2022届 高考英语一轮复习阅读之七选五基础训练(三).doc

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1、2022高考英语阅读之七选五基础训练(三)(A)You may have heard of Niagara Falls, one of the biggest waterfalls in the world. But do you know about the Niagara Escarpment(段崖)? 1 .Earlier this month, our school went on a hiking trip to this beautiful place. The weather was cold, cloudy and windy, so we wore many layers t

2、o stay warm. We were separated into two groups and went on different routes (路线).The whole escarpment is 725 kilometers long. 2 .My favorite part of the routes was the cave. The cave was formed from many different shaped rocks. 3 . We climbed down into the rocks with the help of our teachers. The ro

3、cks were steep and slippery because they were covered with wet leaves. It was a fun and exciting experience for all of us.4 , After walking 5 km without any rest, we were hungry and tired. When our teacher finally said we could stop to have lunch, we were thrilled. After all, this route was a little

4、 different from the ones we were used to. It was more rugged, with lots of rocks on the path, which made it harder to walk. But it was great exercise.5 , but remember to stay warm, stay hydrated (保持体内水分)and have fun along the way!A. Hiking is very interestingB. We chose the easier route to climbC. W

5、e covered 8 km in our four-hour journeyD. Another exciting moment was lunchE. Some were huge while some were smallF. It was a challenging task indeedG. Its a long, steep slope that runs through the US and Canada(B)Nowadays, many people do not have the time to even take a deep breath. _ 1_ Here is a

6、list of some productive things to do in your free time.Settle your house._ 2_ There is a common saying, “A clean home is a happy home. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a housekeeper, you can always do such things on your own. You will surely feel proud and joyful if your house is well kept

7、.Go for a walk or a jog (慢跑). Rather than sitting at home doing nothing in your spare time, you can always consider going fora long walk or even a jog_ 3 _Over time you will feel energetic and these activities will become a part of your daily schedule.Visit some tourist attractions in your city. Thi

8、nk about visiting some famous tourist spots in your city that you have never visited before. You can choose to go on this little trip alone or with your friends. You will appreciate your city more during the process._. 4_5_ Often what people are unable to express through words can be conveyed (表达) b

9、y movements of their body. Do not worry even if you think you are terrible at it. Just remember everyone joins a dance class to have fun time, and no one is going to laugh at you.A. Sign up for a dance class.B. Take a dance class alone or find a partner.C. So you should feel lucky that you have some

10、 free time to relax.D. There are many ways to get to know about a famous tourist attaction.E. Also, you will learn a great deal about these tourist spots.F. You should keep your house clean and get various things in order.G, Doing these two things will really help you focus your thoughts and keep he

11、althy.(C)In this day and age, digital gadgets (电子设备)have become a significant part of our daily lives. 1 . But while gadgets do make peoples lives easier, there are things to look out for in using these technologies. One is how gadgets seem to be taking over peoples social relationships.You might ha

12、ve noticed how everyone is engaged in their gadgets during family gatherings or get-togethers with friends. While they are constantly clicking on their portable devices, real conversations are becoming rare. 2 .So if you want to spend quality time with each other, you and your friends and family nee

13、d to sacrifice screen time.3 . When youre hanging out with your friends, make it a policy that all devices should be turned off. Of course, everyone should agree on this beforehand to avoid any misunderstanding. 4 . This could also be a house rule when you have dinner with your family or during any

14、other event with relatives.Another option could be to turn devices on silent mode, just in case someone is expecting an urgent call or important text. It sounds simple, but turning our eyes away from the screen may be more difficult than you think. 5 . And while we may be able to cany on a conversat

15、ion while playing a game, this multi-tasking is definitely going to cause a loss to the quality of the time we spend with others.By removing gadgets in the background, you and your friends can focus on whats really important-spending time with each other.A. Turning off your gadgets is a good first s

16、tep.B. Theyre also driving us away from people around us.C. People can therefore concentrate on what they are doing.D. It seems so natural to reach for your phone or device before doing anything.E. They are used for a variety of tasks, whether its ordering food or booking a flight.F. And everyone mu

17、st be willing to cooperate or else the purpose would be defeated.G. Thus, the opportunity to strengthen connections might be disappearing.(D) How you talk to yourself about events, experiences and people plays a large role in shaping how you interpret events. When you find yourself interpreting some

18、thing in a negative way or only focusing on the bad aspect of the situation, look for ways to talk about the events in a more positive light. 1._ Instead, it simply means refocusing so that you give fair and equal importance to good events.When you find yourself worrying about things, look for an up

19、lifting activity to pull yourself out of this negative mindset (心态) 2._ In this case, try to turn your attention elsewhere and engage in an activity that brings you joy. Listening to cheerful music, going for a walk, and reading a good book are all ways to get your mind off negative thoughts.3._ The

20、refore, it is important to give extra attention to good things that happen. Where negative things might be quickly transferred and stored in your long-term memory, you need to make more efforts to get the same effect from happy moments. 4._Replay the moment several times in your memory and focus on

21、the wonderful feelings the memory inspires.The negativity bias (偏见) can have a powerful impact on your behavior, but being aware of it means you can take steps to adopt a more positive outlook on life. One of the best ways to fight negative bias is taking a more mindful approach involving being awar

22、e of your own tendency toward negativity and consciously elevating (使情绪高昂) happier thoughts to the forefront of awareness. 5._Taking steps to avoid this bias can play a role in boosting your mental well-being.A. It refers to seeing things in a new light.B. It takes more for positive things to be rem

23、embered.C. You probably dont realize how often you say negative things.D. Thinking repeatedly about the negative can result in a serious loss. E. So when something great happens, take a moment to really focus on it.F. This doesnt mean ignoring potential dangers or wearing rose-colored glasses.G. For

24、 example, you may find yourself mentally reviewing an unpleasant event or outcome.(E)Words can be always damaging, especially coming from parents who are supposed to be safe and supportive figures in their childrens lives. Read below and find out what to say instead.Hurry upYour child may be slow as

25、 molasses (糖蜜)while getting dressed in the morning when youre trying to head out the door to school and work. 1 . Instead, look for calm ways to speed things up, like making getting out the door a game by racing to see who can get dressed first.Leave me alone2 . Yet, you shouldnt be telling your kid

26、s that. Otherwise, they11 think that youre brushing them off and that theres no point in talking to you. Kids like to be acknowledged (被认可)and heard; in fact, it can help cut down on disasters and anger.3There is no such thing as perfect, being perfect isnt a good goal as it doesnt exist. Youre send

27、ing the message that he didnt train hard enough if he made a mistake. Instead, acknowledge how frustrating and hard practicing can be and give some examples of things he practiced and did improve. Some things take a lot of work; some take less.Youre a liar (说谎者)Even if your child did take money from

28、 your wallet, that tone will only make them feel like they are being personally attacked_ 4 . Then, start an open conversation about why its not okay to lie.Be carefulThese words can have the opposite effect, making your child more likely to fall as they attempt the monkey bars. Youre distracting th

29、em from what they are doing, so they are losing focus. 5 .A. Practice makes perfectB. Try not to make a pushC. Its not that big of a dealD. Every parent needs a break at timesE. Instead, quietly spot them in case they fallF. Pushing them to hurry up will only bring more stressG. The first step is to

30、 find out why they lied instead of accusing(F)Study skills are valuable bool when it comes to achieving meaningful learning. But there are many students who havent mastered good kills. They often go for last-minute memorization. Studying from memory wont give you very promising scores. 1 These will

31、help yow improve your performance. 2 It means writing down the most important points in your own words so that you can remember them more easily. In most cases the key is to be able to write them down quickly, but without leaving out any important information. The other key is to make sure the relat

32、ionship between the main concepts is very clear.Then remember to look over your notes within 24 hours of taking them erven if you dont have a best coming up. 3 Then when you really start studying for a test, youll be able to recall the information much better than if you hadnt looked over your notes

33、 at all since you took them. Another skill to help you studly better is brainstorming. 4 So it can be especially useful for doing group projects and you can consider different ideas and viewpoints. But it can also be useful to cram for an exam. It can clear up any questions and help you dig deeper i

34、nto the subject matter.No one is born knowing how ho study, so study skills are very important. 5 A. This will put you at a huge advantage.B. Taking notes is one of the most widespread.C. Its important to solve problems in a simpler way.D. Luckily there are a lot of effective methods available.E. Success in school isnt all about talent but mostly about effort.F. But what really matters is that you should put them in practice.G. It consists of a group meeting where members throw out any idea参考答案:A. GCEDA B. CFGEAC. EGAFDD. FGBEDE. FDAGEF. DBAGF9


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