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《上海市川沙中学南校2021-2022学年七年级上学期期中测试英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《上海市川沙中学南校2021-2022学年七年级上学期期中测试英语试题.docx(26页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、上海市川中南校202L2022学年七年级上学期期中测试英语试题Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法共 44 分)V. Fill in blanks with proper words according to the phonetic symbols.(根据所给 音标写出正确的单词填入空格内)(5分)1. (1 分)My cousin is a travel ei dsant in a travel company.2. (1 分)Tourists can see many ei nJ ant buildings in R

2、ome.3. (1 分) Dogs can ga: d our homes.4. (1 分)Ben fell from the bike and he had a broukan arm.5. (1 分)There are several Tnri nez asking them the way.VI. Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D表示,填入括号内)(15 分)6. (1 分)Hansons father is SPCA officer, so he needs to wear uniformin the office.()A. a/a

3、A. a/aB a/anC an/anD an/a7. (1 分)Thank you the birthday card and presents.()A- aboutA- aboutB. forC. ofD. from8. (1 分)Put the sofa the TV set, then we can watch TV comfortably in it.()A. onB. next toC. oppositeD. behind(1 分)There are enough apples and bananas at home.You buy any fruit.()A. need toB.

4、 needC. don*t needD. don*t need to(1 分)My new classmate is a boy from .()A. IndianB AmericanC CanadianD. Britain9. (1 分) Mr.Green draws plans of buildings.He is a (n) .()A. architectA. architectB engineerD. policemanC. removal man(1 分) interesting your fathers job is!()A. HowB. What anC. WhatD. What

5、 a数、词性等变化。5. (1 分)There are several foreigners fo门 naz asking them the way.【分析】有好几个外国人向他们问路。【解答】句子中several后面跟名词复数形式,foreigners,名词,外国人,音标是饰门n0Zo故填 foreigners o【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态、单复 数、词性等变化。VL Choose the best answer.(选择最恰当的答案,用A, B, C或D表示,填入括号内) (15 分)(1 分)Hansons father is SPCA offic

6、er, so he needs to wear uniformin the office.()A. a/aB. a/anC. an/anD. an/a【分析】Hanson的父亲是爱护动物协会的官员,所以他在办公室需要穿制服。【解答】第一个空,表示泛指一个,且S以元音音素开头,应用an修饰;第一个空,表示泛指“一个“,且uniform以辅音音素开头,应用a修饰。故选:Do【点评】考查冠词,冠词包括定冠词the,通常表示特指.不定冠词a和an, a修饰以辅 音音素开头的单词,an修饰以元音音素开头的单词。要根据语境完成试题。6. (1 分)Thank you the birthday card a

7、nd presents.()A. aboutB. forC. ofD. from【分析】谢谢你的生日贺卡和礼物。【解答】thank you for sth.”为了某事而感谢你”,是固定句型。故选:Bo【点评】注意介词的用法,结合语境,选择正确答案。7. (1 分)Put the sofa the TV set, then we can watch TV comfortably in it.()A. onB. next toC. oppositeD. behind【分析】把沙发放在电视机对面,这样我们就可以舒服地看电视了。【解答】on在上面;next to相邻,挨着;opposite在对面;be

8、hind在后面。由生活 中的常识可知,把沙发放在电视机的对面看电视最合适、最舒服。故选:Co【点评】注意介词用法,结合语境,选择正确答案。8. (1 分)There are enough apples and bananas at home.You buy any fruit.()A. need toB. needC. dont needD. don*t need to【分析】家里有足够的苹果和香蕉。你不必买任何水果了。【解答】need需要;这个词常用于句型need to do sth.需要做某事;否定形式是dont need to dOo不需要做某事。根据题干前半句”有足够水果”可知,后半句

9、所表达的意思为“不需 要买任何水果”。所以选项D.dont need to不需要。符合题意。故选:Do【点评】考查情态动词的用法,平时应注意积累。9. (1 分)My new classmate is a boy from .()A. IndianB. AmericanC. CanadianD. Britain【分析】我的新同学是一个来自英国的男孩。【解答】结合句意,我的新同学是一个来自男孩。结合空缺处,需要填入一个国家的 名词,所以排除A, B, C.它们都是形容词或是表示“某国人”。故选:Do【点评】名词的用法比较广泛,要在理解名词意思的基础上,根据具体语境,仔细分析, 完成试题。10.

10、(1 分)Mr.Green draws plans of buildings.He is a (n) .()A. architectB. engineerC. removal manD. policeman【分析】格林先生画了建筑物的设计图。他是一个建筑师。【解答】结合句意,格林先生画了建筑物的设计图。他是一个结合选项,architect 建筑师,engineer工程师,removal man搬运工,policeman警察。结合语境,且前面有 draws plans of buildings.可知需要选择 architec o故选:Ao【点评】名词的用法比较广泛,要在理解名词意思的基础上,根据

11、具体语境,仔细分析, 完成试题。11. (1 分) interesting your fathers job is!()A. HowB. What anC. WhatD. What a【分析】你父亲的工作多有趣啊!解答在感叹句中,what修饰名词,how修饰形容词/副词,根据interesting your fathers job is!可知句型结构为:How +副词+主语+谓语动词! 故选:Ao【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,结合 感叹句的构成准确作答。12. (1 分)It takes about to travel from Garden City

12、 to Beijing by plane.()A two and a half hourB , two and a half hoursC. two hour and a halfD. two hour and half an hour【分析】坐飞机从花园城到北京旅行大约需要花费两个半小时。【解答】表示两个半小时应是two and a half hours,或者two hours and a halfo所以选项B 符合题意。故选:Bo【点评】中考英语试题常考名词短语的词义辨析用法,意义相近的动词、意义不同,但 容易混淆的名词短语、名词短语的固定用法.正确区分选项的细微差别.这些是考查的 重点。

13、13. (1 分)I don*t like this pair of glasses.Could you show me?()A. other glassB. another glassesC the other pairD . another pair【分析】我不喜欢这副眼镜。能不能再给我看一副。【解答】another再一,又一,用another表泛指接单数名词;other其他的,要加复数名 词;the other两者中的另外一个。故选:Do【点评】区分清楚代词解决此题的关键。14. (1 分) He likes his job because he enjoys children Chin

14、ese.()A. teachingB. taughtC. teachD. teaches【分析】他喜欢他的工作,因为他喜欢教孩子们中文。【解答】句子中enjoy doing sth表示喜欢做某事。故选:Ao【点评】掌握固定搭配,分析选项,选择正确答案。16.(1 分)1 saw a street cleaner the street when I went to school this morning.()A. cleansB. cleaningC. to cleanD. to cleaning【分析】今天早上我上学时看见一个清洁工在打扫街道。【解答】句子中see sb doing sth表示

15、看到某人正在做某事。故选:Bo【点评】掌握固定搭配,分析选项,选择正确答案。17. (1 分)There are over people in Shanghai now.()A. 24 millionsB. 24 million ofC. 24 millions ofD. 24 million【分析】现在,上海的人口已经超过了 2400万。【解答】当具体的数词修饰million时,用单数;当million后面跟有介词of时,必须加 上s,前面不能有具体数字,of后面跟复数名词。所以选项D符合题意。故选:Do【点评】数词的考查,主要有读法、写法、基数词和序数词以及特殊用法等方面,在做 题时要逐一

16、考虑到。18. (1 分)Everyone feels very excited because there an autumn outing next week.( )A. hasB. will haveC. is going to beD. is going to have【分析】每个人都感到非常兴奋,因为下周将有一次秋游。【解答】next week下周,要用将来口寸,there be句型的一般将来日寸构成:there will be 和 there is/are going to be。故选:Co【点评】主要考查的是对句子意思的理解和对there be句型的掌握。19. (1 分)- d

17、o you go the library?Once a month.(A. How soon B. How oftenC. How long D. How many【分析】一一你多久去一次图书馆?一_一个月一次。【解答】How long时间的长短;Howmany多少,提问可数名词复数;How soon将要多 久;How often频率;根据Once a month.可知问的是频度。故选:Bo【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,根据Once a month.结合选项作答。20. (1 分)- You look pale.Youd better go to see the doctor.- ( )A. Y

18、oure right.B. Thafs all right.C. It sounds great.D. Thanks, I will.【分析】一一你看起来脸色苍白。你最好去看医生。谢谢,我会的。【解答】A.Youre right.你说得对;B.Thats all right.没关系;C.It sounds great.听起来不错;D.Thanks, I will.谢谢,我会的;根据 You look pale.Youd better go to see the doctor.可矢口应 说谢谢,我会的。故选:Do【点评】仔细分析句子的结构,根据You look pale.Youd better

19、go to see the doctor.结合选 项作答。VII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. .(将下列单词或短语填入空格,每个单词或短语只能填一次, 用序号表示)(6分)(6 分)A. angryB.quiet C.excited D.satE.again F.look for G.feeling H.quiteThe train started moving.lt was very crowde

20、d.An old man (1) D near the window with his son, who looked about fifteen years old.When the train moved, the son was (2) C .He said in a high voice, Look, Dad, the green trees outside are very beautiful!n.Suddenly, it startedraining.Seeing the rain, the son said happily, Look, Dad, how beautiful th

21、e rain is!” Hearing these words, a young lady became (3) A because the raindrops (雨滴)were dropping on her new clothes.She shouted Cant you see it is raining? If your son is not (4) G well,get him to a mental hospital (精神病院)quickly.Dont disturb (打扰)us. The old mans face turned red and then in a low v

22、oice, he replied, nWe are on the way back from hospital.He was blind because of an accident ten years ago.Since last week he has been able to see (5) E_.The rain and the nature are new to him.Please forgive him. HA11 the other people became (6) B .【分析】本文主要讲述了一个发生在火车上的故事,一位老人的儿子在火车上看到窗外 美丽的景色时会忍不住地大喊

23、,这种表现让车上的人感觉很奇怪,一位女士更是用粗鲁 的话语对老人和他的儿子吼叫,但是通过老人的话才知道原来老人的儿子出生就失明了, 他们现在刚从医院治好眼睛出来,顿时车厢内就沉默了。【解答】(1)D.考查动词。句意:一位老人和他的儿子坐在窗边。结合near the window以 及句意选择sat坐着,故选D。(2) C.考查形容词。句意:火车开动时,儿子很兴奋。结合后文He said in a high voice 可知很兴奋,故选择excited,故选C。(3) A.考查形容词。句意:听到这些话,一位年轻的女士很生气,因为雨点落在她的新 衣服上o 结合后文 because the rain

24、drops (雨滴)were dropping on her new clothes 可知彳艮 生气angry,故选A。(4) G考查名词。句意:如果你的儿子不舒服,快把他送到精神病院。结合Ifyoursonis not (4) well 选择 feeling 感觉,故选 G。(5)E.考查副词。句意:从上周起他又能看东西了。根据He was blind because of an accident ten years ago.他十年前因为一次事故而失明。可知这里是表达再一次看见了,故again再 次,故选E。(6) B.考查形容词。句意:其他人都安静了下来。结合句意可知表示安静的quiet,

25、故选 Bo【点评】根据短文大意和语境选择合适的单词,并用其正确的形式填入空白处,使补全 后的短文意思通顺,语法正确,结构完整.注意单词的适当形式。VIII. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用所给词的适 当 形式填空)(6分)(1 分) My parents will have a party for my twelfth birthday, (twelve)【分析】我的父母将为我的十二岁生日举办一个聚会.【解答】My parents will have a party for my - -

26、birthday, (twelve)可知这里表示过 几岁生日用序数词表示.故填 twelfth.【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据 相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.22. (1 分)A new teacher taught us Math last term. (we)【分析】上学期一位新老师教我们数学。【解答】句子中teach后面跟宾格形式us作宾语。故填USo【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态、单复 数、词性等变化。23. (1 分)The police dogs can help the police

27、 to catch thieves .(thief)【分析】警犬可以帮助警察抓小偷。【解答】句子中表示一类使用复数形式thieves。故填 thieves o【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态、单复 数、词性等变化。24. (1 分) Have you got my invitation yet? (invite)【分析】你收到我的邀请了吗?【解答】句子中形容词性物主代词后面跟名词形式invitationo故填 invitation o【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态、单复 数、词性等变化。25. (1 分)Shangh

28、ai is an international city. (nation)【分析】上海是一座国际化的城市。【解答】根据题干,可知是指上海是一座国际化的城市。international国际的,形容词。故填 international.【点评】本题考查单词填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单 词在形式上做出正确的变化。26. (1 分) We should cross the street safely on our way to school. (safe)【分析】我们应该在上学的路上安全地过马路。【解答】句子中修饰动词使用副词形式safely。故填 safely o【点评】

29、单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态、单复 数、词性等变化。IX. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据所给要求,改写下列句子)(12 分)(2 分)The ticket for the football match cost him 100 yuan (改为否定句)The ticket for the football match didnt cost him 100 yuan.【分析】足球比赛的票花了他100元。这张足球赛的票没花他100元。【解答】根据题干,原句中的cost是动词过去式,改为否定句用助动词

30、didnt+动词原形。故答案为didnt costo【点评】考查句型转换,结合题目要求,弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空 部分与原句的对应关系,表达形式。28. (2 分)Mary has already been to Shanghai Museum.(改为 一般疑问句)Has Mary been to Shanghai Museum yet ?【分析】玛丽已经去过上海博物馆了。玛丽去过上海博物馆了吗?【解答】根据题干,原句中有助动词has,改为一般疑问句时把has提到主语前。already 用于肯定句,在一般疑问句和否定句中改成yet。故答案为Has; yeto【点评】考查句型转换

31、,结合题目要求,弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空 部分与原句的对应关系,表达形式。29. (2 分)I wouldnt like to be a pilot because I dont like to fly a plane.(划线提问)Why wouldnt you like to be a pilot?【分析 1我不喜欢当飞行员,因为我不喜欢开飞机。你为什么不想成为一名飞行员?【解答】根据题干,被划线部分的意思是”因为我不喜欢开飞机”,是指原因,用“why”提问。wouldnt提到主语前故答案为Why wouldn*to【点评】对划线部分提问要分析划线部分在句子中的成分,即可找出

32、恰当的特殊疑问词。 疑问词后接一般疑问句,用疑问语序。30. (2 分)It takes eight hours to travel from Shanghai to Paris by air.(划线提问)How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Paris by air?【分析】从上海乘飞机到巴黎要花八个小时。从上海乘飞机到巴黎要多长时间?【解答】根据题干,被划线部分的意思是“八个小时”,是指时间段,用”howlong”提问。故答案为How longo【点评】对划线部分提问要分析划线部分在句子中的成分,即可找出恰当的特殊疑问词。 疑问词

33、后接一般疑问句,用疑问语序。31. (2 分)The vet always takes good care of sick animals.(保持句意不变)The vet always looks after sick animals well.【分析】兽医总是把生病的动物照顾得很好。兽医总是把生病的动物照顾得很好。【解答】根据题干,原句中的takes good care of 相当于looks after”,意思是照顾。时态 是一般现在时,主语是单数,接动词第三人称单数形式。故答案为looks aftero【点评】考查句型转换,结合题目要求,弄清楚所给句子的内容和句式结构,试题填空 部分与原

34、句的对应关系,表达形式。32. (2 分)planning, the students, a trip to, some interesting places, in Beijing, are (连词 成句)The students are planning a trip to some interesting places in Beijieg.【分析】学生们正在计划一个去北京名胜古迹的旅游。【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为陈述句,且为现在进行时态。Thestudents是 主语; 谓语动词是 are planning; a trip to some interesting place

35、s in Beijing 是宾语。故答案为:The students are planning a trip to some interesting places in Beijing.【点评】做连词成句这种类型的题,首先确定句子类型,如:陈述句、疑问句或感叹句 等,然后根据所给单词,明确主语、谓语等句子成分,在确定句意的前提下结合语法知识组合句子。Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分阅读和写作共31分)Reading comprehension.(阅读理解)(21 分)(A) Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案,用A,

36、B, C或D 表示,填入括号内)(5分)(5 分)Johnny lived with his mother and father in a small town in the mountain.One day there was an earthquake near the town.Many houses were damaged (被破坏) .Everyone thought that there would soon be another earthquake.They were worried that the second earthquake would be worse than

37、 the first.We must send Johnny to a safe place, Johnnys mother said to her husband. nMany of our friends are sending their children to relatives in other towns/Well send him to my brother, Peter, Johnnys father said. He lives a long way away.Johnny will be safe with him.He telephoned his brother Pet

38、er and asked him if he would let Johnny stay with him.Hes a good boy, he said. HHe won*t give you any trouble (麻烦),Peter. nAll right, nPeter said. Hbut Fm not used to (不习惯于) children.I live a very quiet and peaceful life. You won*t know Johnny is in the house, his father told him.So Johnny, who was

39、five, went to be with his uncle Peter.Two days later, his mother and father received a telegram (电报)from Peter.lt said, “I am returning your child.Please send me earthquake. n(1) Where did Jonny and his parents live? C A.In a big town.B.Near the sea.C.In a small town.D.With Peter.(2) Why did Johnnys

40、 parents send him away? B A.He is a naughty boy.B.Theyd not want him to get hurt.C.Their house was damaged.13. (1 分)It takes about to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane.()A two and a half hourB two and a half hoursC. two hour and a halfD. two hour and half an hour(1 分)I dont like this pair

41、of glasses.Could you show me? ()A. other glassB. another glassesC the other pairD. another pair(1 分)He likes his job because he enjoys children Chinese.()A. teachingB. taughtC. teachD. teaches(1 分)1 saw a street cleaner the street when I went to school this morning.()A.cleansB.cleaningC.to cleanD.to

42、 cleaning(1 分)There are over people in Shanghai now.()A.24 millionsB.24 million ofC.24 millions ofD.24 million(1 分)Everyone feels very excited because there an autumn outing next week.( )A. hasB. will haveC. is going to beD. is going to have(1 分)- do you go the library?- Once a month.()A. How soon B

43、. How oftenC. How long D. How many(1 分)- You look pale.Youd better go to see the doctor.- ( )A. You*re right.B. Thafs all right.C. It sounds great.D. Thanks, I will.VII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. .(将下列单词或短语填入空格,每个单

44、词或短语只能填一次, 用序号表示)(6分)D.Peter wanted to see Johnny.(3) Why was Peter worried about Johnnys coming, to be with him? AA.He was not used to children.B.He lived a long way away from the mountains.C.He was an old man.D.He has never met Johnny before.(4) What does You wont know Johnny is in his house, mean

45、? AA.It means that Johnny was quite quiet.B.It means that Johnny was not at home.C.It means that Peter didn*t know about Johnny at all.D.It means that the parents didnt love Johnny at all.(5) What does the telegram mean? CA.It means that Johnny wanted to go back to his own family.B.It means Peter se

46、nt Johnny back to his own family because Johnny wanted to.C.The boy brought more trouble to his uncle than an earthquake.D.It means there was also an earthquake near Peters house, so he sent Johnny back.【分析】这篇文章讲述了 Johnny生活的小城镇发生了地震,他的爸爸妈妈把他送到了叔 叔家生活的故事。【解答】(1) C.细节理解题。根据 Johnny lived with his mothe

47、r and father in a small town in the mountain Johnny和他的父母住在山上的一个小镇上。可知Johnny和他的父母住在一 个小镇上。故选C。(2) B.推理判断题。根据 They were worried that the second earthquake would be worse than the first.HWe must send Johnny to a safe place, Johnnys mother said to her husband.他们担 心第二次地震会比第一次更严重。”我们必须把Johnny送到一个安全的地方,叮ohnny的 母亲对丈夫说。可推断出的Johnny父母把他送走了是因为他们不想让他受伤。故选B。(3)A.推理判断题。根据 All right, Peter said. nbut Im not used to (不习惯于)children.I live a very quiet and peaceful life.好吧,,Peter说,但我不习惯孩子。我过着非常安静和 平静的生活。


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