2019高中英语 Unit 4 Making the new同步练习 新人教版必修5.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 MakingMaking thethe newnew话题诵读 日积月累导语 纵观媒体发展史,媒体的发展历经了 5 个阶段。第一,报纸;第二,广播; 第三,电视;第四,互联网;第五,新媒体。The development of media Newspapers The printed newspaper first appeared in 1450 in Europe. The daily was published for the first time in 1650. News of Frankfort(法兰克福新闻)published in 1615 is re

2、garded as the first “real newspaper” Wai Zhong Xin Bao(外中新报)was the first published Chinese newspaper in 1858.It was established in Hong Kong. TV John Logie Baird,the Scottish inventor,obtained the worlds first real television picture in his laboratory in October,1925,and showed it to the British pu

3、blic on January 26,1926.He is remembered as the father of mechanical(机械式)television.Websites The story of the Internet begins in the late 1950s.The Pentagon set up a research team in 1958 to create a computer network to operate during disasters like a nuclear war. In 1985,the National Science Founda

4、tion created a network which provided a free national service to any US.research and education institution.All those networks finally joined the Pentagons network to form the Internet. In the 1990s,anyone with a computer,a modern,and Internet software could link up to the Internet. 词海拾贝 1be regarded

5、 as 被看作 2set up 建立;建设23provide 提供 4link up to 连接到 问题思考 Do you think what will be the media in the future?(不提供答案) 自主预习 步步提高 词汇识记 .为单词选择正确的释义 1journalist A赞成;认可;批准 2assist B快乐的;欣喜的 3delighted C职业;专业 4profession D同事 5colleague E指责;谴责;控告 6acquire F出版;发行;发表 7accuse G部门;处;系 8publish H帮助;协助 9department I记者

6、;新闻工作者 10approve J获得;取得;学到 答案:1.I 2.H 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.J 7.E 8.F 9.G 10.A .根据汉语提示写出单词 1_n照片 2_adj.值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的 3_vt.&vi.集中;聚集 4_vt.评估;评定 5_n&vt.要求;需要 6_vt.加工;处理 n过程;程序 答案:1.photograph 2.admirable 3.concentrate 4.assess 5.demand 6.process .根据英语释义写出单词 1_:to say that someone has done sth wrong or committed

7、 a crime 2_:to get sth for example,by buying it or being given it 3_:a situation that exists or an example of a particular problem 4_:to carefully consider a situation,person,or problem in order to make a judgement 5_:very keen and excited about something that you want to do 6_:to say in a very firm

8、 way that you want sth 7_:to help;to aid 8_:at the same time 答案:1.accuse 2.acquire 3.case 4.assess 5.eager 6.demand 7.assist 8.meanwhile .选用短语的适当形式填空concentrate on;depend on;accuse.of;so as to(do sth);be eager to do sth;be supposed to;inform sb of sth;look forward to1Dont waste so much time playing

9、games.You should _ your work now.32You should keep yourself _ what your son is doing. 3He can be _ to finish the task. 4The woman was _ killing her husband. 5The day we _ came at last. 6My mother says she _ meet you. 答案:1.concentrate on 2.informed of 3.depended on 4.accused of 5.had been looking for

10、ward to 6.is eager to .领会句子所用的句型并译成汉语 1Never_will_Zhou_Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. _ _ 2Only_if you ask many different questions will_you acquire all the information you need to know. _ _ 3Not_only am I interested in photography,but I took an amateu

11、r course at university to update my skills. _ _ 4Have you ever had a_case_where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? _ _ 5It was a dilemma because the footballer could_have_ _demanded damages if we were wrong. _ _ 答案:1.周阳永远不会忘记他在一家大众英文报社上班第一天时的工作任务。 2只有提很多不同的问题,你才能

12、收集到你所需要的信息。 3我对摄影不仅是感兴趣,在大学里我还修过业余摄影课来提升我的技术。 4你们有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实? 5这事有些为难,因为如果我们错了,这名足球运动员就可以向我们索要赔偿。 语篇理解 课文表层理解 .判断正(T)误(F) 1Zhou Yang was very excited at his first assignment.( ) 2Zhou Yang can cover a story and submit the article himself.( ) 3Zhou Yang can ask any question whil

13、e he covered a story.( ) 4Zhou Yang cant use a recorder if the interviewee didnt agree.( ) 答案:1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T4.根据课文内容回答问题 1What helps Zhou Yangs first job?_ 2What plays the most important part when a journalist interviews a person?_ 3According to the passage,what left a strong impression on Zhou Yan

14、g?_ 4Why was Zhou Yangs first work assignment unforgettable?_ 答案:1.That he took an amateur course at university. 2Listening carefully. 3His discussion with his boss for the first time. 4Because he got some valuable advice from his new boss. .根据对文章的理解,试着将下面表格补充完整(每空一词)What a journalist should doSugge

15、stionsHow to work in a teamFirstly,you should work as a(n)1._ then you can 2._ a story and 3._ the article yourself. Besides,youll have a(n)4._ photographer with you to take photographs.How to get an accurate storyYou need to be 5._ and ask as many different questions as you can.Whats more,you must

16、use research to 6._ yourself of the missing parts of the story.Dont miss your 7._,dont be rude,dont talk too much,but make sure you listen to the interviewee 8._.How to protect a story from being accusedIf the interviewee agrees,you can use a(n) 9._ to get the facts straight,which can offer the evid

17、ence to 10._ your story. 答案:1.assistant 2.cover 3.submit 4.professional 5.curious 6.inform 7.deadline 8.carefully 9.recorder 10.support 课文深层理解 .根据课文内容回答问题 1What is the purpose of the writer to write the passage?_ _ 2根据课文内容正确连线。 Section 1 Ato protect a story from accusations Section 2 Bto get an accu

18、rate story Section 3 Cto work in a team 答案:1.To show us the necessary skills to become a good reporter. 2C B A5.根据课文内容选择最佳选项 1Which one is FALSE about“What a reporter needs to remember when going out to cover a story?” AHe needs to be curious. BA good reporter must have a camera. CHe has to listen t

19、o the detailed facts. DIf necessary he can use a recorder. 2 “A good reporter must have anosefor a story.”probably means a reporter _ Ahas a sense about what is going to happen Bis able to hide a story that may reflect badly on him Cis able to ask the truth from the one who is interviewed Dcovers a

20、whole story from the interviewee 3According to Hu Xin,which statement doesnt belong to the list of donts? ADont miss the deadline. BDont talk too much. CDont be rude. DDont take any notes while listening. 4Why CANNOT Zhou Yang go out on a story at once? ABecause he is not experienced yet. BBecause h

21、e cant get a scoop. CBecause he is not curious enough. DBecause he doesnt know the list of dos and donts. 答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A .根据课文内容回答下列问题 1Where did Zhou Yang meet his new boss?_ 2What did Zhou Yang work as?_ 3When can Zhou Yang cover a story?_ 4Why was Zhou Yang asked not to bring a camera?_ 5What

22、 should Zhou Yang concentrate on?_ 6How can a journalist acquire more information?_ 7How can a journalist inform himself of the missing parts of the story?_ 8What should a journalist do when he is listening to the interviewee?_ 9What was the footballer suspected of having done?_610What would the foo

23、tballer probably do when the journalist was proven to have the wrong end of the stick? _ 答案:1.At the office. 2He worked as an assistant journalist,an assistant to an experienced journalist. 3He must work as an assistant journalist first,and when he is more experienced,he can cover a story. 4Because

24、a professional photographer would go with them. 5He should concentrate on the interview and the report. 6By asking many/more different questions. 7By using research. 8He should listen for detailed facts and take notes and prepare the next question depending on what the interviewee says. 9He was susp

25、ected of having taken money for not scoring goals on purpose to let the other team win/having been bribed to lose the match/ having been bribed into deliberately not scoring goals in order to let the other team win. 10The footballer would probably demand damages. 知识聚焦 讲练互动 要点直击 1assist vt.帮助;协助;援助 (

26、教材原句 P26)Youll find your colleagues very eager to assist you ,so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if youre interested. 你将发现同事们会热情地帮助你,因此如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去 研究它。归纳拓展Error!帮助某人做某事 assistance n援助;帮助 give/offer assistance to sb 给某人以帮助 with the assistance of.在的帮助下 come to ones assista

27、nce 帮助某人(1)We have sent some doctors to assist the people there in fighting against the Ebola virus. 我们已经派了些医生去帮助那里的人抗击埃博拉病毒。(2)She employed a woman to assist her with the housework. 她雇了一个妇女帮助她做家务。易混辨析assist/help/aid词语辨析assist与 help 同义,但着重指“协助” ,受协助的人自己也能做一部分工作help是常用词,指以积极的态度给予各方面的帮助,强调受助者得到帮助或 好处,

28、并着重受助者对帮助的需要aid意为“帮助;援助;救助” ,较 help 正式的词。强调帮助脱离困难或危7险,尤指用金钱,接受帮助的人较广即学即练 完成句子。He asked us to _ carrying through his plan. 他请求我们帮助他完成他的计划。A good dictionary will _ you to understand English. 一本好词典会帮你理解英文。The young _ was very nervous when he first _ performing the experiment. 那位年轻助手第一次协助做实验时非常紧张。 答案:as

29、sist him in assist assistant assisted in 2acquire vt.获得;取得;学到 (教材原句 P26)Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 只有提很多不同的问题,你才能收集到你所需要的信息。(1)Gradually she acquired experience in how to do the work. 她逐步获得了做这项工作的经验。(2)The player acquired a lot fro

30、m the Asian Games in Korea in 2014. 这位运动员从 2014 年韩国举办的亚运会上收获了很多。易混辨析acquire/get/obtain/gain词语辨析acquire多用于通过不断地“学” “问”等慢慢地获取学问、技术等较抽象的 东西get为“获得”的最普遍用语obtain表示经过相当长的时间或经过很大的努力而获得的期望已久的东西gain含义较 obtain 更进一步,表示付出更大努力才能获得,故常常译为 “赢得”即学即练 用 acquire/obtain/gain/get 的适当形式填空。She decided to pursue her study a

31、fter _ her first degree. It took time for a house to _ that appearance. He always manages to _ what he wants. You can _ by watching how she works. The waiters _ good tips over and above their wages. 答案:obtaining acquire obtain gain get 3inform vt.告知;通知 (教材原句 P26)They must research to inform themselv

32、es of the missing parts of the story. 记者必须通过调查研究,来使自己了解到被遗漏的那部分情况。归纳拓展 (1)inform sb of/about sth 告知某人某事 inform sb that/wh-从句 告知某人8(2)information n. 信息;消息 We informed him of the earthquake happening in Kangding in November,2014. 我们通知了他 2014 年 11 月发生在康定的地震。即学即练 完成句子。Can you _ when to begin our final e

33、xamination? 你能告诉我什么时候开始期末考试吗?I regret to _ the concert has been put off. 我很遗憾地通知你们,音乐会被推迟了。I _ my safe arrival. 我通知了父母我已平安抵达。 答案:inform me inform you that informed my parents of 4depend on 依靠,依赖;取决于 (教材原句 P26)Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. 同时,还要根据被

34、采访人所说的话准备下一个问题。归纳拓展depend on (1)取决于;视而定The time of departure depends on the weather. 出发时间取决于天气。Whether you can dispose of these goods will depend on the price. 你能否处理掉这些货物将取决于价格。 (2)依靠,依赖搭配depend on sb to do(不定式作宾补) depend on sb doing(sb doing为动名词的复合结构)指望/依靠 某人做某事The community depends on the shipping

35、 industry for its survival. 这个地区靠航运业维持生活。You cant depend on your enemy to help you. 你不能指望你的敌人来帮助你。 学法点拨 depend on 不能直接跟宾语从句,须先接形式宾语 it,然后再接真正的宾语从句。 能这样用的还有 see to,answer for,rely on,insist on,stick to 等。You may depend on it that Tom will assist you with your English. 你放心,汤姆会帮助你学英语的。 It/That(all) dep

36、ends.看情况,视情况而定。常用于交际用语中。Is he coming? That depends.He may have a meeting to attend. 他来吗? 那要看情况。他可能有个会议要参加。即学即练 完成句子。You may _ on time. 你可以相信她会准时到来。9Children _ food and clothing. 孩子们依靠父母供给衣食。You may _ she will help you. 你可以相信她会帮助你。 答案:depend on/upon her arriving depend on their parents to provide dep

37、end on it that 5case nC情况;病例;案例;箱子 (教材原句 P26)Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你们有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?归纳拓展 in that case 如果那样 You say your father might object? In that case,I will not press the matter. 你说你父亲会反对?如果那样,我就不

38、勉强了。 in any case 不管怎样 In any case,you must finish your homework. 不管怎样,你必须完成你的作业。 in no case 在任何情况下都不,放在句首要倒装In no case are you to leave your post. 任何情况下你都不能离开你的工作岗位。 in case 以防;如果,万一Take your umbrella in case it rains. 带上你的伞以防下雨。 in case of 万一,如果 In case of fire,ring 119. 万一着火,拨打 119。即学即练 完成句子。 _ fi

39、re,ring the alarm bell. 如遇火情,就按警铃。_ be the first to use nuclear weapons. 中国在任何情况下都不会首先使用核武器。 _ old people,my grandma is fond of talking about good old days. 就像其他老人一样,我奶奶也喜欢讲她当年的美好时光。 答案:In case of In no case will China As is often the case with 6accuse vt.指责;谴责;控告 (教材原句 P26)Have you ever had a case

40、where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick? 你们有没有遇到过这种情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实?归纳拓展 accuse sb of (doing) sth 指控某人(做了)某事 rob sb of sth 抢劫某人某物10cure sb of. 医好某人的病;纠正某人的不良习惯 warn sb of sth 警告某人某事People accused the terrorists of their inhuman behaviour. 人们谴责恐怖分子惨无人道的行径

41、。即学即练 用 accuse 的相关短语完成句子。 _ stealing money,the man was brought to court. 那个人因被指控偷了钱被带往法庭。He _ his boss _ having broken his word. 他指责老板不守信。She _ a robber. 她被指控为抢劫犯。 答案:Accused of accused of was accused as 7so as to.为了 (教材原句 P26)A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goa

42、ls so as to let the other team win. 一位足球运动员被指控受贿,故意不进球,好让对方球队赢球。归纳拓展 so as to 为了;以便 in order to 可以用在句首或句中,但 so as to 只能用在句中。 in order to 一般用 in order that 加从句来替换;而 so as to 一般用 so that 加从 句来替换。in order that 可以用在句首,so that 和 so as to 一样不能用在句首。当这 两个短语后的不定式动词的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致时, “in order to/so as to不定 式”可以简化为“不定式” 。(1)He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus. 他跑得很快以便赶上那趟末班车。(2)He came to school early so as to clean the classroom. 他很早到学校为的是打扫教室。即学即练


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