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《2022届高考英语阅读之记叙文基础训练(一).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022届高考英语阅读之记叙文基础训练(一).doc(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022高考英语阅读之记叙文基础训练(一)(A)I stood behind the curtain, my hands shaking. As I listened to the crowd laugh at the hosts jokes, I thought about why I believed I could do that. Two months earlier, I had signed up for improv(即兴表演)classes at a local theater, along with four other graduate students.When I fi

2、rst heard about the improv classes, I was torn. I feared getting on stage and performing in front of strangers. However, I knew I wanted to work as a science communicator after finishing my Ph.D., so it seemed like a perfect opportunity to improve my communication ability and gain confidence thinkin

3、g on my feet.During our first class, we learned the key concept of improv: “yes, and”. If someone says that rhinos are librarians, for example, then rhinos are librarians. We dont question the logic; we say “yes” and continue with the scene as if nothing is wrong. To do this effectively, we have to

4、avoid second-guessing ourselves. Sometimes scenes go in unexpected directions. The best improv happens when performers stay open to different possibilities. Over time, I started to enjoy our classes. I also became better at listening and communicating clearly in the moment.That training came in hand

5、y 6 months ago, when I was giving a seminar about my science research. An audience member surprised me with a question that didnt grow out of the information I had presented. Instead of getting perplexed, I used that approach, and it helped me find an appropriate answer.Last year, I used that approa

6、ch when dealing with confusing data. Instead of getting discouraged, I kept exploring the data and ended up identifying a new type of cell one that wasnt behaving as expected. If I hadnt stayed open to the possibility that the results were real, I would have missed out on the most exciting finding o

7、f my Ph.D. program so far.1. The author expected that the improv classes could help him . A. gain better skills in communicating B. rid his fear of appearing on the stage C. recover from a mental illness D. learn how to think independently2. What is the key to improv? A. Pretending to be clever. B.

8、Understanding different scenes. C. Accepting unexpected possibilities. D. Asking others some questions.3. What does the underlined word “perplexed” in paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Amused. B. Confused. C. Surprised. D. Disappointed.4. What can we infer about the author from the last paragraph? A. He

9、 failed in exploring the new cell. B. He got stuck after finding unexpected data. C. Science research made him more confident. D. The improv skill helped him a lot in his Ph.D. studies.(B)For the first time since my open-heart operation, I have the energy to take my harp (竖琴)to the hospital rooms an

10、d play for anyone who likes it.I checked in with two nurses and they gave me a list of rooms. The first man I played for was a patient who found it difficult to sleep. He smiled and with his eyes closed, he reached out to my harp. He was not interested in my voice, but he appreciated the harp. In th

11、e next room was a woman patient. I played some soft music for her and then she slept soundly.Then I found a lovely elderly woman who was awake. There were flowers everywhere and photos of her and her husband at her bedside. She held my hand and talked for some timeand was pleased to receive harp mus

12、ic. Playing for her was a special pleasure. She asked me how long I had been playing the harp, how much the harp weighed, how I learned it and why I wanted to learn it and so on.We talked about books for a bit as well. I played until her grandson came in and he came back from overseas to see her. Th

13、is woman was deeply lovedyou could see that. She was beautiful and kind. I learn so much from these beautiful people who are brave to face their illnesses. It is always such a great honor to play for them.1:How many patients did the author play the harp for according to the text?A. Two.B.Three.C.Fou

14、r.D.Five.2:What do we know about the first man mentioned in the text?A He disliked the harp.B.He had some difficulty in sleeping.C.He was not interested in music.D.He played some soft music for the author.3:How did the author feel when playing for the elderly woman?A Sad. B.Worried. C.Amazed. D.Plea

15、sed.4: What did the author say about the elderly woman?A She had no relatives.B.She had many hobbies.C.She would recover soon.D.She was loved by her family.(C)A designer is recently creating floral installations (花篮) on the streets of Manhattan, New York, that are meant to brighten the days of healt

16、hcare and other important workers.Lewis Millers most recent creation is an arrangement popping out of a rubbish can at the corner of W 58th Street and 10th Avenue. “They were very simple. It was just cherry branches.” Miller said. “We didnt disclose the location, so nobody could necessarily go and f

17、ind them.” But plenty of people did find them and then they found his Instagram information. A post with pictures of the “flower flash” as Miller calls them has gotten more than 16,000 likes in less than a day. “U listen. Pm kind of bored. Im a creative person. I did something new and it took off, M

18、iller said. “It still surprises me reading the comments from yesterday like really how much it feeds peopled souls.”Miller has been dotting Manhattan with floral sunrises for a few years with his arrangements popping out of those New York City hot dog carts (推车)and even construction equipment.“And t

19、he combination of which is so hard aggressive, compared with flowers which are the exact opposite of that,” Miller said.Vogue magazine once wrote about him but its the reaction from the public many of whom have been restricted inside for weeks that he values most.“If you can just stop, pause and jus

20、t have one second of joy thats amazing because thats one of the things thats so lacking and its hard,” Miller said.As one person on Instagram put it, New York City rubbish has never looked so pretty.1. Who are the floral installations mainly intended for?A. Medical workers.B. Busy walkers-by.C. Clea

21、ning staff.D. Important politicians.2. What do the citizens think of Millers idea of the floral installations?A. Admirable. B. Hopeful.C. Valuable. D. Boring3. The design is creative because _.A. it is simple B. it is made of rubbishC. it pops out of a rubbish can D. it is the symbol of New York Cit

22、y4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Street Art B. A Big SurpriseC. Lewis Millers Creation Is Amazing D. Flower Flash Brightens Streets(D)The victims were carried in one by one, their paws(爪子)and fur burnt, suffering from thirst and fear. Their caretakers bandaged thei

23、r wounds, hugged them and laid them in baskets with the only thing that was familiarthe leaves of a eucalyptus tree (桉树)As catastrophic fires have burned more than 2 million acres in Australia, dozens of koalas have been rescued from burning trees and grey ground.“They are terrified, said Cheyne Fla

24、nagan, clinical director of the Koala Hospital in Port Macquarie, the only hospital of its kind in the world.Koalas, unlike kangaroos, birds or snakes, do not flee from fires but instead climb trees to the top, where they can curl themselves into a ball for protection and wait for the danger to pass

25、”But during very serious fires, such as those that have burned in recent weeks, the animals, conservationists said, are far less likely to survive. Even if the fire itself does not reach the top of the tree, the animal may overheat and fall to the ground, where they can be burned to death.The diffic

26、ulty of the koalaa national symbol of Australiahas raised questions among conservationists and scientists about what it will take to preserve biodiversity in a country where there is more serious fire, extreme heat and lack of water.While koalas have to get used to existing alongside wildfires, the

27、animals are facing new danger not just from climate change but also from human activities, which has disturbed local populations, weakening their ability to survive fires.“We have these unique animals not found anywhere else on this planet, and were killing them.” Flanagan said. This is a big wake-u

28、p call.”1. What will koalas do when facing the wildfire?A. Flee to other places.B. Hide under the ground.C. Climb to the top of the tree.D. Wait -for the rescue to come.2. Besides wildfire, what else threatens koalas existence?A More human activities.B. Less water to drink.C. Bigger local population

29、.D. Weaker ability to climb.3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?A. Koalas living habits should be studied more carefully.B. More measures should be taken for koalas protection.C. Wake-up calls should be made when wildfire happens.D. Killing unique animals should be banned in a strict way.4.

30、 What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Looking for unique animals in Australia.B. Protecting Australias animals who cannot climb.C. Facing new threats which cause koalas deaths.D. Saving the fire victims : Australias koalas.(E)In 2000, when I was around seven years old, my parents, sister, brot

31、her, and I were coming back from a T-ball game. There, in our driveway, we spotted two adult geese and a small gosling. The adults were startled by our return and flew away, but their baby was still too young to fly. We are no strangers to wildlife, so we avoided physical contact with the small gosl

32、ing out of fear that it would keep us in its mind and be lost to its family forever. Hours passed, and night fell. The tiny little thing was wandering around our yard, unaware of what could happen.And then another morning. And still another. Each morning, we would try to drive the goose over to his

33、parents, who kept coming back to our yard. He wouldnt go to them, though, and they wouldnt come close enough to collect him. My sister Joanna decided to call the little guy Peeper, because he would follow us around the yard making a peeping noise, nonstop.Almost a year passed. My family filled our d

34、ays with feathery hugs and my dad would throw Peeper up into the air so he could fly a circle around the house.One evening, my uncle came, and my dad wanted to show him Peepers circle. He threw him up in the air, but this time, Peeper just flew off. Everyone was very, very sad. We looked for him for

35、 days, calling his name, but he didnt come back. Twenty years passed, and Peeper became a fond memory for my family.Geese are very loyal, never forgetting their first home. Even so, it came as a total shock to me when, in 2020,an aging adult goose appeared at my home. At first, I assumed it was just

36、 another goose. After two weeks of the goose coming back repeatedly, it became clear to me that this wasnt a random goose. He did all of the same things Peeper used to and responded to the name Peeper. My old best friend returned, 20 years later.People desire connection with the natural world. Throu

37、gh Peeper, I have learned so much about myself and about the nature of love.1. What does the underlined word “startled” in paragraph 1 mean?A. Moved.B. Frightened.C. Confused. D. Attracted.2. Why did the writers family avoid physical contact with the baby goose at first?A. They were worried about it

38、s health.B. They didnt know what to do with it.C They didnt want it to take them as its family.D. They feared being attacked by its parents.3. How does the writer find the experience?A. Pitiful.B. Entertaining.C. Discouraging. D. Rewarding.4. What is the best title for the text?A. My Goose Returned

39、HomeB. Dad Trained GooseC. The Love for NatureD. A friendly Goose参考答案:(A):ACBD (B):BBDD(C):CACD (D)1。根据第四段中“Koalas, unlike kangaroos, birds or snakes, do not flee from fires but instead climb trees to the top, where they can curl themselves into a ball for protection and wait for the danger to pass.

40、(与袋鼠、鸟和蛇不同,考拉不会躲避火灾,而是会爬到树顶,在树顶它们会蜷缩成一团,等待危险过去。)”可知,考拉躲避火灾方法是:爬到树上,卷曲身体成球保护自己。故选C项。2。根据倒数第二段“While koalas have to get used to existing alongside wildfires, the animals are facing new danger not just from climate change but also from human activities, which has disturbed local populations, weakening

41、their ability to survive fires.(虽然考拉必须适应与野火共存,但它们正面临新的危险,不仅来自气候变化,还来自人类活动,这扰乱了当地种群数量,削弱了它们在火灾中生存的能力。)”可知,除了森林大火,更多的人类活动也威胁着考拉的生存。故选A项。3。根据最后一段“We have these unique animals not found anywhere else on this planet, and were killing them.” Flanagan said. This is a big wake-up call.”(“我们有这些在地球上其他地方都找不到的独

42、特动物,我们正在杀死它们。” Flanagan说,“这是一个警钟。”)可知,应该采取更多措施保护考拉。故选B项。4。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述澳大利亚森林大火持续蔓延,严重影响了考拉的生存条件,它们还面临着天气变化和人类活动的威胁,我们必须采取措施保护它们。故D项“救救大火的受害者:澳大利亚的考拉”适合作为文章标题。故选D项。(E)1。根据画线词后文“our return and flew away, but their baby was still too young to fly”可知,两只成年鹅被作者他们的归来吓了一跳,飞走了,但他们的孩子还太小,不会飞。故画线词意思是“害怕的”。A.

43、Moved.感动的;B. Frightened.害怕的;C. Confused.困惑的;D. Attracted.被吸引的。故选B。2。根据第一段中“We are no strangers to wildlife, so we avoided physical contact with the small gosling out of fear that it would keep us in its mind and be lost to its family forever.(我们对野生动物并不陌生,所以我们避免与小鹅进行身体接触,害怕它会把我们记在心里,永远失去它的家人)”可知,作者的家

44、人一开始避免与小鹅进行身体接触是因为他们不想让它把他们当作它的家人。故选C。3。根据最后一段“People desire connection with the natural world. Through Peeper, I have learned so much about myself and about the nature of love.(人们渴望与自然世界建立联系。通过Peeper,我对自己和爱的本质有了更多的了解)”可推知,作者认为这种体验很有益。故选D。4。根据倒数第二段中“He did all of the same things Peeper used to and responded to the name Peeper. My old best friend returned, 20 years later.(他做了和Peeper一样的事情,Peeper这个名字也能让他做出反应。20年后,我最好的老朋友回来了)”结合文章讲述了作者一家在2000年时,在自家车道上发现了两只成年鹅和一只小鹅,成年鹅被作者他们吓跑了,只剩下小鹅,但是它不愿意回到它的父母身边,于是给它取名Peeper。Peeper后来飞走了,20年后又回到了作者家里。可知,A选项“我的鹅回家了”最符合文章标题。故选A。8


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