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《云南省红河州河口县2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省红河州河口县2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(含答案).docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、云南省红河州河口县2021-2022学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、单项选择1. China is Asian country, while France is European country.A. a; anB. the; theC. an; aD. an; an2. Chinese people usually have different kinds of for different festivals.A. celebrationsB. communicationsC. communitiesD. conversations3. 一A large numb

2、er of people in China have taken COVID-19 vaccine (疫苗)for free.一Good news. We should our country.A. be worried about B. be thirsty for C. be thankful to D. be harmful to4. To celebrate the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China(中国共产党),a speech competition in Hekou last month.A. heldB. is hel

3、dC. holdD. was held5. . 一We cant swim the river. Its too wide.一Lefs find another way.A. acrossB. pastC. throughD. over6. 一I think Miss Wang is the most teacher in our school.Thafs true. She never gets angry with her students.A. humorousB. awfulC. patientD. valuable7. My father refuses to waste anyth

4、ing. He would rather the old bikes thana new one.A. repair; to buy B. repair; buyC. to repair; buy D. to repair; to buy8. 一Im sad to hear that Yuan Longping passed away.一So am I. We lost a hero. His hybrid rice helped save China the worldfrom hunger.A. either; orB. neither; nor C. not only; but also

5、 D. between; and9. Mom, I made some careless mistakes in the math exam.一Ifs hard to mistakes, but I hope you can be more careful next time.A. avoidB. admireC. attendD. absentnational49. suggestionslook it up50. get in the way ofIn that case51. Paper cuttingaccidental invention52. 范文:My Family RulesM

6、y parents are very strict. Because I have so many family rules.For example, I cant go out with my friends at school nights. On weekends, I have to go home before nine p.m. Its strict, but I think its necessary. And I must finish my homework on time. I cant play computer games. I have to wash clothes

7、 by myself. I have to get up at six o,clock every morning. And I have to be in bed by ten oclock.Thanks to these rules, I can live healthily. But T think being in bed by ten oclock is unfair! Students need nine hours9 sleep!And I think playing some computer games is not bad. So I think the family ru

8、les can make some changes.10. 一I think she has a beautiful voice like a nightingale(夜莺). She sings beautifully.A. T don9t think so B. I cant agree more C. It9s my pleasure D. Don5t mention it一Is that Mrs. Green9s car?It be hers. She has just gone to work in her car.A. mustntB. shouldntC. might notD.

9、 cantIts cold outside. Tom, you should your coat.A. put onB. wear13. Success always belongs to people come true.A. whichB. what14. 一I cant sleep well these days.一Doing sports can help you sleepA. wiselyB. deeply15. Can you tell me?一Sure, rd love to.A. how can I take a taxi through Didi”C. where can

10、I take a taxi through “Didi”C. dressD. put offhave tried their best to make their dreamsC. whoD. whomC. politelyD. widelyB. how take a taxi through “Didi”D. how I can take a taxi through Didi二、完形填空Anger(生气)is a kind of feeling. Many things can make you angry. When your teachers give you 16 homework,

11、 when your team loses an 17 game, when a friend borrows your thing and then breaks it, you may get angry.Usually, your body will tell you when you are angry. For example, you breathe(呼吸) more 18, your face turns red, and you may want to break 19 or hitsomeone, but sometimes you hide(隐藏)your anger. F

12、or example, you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that 20 you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.21、its not good to hide your anger, and its OK fbr you to get angrysometimes. But anger must be let out(释放)in the right way without 22 others or yourself. When you get angry

13、, you can talk about it with 23 people, such as parents and teachers.When you talk about anger,those bad feelings can start to go away.Here are 试卷第2页,共8页some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: talk to a good friend, 24 the number from 1 to 100, give someone a smile, go for a bike

14、ride, think about good things and so on.Remember that when you are angry, 25 you act can make everything better or worse. Dont let your anger control(控制)you.16. A. too manyB.too muchC many tooD. much too17. A. importantB.embarrassingC. aliveD. eastern18. A. quicklyB.exactlyC. suddenlyD. nearly19. A.

15、 nothingB.somewhereC anywhereD. something20. A. unlessB.sinceC. untilD. if21. A. In totalB.In personC. In factD. In all22. A. to hurtB.hurtingC. hurtsD. hurt23. A. otherB.anotherC othersD. the others24. A. cancelB.connectC. countD. create25. A. whoB.whoseC. whichD. how三、阅读判断根据短文内容,判断正误(正确TZ错误F”),并将所

16、选答案填到答题卷的相应位置 上。We all need food. But when you cant finish your meal, how do you feel? You might think that wasting a little food isnt a big deal. The truth is that people in China waste 35 million tons of food each year. It9s nearly one third of food waste in the world. As we all know, food waste b

17、ecomes a serious problem in China.In order to cut down food waste,the government has started the Clean Plate Campaign(运动)Especially in restaurants, we can see signs of the Clean Plateon the wall. Many restaurants remind their customers that they shouldnt order lots of food. According to the law pass

18、ed in April, 2021, if the restaurants always mislead (误导)customers to order quite a few dishes, they will face a fine(罚款).Restaurants in Wuhan have begun the N-l system, which means groups of customers are supposed to order one fewer dish than the number of people in the group. For example, a group

19、of 7 people can order 6 dishes at most.Most restaurants provide customers with free packing boxes (打包盒),and customers can use them to take the leftovers (剩饭剩菜)home.Today, more and more people start to realize the importance of saving food. Everyone should play a part in the Clean Plate Campaignand s

20、ay no to food waste .26. Chinese people waste twenty-five million tons of food every year.27. The Chinese government starts the Clean Plate Campaign to save food.28. The restaurants will be fined if they mislead the customers to order lots of dishes.29. According to the N-l system, if five people go

21、 to the restaurant, they can order six dishes. 30. Nowadays many people find it important to save food.四、阅读单选The students in one class got special homework last weekend. They were told to wash their parents9 feet. However, only 12 out of 54 finished the homework. Some said it was a funny thing, whil

22、e others just thought the teacher was trying to attract attention. They also asked, “Why should we wash our parents9 feet when they can take a shower?” However, the teacher had his own idea. “I want them to know how hard their parents support them. Washing feet is just a way of showing love J the te

23、acher said.Respecting(尊重)parents has always been considered as a virtue. However, nowadays many young people dont respect their parents and some even do cruel(残忍的)things to parents. They got angry easily when they think their parents are too strict in their studies.So its not surprising that, when o

24、ne student offered to wash his parents9 feet, his father said, “Why, my son? Are you in need of money?”Another student Andy said he washed his parents9 feet for about ten minutes and found it a helpful experience. I talked a lot with my parents while washing their feet, especially with my mom J he s

25、aid. “As I have got older, I talk to her less. We all think doing this homework has brought us closcr.The students were given a special homework to.A. wash their parents9 feetB. attract attentionC. take a showerD. know about their parents31. Why didnt some of the students finish the homework?A. Beca

26、use they were too busy.B Because they didnt go home.C. Because they thought the teacher was just trying to attract attention.D. Because they knew how hard their parents support them.32. The underlined word “virtue” means in Chinese.A.骄傲B.美德C.交谈D.自私According to Andys opinion, the special homework is

27、good for.A. making moneyB. surprising the parentsC. improving the relationship with parents D. getting good grades33. . We can usually read the article in.A. a letterB. a guidebook C. a storybook D. a newspaperThere are many differences between Chinese eating habits and Western eating habits. In the

28、 West, everyone has their own plate of food. But in China the dishes are placed on the table and everyone shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, there must be a lot of food prepared for you. Chinese are very proud of their culture. They will do their best to show their hospitality(好客).A

29、nd sometimes the Chinese hosts use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. This is a sign of politeness. The proper thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how delicious it is. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you can just say a polite Thanks” and leave the food there.

30、 Dont stick your chopsticks upright into the rice bowl. Instead, lay them on your dish. The reason for this is that when people die, family members give them a bowl of rice with a pair ofchopsticks sticking upright in it. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout (壶嘴)is facing towards so

31、mebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table.Dont hit on your bowl with your chopsticks. Beggars (乞丐)hit on their bowls, so this is not polite. Also, when the food is coming too slowly in a restaurant, people will tap(轻敲) their bowls. If

32、 you are in someones home, it is like offending(冒力口)the cook.34. People in the western countries usually.A. share the dishes togetherB. eat separatelyC. prepared lots of food for the guestsD. use chopsticks35. Which is NOT true according to the passage?A. Chinese people often prepare lots of food fo

33、r the guests to show their hospitality.B. We should lay the chopsticks on the dish.C. Ifs impolite to let the spout face towards someone. D. We should use the chopsticks to hit the bowl when we have dinner in a Chinese family.36. If Chinese hosts use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl, you sh

34、ouldnt.A. eat the whatever-it-isB. say it is deliciousC. say Thank youD. be angry37. Why cant we stick the chopsticks upright into the rice bowl?A. Because the chopsticks are dirty.B Because it means you dont respect the cook.C. Because it means that somebody will die.D. Because it means that your f

35、riend is a beggar.38. The article mainly tells us.A. Chinese and Western eating habits are different B. we should be proud of our cultureC. Chinese people are hospitable(好客的) D. the writer is interested in Chinese culture五、阅读还原7选5根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。将所选答案填到答题卷的相应位置上。Long long a

36、go, the Jade Emperor(玉皇大帝)organized an animal race. The first 12 animals to win could get a Place in the Chinese Zodiac (十二生肖),and have a year named after them.The cat and the mouse both asked the ox(公牛)to wake them early on the day of the race.41 So the kind ox carried them on his back and started

37、running when the race began. The mouse woke up just when the ox was going across the last river. He knew that he could never beat the cat. 42 When the ox reached the other side of the river, the mouse jumped off and ran to the finishing line, just before the ox. 43So thel2-year cycle(循环)begins with

38、the mouse. 44 The tiger follows the ox. The rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig come after them. The cat was lucky to finish the race, almost dying in the river, but she has no place in the zodiac.45 They can never forget what happened in that race long long ago!A. So he

39、 pushed the cat off the oxs back.试卷第6页,共8页B The ox comes after him.C. The ox and the tiger are good friends.D. The tiger came the third.E. There are lots of folk stories in China.F. That day, the ox tried to wake them, but without success.G. So thafs why cats kill mice.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空There used to be

40、 many, but only a few of them remain today, (wolf)46. The girl felt because the bed was not soft at all. (comfort)Its said that the boy Bob won the English speech contest (call).47. He is a basketball player and he started to play for the team at the age of 19.(nation)Can you give me a few(suggest)

41、on how to celebrate the Spring Festival?七、根据汉语提示填空If you dont know the word, you can in the dictionary.(查 |阅它)48. Our hobbies may our schoolwork if we dont plan our time carefully.(妨碍), I will finish the task by myself.(既然那样)49. sounds very easy but it can be difficult to do it.(剪2氏)Ifs believed tha

42、t tea was an.(偶然的发明)八、话题作文56.My Family Rules提示:无规矩不成方圆,你的父母对你的生活和学习有什么规定吗?请以“My FamilyRules”为题写一篇短文,介绍一下你的这些家规以及你对它们的看法。要求:1 .根据所给题目,写一篇短文,词数不少于60个;.语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁。文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计;.书面表达必须写在答题卷上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。参考答案:1. cA2. CD3. AC4. BC5. AB6. DA7. CB8. DB17.A18.A19.D20.D 21. C 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. D26. F 27. T 28. T 29. F 30. TA32.C33.B34.C35.D36. B37.D38.D39.C40.A41.F42.A43.D44.B45.G46. wolvesuncomfortable47. called


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