2019七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do导学案.doc

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1、1课题:课题:Module10Module10 A A holidayholiday journeyjourney UnitUnit 1 1 WhatWhat diddid youyou do?do?学习目标1.重点:能够正确使用下列单词:Pacific,so ,guess ,excited, 2.难点:一般过去时的特殊疑问句How long did it take to get there?Who was with you?What did you do?How did Betty get to Los Angeles?Why was Betty excited at Disneyland?

2、Where did she go swimming?When did Betty go to Los Angeles?程序集体备课内容个案补充3学习过程一、自主学习自主学习 反馈质疑反馈质疑 短语翻译1. 休假,在度假 2. 开车送某人 3. 到达那里 4. 在太平洋里游泳 5. 好极了! 6. 两年前7. 如此兴奋 8. 多久9. 看见电影明星 10. 玩得很开心11. 呆了两天二、合作学习二、合作学习 即时训练即时训练1. Listen and number the places.2.Listen and answer the questions. 1)How did Betty get

3、to Los Angeles?2) How long did she stay in Disneyland?3) Why was Betty excited at Disneyland?3. Read in roles4. Finish the exercises知识链接知识链接 1.1. (be)(be) onon holidayholiday = = havehave a a holidayholiday 在度假在度假 2.2. howhow longlong , , howhow oftenoften ,how,how farfar ,how,how soonsoon , ,四、 达标检

4、测达标检测 A 动词填空(对话变身)Two years ago, Betty _ (go) to California. It _ (take) her nine hours. Her friends _ (meet) her at the airport. Next, they _(leave) Los Angeles and _ (spend) two days in Disneyland. Then she went to Hollywood. At last she _ (get) to Santa Monica, and _ (swim) in the Pacific Ocean.

5、The journey _(is) great.B 单项选择1. We are going to travel _ the country. A. at B. on C. around D. in2. How long did it _ you to finish the work? A. take B. spend C. spent D. took13. I _ three hours swimming in the river. A. take B .spend C. spent D. took4. Who did you go to Los Angeles _?A. to B. with C. and D. /5.I want to do some _. A. shop B. shops C. shopping D. shoping6.We _ have a football match next week. A. will B. are going to C. go to D. going to 7. What house do you want _? A. living B. living in C. to live D. to live in8. I love winter _ it snows.A. because B. so C. and D. but收获


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