2019高中英语 课时分层作业8 Unit 9 Wheels 北师大版必修3.doc

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1、1课时分层作业课时分层作业( (八八) ) 语言知识练习固基础语言知识练习固基础 .单句语法填空1 1He had a good impression(impress) of the new style of the car.2 2The Zhaozhou Bridge is an old bridge made(make) of stone.3 3I wrote him a letter to show my appreciation(appreciate) of his thoughtfulness.4 4He is my only reliable(rely) friend whenev

2、er I was in trouble.5 5So far,the criminals have been discovered(discover) by the police.6 6Are you likely(like) to be out late tonight?7 7Children should not be encouraged to rely on the electronic dictionaries as it will make them lazier.8 8Passengers should check in for Flight BA125 to Berlin.9 9

3、The train for Beijing will pull out in 10 minutes on schedule.1010Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another,whereas others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers.完成句子1 1他有可能赢得这次比赛,因为他很勤奋。He is likely to win the competition,because he is hardworking.2 2自 1

4、976 以来这里发生了巨大的变化。Great changes have taken place here since 1976.3 3她来帮忙了,我们十分感激。We really appreciated it when she offered to help.4 4在冬天老人们对气候的突然变化很敏感。The elderly are sensitive to the sudden change of weather in winter.5 5外国专家提出来的建议被经理采纳了。The suggestion made by the foreign expert was adopted by the

5、manager. 高考题型练习提能力高考题型练习提能力 .阅读理解Car sharing is another way to drive green thats gaining in 2popularity,especially in urban areas.People who may not drive every day but still want a car to run errands (差事) or drive on weekends benefit most from car sharing.Car sharing is usually run by a service lik

6、e Zipcar,though there are nonprofit and informal car sharing services.Members pay a monthly fee and have access to an entire fleet of cars when they need one.The cars are parked in fixed spots around the city,so members only need to make a reservation (预约),and then go to the pickup spot.Car sharing

7、has major environmental benefits because it lessens the number of cars on the road.Members dont drive just because they have a car.They plan trips,and if they dont need a car,they dont use one.Still,a car is available to them if they need to make a big trip to the grocery store,pick someone up at th

8、e airport or if they want to go to the beach for the day.Members also benefit by having access to a car without any of the headaches of ownership.They usually dont have to pay for gas,insurance or maintenance (保养),and the monthly membership fee is less than a typical car payment.So if you really wan

9、t to go green but arent ready to totally give up a car yet,car sharing may be the way to go.If you still need to get around,but want to go even greener than sharing a car,share a bus! On the next page,youll learn about the green benefits of mass transit.【语篇解读】 本文对拼车做了简要介绍。1 1Car sharing Ahas become

10、the most popular way to go to workBhas become the best way to cut living costsCis becoming more and more popular in citiesDis becoming popular both in urban and rural areas C C 细节理解题。根据文章首句可知 C 项正确。A 项和 B 项文中找不到信息;D 项与首句相悖。2 2As a member of Zipcar,you Aare supposed to pay the fee yearlyBcan have rid

11、es on your ordered type of carsCwill be picked up anywhere you areDshould make a reservation when you need oneD D 细节理解题。会员是按月缴费,排除 A 项;B 项与第一段中的“.have access to 3an entire fleet of cars.”矛盾;车只能在市内指定地点停靠接人,排除 C 项;根据第一段最后一句可知 D 项正确。3 3The second paragraph mainly tells us Awhy to share a carBwhy car sh

12、aring benefit the environmentCwhy car sharing is cheaper than owning a carDwhy a car is available to membersA A 段落大意题。第二段主要论述拼车的好处:环保、经济、省心,故选 A 项。B 项和 C项均不全面;D 项未涉及。4 4How many reasons are given in the second paragraph?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.B B 细节理解题。前四句讲的是环保的好处,后面讲的是经济、省心的好处,共两项,故选 B 项。.完形填空If

13、life were a book and you were the author,how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 1 my life forever.One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu,and less than 24 hours later,I was in a 2 on life support with less than two percent 3 of liv

14、ing.It wasnt until days later that the doctors diagnosed (诊断) me with a 4 blood infection.Over the 5 of 2.5 months,I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knee.When my parents 6 me out of the hospital,I 7 that I had been put together like a patchwork (拼缝物) doll and I had to live

15、 with 8 legs.I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 9 streaming down.But I knew in order to move forward,I had to let go of the Old Amy and 10 the New Amy.It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 11 And that is when it 12 me that I didnt have to be fivefootfive anymore

16、, 13 I could be as tall as I wanted.And 14 of all,I can make my feet the size of all the shoes.So there were 15 here.Four months later,I was back upon a 16 And this February,I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 17 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the world.So,instead of looking at our 18 and o

17、ur limitations as something 19 4or bad,we can beg in looking at them as a wonderful 20 that can be used to help us go further than we ever know we could go.【语篇解读】 文章讲述了作者因为患上重病,失去双腿,但又重新振作的故事。1 1A.saved BriskedCruined DchangedD D save 节约,risk 冒险,ruin 毁灭,change 改变,如果人生是一本书,而你是作者,你会怎样书写自己的人生呢?这个问题改变了作

18、者的一生,故选 D。2 2A.hospital BclubCfield DstadiumA A hospital 医院,club 俱乐部,field 田野,stadium 体育场,根据我从滑雪训练回来,觉得是流感,且后面只有百分之二的存活率,可知我在医院,故选 A。3 3A.thought BdegreeCchance DdecisionC C thought 想法,degree 程度,chance 几率,decision 决定,我只有百分之二的存活率,故选 C。4 4A.mild BsevereCpotential DslightB B mild 温和的,severe 严重的,potenti

19、al 潜在的,slight 轻微的,医生诊断我患了严重的血液感染,故选 B。5 5A.journey BbreakCcourse DscheduleC C journey 旅途,break 休息,course 历程,schedule 安排表,经过两个多月的治疗过程,故选 C。6 6A.wheeled BdraggedCpulled DdeliveredA A wheel 用轮子推,drag 拖,pull 拉,deliver 传递,前面说治疗让我丧失了听力与小腿,所以父母用轮椅推我出院,故选 A。7 7A.made sure Bfelt likeCworked out Dput forwardB

20、 B make sure 确保,feel like 感觉像,work out 算出,put forward 提出,被推出医院的时候我感觉自己像一个被重新组装的玩具,故选 B。8 8A.muscled BheavyCshapely DfalseD D muscled 肌肉,heavy 沉重的,shapely 线条好看的,false 假的,我必须用假肢行走,5故选 D。9 9A.blood BsweatCtears DwaterC C blood 血液,sweat 汗水,tears 眼泪,water 水,我的精神和身体都崩溃了,眼泪不由自主,故选 C。1010A.hug BrecogniseCfi

21、x DintroduceA A hug 拥抱,recognise 认出,fix 固定,introduce 介绍,作者要放下过去,拥抱一个新的自己,故选 A。1111A.plan BquestionCinformation DfavorB B plan 计划,question 问题,information 信息,favor 帮助,我问了自己一个重要的问题,故选 B。1212A.dawned on Bknocked intoCdepended on Dlooked intoA A dawn on 开始被理解;渐渐明白;knock into 撞上;depend on 取决于;依赖;look into

22、 调查。故选 A。1313A.although BsoCwhile DbutD D although 尽管,so 因此,while 然而,but 但是,但是心有多高,就能走多远,表示转折,故选 D。1414A.first BstrangestCbest DluckiestC C first of all 首先,strangest 最奇怪的,best 最好的,luckiest 最幸运的,作者乐观的想这最好的事情是我可以穿任何尺码的鞋子,故选 C。1515A.struggles BbenefitsCrewards DconflictsB B struggle 斗争,benefit 好处,利益,re

23、ward 奖励,conflict 冲突,根据前面可知作者乐观地认为还是有好处的,故选 B。1616A.stage BsnowboardCtrack DplaygroundB B stage 阶段,snowboard 滑雪板,track 轨道,playground 操场,四个月后作者重返滑雪板,故选 B。1717A.allowing Bgiving6Ccalling DmakingD D allow 允许,give 给,call 召唤,make 使得,我又赢得两次世界冠军,使得我在世界上排名第一,故选 D。1818A.challenges BachievementsCdevotions Dhes

24、itationsA A challenge 挑战,achievement 成就,devotion 奉献,hesitation 犹豫,有时候应该不要只看着困难和挑战,故选 A。1919A.active BamazingCnegative DterminalC C active 积极的,amazing 令人惊异的,negative 消极的,terminal 终端的,不要老是着眼于生活中不好或消极的一面,故选 C。2020A.ability BskillCtool DgiftD ability 能力,skill 技巧,tool 工具,gift 礼物,我们把生活中不好的看成是一份礼物和 馈赠帮助我们走得更远,故选 D。


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