2019九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are(5)导学案.doc

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1、UnitUnit 3 3 CouldCould youyou pleaseplease telltell meme wherewhere thethe restroomsrestrooms areare第五课时(Section B 1a - 1e)学习目标:1.能够掌握单词 fascinating, inexpensive, uncrowded, convenient, mall, clerk, corner. 2通过听力,引入英语学习难题以及相应解决办法的表达方式。一. 复习预热:1. 复习 Section A 中学过的重读单词和句子。2. 自主学习:1)拼读学习目标中的单词。2) 按要求完

2、成英汉互译, 归纳反义词的构词法。 crowded(写出反义词)_expensive(写出反义词)_二课堂活动:1. What qualities are important for each place? Finish P21 1a. 2. Free talk: Talk about places in your city using the words in 1a.3. Listening. 1) Pre-listening. Look at the picture in P21, tell Ss how we can get information about a place. 2) W

3、hile-listening. Finish 1c and 1d. Play the tape three times for them. Then check the answers.3) Post-listening. Listen to Conversation 3 again, fill in the blanks:Mother: Could you tell me if theres a good museum in Sunville?Clerk: Well, we have 1_. What kind of museums do you like - History? Scienc

4、e? A 2_ museum?Father: What about history? I like history museums. Theyre fascinating.Girl 1: Oh, Dad! History museums are 3_. Lets go to a science museum.Boy: Science? We always go to science museums. I want to go to a childrens museum. They are more fun.Girl 2: Well, Im too old for a childrens mus

5、eum. Why 4_ we go to an art museum?Clerk: Why dont you go to the computer museum? There are a lot of fun things for children there. You can learn all about the history about computers 5_ _ _ learn about science.Mother: That a great idea! Lets go to the computer museum.4. Role-play the conversations

6、between the clerk and the tourists. Finish the task in 1e.三. 巩固提高:1. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1). I think it is a _(fascinate) story. I like it.2). Mr. Li was the first _(speak) at the meeting today.3). The skirt is _(expensive). It only cost me 10 yuan.4). Bens brother and sister are both office _(cler

7、k). They work hard2. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1. Its more c to eat in the fast food restaurant. You dont need to cook。 2. Its p to say “Thank you” when someone helps you.3. He is very d , so you always know what his real opinions are.4. I found a child crying at the c of the street.5. Its my last r . Ill never ask you anything again 四、本堂课的评价:1.自评: 小组评 :2.已学到了哪些知识?3.存在的问题或困惑?


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