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《2022届广东省普宁高三3月份第一次模拟考试英语试卷含解析.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届广东省普宁高三3月份第一次模拟考试英语试卷含解析.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2021-2022高考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1 .请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答 案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2 .答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的考前须知,按规定答题。第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)work and creative activities have been important drivers of human progress is deeply rooted in our socialvalues.A. HowB. WhetherC. ThatD. Why1.

2、 一Dont make a special journey to pick up the laundry for me.一Its OK. I to the shop anyway.A. was goingB. will have goneC. have goneD. will be going2. Peter has previous experience,I think hes the right person for the job.A. or B. butC. for D. so3. 一I think the paper is taking you a long time to writ

3、e.I on it for almost a month now.A. worked B. was workingC. am working D. have been working4. We are committed to creating a world free from the homeless and the hopeless, a world each and everycorner is a true paradise.A. thatB. whichC. of which D. from where5. Dont defend him any more. It*s obviou

4、s that he destroyed the fence of the garden even without anapology.A. accidentally B. carelessly C. deliberately D. clumsilyDon let the child who is go to school.A. so young as to B. not old enough to C. not old enough D. too young to一The small restaurant is always crowded in every part.一Thafs it ha

5、s a unique dining environment and quite a few wonderful dishes.A. whyC. where D. whenB. because15、A. find16、A. any more17、 A. seek18、A. when19、 A. yet20 A. enjoy15、A. find16、A. any more17、 A. seek18、A. when19、 A. yet20 A. enjoyB keepB. much moreB. haveB. whereB. howeverB. possessC. takeC. no moreC.

6、shareC. whichC. thoughC. ownD. catchD. once moreD. holdD. whatD. stillD. create第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27. (15 分)Did you know that there is a World Championship L (hold) each year for children who play golf? SkySudberry knows about it because she has participated in it seve

7、ral times.Sky is a 5th grader at The Woodlands Preparatory School near Houston, Texas. She is also one of the best golf 2, (player) for her age in the world.Her greatness comes from a few places. First, she has a real passion for golf. She loves 3 sport. She also works very hard and 42_ (practice) e

8、very day. As golfing great Gary Player said “the harder you work, the 52_ (lucky) you get.” Sky is a great example of this.What is most 6. (inspire) to us is not just her work ethic or skill, but her positive attitude. Gary Player also said, “we create success or 7. (fail) on the golf course primari

9、ly by our thoughts. The same is true for life. For a young person, Sky really seems to have a great attitude on the golf course, 8 she is winning or losing. And even more importantly her attitude off the golf course, in everyday life, seems to be just as positive.Sky was featured 9 (recent) in a mov

10、ie The Short Game, 10. tells the story of 8 children who were striving to win the World Championship.第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)(10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除和修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改仅限一词

11、;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last Saturday, our class paid the visit to the Welfare Centre for children in our city. On our arrival, we donated some gift to the kids, which made them very pleased. Then we did what we could help them. Some swept and tidied their rooms. Some play games with them. And oth

12、ers told interesting stories to them. The day passed quickly after we knew it. Honestly speaking, though tired, they were much happier than ever that day. The reason is that when we help withothers, we also get something more importantly. Therefore, show your love and care, or our society will be mo

13、re beauty and more harmonious.第二节书面表达(总分值25分).28. (25 分) A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldnt get the car moving.

14、 Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried. Arthur stopped and asked, “It looks like youve got a problem J Arthur said.“Pm afraid so. Pm in a big hurry and I can start my car.”“Is there something I can do to help?” Arthur asked. The yoiine man looked at the two su

15、itcases in the back seat and then said, Thanks. If youre sure it wouldnt be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.”“No trouble at all. Td be glad to help.”The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground, he turned t

16、o get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm.It was from the bank. There had been a robbery (抢劫)!Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people r

17、unning from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other, “What happened?” But everyone had a different answer.Arthur, still carrying the suitcase, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him.She l

18、ooked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. uWhy is she looking at me like that?” He thought. The suitcase! She thinks Pm the bank thief!”Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He became frightened, and without another thought, he started to run.注意:1 .所续写短文的词数应为150左右;.应使用5个以上短

19、文中标有下划线的关键词语;2 .续写局部分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!”Paragraph 2:The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur参考答案第一局部(共20小题,每题L 5分,总分值30分)1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、2

20、1、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、CD DDC CCBDDBB DA C AAABA第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21、 1、 D2、C3、B4、B22、 1、 C2、C3、D4、B23、 1、 A2、B3、D4、C24、 1、 B2、C3、A4、D25、 1、 A2、C3、B第三局部语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每题1.5分,总分值30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项.26、 1

21、、 B 2、A 3、C 4、C 5、C 6、A 7、B 8、C 9、C 10、B 11、C 12、D 13、B14、C15、D16、A17、C18、B19、C20、D第二节(每题1.5分,总分值15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。27、1. heldplayers2. thepractices3. luckierinspiring4. failurewhether5. recentlywhich第四局部写作(共两节)第一节短文改错(总分值10分)Last Saturday, our class paid the visit to the Welfare Ce

22、ntre for children m our city. On our arrival, we donated asome 逆 to the kids, which made them very pleased Then we did what we could A help them. Some swept and giftstotidied their rooms. Some play games with them And others told interesting stories to them The day passed qwckly playedafter we knew

23、itbeforeHonestly speaking, though tired, the were much happier than ever that day. The reason is that when we help wew由 others, we also get something more importantly Therefore, show your love and caxe, or our society will be 删除 withunponantandmore beautv and more hannonious.28、 beautiftil第二节书面表达(总分

24、值25分)29、As he was running, Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!” Arthur immediately realized thattheyoung manwas thebankrobber. So Arthur didnt stop, but continued to run until he saw and caught a taxi in front ofhim. He quickly put thesuitcasein the car and said to the driver, P

25、lease hurry to the Police Station. I have a case toreport to the police. The man shouting behind isthe bank thief! ”The taxi raced away to the Police Station like an arrow. The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur said to the police who had been waiting and who had already received

26、 therobberyreport, this suitcase is that of the bank robber. It may be filled with the money stolen from the bank, I hand it to you. Please get ready to arrest the man.”9. Some pre-school children go to a day care center,they learn simple games and songs.A. then B. thereC. while D. where10. Today*s

27、homework was easy so I finished it quickly and went out to play.A. to be done B. doneC. doingD. to do11. 一Its really great to have a computer to store my photos.一Dont count on it too much. It break down and youd better make a copy of them.A. mustB. canC. should D. will12. He felt of cheating in the

28、exam, deciding never to do such things again.A. shameB. ashamedC. sorry D. shameful13. Do you know anything about British history?_ I have no interest in it.A. Take it easy! B. Please don bother.C. If s up to you. D. No. If s beyond me.14. Mr. Wilson is a man of patience and kindness, and his good t

29、emper never him.A. failsB. disappointsC. controls D. worries15. My new job my travelling all over the country, which means I wont be able to spend much time with myfamily.A. takesB. promises C. involves D. causes16. This book is said to be the special one, which many events that cannot be found in o

30、ther history books.A. coversB. writesC. prints D. reads17. Have you got these jeans in larger size? This pair is a bit too small around waist.A. a; theB. /; theC. the; /D. a; a18. he law is equally applied to everyone. No one be above it.A. shallB. mustC. may D. need19. We could have done something

31、meaningful in the time it to watch that boring movie.A. has taken B. tookC. had takenD. takes20. August 8th, 2008 is a special day, , I think, that will be remembered by the Chinese forever.A. oneB. whatC. which D. the one第二局部阅读理解(总分值40分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最正确选项。21. (6 分) Most birds produce

32、 short, simple calls, but songbirds also have the ability of many complex vocal (发声 的)patterns that help them attract mates, defend territory (领地),and strengthen their social bonds. Each songbird species has its own unique song patterns, some with characteristic regional dialects. Experienced listen

33、ers can even distinguish individual birds by their unique songs.A lot of what scientists know about bird song comes from studying zebra finches. A baby male zebra finch typically learns to sing from its father or other males, starting while its still a baby bird in the nest. First comes the sensory

34、learning stage, when the baby finch hears the songs sung around it and commits them to memory. The bird starts to vocalize during the motor learning stage, practicing until it can match the song it memorized. As the bird learns, hearing the tutors song over and over again is helpful up to a point. I

35、f it hears the song too many times, the imitation (模仿)becomes worse - and the source matters. If the song is played through a loudspeaker, he cant pick it up as easily. But hide the same loudspeaker inside a toy painted to look like a zebra finch, and his learning improves.What if the baby never hea

36、rs another zebra finchs song? Interestingly enough, itll sing anyway. Isolated finches still produce what are called innate songs or isolate songs. A specific tune might be taught, but the instinct to sing seems to exist in a songbirds brain. Innate songs sound different from the cultured” songs lea

37、rned from other finches - at first. If isolate zebra finches start a new colony, the young birds pick up the isolate song from their fathers. But the song changes from generation to generation. And after a few generations, the melody actually starts to resemble the cultured songs sung by zebra finch

38、es in the wild.1、What can be learned from the first paragraph?A. Songbirds dont make short, simple calls.B. Each songbird has its unique song patterns.C. Some songbirds can speak human regional dialects.D. Songbirds promote relations with others by singing.2、Which of the following is true about a ba

39、by zebra Unchs learning process?A. It begins to learn to sing from its parents, B. The more it hears the song, the better it sings.C. Before practicing, it has to remember the songs.D. A loudspeaker is good enough to be a good teacher.3、 The underlined words “innate songs“ in paragraph 3 refer to A.

40、 the songs sung by only one bird itselfthe songs that a bird produces naturally without learningB. the songs that are taught by parentsthe songs always different from those of the same species 4、Whafs the best title of this text?A. What Can Songbirds Do with Singing?B How Do Songbirds Learn to Sing?

41、C. Why Are Bird Songs Different?D. What Is a Zebra Finch?22. (8 分) Unless youre very young or very old,its likely you have some kind of relationship with email, whether you get hundreds of messages a day or a few dozen a week. A new study suggests that how we deal with these incoming messages could

42、be affecting our stress levels and overall health.A team from the Future Work Centre in the UK surveyed 2,000 people across various industries, sectors, and job roles, asking participants how they managed their email and how much associated stress they felt as a result. Overall, those who spent the

43、most time organising and staying on top of messages felt the most email-related pressure too.“While email can be a valuable communication tool, its clear that its a source of stress of frustration for many of us. The people who reported it being most useful to them also reported the highest levels o

44、f email pressure!” said one of the team, Richard MacKinnon.Two of the habits linked to more email-related stress were checking for messages first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Half of those surveyed had push notifications (消,息推送)set up for new email, while 62 percent of respondents l

45、eft their email app open all day and all night Both were linked to higher levels of email pressure. The survey also found that managers suffered more than non-managers.Stress is not just a problem when it comes to our moodits been linked to a lot of disorders such as heart disease 9 weight gain, mem

46、ory impairment (减弱),digestive problems,and depression.The researchers suggest that the relationship between email-related stress and the negative impact on home life is not the same for everyone.1、Whafs the purpose of the study?A. To find out how many people have an email account.B. To know what sor

47、t of people use email most.C. To find out how email management is related to stress.D. To show what changes email has brought about to people.2、What does Richard Mackinnon think of email?A. It brings more strengths.B. It is not an essential tool.C. It is a double-edged sword.D. It makes people puzzl

48、ed.3、Which of the following habits causes the most stress?A. Checking email in the morning.B. Checking email in the evening.C. Keeping email app open at work.D. Setting up push notifications for new email.4、Where does the text most probably come from?A. Science fiction.B. A science report.C. fashion magazine.D. A book guide.23. (8 分)John D. Rockefeller once s


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