2019高中英语 Unit 22 Environmental Protection Section Ⅰ Warm-up.doc

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1、1UnitUnit 2222 EnvironmentalEnvironmental ProtectionProtection索取,索取,再索取。孩子和母亲的关系似乎永远都是这一种形式。人类和自然母亲的关系又何尝不是如此呢?Nature Is Our Mother Take.Take.Take.The relationship between a child and a mother always seems to follow such a pattern.Like a child endlessly asking,we humans,throughout history,have been

2、continually demanding what we desire from nature.We enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture,yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation.We take it for granted that we must warm ourselves in winter times,yet we seldom realize all the prosperity from the d

3、evelopment of modern industry,yet few would give the slightest consideration to the global air and water pollution caused by industrial wastes.Our ruthless exploitation has permanently impaired our mother earth.Now,standing here at the threshold of the 21st century,we cannot help thinking of our pos

4、terity (后代)Nature is not only the mother of the present generation,but also the mother of the generations to come.How severely our posterity will criticize us if we leave them a barren and lifeless mother?How much more they will appreciate us if we give them a world of harmony to inherit?Let us star

5、t respectingand caring for nature from now on.Let us start the campaign of creating a mutually (互利的) beneficial relationship between people and nature right from this moment.With this new start,we have no reason to doubt that our children,and our childrens children will live in a brand new age of gr

6、een trees,clean air,crystal water,blue sky and an even more promising world!1deforestation n 滥伐森林22take it for granted(that) 认为是,理所当然 3prosperity n. 繁荣;兴旺,昌盛4at the threshold of 在的开始 5inherit vt.&vi. 继承1What will be caused with the development of modern industry?_2What will we do if we want our next

7、 generation to appreciate us?_【答案】 1.The global air and water pollution will be caused by industrial wastes.2We try to give them a world of harmony to inherit.Section Warmup & Global WarmingPreparing根据提示写出下列单词1_vt. 使困住2_n. 顾问3_n. 保护区 4_n. 原则,道德准则5_n. 保护 6_n. 一致的意见 7_prep. 超出 8_adj. 有关的 9_n. 农业 10_n.

8、 巧合 11_vt. 迫使(某人)陷入不幸的境地 12_adj. 联邦的 13_vt.&vi. 牺牲;献出 14_vt. 主张,提倡 315_vt. 回收利用 16_n. 代替品,代用品 17_vt. 威胁 【答案】 1.trap 2.consultant 3.reserve 4principle 5.conservation 6.consensus 7beyond 8.relevant 9.agriculture 10coincidence 11.condemn 12.federal 13sacrifice 14.advocate 15.recycle 16substitute 17.thr

9、eaten根据提示补全下列短语1be harmful _ 对有害2._risk 有危险,处于危险中3._number of 一些4_ones control 超出的控制;不受的控制5speed_ 加快速度6look_ 展望未来7refer_ 指;提及;参考8_turn 依次,轮流9lead_ 引起,导致10_a result of 由于,因为11_action 采取行动12switch_ 关掉13add_ 把加起来14ahead_ 在的前面【答案】 1.to 2.at 3.a 4.beyond 5.up 6ahead 7.to 8.in 9.to 10.as 11.take 12off 13.

10、up 14.of根据提示补全下列教材原句1._Without_these_naturally_occurring_gases,the suns rays would_bounce_back_into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳光线将会被反射回太空中,使得地球将处于寒冷中而不适合生命的生存。42The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by more than 30% in the last 250 years

11、 with_half_of_this_increase_occurring_since_1960.在过去的 250 年里,大气中的二氧化碳含量已经增加了 30%以上,而其中一半是在1960 年以后增加的。3Given_this_data,it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.考虑到这个数据,看起来人类活动与正在上升的全球温度之间的联系就不仅仅是一个巧合了。4The water level has risen so hig

12、h in several places that many homes are at risk from flooding.几个地方的水位上涨得那么高,以至于许多房子处在被淹没的危险中。阅读 P6课文,并从四个选项中选择最佳答案1.The main purpose of the first paragraph is _.Ato introduce the topic of global warming to the readersBto remind the readers of human activities in the pastCto introduce the greatest tr

13、ouble in the futureDto mention the process of global warming in history2Which of the following is TRUE about greenhouse gases?AGreenhouse gases will only do us harm.BGreenhouse gases do more harm than good to humans.CGreenhouse gases do more good than harm to humans.DProper greenhouse gases are quit

14、e necessary to the earth.3Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the result of global warming?ATyphoons.BSerious diseases.CPolar ice melting.DHeat waves.4Which is one of the biggest environmental problems in the 21st century?ARising sea levels.BGlobal warming.CMore and more factories.5DFloods an

15、d droughts.5What leads to the increase of the global average temperature according to many experts?AHuman activities.BBurning fuels.CPlanting trees.DBush fires.【答案】 1.A 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.A阅读 P6课文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式In the last few decades, it 1._ (report) that Earths climate is being changed a

16、nd human beings will face global warming. Global warming refers to 2._average increase in the Earths temperature, 3._, in turn, leads to climate change. The global average temperature has increased 4._1F over the last 100 years because of human 5._(active). If the situation 6._(continue), we are con

17、demning life on Earth and should face terrible climate changes, serious diseases and bad effects on some industries as well as the 7._(rise) sea levels. So how can we stop these disasters from 8._(happen)? Governments all over the world have a 9._(responsible) to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide 10._(produce) by their countries. Everyone can play his part by making small changes in his daily life.【答案】 1. has been reported 2. an 3. which 4. by 5. activities 6. continues 7. rising 8. happening 9. responsibility 10. produced


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