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1、2022年安徽合肥高三一模英语试卷学生用卷一、完形填空I、【来源】2022年安徽合肥高三一模第11题Outside the back of the supermarket was an elderly lady, holding a basket of flowers in the cold. Would you like some flowers? They are $3? she asked me as I was walking past andI responded, “No, thank you. I walked away and went inside.Searching for

2、 what I needed. I thought of that lady, standing in the cold. the beautiful flowers I had admired, her voice and kindness, I wondered about her unknown of standing there.I my own personal struggles, I had to for everything and I even $3 was a lot for me at that time, and probably for her too. , it w

3、asnt my first thought when she had asked me about buying her flowers. My first thought was chat I didn t have (he but not as an excuse.When I went to the to pay with my card, I asked for $3 cash out first. The staff member me about the $3. Feeling , I tried to remember the money I had in my account

4、when she pressed the button to process it. It was such a to see it all had been accepted by the machine and the staff member me $3.1 walked out to the lady, Hi, sorry , I didn t have the cash on me then. Yes, I would like to buy some of your flowers,“ I said. I gave her S3 as she handed me the flowe

5、rs. I was that she then randomly asked me if I wanted . 1 guessed she was embarrassed and said, No. They arc worth the money. Thank you. ”As I walked away, I was second guessing I could have offered her more. But when I turned back to her.she1 m thankful for this valuablebutand thanked me again.wc r

6、c all going through our own problemsis free and no matter what little we can do for others, it will always be appreciated!【小题1】 Effective measures such as building a botanic garden and a fish breeding (繁殖)A. seriously【小题2】A. seriously【小题2】B. politelyC. confidentlyD. impatientlystation 【小题 1 】 (take)

7、 lo protect (he biodiversity in Chinas southwestern Baihetan Dam area so far. As the worlds second-largest hydropower project, the Baihetan Dam began generating power on June 28, 2021. Among (he top concerns about (he dam 【小题2 (be) the biodiversity (生物多样性)in the local region. But many local resident

8、s believe that worry is unnecessary.Ever since experts and engineers got down to 【小题 3 】 (construct) the Baihetan Dam, local villagers like Lu Jieheng have been signing up to help take care of a wide range of 【小题 4】 (plant). The local birds and fish have also been well protected throughout the entir

9、e process of dam building. said Lu.Chen Yang, a local official, said a lot of work had been done 【小题5 (preserve) the environment, especially the biodiversity in the area. We built a botanic garden 【小题 6】 aim is to provide a home for trees more than 1(X) years old transplanted from (he area which wil

10、l be fiooded. said Chen. We have also built a fish breeding station and established a fish collection system that moves fish 【小题7 (he lower side of (he dam (o the upper side.The works will continue down (he road. Chen said he and his colleagues would carry on scientific research work on ecological r

11、estoration, including soil 【小题 8】 (improve) on high and steep slopes, which would be 【小题 9】 (high) significant for the dry- hot valley regions and the entire Jinsha River Basin in 【小题 10】 long run五、短文改错8、【来源】2022年安徽合肥高三一模第88题假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语 言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或

12、修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词卜.划一横线.并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Mr. Zhang is one of my favorite high school teacher. He is a very patient teacher, who often explains us everything carefully to make him understood. Hes also such kind and friend

13、ly that we always turn to him for help. Deal with students can be annoying sometimes, but he never complained. Besides, he always explores new ways to make his lessons attractively. Above alL Mr. Zhang is constantly encouraged us to get involved in classroom activities. He makes me to realize teachi

14、ng is a very meaningful profession. Thats because Im determined to be a teacher like him in the future.六、其他应用文9、【来源】2022年安徽合肥高三一模第99题上周,你和同学参加了学校一年一度的运动会。请你写篇英语文章向英语园地杂志投稿,题 目自拟,内容包括:1.运动会简介;2.你参加的项目和表现;3.个人感受。注意:1.词数100 左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。1、【答案】【小题1 B【小题2】C【小题3】D【小题4】A【小题5】D【小题6】C【小题7】A【小题8】C【小题9

15、】D【小题10 B【小题11 B【小题12 A【小题13 B【小题14 D【小题15 C小题16 B【小题17 C【小题18 D【小题19 A【小题20】A【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】A【小题3】D【答案】【小题1】C【小题2】A【小题3】B【小题4】C【答案】【小题1】B【小题2】A【小题3】A【小题4】D【答案】【小题I C【小题2】D【小题3】B【小题4】D6、【答案】【小题1】F【小题2】C【小题3】A【小题4】D【小题5】E;7、【答案】【小题1 have been taken【小题2】is【小题3】constructing【小题4】plants【小题5 to preserve【小

16、题6】whose【小题7】from【小题8】improvement【小题9】highly【小题10 the8、【答案】1. teacher-* teachers.在us前加to2 . him-*himself. such-*so3 .Deal-* Dealing. complained-*complains4 . attractively-*couragcd-*cncouraging5 .删除to1(). because-* why9、【答案】An Unforgettable Sports MeetingLast Friday, our school held an annual sports

17、 meeting. There were some events in (he sports meeting, such as high jump, long jump, running race and so on.I like running, so I took part in a 5.000-meter race. Faced with fifteen strong competitors, I fell nervous at first. At the sound of the starting signal, all the runners begin to run like th

18、e wind. I tried my best to keep up with them. Finally, with strong will, I was the first to reach (he finish line, which made me so happy.Tired as I was, I felt very excited. I believe that as long as we spare no effort to do something, we are more likely to succeed.A. IgnoringB. BuyingC. PicturingD

19、. Discovering【小题3】A. angryB. coldC. hesitantD. gentle【小题4】A. storyB. secretC. eflfectD. purpose【小题5】A. benefited fromB. gave upC. put downD. went through【小题6】A. searchB. waitC. budgetD. prepare【小题7】A. appreciatedB. hopedC. pretendedD. agreed【小题8】A. InsteadB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Otherwise【小题9】A. ri

20、ghtB. courageC. chanceD. cash【小题10)A. receptionistB. registerC. bank clerkD. cash machine【小题11】A. informedB. questionedC. remindedD. warned【小题12A. anxiousB. happyC. proudD. desperate【小题13A. pityB. reliefC. burdenD. coincidence【小题14A. finedB. chargedC. lentD. handed【小题15A. StrangelyB. SeriouslyC. Unf

21、ortunatelyD. Hopefully【小题16A. ashamed【小题17B. surprisedC. excitedD.worriedA. truth【小题18)B. helpC. changeD.permisaionA. wandered【小题19)B. admittedC. whisperedD.declinedA. lesson【小题20)B. principleC. adventureD.challengeA. kindnessB. forgivenessC. trustD.respect二、阅读理解2、【来源】2022年安徽合肥高三一模第22题The Guild Hall

22、s exhibitions provide the perfect platform for learning about the arts through works on view and access to the artists who create them. Additionally, the Guild Hall Museum Admission is free thanks to Dime Community Bank and Landscape Details.Adult and/or Senior Group TourIts a guided tour of Guild H

23、alls exhibitions for up to 30 people. This fully-led tour invites visitors to look closely and discuss works on view. Tours last about an hour, and are led by (he Lewis B. Cullman Associate Curator for Learning & Public Engagement and Education Staff.To know more about the (our, please contact The L

24、ewis B. Cullman Associate Curator for Learning & Public Engagement, Casey Dalene at .Business/Organization TourThe Museum Director and Curators offer an in-depih tour for up to 30 people. This fully-led tour offers a scholarly insight into the work and practice of each exhibiting artist, as well as

25、a history of the Guild Hall Museum.To reserve a tour, please contact Museum Director/Chief Curator, Christina Strassfield at at least three weeks before your visit.School Student Group TourArranged specifically for teachers and students, this museum tour and the neighboring workshop offer a space to

26、 freely observe the work on view, discuss student observations and the history & crafts of the specific artists, and immediately apply that learning in an artist-led workshop. Visits last from an hour to ninety-minutes, and are led by Education Staff and a guest Teaching Artist.To get more informati

27、on, please contact The Pai Kenner Senior Associate for Learning & Public Engagement, Anthony Madonna at .Self-guided TourThe Family ARTivity Guide encourages families of all agas to collectively explore the Guild Hall galleries. Using the guide to observe and discuss the works on view, families will

28、 be introduced to various ways of engaging with the work, like drawing, discussing, writing, and even dancing! Family ARTivity Guides arc available on site at Guild Hall, or digitally available to complete at home with our Matterport tours.【小题 1 】Which tour do visitors need to book in advance?A. Adu

29、lt and/or Seniw Group Tour.B. Business/Organization Tour.C. Schod Student Group Tour.D. Self-guided Tour.【小题 2 What will visitors do on the School Student Group Tour?A. Meet an artist face to face.B. Exchange their own works.C. Get copies the works for free.D. Learn about the history of the museum.【

30、小题 3 What is special about the Self-guided Tour?A. It provides more works for families.B. It charges for the digital equipmentIt encourages artists to help visiters.C. It offers multiple ways to participate.3、【来源】2022年安徽合肥高三一模第33题Lunar New Year used to be a daylong celebration for us. My parents tri

31、ed really hard to recreate the season for my sisters and me here in America. On New Years day, my family, including all my uncles, aunts, and cousins, dressed in new clothes, gathered at my grandmas house. Kids were pulled out of school, and adults took the day off. The celebration lasted throughout

32、 the day and late into the night, with one tradition following another.Fast-forward to 2019: My grandma has passed away, the adults arc elderly, and the kids have grown up and are living their own life. The Lunar New Year celebration is no longer as elaborate (精心计划的)as it used to be. As we melt into

33、 American culture, the olden ways, as we call them, have fallen away. Life seems to have got busier and much more complex, but I often feel something is missing.For us first-generation kids, it is often easier to let go of the traditions and customs of our parents. They dont mean as much to us as (h

34、ey do for them. Al the same time, they are still a part of our culture. I realized that the diaspora (流散)of young Asian Americans in the United States is not unique to me. It is an ongoing inner struggle that we all wrestle with. My Asian features and skin color do not entirely define who I am. I am

35、 as much a hamburger guy as a rice individual. I cant quite fully claim that I am an American and not fully Asian. There isnt really a check box that I can mark. I am Chinese-Victnamese- Asian-American.1 now have two little boys. It saddens me to think they will never be able to experience what my s

36、isters and I did as little kids during this holiday. Recently, for the first time. Ive hung up Lunar New Year decorations around the house and replaced our Christmas wreath (花环)on the front door with decorative firecrackers. In a way, my sons are forcing me (o slow down and explore my heritage.I sup

37、pose sometimes we need to look back in order to gain clarity on the path ahead.【小题 1 What do we know about the authors family in Paragraph 1?A. lliey lived a very hard life in America.B. They respected the old and loved the youngThey stuck to the traditions of Lunar New Year.C. TTiey paid little att

38、ention to childrens education.【小题 2 What is the authors attitude towards the disappearance of the olden ways?A.Slightly disappointed.B.Tolerant.C.Very optimistic.D.Uncaring.【小题 3】Why docs the author mention hamburger and rice in Paragraph 3?A.To suggest various choices.B.To indicate diverse idaititi

39、es.C.To clarify different customs.D.To compare personal tastes.小题 4 What message does the author seem to convey in the text?A. We should strengthen family bonds.B. We are what we choose to be.C. Passing down family traditions matters.D. Knowing yourself is a lifelong process.4、【来源】2022年安徽合肥高三一模第44题E

40、arth is in the middle of an insect crisis, with thousands of species declining over the past several decades. Scientists have often blamed habitat loss or pesticide (杀虫剂)use. But a new study of butterflies in the western United Slates has found that warmer fall weather may be an equal, if not more,

41、of a factor.Over the past four decades, more than 450 butterfly species have declined at an average rate of nearly 2 percent a year, according to a study published in Science. Its already known that the western monarch butterfly has plummetedin population by 99.9 percent and was recently denied prot

42、ection by the U.S. Endangered Species Act. But the study revealed lesser-known species, like ihe Boisduvals blue and Californias state insect, the California dogface butterfly, are heading toward extinction.The influence of climate change is driving those declines, which makes sense because theyre s

43、o widespread, says study leader Matthew Forister. To reach their troubling findings, the researchers combined databases of butterfly counts conducted by scientists and amateur insect enthusiasts at 72 locations in the western U.S. To focus on the contribution of climate change, the researchers made

44、sure to include locations that were relatively undisturbed by agriculture and human development to limit the influence of other threats to butterflies such as habitat loss and pesticides.More than 200 cities across (he U.S. are experiencing wanner fall seasons. In Arizona, for instance, fall tempera

45、tures have risen by 0.2 degree Fahrenheit every decade since 1895. As for why warming falls are so harmful, it may be connected to butterflies hibernation-like diapause (像冬眠般的滞育)in the fall. Warmer temperatures could be forcing (he insects, most of which live around a year, to stay awake longer and

46、starve. In other words, theyre getting old and fragile and dying sooner.Given that butterflies are key pollinators (传粉者),such declines predict bigger problems for plants and even whole ecosystems, Forister adds. The climate effects will almost certainly affect many other insects, including bees. And

47、 these effects will damage efforts to protect and restore butterfly habitat.【小题 1 What does the underlined word plummeted mean in Paragraph 2?A. Recovered slowly.B. Decreased sharply.C. Escaped suddenly.D. Evolved r呼idly.【小题 2 What did the researchers do in Paragraph 3?A. lliey ruled out the effects of human activities.B. They tried to protect the habitat of butterflies.C. They refused to use amateurs science data.D. TTiey identified other threats to butterflies.【小题 3 How do warming falls affect butterflies?A. lliey affect butterflies natural life cycle.


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