2019学年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter(第2课时) A教案.doc

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1、1Unit1Unit1 WhatsWhats thethe mattermatter课题Unit 1 Whats the matter ?Section A (2a-2d)授课类型听说课标依据通过英语学习形成初步的综合语言运用能力。知识与技能1能正确使用本部分词汇。包括身体部位名称、伤病名称及动词搭配后形成的表达;关于就医或救治建议的表达。2. 能正确使用下列常用表达:Whats the matter(with)? I have a cold. ()What should I do? He hurt himself3.情态动词 should 表述建议的用法;过程与方法主要以听力输入和口语输出为

2、主要教学形式,通过听说法、小组交流法、教师引导法及点拨完成学习任务,促成语言教学目标有效达成。教学目标情感态度与价值观调动学习英语的积极性,增强自信心引发学生学习英语动机。教学重点短语: have a stomachache have a coldlie down take ones temperature go to a doctor,句子: Whats the matter? I have a stomachache. 教学重点难点教学难点运用疾病的名词和短语谈论健康问题和事故运用疾病的名词和短语谈论健康问题和事故教学媒体选择分析表知识点知识点学习目标学习目标媒体媒体类型类型教学教学 作作

3、用用使用使用方式方式所得结论所得结论占用占用 时时间间媒体来源媒体来源介绍知识目标图片AG拓展知识2 分钟自制2讲解过程与方法图片AE建立表象5 分钟下载观看过程与方法图片AE帮助理解5 分钟下载理解情感态度价值观图片AI升华感情2 分钟下载媒体在教学中的作用分为:A.提供事实,建立经验;B.创设情境,引发动机;C.举例验证,建立概念;D.提供示范,正确操作;E.呈现过程,形成表象;F.演绎原理,启发思维;G.设难置疑,引起思辨;H.展示事例,开阔视野;I.欣赏审美,陶冶情操;J.归纳总结,复习巩固;K.其它。媒体的使用方式包括:A.设疑播放讲解;B.设疑播放讨论;C.讲解播放概括;D.讲解播

4、放举例;E.播放提问讲解;F.播放讨论总结;G.边播放、边讲解;H.设疑_播放_概括.I 讨论_交流_总结 J.其他教学过程设计师生活动设计意图3Step 1 Guessing gameGuess what has happened to the students with the pictures.Step 2 Listening2a Listen and number the pictures 1-5 in the order you hear them.2b Listen again. Match the problems with the advice.Step 3 Speaking

5、2c Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2bA: Whats the matter?B: My head feels very hot.A: Maybe you have a fever.B: What should I do?A: You should take your temperature.Step 4 RoleplayImagine you are the school doctor. A few students have health problems. Role-play a conversation betw

6、een the doctor and the students.2d Role play the conversationLanguage points and summary1. Whats the matter? 这是人们特别是医生和护士询问病人病情时最常用的问句,意思是“怎么了?”其后通常与介词 with 连用。类似的问句还有:Whats wrong? 怎么啦?Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?Whats your trouble? 你怎么了?复习已学的表达,为接下来的听力做准备。 此环节进一步巩固了本堂课所学的词汇和句型。通过反复听读,可以让学生尽快熟悉生词。完成听

7、力任务学生通过回答问题能理解对话的内容,通过角色扮演能在情境中学会运用,通过自编对话能更好的让学生学以致用。4Whats the trouble with you? 你怎么了?Whats up? 你怎么了?2. have a cold 伤风, 感冒, 是固定词组表示身体不适的常用词组还有:have a bad cold 重感冒have a fever 发烧have a headache 头痛have a stomachache 肚子痛, 胃痛have a toothache 牙痛Summary1. 牙疼 have a toothache2. 胃疼 have a stomachache3. 背疼

8、 have a backache4. 头疼 have a headache5. 喉咙疼 have a sore throat6. 发烧 have a fever7. 感冒 have a cold8. 躺下并且休息 lie down and rest 9. 喝热蜂蜜茶 drink hot tea with honey10. 喝大量水 drink lots of water11. 看牙医 see a dentist12. 量体温 take ones temperature13. 看医生 go to a doctorStep 5 Exercises根据上下文意思填空。Mandy: Lisa, are

9、 you OK?Lisa: I _ a headache and I cant move my neck. What _ I do? Should I _ my temperature?通过不同作业熟悉本单元目标语言5Mandy: No, it doesnt sound like you have a fever. What _ you do on the weekend?Lisa: I played computer _ all weekend. Mandy: Thats probably why. You need to take breaks _ from the computer.Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in the _ way for too long without moving.Mandy: I think you should _ down and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a _. Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.Step 6 .Homework Make up a conversation between a doctor and a patient.


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