildings,resettlement of families and infrastructure construction.改译:The land use fees mentioned in th

6、ese Procedures refer to the fees for the use of land resource only and do not include expenditures with regard to requisition,demolition,resettlement and infrastructure construction.第8页/共44页3.英语语素的简练 贫富差距不断扩大。The gap between the rich and the poor countries is widening.广大共产党员发挥了先锋模范作用。Party members p

7、layed a vanguard and exemplary role.广大职工要转变就业观念。Workers should change their ideas about employment.第9页/共44页 要努力防止和坚决抵制腐朽文化和各种错误思想观点对人们的侵蚀。We should try to prevent and resolutely resist the corrosion to people by decadent cultures and various erroneous ideas.外国人申请各项签证,应当提前提供有效护照,必要时提供有关证明。When applyi

8、ng for various visas,aliens shall present valid passports and,if necessary,provide pertinent evidence.第10页/共44页4.词义准确 不解决一系列原则问题,双方贸易无法进一步得到发展。In the absence of the settlement of a series of issues of principle,the business between the two parties can hardly be pushed forward.这笔索赔已经拖了好几年了,所涉及的问题很复杂,

9、我真不知道该怎么处理。This claim has been kept outstanding for many years.The problems involved are so complicated that I really dont know how to tackle them.第11页/共44页 用户在技术交流时,向贵方专家提出了许多问题。Our end users ask your specialists a lot of questions at the technical seminar.搞这个合资公司是个好主意,但问题是能否保证它可以得到足够的订单。It is a go

10、od idea to organize this joint-venture company,but the point is whether enough orders can be secured for it.第12页/共44页 用户对贵方的包装意见很大。End users have a lot of complaints about your packing.双方价格差距很大,先谈到这里吧!你的意见如何?Since the price gap is very wide between the two parties,shall we suspend the discussion?Wha

11、ts your idea?贵方总裁和我们总经理就拟议中的合资项目坦率地交换了意见。Your President had a frank exchange of views with our Managing Director on the proposed joint venture project.第13页/共44页5.褒、贬义的准确 农村富余劳动力向非农业和城镇转移,是工业化和现代化的必然趋势。Surplus rural labor moving to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns is an inevitable

12、trend in industrialization and modernization.坚决制止新的毁林开荒。It shall be strictly prohibited the more forests and pastures be turned into farmland.第14页/共44页 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。原译:Fight when we can win and run away when we cannot.改译:Fight when we can win and move away when we cannot.第15页/共44页6.词类转换 This issue de

13、fies easy solution.此问题很难解决。(N-V)Such criticisms have become familiar in his later commentaries on America.类似的批评在他后来写的评论美国的文章中屡见不鲜。(Adj V)Hear me through.让我把话讲完。(Adv-V)第16页/共44页 that we here highly resolve,that this nation under God,shall have a new birth of freedom,and that government of the people,

14、by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth.所以我们应在这里表示最大的决心;这个国家在上帝保佑下,一定要获得自由的新生;而这个政府也一定要民有、民治、民享,才不会从地球上消失。(Prep-V)第17页/共44页1.中华民族尽管灾难深重,饱受凌辱,但是始终自强不息。Despite compounded disasters and humiliation,the Chinese nation never gave up and managed to emerge from each setback stronger th

15、an before.第18页/共44页2.封建王朝的愚昧和腐败及闭关锁国,导致社会停滞,国力衰竭,列强频频入侵。The ignorance,corruption and self-imposed seclusion of the feudal dynasties led China to prolonged social stagnation,declining national strength and repeated invasions by the foreign powers.第19页/共44页3.当然中国政府和人民有足够的信心,励精图治,艰苦奋斗,排除万难,实现我们的雄心壮志。Of

16、 course,the Chinese government and people are confident enough to overcome all difficulties and achieve our ambitious goals through our vigorous efforts.第20页/共44页三、译文评析英语原文:China Plays an Important Role in the Six-party Talks China hosted and fully participate in the Six-party Talks that were held i

17、n Beijing this past August.And China continues to play an important role in trying to bring North Korea into a serious diplomatic process.第21页/共44页参考译文:中国在六方会谈扮演重要角色 今年八月,中国主办并全面参与了在北京召开的六方会谈。中国继续扮演重要角色,力图将朝鲜纳入正式的外交轨道。第22页/共44页 In the Six-party Talks,all of the regional stakeholders including our al

18、liesJapan and the Republic of Korea,including Russia as well are at the table putting our common interests forward.在六方会谈期间,有关各方,包括我们的盟国-日本和韩国,也包括俄罗斯-都坐在谈判桌前,提出我们的共同利益。第23页/共44页Many said it wouldnt work.Many said it couldnt be done.Many said that President Bush should abandon the desire for a multi-p

19、arty arrangement and just talk bilaterally with the North Koreans.They said North Korea would never agree to anything else and that China would not play a role in expanding the dialogue.But they were wrong.China did play a role.许多人说这行不通。许多人说这不可能。还有许多人说,布什总统应放弃多方会谈的希望而只与朝鲜进行双边会谈。他们说朝鲜决不会同意任何别的条件,中国在扩

20、大对话方面不会发挥作用。但事实上他们错了。中国确实发挥了作用。第24页/共44页 In March of this year I met with my Chinese counterpart,at that time Foreign Minister Tang,and I reinforce President Bushs message that China needed to rise to its responsibilities in dealing with this regional problem.今年三月,我会见了当时的中国外长唐家璇。我重申了布什总统的意思:中国需要在处理这

21、一地区问题上承担起它的责任。第25页/共44页The very next day the Vice Premier,who is here with us today,flew to North Korea and delivered that message,that there would be no alternative to multilateral talks in which all countries of the region would be fully involved,China included.I want to then the Vice Premier agai

22、n for the important contribution that he made in bringing those talks about.就在第二天,中国副总理,他今天与我们一起,飞抵朝鲜并传递了这一信息,即:除了举行包括中国在内的由该地区所有国家完全参与的多方会谈,别无选择。我要再次感谢副总理为促成这些会谈所做的重要贡献。第26页/共44页 A China that works constructively with us in this manner,along with other regional partners such as Japan,the Republic o

23、f Korea,Russia,is a China that inspires confidence in its own people and gains trust from the rest of the world.一个以这种方式与我们及该地区的合作伙伴如日本、韩国、俄罗斯进行建设性合作的中国,是一个能激发民族自信心并赢得世界其他民族信任的中国。第27页/共44页What changes have happened in China in these ten years?China has come a long way in reform and opening-up.Its eco

24、nomy has grown,peoples lives improved,and the landscape of the country changed enormously.Chinas ties,interactions,exchanges and cooperation with the rest of the world have increased notably in breadth and depth.But let me underscore that we are still a developing country.第28页/共44页What you have seen

25、 in Beijing or Shanghai cannot represent the whole country.Chinas per capita GDP ranks only the 104th in the world.China has a big population and weak economic foundation.Its development is uneven between urban and rural areas and among regions.It has an unsound industrial structure.And its producti

26、vity is not yet developed.These challenges still remain.第29页/共44页In our economic and social development,we face many thorny problems seldom seen anywhere else in the world.None of them is easy to solve in a country with 1.3 billion people.Some people are lavishing praises on China and describing my

27、country as a developed one,even equal to the United States.My friends,please do not buy what they say.This is nothing but a myth!第30页/共44页这十年我们中国发生了什么样的变化呢?中国改革深化了,开放扩大了,经济发展了,人民生活水平提高了,国家的面貌大大改观了,与此同时,中国同外部世界的联系、沟通、交流、合作显著扩大和加深了。但我要强调的是,我们还是一个发展中国家。一些外国朋友看到的北京上海不是中国的全部。第31页/共44页从全国看,我们的人均GDP还排在世界10

28、4位,人口多、底子薄,城乡和地区发展不平衡,产业结构不合理,生产力不发达状况没有根本改变。我们的经济社会发展面临众多世所罕见的难题,哪一问题在13亿人口的大国解决起来都很不容易。现在世界上有人给我们戴很多高帽子,说什么我们已经是发达国家了,很快与美国平起平坐了,等等。朋友们,你们不要相信,那是神话!第32页/共44页We are well aware that it would take several generations hard work or even longer before we can achieve modernization.We still need to deepen

29、 reform,further open up,and learn from and assimilate,in a modest manner,all the fine achievements of other countries,including those of ASEAN countries.We also need to develop long-term mutually-beneficial cooperation with ASEAN and other countries.第33页/共44页我们自己很清楚,中国要真正实现现代化还需要几代人甚至更长时间的艰苦努力,还需要不断

30、深化改革、扩大开放,虚心学习、借鉴和吸收国外包括东盟各国在内的一切优秀文明成果。还要长期发展同包括东盟国家在内的世界各国的互利合作。第34页/共44页Lets look at Chinas history.Does China have the tradition and culture of aggression and expansion?I have noted many people across the world say no.China did not seek expansion or hegemony even at the time when it was the most

31、 powerful country in the world with 30%of the global GDP a few hundred years ago.Many of you know about Zheng Hes voyages to the Western Seas.第35页/共44页Leading the most powerful fleet in the world,Zheng He made seven voyages to the Western Seas,bringing there porcelain,silk and tea,rather than bloods

32、hed,plundering or colonialism.They also brought those countries tranquility and wellbeing by helping them fight pirates.To this day,Zheng He is still remembered as an envoy of friendship and peace,and his merits are widely recognized by people of Southeast Asia,including Indonesia.第36页/共44页历史地看,中国有对

33、外侵略扩张的传统和文化吗?我注意到世界上有许多人说,没有。几百年前中国即使在最强大,GDP占到世界30%的时候,也没有去搞扩张,搞霸权。大家都知道郑和下西洋的故事。第37页/共44页当时,郑和率领着世界上最强大的船队七下西洋,带去的不是血与火、掠夺与殖民,而是瓷器、是丝绸、是茶叶。他们还帮助沿途的国家剿灭海盗,给这些国家带来安宁和福祉。东南亚包括印尼人民至今还在追念郑和的功德,称颂这位友谊与和平的使者。第38页/共44页2009年是新世纪以来我国经济发展最 为困难的一年。去年这个时候,国际金融危机还在扩散蔓延,世界经济深度衰退,我国经济受到严重冲击,出口大幅下降,不少企业经营困难,有的甚至停产

34、倒闭,失业人员大量增加,农民工大批返乡,经济增速陡然下滑。在异常困难的情况下,全国各族人民在中国共产党的坚强领导下,坚定信心,迎难而上,顽强拼搏,从容 应对国际金融危机冲击,在世界率先实现经济回升向好,改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得新的重大成就。第39页/共44页The year 2009 was the most difficult year for our countrys economic development since the beginning of the new century.This time last year the global financial crisis

35、was still spreading,and the world economy was in a deep recession.Our economy was severely affected;our exports decreased significantly;a large number of enterprises had operating difficulties,and some even suspended production or closed down;the number of unemployed people increased significantly;m

36、any migrant workers had to return to their home villages;and the pace of our economic growth suddenly slowed down.第40页/共44页In these unusually difficult circumstances,the people of all our ethnic groups fortified their confidence,tackled difficulties head on,worked tenaciously,and responded calmly to

37、 the impact of the global financial crisis under the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC).Our economy was the first in the world to have made a turnaround,and we made major new achievements in reform and opening up as well as socialist modernization.第41页/共44页过去的一年,极不平凡,令人振奋。我们隆重 庆祝新中

38、国成立60周年。抚今追昔,伟大祖国的辉煌成就极大地激发了全国人民的自信心和自豪感,极大地增强了中华民族的向心力和凝聚力,极大地提升了我国 的国际地位和影响力,必将激励我们在中国特色社会主义道路上继续奋勇前进。第42页/共44页The past year was truly extraordinary and inspiring.We held a grand celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China.The outstanding achievements we made in that time have

39、 greatly boosted the confidence and pride of the people,strengthened the cohesiveness of the Chinese nation,and raised Chinas international standing and influence.All this definitely encourages us to continue to forge ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.第43页/共44页感谢您的观看!第44页/共44页


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