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1、八年级(上)期中教学质量检测八年级(上)期中教学质量检测英英 语语 试试 卷卷 2010.11 2010.11本试卷分第一卷和第二卷。全卷共本试卷分第一卷和第二卷。全卷共 7 7 页。满分页。满分 120120 分,考试时间为分,考试时间为 120120 分钟。分钟。学校学校班级班级姓名姓名考号考号第一卷(共三个部分第一卷(共三个部分共共 8585 分)分)第一部分第一部分听力(共听力(共 2020 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 2020 分)分)一、找出与你所听到的单词相对应的图片。读两遍。一、找出与你所听到的单词相对应的图片。读两遍。(每小题(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共

2、 5 5 分)分)A AB BC CD DE E1.二、听录音,填入所缺的单词。读两遍。二、听录音,填入所缺的单词。读两遍。(每小题(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分)6.He always takes the6.He always takes theto get to school.to get to school.7.It takes about 107.It takes about 10by bus.by bus.8.How8.Howis it from your home to the town?is it from your home

3、to the town?9.He has a9.He has abreakfast after 7:00.breakfast after 7:00.10.How do students10.How do studentsthe world spend their weekends?the world spend their weekends?三、听对话,选出正确答案。读两遍。三、听对话,选出正确答案。读两遍。(每小题(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分)()11.How does the girl go to school?11.How d

4、oes the girl go to school?A.By busA.By busB.By bikeB.By bikeC.On footC.On foot()12.12.HowHow longlong doesdoes it it taketake byby busbus fromfrom thethe manmans s homehome toto thethesupermarket?supermarket?A.10 minutesA.10 minutesB.20 minutesB.20 minutesC.30 minutesC.30 minutes()13.How does he get

5、 to the bus station?13.How does he get to the bus station?A.He rides his bicycle.A.He rides his bicycle.B.He takes the subway.B.He takes the subway.C.He takes the boat.C.He takes the boat.()14.How long is the man staying there?14.How long is the man staying there?A.1 weekA.1 weekB.2 weeksB.2 weeksC.

6、3 daysC.3 days()15.What15.What areare thethe threethree mostmost importantimportant waysways ofof gettinggetting toto schoolschool ininJapan?Japan?A.Bus,bike and subwayA.Bus,bike and subwayB.Train,bike and boatB.Train,bike and boatC.Bus,train and bikeC.Bus,train and bike四、听短文,回答问题。读两遍。四、听短文,回答问题。读两遍

7、。(每小题(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分)()16()16In China most students go to school .In China most students go to school .A.by boat B.on foot C.by busA.by boat B.on foot C.by bus()17()17In China students go to school by bicycleIn China students go to school by bicycleA.many B.some C.allA.many B.some C.all()18(

8、)18Students in Hongshanhu go to school .Students in Hongshanhu go to school .A.by boat B.by bus C.by bikeA.by boat B.by bus C.by bike()19()19Most students go to school on the school bus in .Most students go to school on the school bus in .A.China B.America C.JapanA.China B.America C.Japan()20()20In

9、Japan most students to school.In Japan most students to school.A.take cars B.ride bikes C.take trainsA.take cars B.ride bikes C.take trains第二部分第二部分基础知识运用基础知识运用(共两节共两节,共共 3030 分分)第一节第一节单项选择单项选择(共共 2020 小题小题,每小题每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 2020 分分)根据题意,从根据题意,从 A A、B B、C C 三个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。三个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案

10、。()21.-Excuse me.Is this your notebook?)21.-Excuse me.Is this your notebook?-Yes.It is-Yes.It isnotebook.notebook.A.yourA.yourB.herB.herC.myC.my()22.There)22.Therea clock and two pictures on the table.a clock and two pictures on the table.A.beA.beB.isB.isC.areC.are()23.-Does Jenny)23.-Does Jennyany

11、soccer balls?any soccer balls?-Yes,-Yes,sheshesome.some.A.have,haveA.have,haveB.have,hasB.have,hasC.has,hasC.has,has()24.Look!Some children)24.Look!Some childrenin the hallways.in the hallways.A.runA.runB.is runningB.is runningC.are runningC.are running()25.Tom can play)25.Tom can playbasketball wel

12、l,but he canbasketball well,but he cant playt playguitar well.guitar well.A.A.不填不填,the,theB.the,B.the,不填不填C.the,theC.the,the()26.-)26.-do you watch TV?do you watch TV?-Once a week.-Once a week.A.How manyA.How manyB.How oftenB.How oftenC.How longC.How long()27.I)27.Im too hungry.Could you please give

13、 me somem too hungry.Could you please give me some?A.milkA.milkB.waterB.waterC.hamburgersC.hamburgers()28.-What)28.-Whats the matter with Gina?s the matter with Gina?-She-She.-Well,she should go to see a dentist.-Well,she should go to see a dentist.A.has a feverA.has a feverB.has a toothacheB.has a

14、toothacheC.has a coldC.has a cold()29.Does Linda enjoy)29.Does Linda enjoyto the movies?to the movies?A.goesA.goesB.goingB.goingC.to goC.to go()30.It)30.Its times timefor class.Letfor class.Lets sand listen to the teacher.and listen to the teacher.A.to stop talkingA.to stop talkingB.stop to talkB.st

15、op to talkC.stop talkingC.stop talking()31.Is there)31.Is therein todayin todays newspaper?s newspaper?A.something newA.something newB.new anythingB.new anythingC.anything newC.anything new()32.Kate with her friends)32.Kate with her friendslunch at school every day.lunch at school every day.A.hasA.h

16、asB.haveB.haveC.donC.dont havet have()33.It is important for the students)33.It is important for the studentsEnglish well.English well.A.to learnA.to learnB.learnB.learnC.learningC.learning()34.Nick and I)34.Nick and Icampingcampingnext Monday.next Monday.A.wentA.wentB.are goingB.are goingC.am going

17、C.am going()35.We have)35.We havebananas at home.Can you go and buy some?bananas at home.Can you go and buy some?A.fewA.fewB.littleB.littleC.a fewC.a few()36.The girl gets)36.The girl getsheavy because she eatsheavy because she eatsmeat.meat.A.much too,much tooA.much too,much tooB.too much,too manyB

18、.too much,too manyC.much too,too muchC.much too,too much()37.Eating more vegetables is good)37.Eating more vegetables is goodmy health.my health.A.atA.atB.forB.forC.withC.with()38.-What does your aunt do?)38.-What does your aunt do?-She is a-She is a.She.Sheworks in a TV station.works in a TV statio

19、n.A.policewomanA.policewomanB.doctorB.doctorC.reporterC.reporter()39.He is)39.He iswilder than we.wilder than we.A.veryA.veryB.tooB.tooC.a littleC.a little()40.She is)40.She isthan her brother.than her brother.A.outgoingA.outgoingB.muchB.much moremore outgoingoutgoingC.moreC.more muchmuchoutgoingout

20、going第二节第二节完形填空完形填空(共共 1010 小题小题,每小题每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分分)根据短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个可以填入相应空白处的正确答案。根据短文内容,在短文后面的四个选项中选择一个可以填入相应空白处的正确答案。MaryMaryTomTomMikeMikeKateKateVeraVeraPlay the pianoPlay the pianoPlay computer gamesPlay computer games 54 54Go shoppingGo shopping 51 51Twice a weekTwice a weekThree

21、 times a weekThree times a week 55 55 53 53 52 5251. FenFen is is a a ChineseChinese girl.Shegirl.She4141busybusy andand happy.Therehappy.There4242460460B BTomToms Calendars Calendarstudents in her school.students in her school.4343favorite subject is computer.Every da

22、y,favorite subject is computer.Every day,she 44she 44up at 6:30 am andup at 6:30 am and45 her bike to school.She45 her bike to school.Shestudiesstudies hard and reads manyhard and reads manybooks.Like many students,she has 46 homework to do.After school,she does herbooks.Like many students,she has 4

23、6 homework to do.After school,she does herhomeworkhomework andand helpshelps herher mum 47 .48 weekends,shemum 47 .48 weekends,she helpshelps washwash clothes.clothes.SheShe cancancook when she is 49 .She wants 50 a teacher when she grows up.cook when she is 49 .She wants 50 a teacher when she grows

24、 up.()41.A.has B.have C.is()41.A.has B.have C.is()42.A.are B.is C.were()42.A.are B.is C.were()43.A.Her B.She()43.A.Her B.Shes C.Shes C.She()44.A.getting B.get C.gets()44.A.getting B.get C.gets()45.A.takes B.rides C.flies()45.A.takes B.rides C.flies()46.A.many B.much C.lot of()46.A.many B.much C.lot

25、of()47.A.cook B.to cooking C.cooks()47.A.cook B.to cooking C.cooks()48.A.To B.On C.In()48.A.To B.On C.In()49.A.8-year-old B.8-years old C.8 years old()49.A.8-year-old B.8-years old C.8 years old()50.A.be B.to be C.to()50.A.be B.to be C.to第三部分第三部分 阅读理解阅读理解(共共 2020 小题,共小题,共 3535 分分)51-6551-65 小题,每小题小题

26、,每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 3030 分;分;66-7066-70 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分。分。A AThere are forty students in our class.Mary,Tom,Mike,Kate and Vera are goodThere are forty students in our class.Mary,Tom,Mike,Kate and Vera are goodfriends.They have different lifestyles.friends.They have different lifestyles.Mar

27、yMary likeslikes playingplaying thethe piano.Shepiano.She playsplays itit everyevery day.Sheday.She playsplays itit veryvery well.Tomwell.Tomlikes playing football very much.He plays it with his friends twice a week.He islikes playing football very much.He plays it with his friends twice a week.He i

28、sa gooda good footballfootball player.Mikeplayer.Mike likes surfinglikes surfing the Internet.He plays computerthe Internet.He plays computergamesgames onceoncea a week.Hisweek.His parentsparents dondont t wantwant himhim toto playplay themthem tootoo often.Kateoften.Kate likeslikes readingreading b

29、ooks.Shebooks.Shereadsreads booksbooks threethree timestimes a a week.Sheweek.She oftenoften goesgoes toto thethe librarylibrary toto borrowborrow somesome interestinginterestingbooks.Vera likes shopping.She goes shopping with her mother once a week.They oftenbooks.Vera likes shopping.She goes shopp

30、ing with her mother once a week.They oftenbuy some vegetables,fruit and other food.buy some vegetables,fruit and other food.根据短文内容,完成表格。根据短文内容,完成表格。NameNameActivityActivityHow oftenHow oftenMondayMondayThursdayThursdayMorning:schoolMorning:schoolMorning:schoolMorning:schoolAfternoon:soccer practiceA

31、fternoon:soccer practiceAfternoon:babysitAfternoon:babysitEvening:do homeworkEvening:do homeworkEvening:help my parentsEvening:help my parentsTuesdayTuesdayFridayFridayMorning:schoolMorning:schoolMorning:schoolMorning:schoolAfternoon:visit Uncle LiAfternoon:visit Uncle LiEvening:SusanEvening:Susans

32、partys partyEvening:study for the testEvening:study for the testWednesdayWednesday Saturday,Saturday,Morning:schoolMorning:schoolSundaySundayEvening:do homeworkEvening:do homework根据表格信息,选择正确答案根据表格信息,选择正确答案()56.In English-speaking countries,is the first day of a week.()56.In English-speaking countrie

33、s,is the first day of a week.A.Monday B.Sunday C.SaturdayA.Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday学校学校班级班级姓名姓名考号考号()57.How many days does Tom have to go to school in a week?()57.How many days does Tom have to go to school in a week?A.Five B.Six C.SevenA.Five B.Six C.Seven()58.When does Tom go to Susan()58.When d

34、oes Tom go to Susans party?s party?A.On Wednesday B.On Friday C.On ThursdayA.On Wednesday B.On Friday C.On Thursday()59.What()59.Whats Tom doing on Thursday afternoon?s Tom doing on Thursday afternoon?A.Visiting Uncle Li B.Babysitting C.Helping his parentsA.Visiting Uncle Li B.Babysitting C.Helping

35、his parents()60.Does Tom study for the test on Tuesday?()60.Does Tom study for the test on Tuesday?A.No,he doesnA.No,he doesnt.B.Sorryt.B.Sorry,I donI dont know.C.Yes,he does.t know.C.Yes,he does.C CWeWe knowknow red,green,blue,red,green,blue,blackblack andand whitewhite areare basicbasic colors.Ifc

36、olors.If wewe putput redred andand whitewhitetogether,we can get pink;If we put red and blue together,we can get purple.We livetogether,we can get pink;If we put red and blue together,we can get purple.We livein a colorful world.in a colorful world.EverythingEverything inin thethe worldworld hashas

37、itsits ownown color.Thecolor.The seasea is is blue.Theblue.The grassgrass is isgreen.Differentgreen.Different colorscolors cancan givegive usus differentdifferent feelings(feelings(情感情感).And).And differentdifferent colorscolorshavehave differentdifferent meanings(meanings(含义含义).The).The samesame col

38、orcolor alsoalso hashas differentdifferentmeaningsmeanings inindifferent places.different places.Most countries in the world like green,but people from England and JapanMost countries in the world like green,but people from England and Japandondont t likelike it.Redit.Red is is a a favoritefavorite

39、colorcolor inin China,butChina,but inin Thailand,itThailand,it is is a a badbad colorcolorbecause it means someone is dead(because it means someone is dead(死亡死亡).In Australia,people think the black cat).In Australia,people think the black catcan bring them good luck(can bring them good luck(运气运气),bu

40、t in America,people think the white cat),but in America,people think the white cat is a is alucky cat.lucky cat.()61.are basic colors in the world.()61.are basic colors in the world.A.Red,green and blue B.Black and white C.Both A and BA.Red,green and blue B.Black and white C.Both A and B()62.If you

41、put white and red together,you can get .()62.If you put white and red together,you can get .A.pink B.purple C.redA.pink B.purple C.red()63.Japanese don()63.Japanese dont like .t like .A.red B.black C.greenA.red B.black C.green()64.means someone is dead in Thailand.()64.means someone is dead in Thail

42、and.A.Red B.Green C.YellowA.Red B.Green C.Yellow()65.think the white cat is a lucky cat.()65.think the white cat is a lucky cat.A.Chinese B.Americans C.JapaneseA.Chinese B.Americans C.JapaneseD D任务型阅读任务型阅读:阅读下面的文章,回答文章后的阅读下面的文章,回答文章后的 5 5 个问题。个问题。Jim comes from the USA.He is now living in China.He g

43、ets up at about 6:30 andJim comes from the USA.He is now living in China.He gets up at about 6:30 andhas breakfast at 7:00.has breakfast at 7:00.After breakfast,he saysAfter breakfast,he says“goodbyegoodbye”to his parents and leaves for school atto his parents and leaves for school at7:30.He usually

44、 walks to school.He gets there at 7:55.He has his first class at7:30.He usually walks to school.He gets there at 7:55.He has his first class at8:00.Morning8:00.Morning classesclasses areare overover atat!2:10!2:10 andand hehe hashas lunchlunch tenten minutesminutes later.Afterlater.After lunchlunchh

45、e plays with his classmates.he plays with his classmates.AfternoonAfternoonclassesclassesbeginbeginatat1:30.Usually1:30.Usuallytheretherearearetwotwoclassesclassesininthetheafternoon.Theyafternoon.They finishfinish atat 3:30.Usually3:30.Usually hehe playsplays gamesgames atat schoolschool andand get

46、sgets homehome atat aboutabout5:15.He has dinner at 6:00 and then does his homework and then watches TV.He goes5:15.He has dinner at 6:00 and then does his homework and then watches TV.He goesto bed at about 10:30.to bed at about 10:30.66.Where is Jim from?66.Where is Jim from?67.What does Jim do?67

47、.What does Jim do?68.What time does he have lunch?68.What time does he have lunch?69.How does he usually go to school?69.How does he usually go to school?70.What does he do after dinner?70.What does he do after dinner?第二卷(共六节第二卷(共六节共共 3535 分)分)第一节第一节补全对话。补全对话。(共(共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分

48、)根据对话内容,从方框中所给的七个选项中选出五个补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。所根据对话内容,从方框中所给的七个选项中选出五个补全对话,使对话完整、通顺。所选标号填在对话后面的横线上。选标号填在对话后面的横线上。Ted:Hi,Bill.71Ted:Hi,Bill.71Bill:This afternoon?Yes,I am.Bill:This afternoon?Yes,I am.TedTed:We are going to have a baseball game.Would you like to come?We are going to have a baseball game.Would

49、 you like to come?Bill:72 But I have to go to see the doctor.Bill:72 But I have to go to see the doctor.Ted:To go to see the doctor?73Ted:To go to see the doctor?73Bill:I have a sore back.Bill:I have a sore back.Ted:ITed:Im sorry to hear that.74m sorry to hear that.74Bill:Sure.75Bill:Sure.75A.Thanks

50、 for asking B.Yes,Id love to.C.What are you doing this afternoon?D.Are you free this afternoon?E.Maybe another time.F.Can you come to my party this afternoon?G.Whats the matter?第二节第二节 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(共共 5 5 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分)76.Here are so


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