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1、Period 1 Welcome to the unitPeriod 1 Welcome to the unit班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】掌握常见的几种体育运动的名称。使用适当的语言谈论体育运动。【预习成果】【预习成果】一翻译以下短语:1.进展体育活动_2.喜欢步行_3.一天许屡次_ 4.走到-_5.打网 _ 6.去游泳 _7.喜欢踢足球 _8.擅长于排球_9.享受游泳 _ 10.你最喜爱的运动_二根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.I like _(散步)after supper.2.The girl is good at _(排球).What about you?3.We

2、read English many _(次)a day.4.Im hungry.Please give me a _(碗)of rice.5.She a_ has lunch at home.6.We eat meat and v_ for dinner.7.I didnt eat anything and Im very h .8.I think you need to eat less and e_ more.Its good for you.三用所给单词的正确形式填空1.We must keep _(health)first,then we can study well.2.Eating

3、 _(little)meat and_(many)vegetables is good for yourhealth.3.My friend seldom exercises.He doesnt sleep _(good).4.The food can give us energy for _(do)sports.5.Tom seldom _(play)football,but now he _(play)it in the footballfield.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】听了教师讲解本课后,动手做一做,看一看你学得怎么样!一.用所给动词的适当形式填空。1._ letme help you

4、.2.Millie _(have)a pair of big black eyes.3.I want to _ (be)friends with you.4.Simon _(play)football after school every day.5.Andy likes _(watch)TV.He _(watch)TV every morning.6.I _(not have)breakfast at 7 a.m.7._ you _ doyour homework at home?实用文档.8.What about _(play)sports on Sunday?9.We often go

5、_(swim)every week.10.11.We all think he is _(real)polite and helpful二.根据短文内容,用所给词的适当形式填空。Millieisagirlstudent.She_(be)12yearsold.She_(study)in Sunshine Secondary School.She _(get)up at sixevery day.She _(read)English and Chinese in the morning and then_(go)to school at seven.Millie s first class _(b

6、egin)ateight.She _(have)four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon.After school,she always _(play)volleyball with her friends.In tneevening,Millie_(do)homework.She_(notlike)_(watch)TV,but she _(love)listening to the radio very much.She can _(sing)many English songs三翻译好下面的句子1汤姆需要一个汉堡包。2我不

7、需要钱。3我们需要保持安康。4-我必须今天完成这工作吗?-不必。5你不必喂金鱼太多的食物。6我们每天锻炼。(2 种翻译)7她每天下午做眼保健操。8他们总是做许多练习。【课后拓展】【课后拓展】完形填空 Are you good at English?Would you 1 to dowell in English?Well,let me 2 you a way to learn English 3 by writing diaries in English.When I 4 in Grade One,my English was not very good.My English teacherM

8、r.Xu asked me to write diaries in English.At first,it was 5 difficultfor me,but now I think it is very 6 .I like reading,listening and speaking.7 I often go to Xinhua Book Store to 8 English stories for about threehours.I 9 watch TV often.Now I m very good at English.I think 10diaries is one of the

9、best ways to help with your English study.()1.A.like B.want C.to like D.to want()2.A.talk B.tell C.to talk D.to tell()3.A.nice B.fine C.well D.good()4.A.was B.am C.are D.were()5.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little()6.A.difficult B.interesting C.easy D.boring实用文档.()7.A.Always B.After school C.Sometimes

10、 D.Usually()8.A.say B.speak C.talk D.read()9.A.dont B.am not C.didnt D.wasnt()10.A.saying B.writing C.listening D.talkingPeriod 2 Reading IPeriod 2 Reading I班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】掌握和话题相关的句型,认识一名叫Li Hua 的足球运发动。学会用英语介绍自己喜欢的一名运发动。【预习成果】【预习成果】一翻译以下短语:1.我最喜爱的足球运发动_5.喜欢听音乐_6.使他开心 _7.希望干某事 _8.实现_9.在下一届世界杯

11、 _10.学英语_二根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。1.LI Hua is a very good football _(play)a.2.Frank wants _(play).In the new watch.3.Mr Li plays basketball very _(good).4.Jim _(be)a new member of the Reading Club.5.Do you really like_(swim)?6.I enjoy _(take)photos when I travel.7.She _(study)at home every morning.8.We _(not

12、help)her with the housework.9.What do you want _(read).10.She _(not do)housework at home.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】一用所给词的适当形式填空:1.All my friends are _(real)great.2.What are you going _(do)this afternoon?3.Millie likes _(go)to the playground and_(play)with it.4.Amy and Millie are good at _(swim).They are good_(swi

13、m).5.We often do after-school _(activity)in the playground.6.Is it time _(have)lessons?7.I dont like doing Maths _(exercise).实用文档.2.看起来强壮_在他的空闲时间3.-的一个成员_ 4.8.Most of us spend about an hour a day _(do)our homework.实用文档.9.My cousin always _(watch)TV in the evening.10.Daniel and I_(not be)in the Readi

14、ng Club.11.She practises _(play)volleyball with her friends.12.Millies parents _(walk)their dog after supper.二根据所给汉语完成以下句子:1.他每天花半小时打篮球。_.2.我们总是在学校玩得很开心。_.3.在我们班有许多很好的人。_.4.Millie 每周两次去读书俱乐部。_.5.我想发一封电子邮件给他。_.6.放学后我经常和我的朋友练习打排球。_.【课后拓展】【课后拓展】一、完形填空。Andy is 13 years old.He is a student at Beijing Sun

15、shine Secondary School.Heis very good 1 Maths.After school,he likes 2 basketball 3his friends.He is 4 the school basketball team.Andy 5 very 6 .His 7 basketball player is David Smith.He always watches his games andlistens 8 radio programmes about him.Today,he wants 9 write anarticle about David 10 t

16、he Basketball Club newsletter.He found a radioprogramme about him.He is listening carefully and taking notes.()1.A.inB.atC.onD.of()2.A.playsB.playC.playingD.to playing()3.A.withB.andC.ofD.without()4.A.inB.atC.toD.of()5.A.playsB.playC.playingD.to playing()6.A.wellB.goodC.niceD.hard()7.A.bestB.wellC.g

17、oodD.favourite()8.A.toB.inC.offD.on()9.A.inB.toC.onD.of()10.A.forB.atC.onD.of二、缺词填空:Hello!Im f_ Nanhai Secondary School.L _me tell yous_ about my school.We h_ lessons every morning.We havePE lessons o_ a week.I don t have much time to play a_ school.I have l_of homework to do every day.Luo Sang is m

18、y good friend.HisE_name is Simon.We b_are members of the Reading Club.We likec_at lunch time.There are lots of nice people in my class.Amy is my b 1 friend.At实用文档.lunchtime,we often sit under the trees in the playground.We always talk abouth实用文档.2 or play games.We r 3 enjoy our life at school.The sc

19、hool days 4 at eight every morning.My f 5 lessons are Chinese ad English.Igo to the l 6 every day to do some reading.I enjoy v 7 ,football andother ball games.I play tennis three t 8 a week.Amy is a m 9 of theSwimming Club,so she goes s 10 each weekend.She is a very good swimmer.Period 3 Reading IIP

20、eriod 3 Reading II班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】1.知识目标:掌握本课的知识点.。2.技能目标:学会理解课文。3.情感目标:积极参加各种活动,热爱生活.【预习成果】【预习成果】一、词组翻译。一、词组翻译。1.非常喜欢 2.足球明星3.足球踢得很好 4.在空闲时间5.使某人快乐 6.想做某事二、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词1.Daniel enjoys _(read)books about sports.2.Jim is a _(成员)of our school volleyball team.3.Mike hopes his dream _ _(成真).

21、4.This tennis _(play)_(play)very well.5.My favourite basketball star is from the USA.(改为同义句)6.Amy swims very _(good).She is good at it.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】一、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词1.This juice is my (最喜爱的).Really?2.What about this book?Oh,I e (喜欢)it very much.3.He is big and (强壮的),and he can run very fast.4.Do yo

22、u know that boy?Yes,he is (也)a student of our class.5.There are always a lot of (人)in the supermarket.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Millie (enjoy)reading English every morning.2.Is he (Jim)favourite TV star?Yes,he is.3.My brother Jack often (play)football with me.4.Amy swims very (good).She is good at it.实用文档.5.Do

23、 you like (some)sports?Yes,I like volleyball very much.三、单项选择()1.Is Li Lei of Class one,Grade Seven?Yes,he is.A.a studentA.Does;haveA.amA.aA.What()7.-Is _ your favourite sttar?-Yes,I like _very much.A.he;he B.him;him C.he;him D.him;he()8.What _the girl like to do?()9.After supper,I want _my homework

24、.A.do B.does C.doing D.to do()10.-Where_Simon _?-He _with his parents.A.do;live;liveB.does;lives;livesC.does;live;livesD.do;lives;live【课后拓展】【课后拓展】二、词汇运用。二、词汇运用。1.Yao Ming is my favourite basketball _(play).2.My little brother enjoys _(read)story books.3.I hope _(meet)you again.4.Daniel can play the

25、computer game _(good).5.We all know the story is _(真实的).6.He is tall and _(强壮的).三、翻译句子。三、翻译句子。1.那个戴眼镜的男孩喜欢打排球吗?实用文档.B.an studentB.Do;haveB.isB.anB.WhoC.a studentsC.Does;hasC.areC.theC.How oldD.an studentsD.Do;hasD./D./D.How()2.he a dream?Yes.()3.Daniel thinks Maths very interesting.()4.Li Huas dream

26、 is to play in next World Cup.()5.is your brother?He is twenty years old._2.在业余时间里,他喜欢喝茶及散步。_3.我想成为电脑兴趣小组的一名成员。_4.他的帽子使他看上去很帅气。_Period 4 GrammarPeriod 4 Grammar班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】掌握一般现在时中当主语是第三人称单数时谓语动词的变化形式.【预习指导与检测预习指导与检测】一、预习导航写出动词的三单形式。use _ jump _ fly _ walk _go _ run _ catch _ wish _have _

27、二、预习成果一用 be 动词的正确形式填空。1.These books _ mine.2.Do you have this kind of bag?It _ very beautiful.3.All my teachers think I _ a good student.4.Tom and Timmy _ twin brothers.5._ you and your brother in the same school?二句型转换1.Marylikesswimmingverymuch.(改为一般疑问句)_2.Jackisgoodatplayingtennis.(改为一般疑问句)_3.Lily

28、enjoysreadingverymuch.(改为否认句)_4.Harry is a member of a basketball team.(改为同义句)Harry is a _.5.Katelikeslisteningtomusic.(对 画 线 局 部 提问)_6.Tom does well in his work at school.(改为否认句)Tom _ _ well in his work at school.7.I want to school every morning.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ to school every morning?8.Does Daniel

29、take a bus to school every day?(写出否认答复)_,_.9.The students come from American.(对划线局部提问)_ _ the students _ from?实用文档.10.Simon goes running for half an hour every morning.(对划线局部提问)_ _ Simon _ for half an hour every morning.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】一.句型转换1.Mr.Green comes from Shanghai.(改为一般疑问句)_2.Millie lives in a f

30、lat in Beijing.(改为否认句)_3.Daniel enjoys playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句并做肯定答复)_4.He watches TV every Sunday.(改为一般疑问句并做否认答复)_5.I do my homework every evening.(改为一般疑问句)_6.Lucy and Lily come from the USA.(同上)_7.She eats two pieces of bread every morning.(同上)_8.They do a lot of homework every day.(改为否认句)

31、_二.:翻译下面的句型:1.他喜欢放学后踢足球。_2.她不喜欢听音乐。_3.-你是我的语文教师吗?-是的。_4.-他是你的表弟吗?-不是。_5.-他们和朋友一起上学吗?-不是。_三三.改错。A、B、C、D 中有一处错误,请找出并改正。1.Our English teacher often wear glasses.()_ A B C D2.I listens to CDs at the weekend.()_ A B C D3.Mary is good at play basketball.()_ A B C D4.He loves him parents very much.()_ A B

32、C D5.Your new teachers sounds great.()_ A B C D6.Does they all come from America?()_.A B C D【课后拓展】【课后拓展】一、词汇运用。1.He (not do)his homework on Sundays.2.you often (have)dinner at home?3.Tom (not be)a careless boy.4.I think everything (go)well.5.The girl with her parents (be)waiting for the bus.实用文档.6.S

33、andy (have)long black hair?二、单项选择。()1.I often play _ tennis with my father on the weekend.A.theB.aC.anD./()2.Does your teacher _ after-school activities with you?A.doB.doesC.makeD.makes()3.Do you want to talk _ your friends _ the Internet_ the weekend?A.with;in;for B.with;on;at C.to;on;inD.to;at;on(

34、)4.John _ playing basketball,but he likes football.A.isnt likeB.doesnt likesC.dont likeD.doesnt like()5.Bill,_ talk in class.We must listen _ theteacher!A.doesnt,withB.doesnt,toC.dont,withD.dont;toPeriod 5 Integrated skillsPeriod 5 Integrated skills班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】1.知识目标:词汇:else lot fun词组:tab

35、le tennis a lot of=lots of make fun of sb have fundoing sth句型:1.It makes me feel great2.I often play volleyball with my friends and I like reading2.技能目标:学会将信息整理归类,听懂并能摘取相关信息。【预习成果】【预习成果】根据汉语提示或所给词的适当形式填空1.What (其他的)can you see in the picture?2.I feel like (write)a letter to my pen-friend.3.Lily want

36、s to help me (make)cakes.4.Jim always (have)a good time with his brother in the park.5.Music makes (we)happy.6.MrShi usually (talk)about football after class.同义句转换1.There are many students on the playground.实用文档.There are students on the playground.2.We have a good time at the party.We at the party.

37、3.I want to go swimming this afternoon.I feel swimming this afternoon.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】一、根据句意和中文提示完成单词1.My brother is very good at playing (网球).2.What (其他的)do you want to buy,madam?No,thanks,.3.It is very (有趣的)to play games with friends.4.Reading books is f .I like to do it very much.5.(许多)of the student

38、s in class one are from Nanjing.6.We are very happy to (谈论)about football.7.I go to the school playground and watch basketball (比赛).8.Swimming is my (最喜爱的)sport.I like it very much.9.Liu Xiang is our favourite (英雄).We should(应该)learn from him.10.Millie and Amy are the new (成员)of the Reading Club.二、单

39、项选择()1.Kitty and are in Class One.are good friends.A.I;WeA.am;playB.I;TheyB.is;playsC.Me;WeC.are;playD.Me;TheyD.is;play()2.She tall and she often volleyball.()3.do you often do in your free time?I often play basketball.A.WhatA.likes;likesC.doesnt like;likesA.I amA.watchesA.at;onB.ImB.writesB.at;in实用

40、文档.B.WhenC.WhyD.Where()4.Daniel music,but he Maths very much.B.doesnt likes;likesD.dont likes;likesC.we areC.readsC.on;inD.wereD.looks atD.in;on()5.Are you classmates?Yes,.()6.Daniels father newspapers every evening.()7.My grandmother gets up five the morning.()8.Are those students your classmates?Y

41、es,are all my classmates.I often play with .A.them;theyB.they;theyC.they;themD.they;their()9.He often .A.use a pen write lettersC.write letters with a penA.How long;One timeC.How often;Once time【课后拓展】【课后拓展】My n 1 is Lisa.I am a student at No.1 Middle S 2 .I am not tall butI l 3 basketball very much.

42、I am not strong but I often play basketball w 4some boys after school.I am a member of our school basketball t 5 .We often talk a 6 basketballand watch m 7 on TV.I also read a l 8 of interesting books aboutbasketball.Michael Jordan is my h 9 .He plays basketball very well.I want to meet to himone da

43、y.I hope my dream can come t 10 one day.B.with a pen to write lettersD.uses a pen to write lettersB.How soon;OnceD.How often;Once()10.does he go to fly kites?a month.Period 6 Study skillsPeriod 6 Study skills班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】1.知识目标:语音:e I 词组:be different from,be the same as,each word2.技能目标:用正确

44、的语音语调朗读单词。3.情感目标:学会纯粹的语音语调,享受顺利沟通带来的愉悦。【预习成果】【预习成果】一、一、ReadRead/h/h um/bum/b ks/si:/hil/teik/ks/si:/hil/teik/s/s d/g d/g u/taid/ku/taid/kt/t/s/s/laik/hi:/n/laik/hi:/n t/fju:s/ju:s/t/fju:s/ju:s/实用文档.二用所给单词的适当形式填空1.After school,Sandy often (study)Chinese in the classroom.2.My mother wants (do)some sho

45、pping at the weekend.3.This is not (he)book.It is Lilys.4.Daniel has many friends.Many of (they)are good at Maths,5.Lucy,(not close)the door.It s too hot inside.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】一、找出画线局部读音与其余不同的一项()1.A.cap()2.A.help()3.A.with()4.A.stop()5.A.cute二、用所给词的适当形式填空1.Millie often plays volleyball with (she)frien

46、ds.2.Jack,what do you often do after (school)?3.Drinking water every day can make (I)feel good.4.Are you good at (swim)?No,Im not.5.Andy likes music very much.He listens to a lot of (CD).6.Do you know how (look)after a cat?Sorry,I dont7.He (real)doesnt know how to look after a dog.8.The Zhang family

47、 (live)in a flat in Nanjing.9.My new classmate Sandy is good at (play)the piano.实用文档.B.handB.beeB.fitB.dogB.mumC.bagC.deskC.bigC.noC.sunD.cakeD.bedD.bikeD.lotD.duckE.hatE.breadE.filmE.jobE.but10.The boy often (fly)a kite in the park.三、完成以下句子1.我爸爸经常看我们的足球比赛。My dad often .2.“艾米和丹尼尔喜欢看书吗?“是的,他们喜欢。Amy a

48、nd Daniel like?Yes,.3.“你在周琦打篮球吗?“当然了。you often at weekends?.4.晚上我喜欢呆在家里。In the evening I like【课后拓展】【课后拓展】根据句意及首字母提示完成短文 I have three good f 1 .Their names are David,Lucy and Sammi.Davidis a t 2 and strong boy.He likes s 3 .Look!He is playing basketballthere.Lucy is from E 4 .She looks very p 5 .She

49、is tall and s 6 .She is our new c 7 .Sammi is Davids c 8 .She is twelve.All of myfriends are very n 9 to me.I like them very m 10 .Period 7 TaskPeriod 7 TaskSelf-assessmentSelf-assessment班级:姓名:自我评价:【学习目标】【学习目标】1.知识目标:词汇:fun team match hero词组:talk about/of watch basketball matches on TV2.技能目标:能用所学知识写

50、一篇“我最喜爱的体育运动的文章。【预习成果】【预习成果】一、翻译以下短语1、喜欢打篮球 2、非常喜欢打篮球 3、打篮球打得好4、谈论篮球队 5、在电视上观看篮球比赛6、我最喜欢的篮球运发动7、我最喜欢的运动8、我们学校篮球队的一员实用文档.二、根据所给汉语补全以下句子。1.电视将有一场足球赛。There is going to be a TV.2.那天我们玩得很开心。We had a good time .4.我的包与你的不同。My bag yours,.5.这些故事中的每一个都很有趣。the stories is veryinteresting.【当堂反响】【当堂反响】一、根据句意、首字母或


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