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1、2022年甘肃临夏高三一模英语试卷学生用卷一、完形填空I、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第1题Dad was always full of advice, but one of the biggest lessons he taught me was about having a strong work ethic (职业道德).When my brother and I were growing up. we mowed (修剪)yards during the to earn pocket change. Dad was our . He sold our service to nei

2、ghbors and offered a price they could not . My brother and I got $ 10 per yard, I later found out our friends were $20 or more for the same amount of work.Every time wc out to mow the lawn, Dad always stood there watching our work. I used to wonder why he came with us in the heat of Florida.One day

3、we were cutting our next-door neighbor , s yard, with the high grass likea . To make matters worse, we had a(n) lawn mower that kept turning off. This particular aftcrnooiL I was finishing up andwas and sweaty. I pictured the ice cream I would swallow in a minute to down. I was just about to cut off

4、 the lawn mower when I heard my dad yelling, You a piece.n I was upset, hoping he would let me go home.I him and kept walking.He kept pointing and calling me out . So frustrated, I went back to cut that piece of grass. Several days later, other neighbors the good work we did and we soon more busines

5、s. We started out with one client, but by the end of the summer we had five, which was all we were to handling.The lesson stayed with me: Be . If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your . Give your customers the kind of service you would like to . It shows how sincere you

6、 are and how much you take in your work.【小题1】A. spring【小题2】A. spring【小题2】B. summer.autumnD. winter8、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第8题假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语 言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加个 漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横 线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词2只允许修改10处,

7、多者 (从第11处起)不计分。My grandmother is in her eighty this year. Last month. I bought her a sinart phone special designed for (he elderly. I patiently teach her how to telephone or how to video on WeChat. She practiced again and again. She was very exciting when she could chat on WeChat. She thought the sm

8、art phone was so much powerful. These days she has got hang of her smart phone. To his delight, she can video me on WeChat without being helped. She is proud with herself because she can keep up with the times. It s true that you are never too older to learn.六、其他应用文9、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第9题你校英语俱乐部征稿,主题

9、:如何度过假期。请你写一篇题为How to Have an Efficient and Meaningful Vacation的文章投稿。内容包括:1.你的做法;2.你的建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2. 标题已给出。How to Have an Efficient and Meaningful Vacation1、【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】A【小题5】C【小题6】D【小题7 C【小题8】B【小题9】A【小题10 B【小题11 B小题12 D【小题13 D【小题14 A【小题15 A【小题16 C【小题17 B【小题18 A【小题19 D【小题20】A2、【答案】

10、【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】C3、【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】B【小题3】A【小题4】C4、【答案】【小题1】D【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】B5、【答案】【小题I】A【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】D6、【答案】【小题1】G【小题2】D【小题3】E【小题4】C【小题5】B7、答案】【小题7 an【小题2 was held【小题3 cities【小题4 to come【小题5 initially 【小题6】improving【小题7】on【小题8】better【小题9】is【小题10 that/ which8、【答案】l.eighty-*eighties2.spccial -*

11、special ly3.tcach-* taught4.or-*and 5.cxciting-*excited6.删除 much 7.在 hang 前面加the 8.his-* her 9.wi(h-of10.older-*old9、答案】How to Have an Efficient and Meaningful VacationWith the winter vacation approaching, I plan to have an efficient and meaningful vacation. Here arc some details as follows.First an

12、d foremost, I will do sports such as playing table tennis, which is good for my health. In addition, it is essential for me to read four great books to improve myself. After that, T II enjoy an interesting sight for two weeks. Last but not least, I suggest you participate in some social practice, in

13、ducing being a volunteer to help old people in an old people s home in my city, do some cooking, washing and so on.I believe that IJ II have a fantastic lime during the vacation.A. instructorB. assistantC. salesmanD. administrator【小题3】A. understandB. acceptC. promiseD. refuse【小题4】A. chargingB. payin

14、gC. raisingD. spending【小题5】A. tookB. foundC. headedD. turned【小题6】A. limitedB. ordinaryC. enjoyableD. breathless【小题7】A. pictureB. gardenC. jungleD. blanket【小题8】A. largeB. oldC. smallD. new【小题9】A. tiredB. lonelyC. curiousD. nervoua【小题10)A. breakB. coolC. dropD. tear【小题11】A. removedB. missedC. finished

15、D. repaired【小题12A. rejectedB. greetedC. remindedD. ignored【小题13A. quietlyB. slowlyC. excitedlyD. angrily【小题14A. took notice ofB. looked down up(mC. put up withD. broke away from【小题15A. acquiredB. promotedC. advertisedD. approved【小题16A. addictedB. opposedC. devotedD. accustomed【小题17A. intelligesitB.

16、pn/essionalC. organizedD. creative【小题18)A. wordB. attentionC. secretD. energy【小题19)A. handleB. operateC. performD. receive【小题20)A. rewardB. courageC. prideD. hemesty二、阅读理解2、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第2题Artists with a Green MessageChris JordanPhotographic artist Chris Jordan takes pictures of ordinary objects

17、 like bottle caps, light bulbs and aluminum cans and (ums them into art by digitally rearranging them to construct one central image. However, it * s the tiny pieces that drive home then environmental message. For example, his 2008 work*Plastic Cups” shows 1 million plastic cups, the number used on

18、airline flights in the U. S. every six hours.Nele AzevedoVisual artist Nele Azevedo is best known for her “ Melting Men ” interventions that she stages in cities across the globe. Azevedo carves thousands of small figures for (o watch them meh. Her ice Sculptures are meant to question the role of mo

19、numents in cities, but Azevedo says she s glad her art can also “speak of urgent matters that threaten our existence on this planet.nAgnes DenesOne of the pioneers of environmental art and conceptual art, Agnes Denes is best known for her land art project, * Wheatfield- A Confronlation. In May 1982,

20、 Denes planted a two-acre wheat field in Manhattan on Battery Park Landfill. The land was cleared of rocks and garbage by hand. Denes harvested more than 1 ,(X)() pounds of wheat She says her works are “ intended to help the environment and benefit future generations with a meaningful legacy.wJohn F

21、cknerJohn Fekner is known for his street art and the more than 300 conceptual works. Fekner* s art typically consists of words or symbols spray painted on walls, buildings and other structures that highlight social or environmental issues. His stenciled (用模板印的)message, MWheels Over Indian Trails, “w

22、as painted on the Pulaski Bridge Queens Midtown Tunnel in 1979. It remained there for 11 years until Earth Day 1990, when Fckncr painted over it.【小题 1 What kind of art is Chris Jordan known for?B. VisualarLD. Street artA. Photographic art.C. Conceptual art小题 2 Which works probably reflects the effec

23、t of global warmth on our existence?B. Melting Men.D. Wheels Over Indian Trails.B. Nele Azevedo.D. John Fekner.A. Plastic Cups.C. Wheatfield-AConfirontatioiL【小题 3 Who grew wheat in a landfill?A. Chris Jordan.C. Agnee Denes.3、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第3题Michael stands in a circle with the other boys. At the

24、center of it is Coach Daver, a former college wrestler, now wrestling coach. I honestly believe each kid can win every match,” Coach Dave says. And I tell them that.vThe mental strength gained from a coach is as important as physical strength. And Michael soaked it up. As a freshman, Michael lost ha

25、lf of his matches, but the next year the practice began to pay off, “It finally just clicks, “ Michael says. You walk onto the mat, and you know you rc going to win. When Coach Dave (ells you how you are going to beat an opponent, you just go out and do it.MAt a tournament in Reno, Michael was ranke

26、d nationally and faced a wrestler from (he Midwest ranked a few spots above him. In the final seconds of the match, ahead by one point, Michael clung to the lead while his opponent clung to his ankle, trying to get a lakedown. Michael was hopping his way out of the circle to gain a restart. It s the

27、 easy way out, like a boxer ducking out of the ring to get a breather and preserve a lead.With his back to his opponent, he took one more step. The opponent grabbed the other ankle, and Michael went down, Two points. Match over.After, match, Dave asked one question, “ Are you going to run away from

28、challenges in life or turn and face them? ” Michael knew exactly what he d done wrong-and that it could become a lifelong flaw if he didn t correct it. All he had to do was turn into his opponent and counterattack. You 11 beat him next time,“ Coach Dave said.Eventually Michael won the tournament and

29、 won a lot of matches that year, but the encouragement from Dave is where he learned the most. u When someone believes in you like that, you know you can do it, “ Michael says, “I often hear Coach Dave when I in in tough situations. No excuses, just do it/ That encouragement has been my guide.”【小题 1

30、 What does the underlined part soaked it up in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Got a chance.B.Fully understood iLC.Ate it up.D.Built it up.【小题 2 What happened to Michael in the tournament in Reno?A.He escaped from the matekB.He lost the match.C.He beat his opponent.D.He gave up the match.【小题 3 What did Michael l

31、earn from his coach?A. Believing in yourself.B. Correcting your mistakes.C. Accepting your weaknesses.D. Taking risks and falL【小题 4 Which of the following best describes Dave as a coach?A. Caring.B. Humorous.C. Inspiring.D. Generous.4、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第4题Scientists who study glacier ice have found v

32、iruses nearly 15,000 years old in two ice samples taken from the Tibetan Plateau in China. Most of those viruses, which survived because they had remained frozen, are unlike any viruses that have been cataloged to date. For (his study, the scientists created a new method of analyzing microbes and vi

33、ruses in ice without polluting it.The researchers analyzed ice cores taken in 2015 from (he Guliya ice cap in western China. The cores are collected at high altitudes - the summit of Guliya, where this ice originated, is 22.000 feet above sea level, The icc cores contain layers of icc that accumulat

34、e year after year, trapping whatever was in the atmosphere around them at the time each layer froze. Those layers create a timeline of sorts, which scientists have used to understand more about climate change, microbes, viruses and gases throughout history.When they analyzed the ice, they found gene

35、tic codes for 33 viruses. Four of those viruses have already been identified by the scientific community. But at least 28 of them are novel. About half of them seemed to have survived at the time they were frozen. u These viruses have signatures of genes that help them infect cells in cold environme

36、nts. These are not easy signatures to pull out, and (he newly developed method could help us search for these genetic sequences (序歹ij) in other extreme icy environments 一 Mars, tbr example, the moon, or closer to home in Earth s Atacama Desert, said Matthew Sullivan, coauthor of the study.The study

37、of viruses in glaciers is relatively new but increasingly important. We know very little about viruses and microbes in these extreme environments, and what is actually there. The documentation and understanding of that is extremely important: How do bacteria and viruses respond to climate change? Wh

38、at happens when we go from an ice age to a warm period like we re in now? ” said Lonnie Thompson, senior author of the study.【小题 1 What can wc learn from Paragraph 1?A. Most of the viruses were unknown to Humana.B. 15,000 viruses were discovered from Racier ice.C. Few viruses survived when they were

39、 frozen.D. A new method of analyzing ice was developed. 【小题 2】What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. A process of ice accumulation.B. An analysis of ice cores.C. The cause climate change.D. The histray of viruses.【小题 3 What does Matthew Sullivan say about the new method fbr the study?A.It fails to help

40、 find genetic codes.B.It has been used in the moon.C.It greatly contributes to virus study.D.It can be used to explore Mars.小题 4 What can be inferred about the study of viruses in glaciers from Lonnie Thompson s words?A.Il s highly questionable.B.Il, b Blill to be improved.C.It 8 little known to hum

41、ans.D.Itt s of practical significance.5、【来源】2022年甘肃临夏高三一模第5题There are many fascinating aspects of ant life, but none may be a more practical lesson for us than (heir gift for avoiding traffic jams.A new research paper published in the journal cLifc reveals how ants keep traffic flowing by changing t

42、heir behavior to meet changing conditions. For their experiments, researchers from the University of Toulouse and the University of Arizona focused on Argentine ants that frequently move from one colony (聚居地)to another depending on the proximity of food sources.Exploring the Argentine ants , gift fo

43、r fast commutes, the researchers built bridges connecting their colonies. The bridges varied in width from a fifth to three-quarters of an inch. The colonics, too, were of different sizes, ranging from 400 to more than 25.00 ants, Essentially, researchers built a new infrastructure (基础设施)system for

44、the ants, connecting their biggest cities to the smallest villages. Then they sal back and monitored the traffic.To their surprise, even when those narrower bridges reached near capacity, there were no 20-ant pile -ups. Indeed, there was never a hold-up. Traffic remained steady regardless of how ove

45、rburdened the infrastructure was because ants were able to adjust to the change of road conditions. At some point, when the bridges got really busy, ants moved not so much as individuals but rather like water flowing in an ever widening stream.“When density on the (rail increased, ants seemed to be

46、able to assess crowding locally and adjusted their speed accordingly to avoid any interruption of traffic flow, “ ihe authors note in a newsrelease. Moreover, ants kept themselves from entering a crowded path and ensured that the capacity of the bridge was never exceeded.v Argentine ants arc extreme

47、ly effective in getting to where they need to be in a hurry.The lesson for humans? The traffic problem may lie in our inability to adjust our driving habits for the good of the whole. u Traffic jams are everywhere in human society where individuals are pursuing their own personal objectives, the aut

48、hors write. uIn contrast, ants share a common goal; the survival of the colony, thus they are expected to act cooperatively to optimize (优化)food return.【小题 1 How do the ants keep traffic flowing?A. By adjusting to the road condilions.B.By monitoring the IraCGcflow.C.By communicating with each other.D.By building their


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