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《《财务管理实务(第2版)》电工与电子技术电子商务电子课件跨境客户关系管理(第2版)情景九跨境客户的沟通ppt.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《财务管理实务(第2版)》电工与电子技术电子商务电子课件跨境客户关系管理(第2版)情景九跨境客户的沟通ppt.pptx(227页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、客户售前沟通目录4 子情景一跨境客户沟通概述PART 01一、相关概念二、跨境客户沟通的特点5知识目标学习目标1.了解沟通的相关定义。2.了解跨境客户沟通区别于国内电商 沟通及传统外贸沟通的特点。1.培养学生以互联网思维进行商务沟通的能力。2.培养学生形成全方位沟通的意识。1.培养学生在跨文化交流中,弘扬“尊重、理解”的中华优秀传统美德。1.能根据不同国家跨境客户的风俗习惯进行有效的沟通交流。2.能熟练使用各种跨境沟通工具与跨境客户进行沟通交流。3.能将跨境客户沟通贯穿于跨境业务的各个环节。能力目标素质目标思政目标6项目背景 不论跨境电商如何发展变化,沟通始终贯穿其整个业务。根据美国营销协会的

3、研究,导致客户不满意的原因有2/3是出现在商家与客户的沟通不良这个问题上的。可见,客户沟通是使客户满意的一个重要环节,只有加强与客户的联系和沟通,才能了解客户的需求和期望。特别是在出现纠纷时,有效的沟通有助于获得客户的谅解,减少或消除他们的不满。跨境电子商务每天的具体业务操作自始至终都离不开沟通,了解跨境客户沟通有别于国内的电商沟通以及传统的国际贸易沟通的特点,充分利用其优势,能使许多问题迎刃而解,反之则寸步难行。浙江英卡顿网络科技有限公司的跨境客服专员Allen开始学习如何与跨境客户进行有效沟通。7知识铺垫一、相关概念 1.沟通是指人与人、人与群体、人与社会之间双向的信息传递、接收、交流、分

4、享信息的活动过程。2.客户沟通就是企业通过与客户建立互相联系的桥梁或纽带,拉近与客户的距离,加深与客户感情,从而赢得客户满意与客户忠诚所采取的行动。8知识铺垫二、跨境客户沟通的特点 跨境电子商务是指分属不同关境的交易主体,通过电子商务的手段将传统进出口贸易中的展示、洽谈和成交环节电子化,并通过跨境物流送达商品、完成交易的一种国际商业活动。因此跨境客户沟通就是将沟通放在了跨境电商这个特定的业务领域,这就决定了跨境客户沟通有别于国内电商领域或传统国际贸易领域,它主要具有如下三个特点。9(一)沟通主体分属不同关境 跨境客户沟通的主体分属于不同的关境,可能具有不同的语言、文化习俗、思维方式、行为特征等

5、,双方的差异是沟通的主要障碍。因而,跨境电商只有掌握这种差异性,即掌握并尊重全球不同的国家、民族和地区跨境客户的风俗和习惯、购买需求、消费心理、购买行为等,才能更好地进行客户关系管理,最终促进销售业绩的增长。知识铺垫10(二)沟通主要采用电子商务手段 跨境客户沟通的整个流程主要采取电子商务手段,而非其他手段,所有的沟通必须充分考虑电子商务手段的特性与特点。因而,选择合适的沟通工具可以让沟通效率得以提高。以下将介绍几个跨境客户沟通的工具。1.站内信和订单留言为主 2.邮件为辅 3.基于互联网的及时沟通软件知识铺垫11 (三)跨境沟通贯穿于跨境业务的各个环节知识铺垫 在售前信息咨询环节,当订单生成

6、前,客户对商品信息的咨询、价格的沟通、支付方式、物流及其他的咨询都应及及时时且耐心、细致、全面地回复,任何一个和客户的接触点都是沟通的重点。客户拍下未付款,可以适当跟踪,弄清楚原因。若对方因为不熟悉跨境电子商务的交易流程,可以协助其完成流程,提供服务,促成订单。在售中业务洽谈环节,当订单生成后,从感谢客户下单到备货细节的确认;从物流每个节点的跟踪到关联产品的推介等,都是沟通的重点内容,每一个细节处理是否得当都是跨境电子商务业务成功与否的关键。在售后服务环节,应做好后期的交流与沟通,跟踪服务,并对客户反馈及客户评价进行及时回复。必要时进行适当的关系维系和沟通联络。12Background 北京时

7、间2020年11月5日晚上21:18,一位巴西客户在速卖通店内想要购买一款耳机作为圣诞节礼物,但不知选择哪一款产品,留言给Allen让其帮助选择。案例解析一、案例背景131 收到订单留言之后,第一时间回复给客户,将店内卖得最好的产品推荐给客户,并介绍产品的性能、卖点等,让客户对其感兴趣。当客户没有及时回复站内信和订单留言的时候,可以采用WhatsApp和客户联系,方便沟通。案例解析二、操作步骤234 在包装货物的时候要注意巴西的风俗习惯,因为是作为礼物,所以不能触碰巴西的禁忌。货物发出之后,将物流单号发给客户,让客户实时了解包裹的状态。14Summary 在本案例中,由于客户是将产品作为圣诞节

8、礼物,虽然对方没有在包装上做出要求,但是Allen结合当地的风俗与习惯,避讳巴西客户的禁忌,这样才有机会将其发展成为忠实客户。同时,由于存在时差问题,客服回复不及时,因此可以采用WhatsApp等聊天软件和客户沟通,保证消息的及时性。案例解析三、案例总结15 子情景二跨境客户售前沟通PART 02一、商务信函的格式与写作原则三、关于产品价格的沟通二、关于产品的沟通四、关于支付信息的沟通五、关于物流信息的沟通16知识目标学习目标1.掌握英文商务信函的格式与写作原则。2.掌握售前沟通的内容和常用回复表达方式。3.掌握售前咨询服务过程中与跨境客户的沟通技巧。1.培养学生树立商务礼仪的职业意识。2.培

9、养学生妥善回复客户售前咨询的沟通能力。1.培养学生诚实守信的职业道德观。2.培养学生感恩的职业态度。1.能正确规范地书写商务信函。2.能妥善处理和回复跨境客户对于产品、价格、支付和物流的咨询。能力目标素质目标思政目标17项目背景 跨境沟通的特点之一是沟通贯穿于跨境业务的售前信息咨询环节、售中业务洽谈环节和售后服务环节。根据图9-1所示的跨境客户沟通流程划分标准,我们将跨境客服岗位的主要沟通工作划分为售前沟通、售中沟通和售后沟通三个部分,并对三个部分分别进行讨论。图9-1 跨境客户沟通流程划分标准18项目背景 本子情景主要探讨跨境客服岗位的售前沟通工作,该阶段主要是引导性的工作,它包括客户进店咨

10、询到拍下订单付款的整个工作环节。浙江英卡顿网络科技有限公司跨境客服专员Allen了解到虽然跨境客户往往进行静默式下单,但是也不排除下单前需要与卖家进行沟通,因此作为客服专员仍然要对售前沟通工作了如指掌。Allen在工作期间需要掌握跨境客户沟通时英文商务信函的格式与写作原则,能够清楚、正确并简洁地对客户关于售前信息的咨询进行回复,包括产品、价格、支付和物流等信息咨询的回复。19一、商务信函的格式与写作原则 我们已经知晓,跨境交易中买卖双方的沟通是以站内信和订单留言为主,以邮件为辅。虽然都是英文商务信函,但是基于跨境客户沟通的即时性和碎片化的特点,相对于传统外贸商务信函的构成而言,跨境客户沟通的站

11、内信和订单留言的构成和写作会更加简洁。我们将在下文进行介绍。20知识铺垫 (一)商务信函的格式 1.商务信函的构成 一般英文商务信函的构成课分为必要部分和根据实际需要而增加的部分。必要部分,即在一般情况下不可却上的部分,包括:(1)称呼(2)正文(3)结尾敬辞(4)署名21知识铺垫 根据实际需要而增加的部分包括:(5)信头(6)日期(7)信内收件地址(8)指明收件人(9)主题行(10)附件(11)案号(12)抄送 22知识铺垫 跨境客户商务信函往来通过站内信、订单留言或者邮件完成,跨境买卖双方都以最简洁的方式进行沟通,作为跨境客服,需要掌握下表商务信函的必要组成部分的写作。表9-1 商务信函的

12、必要组成部分Dear Nancy,称呼 Thank you for your inquiry.The coat is sold in low price as it is shipped directly from our factory.We guarantee that it is made of 90%wool and 10%cashmere.Please let me know if you have any further questions.正文 Best regards,结尾敬辞 Allen 署名23知识铺垫 2.商务信函的格式 英文商务信函通用的格式有三种,分别是缩进式、齐头式

13、和混合式。现分别举例说明如下。(1)缩进式:正文部分每段首行缩进4个字母,每段之间空一行或两行;结尾敬辞和署名部分在信函右下角。如下表所示:表9-2 缩进式Dear Nancy,Thank you for your inquiry.The coat is sold in low price as it is shipped directly from our factory.We guarantee that it is made of 90%wool and 10%cashmere.Please let me know if you have any further questions.Be

14、st regards,Allen24知识铺垫(2)齐头式:所有部分都是左边顶格写,不留空格。表9-3 齐头式Dear Nancy,Thank you for your inquiry.The coat is sold in low price as it is shipped directly from our factory.We guarantee that it is made of 90%wool and 10%cashmere.Please let me know if you have any further questions.Best regards,Allen25知识铺垫 混

15、合式:又称半齐头式,即缩进式和齐头式的混合。从下表可以看出称呼、结尾敬辞和署名与缩进式相同,正文是齐头式。表9-4 混合式Dear Nancy,Thank you for your inquiry.The coat is sold in low price as it is shipped directly from our factory.We guarantee that it is made of 90%wool and 10%cashmere.Please let me know if you have any further questions.Best regards,Allen2

16、6知识铺垫(二)商务信函的写作原则 好的商务信函要遵循特有的写作原则,使其易读易懂,友好而客气。目前,最流行的商务信函写作原则是“7C”原则,即清楚、简洁、礼貌、体谅、正确、具体、完整。1.清楚(Clearness)。意思表达明确,用最易懂的语言清楚、直接第表达自己的想法,避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的词汇。2.简洁(Conciseness)。用尽可能少的语言来表达所需要表达的意思,避免啰嗦重复、废话连篇;尽量使用简短的语言。3.礼貌(Courtesy)。在信函中表达友情、感谢、理解和尊敬,并且要及时回信。4.体谅(Consideration)。写信时要多从对方角度考虑有什么需求,而不

17、是从自身出发,语气上更尊重对方。27知识铺垫5.正确(Correctness)。表达的用语用词、标点符号、语法和拼写应正确无误,因为商务函电的内容大多涉及商业交往双方的权利、义务以及利害关系。如果出错,势必造成不必要的麻烦。6.具体(Concreteness)。书信内容要具体且明确,避免含糊、抽象和笼统。尤其是要求对方答复或对之后的交往产生影响的信函。7.完整(Completeness)。完整表达所需内容和意思,包括何人、何时、何地、何事、何种原因、何种方式等。28二、关于产品的沟通ABOUT USABOUT USABOUT USTask 查看左边一张选自跨境店铺的商品图片。假设你要买一件这个

18、产品,你会咨询哪些关于产品的问题呢?案例导入2ABOUT USn产产品的品的质质量量产品的颜色产品的颜色产品的规格产品的规格产品的沟通 产品的材质产品的材质 产品的销售方式产品的销售方式针对客户的咨询,如何回复呢?4称呼称呼1致致谢谢2问题问题的回答的回答3鼓励提鼓励提问问/下下单单4敬辞及署名敬辞及署名5针对客户的咨询,如何回复呢?5Dear XXX,Thank you for your inquiry.Thank you for your interest in our item.We will ship it within 24 hours once you place an order

19、.Please let me know if you have any further questions.Best regards,XXXCustomer:Hello,could you send me some real product pictures?Are these boots really waterproof?1.Quality of the Product 产品质量61.1.表达产品质量好表达产品质量好2.2.说明产品的材质说明产品的材质3.3.保证产品材质或者防水保证产品材质或者防水/防辐射防辐射/环保等性能环保等性能4.4.如有问题可以退换货如有问题可以退换货/退款退款回

20、复思路回复思路1.Quality of the Product 产品质量8be of good quality/be in good quality 质量好质量好be superior to 优于优于top quality 高质量高质量表达表达产产品品质质量好量好1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7Our products are of/in good quality.Our goods are superior in quality to those of other manufacturers.We provide top quality products.表达表达

21、产产品品质质量好量好1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7be made of 由由制成制成use 使用使用说说明明产产品材品材质质1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7The coat is made of 90%wool and 10%cashmere.We only use environmental friendly materials.说说明明产产品材品材质质1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7We guarantee that We guarantee that the stuffed toys are well

22、up to all standards.We guarantee that the boots are made of genuine leather.We guarantee that the sun-glasses are protective.保保证证材材质质/性能性能1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7 这双雪地靴这双雪地靴(snow boots)(snow boots)材质是麂皮材质是麂皮(suede)(suede)。The snow boots are made of suede.Practice1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7

23、我们保证雪地靴是防水的。我们保证雪地靴是防水的。We guarantee that the boots are waterproof.Practice1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7We promise to give you a full refund if the material is not as described.We are responsible to replace the defective ones(items).You can return the products due to quality problem.退退换货换货、退款、退款1.Q

24、uality of the Product 产品质量7Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.The snow boots you are interested in are bestseller in our store.They are of good quality.The boots are made of suede.We guarantee that the boots are waterproof.Our goods are superior in quality compared to those of other manufacturers.We

25、are responsible to replace the defective ones.You can refer to the picture we attached below.Best regards,xxx回复回复1.Quality of the Product 产品质量8小结81单词单词bestseller,bestselling,suede,guarantee,waterproof2短语短语be superior to,be made of 3句型句型Our goods are of good quality.Our goods are superior in quality

26、to those of other manufacturers.We provide top quality products.We are responsible to replace the defective ones(items).重点重点ABOUT USABOUT USABOUT UStask 客客户户询询问问了了刺刺绣绣手手机机壳壳的的防防摔摔问问题题,请请就就该该问问题题向向客客户户进进行行回回复。复。任务 1-9Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Please feel free to contact me if you have any fur

27、ther questions.Best regards,xxx回复回复参考答案 8The phone case you are interested in is made of silicone gel and the embroidered part is delicately handmade.We guarantee it is soft enough to prevent the phone from breaking.It is superior in quality to those of other manufacturers.We are responsible to repl

28、ace the defective ones.Customer:Hello!Do you have the cardigan in black color?2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色102.Colors of the Product 产品颜色11Customer:Hello!Do you have the cardigan in black color?2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色12此款产品仅有灰色和米色两种颜色,这时,卖家回复时应该注意什么?该如何去回复卖家的问题呢?无库存无库存1.1.如实告知库存实际情况如实告知库存实际情况2.2

29、.推荐另外的颜色推荐另外的颜色有库存有库存1.1.如实告知库存实际情况如实告知库存实际情况2.2.鼓励下单鼓励下单回复思路回复思路82.Colors of the Product 产品颜色Sorry to tell you that the blue boots you are interested in are out of stock at the momentIts really sorry that we only have the pink sweater available.Its really a pity that the shirt you are interested in

30、 only comes in red.无无库库存存2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色13 此款产品仅有灰色和米色两种颜色。Sorry to tell you that the cardigan you are interested in only comes in gray and beige.Sorry to tell you that we only have gray and beige cardigans available.Practice1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7be hot in your marketbe popular

31、among customerscause a fever among customers无无库库存存2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色13The black ones are hot/popular in your market/among customers.The gray ones cause a fever in your market.无无库库存存2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色13 灰色羊毛衫在你们国家很受欢迎,你是否考虑一下灰色?The gray ones are very popular in your market.Could y

32、ou please consider about it?Practice1.Quality of the Product 产品质量7Yes,we have the red ones in stock.The boots you are interested in are available in large size.有有库库存存2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色13They have a high risk of selling out(售罄)(售罄)soon.Please place your order as soon as possible.The product

33、s may sell out soon for high popularity.有有库库存存2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色13Dear X,Thanks for your inquiry.Sorry to tell you that the sweater cardigan you are interested in only comes in gray and beige.And the gray ones are very popular in your market.We have the gray ones in stock.Could you please

34、consider about it?Hope to hear from you.Best regards,XXX回复回复2.Colors of the Product 产品颜色14小结81单词单词gray,purple,beige2短语短语come incolors,in stock,out of stock,be hot,be popular,cause a fever3句型句型Sorry to tell you that重点重点ABOUT USABOUT USABOUT UStask客户:体恤衫是否有粉红色的。客户:体恤衫是否有粉红色的。情情况况:有有,不不过过没没有有库库存存,要要等等5

35、天才有货。天才有货。任务 1-15Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Sorry to tell you that the T-shirt with pink color is out of stock at the moment.We were informed from the factory that the pink ones will be available in 5 days.If you are in a hurry to get one,we would recommend to you the other item with the simi

36、lar style and the same color.You can click the following link to check it out.www.aliexpress.Please let me know if you have any further questions.Best regards,xxx回复回复参考答案 8Customer:Hello.Do you have this bag?I want to buy it.Thank you.Would you please tell me the specification about it?3.Specificati

37、on of the Product 产品规格16size:length*width*height(cm,m,in,dm.)Volume:l,ml,cm3,m3,mm3.weight:g,kg,mg.产产品品规规格有哪些格有哪些维维度?度?3.Specification of the Product 产品规格17Our products are available in large size,medium size and small size.SIZE3.Specification of the Product 产品规格18SIZE3.Specification of the Product

38、产品规格19The width of the tablet PC is 8.7cm.It is 8.7 cm wide.The Length of the tablet PC is 15.7 cm.It is It is 1515.7.7 cmcm long.long.15.7cm8.7cm3.Specification of the Product 产品规格20The thickness of the product is 7.6mm.It is 7.6mm thick.3.Specification of the Product 产品规格21The height of the desk i

39、s 80 cm.The desk is 80 cm high.The drawer is 8 cm deep.The depth of the drawer is 8 cm.Dear X,Thank you for your interest in our item.Yes,we have this item in stock.This women handbag is 37cm(length)*35cm(height)*13cm(width).You can learn more information about it from the picture we attached below.

40、We will ship it within 24 hours once you place an order.If you need any help or have any questions,please let us know.Best regards,XXX回复回复3.Specification of the Product 产品规格22小结81单词单词length,width,height,depth,thicknesslong,wide,high,deep,thick2短语短语3句型句型The tablet PC is long.The length of the tablet

41、PC isOur products are available in large size,medium size and small size.重点重点ABOUT USABOUT USABOUT UStask客客户户:红红色色杯杯子子还还有有货货吗吗?杯杯子子的容量是多大?的容量是多大?情况:有货,情况:有货,350ml。任务 1-23Dear X,Thank you for your inquiry.Yes,we have the item in stock.It has a capacity of 350 ml.Since the red ones are very popular,th

42、ey have a high risk of selling out soon.Please place your order as soon as possible.We will ship it within 24 hours once you place an order.Best regards,xxx回复回复参考答案 8Customer:Hi,do you have such shoes 35 or 36 size?My foot length is 23cm.Which size can you recommend me?Thank you.Size of the Product产

43、品尺寸16Dear X,Thank you for your interest in our item.We offer US size.According to the length of your foot 23cm,we suggest you choose US size 5.It equals to EUR size 36.You can also get more information from the size table we attached below.And we do have size 36 in stock.If you need any help or have

44、 any questions,please contact us.We will be here for you.Best regards,XXX回复回复Size of the Product产品尺寸24Customer:Hello.Please tell me honestly,is it real leather or PU?Whats hhe height of the boots?Couldyou give me a discount?Thank you!4.Material of the Product 产品材料274.Material of the Product 产品材料28Wh

45、at is it made of?It is made of silk/plastic/stainless steel/woodDear X,Thanks for your interest in our item.These boots are very popular in winter.The height of the boots tube is 35cm.These boots are made of genuine leather.Do not worry about the material.You can trust us.You can refer to the feedba

46、cks from our buyers.If your order is more than 3 pairs,we can give you a 7%discount.Please contact us if you have any problems.Thanks.Best regards.XXX回复回复4.Material of the Product 产品材料29小结81单词单词genuine,leather,plastic,silk,wood2短语短语be made of,a 7%discount(九三折),7%off,a discount of 7%,a special offer,

47、a 20%off 3句型句型重点重点Customer:Hello,how much for 10-15 pairs(multiple color)and postage to the UK?Also would you accept Paypal as payment?Thanks!5.Sales Mode 产品销售方式30ABOUT USpieceboxpacketbottle5.Sales Mode 产品销售方式31jarslicebundleDear X,Thanks for your inquiry.We are sorry to tell you that we sell this

48、item in lot unit,10 pieces per lot.You can choose the quantity 2 lots.And you can leave a message about the color you want in your order.We will make the delivery according to your requirement.And the shipping is free to your country by China Post Registered Air Mail.We are sorry to tell you that we

49、 do not accept PayPal.Please contact us if you have any problems.Thanks.Best regards.XXX回复回复5.Sales Mode 产品销售方式3281三、关于产品价格的沟通1.make the payment2.sell out3.a discount of X%off4.adjust the price5.confirm6.in this field7.limited pare.to.9.promise.to.10.wholesale price A.打打.折折B.在这个领域在这个领域/行业行业C.确认确认D.比

50、较比较.和和.E.批发价批发价F.付款付款G.向向.承诺承诺.H.售罄售罄I.调整价格调整价格J.利润有限利润有限 1.1.下单未付款下单未付款产品未达到客户的心理价位?产品未达到客户的心理价位?提供帮助优惠促销制造紧迫感我们想知道您是否在支付时遇到了困难。我们会竭尽全力帮助您解决问题这款产品这三天在做8折的促销活动这款产品极有可能不久会售罄安排发货我们会在您付款之后立马安排发货We wonder if you have any problem making the payment.We can help you solve the problems.Please note that ther


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