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《浙江省绍兴市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末调测英语试题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《浙江省绍兴市2021-2022学年高二下学期期末调测英语试题(解析版).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021学年第二学期高中期末调测高二英语本试卷分第一卷(选择题)、第二卷(非选择题),总分值150分,考试时间为120分钟。所有 题目的答案都必须写在答题卷上。第I卷考前须知:1 .答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2 .选出每题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净 后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否那么无效。第一局部:听力(共两节,总分值30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到 答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每题1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从

2、题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the speakers?A. At a cafeteria. B. At the bathroom. C. At a train station.2. What made Jane unhappy?A. The size of the pool.B. The customers complaint. C. The partners misunderstanding.3. Why was the man late

3、again?A. He couldnt find his car key.B. He left his spare key in a taxi.C. He was caught in a traffic jam.4. What will Mary do on Sunday evening?A. Meet a dentist. B. Go to Bobs wedding. C. Send an invitation.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. An appointment. B. A presentation. C. A job inter

4、view.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中Chinese architecture probably has the most cultural influence. Traditionally buildings were designed for its width, not its height. Eveiy important building is guarded around a large wall to protect their assets. While ordinary

5、dwellings are grey and dull, palaces and places of importance are quite colorful.14 Each Chinese homehas their entrance at the front and facing the east with a screen because it is believed that spirits travel straight and cannot go through screen.Every culture can inspire a type of architecture tha

6、t can range from landmarks to everyday homes. Religion and family seem to be the most common influences overall.15Architecture is a product of cultural diversity.A. The purpose of a south-facing entrance is to avoid north winds.B. Through architecture ifs possible to judge many things about a cultur

7、e.C. However, the center of their town is ironically the older parts of the city.D. Architecture is not always defined as large but simply a home sometimes.E. Tradition and religion are the largest pieces to the Chinese culture and architecture.F. Each culture is unique and the more we learn about t

8、hem, the more we appreciate our surroundings.【答案】1LC 12. D 13.E14. F 15.G【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了建筑与文化的关系,并举例进行了说明。11. 根据后文“For example, when one thinks of India, we think of the Tahj Mahal. The Egyptians are another amazing example. Their environment and culture produced the great pyramids. How do moder

9、n cultures produce and maintain such beautiful architecture?(例如,当人们想到印度时,我们会想到泰姬陵。埃及人是另一个惊人的 例子。他们的环境和文化造就了伟大的金字塔。现代文化是如何产生并保持如此美丽的建筑的?)“可知,后 文的例子说明,通过建筑就可以想起某个国家,说明通过建筑可以判断文化。故c选项“通过建筑可以判断 一个文化的很多方面”符合语境,应选C。12. 根据上文“Slovenians gained independence in 1991. The country is now economically the most p

10、rogressive one. It is now helping to modernize the factories and by doing so has actually helped lower poverty rates. Generally, their world around them is modernizing斯洛文尼亚在1991年获得独立。这个国家现在是经济最进步的国家。现 在,中国正在帮助工厂实现现代化,这样做实际上有助于降低贫困率。总的来说,他们周围的世界正在现代 化)以及后文Everyday life focuses in the squares, churche

11、s and the marketplace.(人们的日常生活集中在广场、 教堂和市场上)”可知,后文提到人们的日常生活集中在广场、教堂和市场上,说明本句与上文构成转折,指 出城镇的中心是城市的老城区。故D选项“然而,挖苦的是,他们城镇的中心是城市的老城区”符合语境, 应选Do根据后文“For centuries, homes have been made out of mud houses built along the main dirt road. The roof could be used for an oven, to hold chickens, or just as storag

12、e. Cairo, one of the larger cities, the older parts of it are still the heart of Egypt although built with Islamic and Coptic monuments.(几个世纪以来,房屋都是由沿着主要土路 建造的泥屋建造而成的。屋顶可以用来做烤炉、养鸡,或者只是作为储藏。开罗是较大的城市之一,它的古 老局部仍然是埃及的中心,尽管有伊斯兰和科普特人的纪念碑)”可知,后文主要说明了房屋这种小的建筑, E选项中home对应后文中houses。故E选项“建筑并不总是被定义为大,有时只是一个家“符合

13、语境,应选 Eo13. 根据后文“Each Chinese home has their entrance at the front and facing the east with a screen because it is believed that spirits travel straight and cannot go through screen.(每个中国家庭的入 口都在前面,面向东方,有 一个屏风,因为人们相信灵魂是直线旅行的,不能穿过屏风厂可知,后文提到了每个中国家庭都有面向东方 的屏风,这是一种中国文化传统或宗教信念,故F选项“传统和宗教是中国文化和建筑的最大组成局部“符

14、 合语境,应选F。14. 根据上文“Every culture can inspire a type of architecture that can range from landmarks to everyday homes. Religion and family seem to be the most common influences overall.(每一种文化都能激发建筑的灵感,从地标 建筑到日常住宅。宗教和家庭似乎是最普遍的影响因素)”可知,本段总结全文,指出每一种文化都能激发建 筑的灵感,宗教和家庭似乎是最普遍的影响因素,可推知人们对文化越是了解,越是能欣赏我们所处的环 境,

15、故G选项“每一种文化都是独一无二的,我们对它们了解得越多,就越能欣赏我们所处的环境”符合语 境,应选G。第三局部:语言运用(共两节,总分值45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My journal pages are filled with interesting short travel stories. One of my most 16 funny storieshappened while I was backpacking South Ame

16、rica 一 specifically during a 4-day tour from Atacama in Chile to Uyuni, Bolivia.The trip took us 17 the desert for three days to see spectacular 18 like hot pink lagoons(洪泄湖)where wild creatures search for food, a(n)19 train graveyard, the world-famous Uyuni SaltFlatsand, the 20 of the whole tour.Du

17、ring the trip, we shared a car with four or five other people. At one point, I was sitting in the front seat, 21 to come across the most awesome landscape. The car was getting really hot under a(n)22sun. Our driver didnt speak English, but I spoke 23 Spanish - or at least I thought I did.“Estoy cahe

18、nte!” I said, looking right at the driver. To my confusion, instead of 24 a window, helooked puzzled, or maybe 25.I decided it was probably my New York accent 26 him. Estoy caliente! I said again, this time in27 I thought was a more local-sounding 28. He looked even more horrified-slashed- confused.

19、Suddenly, the one native Spanish speaker in the car spoke up from the back: Umm, Im 29 yourenot meaning to tell the driver youre too excited, right?”Apparently, the way I was saying Im hot30 translated to, well, another meaning of the phrase.As I turned bright red, I decided I didnt really need the

20、window open and would just sit 31 and try todisappear by 32But when it comes to great teacher. Plus, I can 16. A. awkward 17. A. underneath 18. A. suburbs 19. A. abused 20. A. breakthrough 21. A. proceeding 22. A. blistering 23. A. contemporary 24. A. taking over 25. A. horrified 26. A. interrupting

21、 27. A. that 28. A. version 29. A. urging 30. A. literally 31. A. in panic 32. A. collapsing 33. A. sympathydisappear by 32But when it comes to great teacher. Plus, I can 16. A. awkward 17. A. underneath 18. A. suburbs 19. A. abused 20. A. breakthrough 21. A. proceeding 22. A. blistering 23. A. cont

22、emporary 24. A. taking over 25. A. horrified 26. A. interrupting 27. A. that 28. A. version 29. A. urging 30. A. literally 31. A. in panic 32. A. collapsing 33. A. sympathyin the car seat.earning a language34 this toB. miserableB. throughB. memorialsB. delayedB. highlightB. resolvingB. refreshingB.

23、comprehensiveB. rolling downB. astonishedB. releasingB. whatB. dimensionB. declaringB. randomlyB. in silenceB. explodingB. recognitioneling, mistakes causing extremely exciting 35C. sensitiveC. beyondC. sitesC. restoredC. durationC. anticipatingC.suspendingC. superiorC. giving offC. desperateC. conf

24、usingC. whichC. accentC. justifyingC. looselyC. in particularC. meltingC. prejudice33 can certainly be ato share at parties.D. complicatedD. withinD. harborsD.abandonedD.agendaD. pretendingD. emergingD. decentD. testing outD. innocentD. absorbingD. howD. dignityD. presumingD. preciselyD. in returnD.

25、 dismissingD. embarrassment34.A. add34.A. addB. submitC. oweD. assignA. belongingsB. experiencesC. viewsD. reputations【答案】16.A17. B 18.C19. D 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. A 26.C 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. B 32. C 33. D 34. A 35. B【解析】这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者在南美洲背包旅行的时候,所经历的一次语言尴尬事件。16 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我最尴尬的

26、一个有趣的故事发生在我在南美洲背包旅行的时候,特别是在 从智利的阿塔卡马到玻利维亚的乌尤尼的四天旅行中。A. awkward尴尬的;B. miserable痛苦的;C. sensitive 敏感的;D. complicated复杂的。结合后文可知,作者因为口音问题引发了一个尴尬的故事,应选A。17 .考查介词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比方野生动物觅 食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. underneath在下 面;B. through通过;C.beyond越过;D. within在里面。根据后文“thed

27、esert”指穿过沙漠,应用through。故 选Bo.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比方野生动物觅 食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. suburbs交B外; B. memorials 记录;C. sites 地点;D. harbors 海港。根据后文“like hot pink lagoons where wild creatures search for food”可知是列举了一些旅游的地点。应选C。18 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比方野生动

28、物 觅食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A. abused滥用 的;B. delayed延迟的;C. restored精力充分的;D. abandoned废弃的。根据后文“train graveyard”指废弃的火 车墓地。应选D。19 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:这次旅行花了三天时间穿越沙漠,参观了一些壮观的景点,比方野生动物觅 食的粉红色泻湖,一个废弃的火车墓地,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼,这是整个旅行的亮点。A.breakthrough突 破;B. highlight 亮点;C. duration 持续;D. agenda 日程表。根据上文“the w

29、orld-famous Uyuni Salt Flatsand” 可知,举世闻名的乌尤尼盐沼是整个旅行的亮点。应选B。20 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一次,我坐在前排座位上,期待着遇到最令人惊叹的风景。A. proceeding 开始行动;B. resolving 分解;C. anticipating 预期;D. pretending 假装。根据后文“to come across the most awesome landscape”指作者期待着看风景。应选Co.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:汽车在烈日下越来越热了。A. blistering极热的;B.refreshing使人精神振 作的;C.

30、 suspending悬浮;D. emerging新兴的。根据上文“The car was getting really hot”可知当时很热,汽车 在烈日下越来越热了。应选A。21 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们的司机不会说英语,但我能说一口流利的西班牙语至少我认为我 能。A. contemporary当代的;B. comprehensive综合性的;C. superior更强的;D. decent流利的。根据上文 “Our driver didnt speak English, but I spoke”可知but表示转折,说明作者觉得自己的西班牙语挺流利。应选 Do.考查动词短语辨析。句

31、意:令我困惑的是,他没有摇下车窗,而是一脸困惑,或许是惊恐。A. taking over 接管;B. rolling down滚下,摇下;C.giving off发出;D. testing out测试。当时天气热,所以是摇下车窗, 他没有摇下车窗。应选B。22 .考查形容词词义辨析。句意:令我困惑的是,他没有摇下车窗,而是一脸困惑,或许是惊恐。A. horrified 惊恐的;B. astonished吃惊的;C.desperate绝望的;D. innocent无辜的。结合后文可知司机误会了作者的意 思,一脸困惑甚至是惊恐。应选A。23 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:我想可能是我的纽约口音把他弄糊

32、涂了。A. interrupting打断;B. releasing释 放;C. confusing使困惑;D. absorbing吸收。呼应上文“looked puzzled”指把司机弄糊涂了。应选C。24 .考查连词词义辨析。句意:“我热! ”我又说了一遍,这次我觉得口音听起来更像地方口音。引导宾语从 句,从句中缺少宾语,指事情应用what。应选B。25 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我热! ”我又说了一遍,这次我觉得口音听起来更像地方口音。A. version版 本;B. dimension维度;C.accent 口音;D. dignity自尊。根据上文“a more local-sound

33、ing”可知作者用当地口 音又说了一遍。应选C。26 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:突然,车里一个母语是西班牙语的人从车后开口了: “嗯,我想你不会是想告 诉司机你太兴奋了吧? A.urging催促;B. declaring说明;C.justifying证明;D.presuming推测。根据后文 “youre not meaning to tell the driver you5re too excited, right?”可知这人推测作者不是想告诉司机自己太兴奋 了。应选D。27 .考查副词词义辨析。句意:显然,我说“我很热”的方式被直译为,嗯,这个短语的另一种意思。A. literally 逐

34、字地;B. randomly 随机地;C. loosely 松散地;D. precisely 精确地。根据后文“translated to, well, another meaning of the phrase”可知,说“我很热”的方式被直译为了另一种意思是,应选A。3L考查介词短语辨析。句意:当我满脸通红的时候,我决定我不需要翻开车窗,我只需要安静地坐着,尴 尬得恨不得融化在座位上。A. in panic恐慌地;B. in silence沉默地;C. in particular特别;D. in return作为 报答。根据后文“and try to disappea尸可知作者为自己的尴尬行

35、为沉默了。应选B。32 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我满脸通红的时候,我决定我不需要翻开车窗,我只需要安静地坐着,试 着坐在汽车安全座椅里默不作声。A. collapsing崩溃;B. exploding爆炸;C. melting融化;D. dismissing解 散。根据上文的天气很热以及后文“in the car seat”可知作者尴尬得恨不得融化在座位上。应选C。33 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是当谈到在旅行中学习一门语言时,引起尴尬的错误无疑是一个很好的老 师。A. sympathy同情;B. recognition成认;C.prejudice偏见;D. embarrassment尴

36、尬。结合上文可知作者经 历了一次尴尬的语言故事。应选D。34 .考查动词词义辨析。句意:此外,我还可以将此添加到我在聚会上提供的极其激动人心的经历列表中。 A. add 增加;B. submit 提交;C. owe 欠钱;D. assign 分派。根据后文“this to my list of extremely exciting”指 作者把这次经历增加到了列表中。应选A。35 .考查名词词义辨析。句意:另外,我还可以在派对上提供这些令人兴奋的经历。A. belongings所有物; B. experiences经历;C.views观点;D. reputations名誉。根据上文者经历了一次尴

37、尬的语言故事以及“extremely exciting”可知作者提供的都是自己兴奋的经历。应选Bo 第n卷第三局部:语言运用(共两节,总分值45分)第二节:(共10小题;每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A penguin colony in Antarctica thats home to over 18,000 pairs of Adelie penguins suffered a massive breeding failure, with all but two of the babies starving to dea

38、th when their parents 36(force) to travel further insearch of food during this breeding season.According to CNN, the World Wildlife Fund said unseasonably extensive amounts of sea ice around the colony forced the adult penguins to travel further 37(hunt) for food. The babies did not survive the pare

39、nts5journeys. This disastrous event contrasts with 38 image that many people might have of penguins,“39(say) Rod Downie, Head of Polar Programs at WWF.Downie continued: The impact of this event is restricted to this specific colony of Adelie penguins, and predictions are that the Antarctic will get

40、40 (warm) and this may pose different 41 (challenge) in the longer term.Adelie penguins are 42(general) doing well in East Antarctica and there they mostly eat krill, asmall shrimp like crustacean.43 they are declining in the peninsula,44 the effects of climatechange are already being felt. In addit

41、ion 45 the climate change, the local penguin population is furtherthreatened because of proposals to open the area to the krill fishing industry.【答案】36. were forcedto hunt37. the 39. said40. warmer 41. challenges42. generallyBut 44. where45. to【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了南极洲的一个拥有18,000多对阿德利企鹅的企鹅群遭遇了大规模的繁殖 失败

42、,在这个繁殖季节,它们的父母被迫到更远的地方去寻找食物,除了两只幼企鹅外,其他的都饿死了。 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,世界自然基金会表示,企鹅群周围异常大量的海冰迫使成年企鹅走得更远去 觅食。36 .考查时态语态。句意:南极洲的一个拥有18,000多对阿德利企鹅的企鹅群遭遇了大规模的繁殖失败,在 这个繁殖季节,它们的父母被迫到更远的地方去寻找食物,除了两只幼企鹅外,其他的都饿死了。主语与谓 语构成被动关系,结合上文suffered可知为一般过去时的被动语态,主语为parents,谓语用复数。故填were forced。37 .考查非谓语动词。句意:据美国有线电视新闻网报道,世界自然基金会表示,

43、企鹅群周围异常大量的海 冰迫使成年企鹅走得更远去觅食。分析句子结构可知hunt在句中应用非谓语动词形式,此处作目的状语应 用不定式。故填to hunt。38 .考查冠词。句意:世界自然基金会极地工程负责人罗德唐尼说:“这次灾难性的事件与许多人对企鹅的 印象形成了鲜明比照。根据后文image that many people might have of penguins可知为特指应用定冠词。故 填 the。39 .考查时态。句意:世界自然基金会极地工程负责人罗德唐尼说:“这次灾难性的事件与许多人对企鹅的 印象形成了鲜明比照。”结合语境可知描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时。故填said。40 .考

44、查比拟级。句意:唐尼继续说:“这次事件的影响仅限于AdClie企鹅这一特定群体,据预测,南极将 会变暖,从长远来看,这可能会带来不同的挑战。”结合句意表示“更暖的”应用比拟级warmero故填warmer。41 .考查名词的数。句意:唐尼继续说:“这次事件的影响仅限于Ad61ie企鹅这一特定群体,据预测,南极 将会变暖,从长远来看,这可能会带来不同的挑战challenge为可数名词,由different修饰应用复数形式。 故填 challengeso.考查副词。句意:AdClie企鹅通常在南极洲东部生活得很好,在那里它们主要吃磷虾,一种像甲壳类动 物的小虾。修饰动词do应用副词generall

45、y,作状语。故填generally。42 .考查连词。句意:但在已经感受到气候变化影响的半岛,它们的数量正在下降。结合前后文语境可知为 转折关系,应用连词but,句首单词首字母要大写。故填But。43 .考查定语从句。句意:但在已经感受到气候变化影响的半岛,它们的数量正在下降。非限制性定语从句 修饰先行词peninsula,先行词在从句中作地点状语,应用where。故填where。44 .考查介词。句意:除了气候变化,当地企鹅的数量也受到了进一步的威胁,因为有人提议将该地区开放 给磷虾捕鱼业。结合句意表示“除了还”可知短语为in addition to。故填to。第四局部:写作(共两节,总分值

46、4()分)第一节:应用文写作(总分值15分)45 .假定你是李华。请以学生会名义为即将到来的线上诗歌沙龙活动(Virtual Poetry Salon)写一那么通知,邀 请全校英语诗歌爱好者参加。内容包括:1 .活动主题;.活动安排;2 .申请方式。注意:1.词数80左右;.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。【答案One Possible Version:NoticeAiming to stimulate students9 interest in literature, the Student Union is to hold a Virtual Poetry Salon themed Exp

47、loring Beauty in English Poetry”.As planned, well meet in a Tecent meeting-room named Poetry Salon, at 7pm this Friday. Poetry lovers are welcome to engage in the activity. Well appreciate some classic poems, of which all participants may choose one and illustrate it in an individual way. You may re

48、ad the poem aloud expressively, draw the image it conveys, or pair it with its Chinese version.If youd like to find out more, contact Li Hua at for application.The Student Union 【解析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以学生会名义为即将到来的线上诗歌沙龙活动(Virtual Poetry Salon)写 一那么通知,邀请全校英语诗歌爱好者参加。1 .词汇积累激发:stimulate 一motivate被称为:named - called参与:engage in take part in表达:convey express.句式拓展简单句变复合句原句:Poetry lovers are welcome to engage in the activity.拓展句: Anyone who loves poetry is welcome to engage in the activity.【点睛】高分句型 1


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