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1、六年级小学小升初英语完形填空期末复习试卷易错题集一、六年级英语完形填空1 .阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入 空白处的最佳选项。My name is Millie. I am 14 years old and I study in No. 1 Middle School of our town, I usually 1 up at 6: 15 in the morning. I have breakfasthome, but I have lunch at school. My school is 3 my home, so I go toschool on

2、 foot.We have six classes every day. I 4 all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and 5. My favourite 6 is English, so I go tothe English Corner every week. After class, I always do sports 7 my friends. We play basketball, volleyball, table tennis and so on.I 8 home at about

3、5: 30 in the afternoon. When my mother prepares ourdinner, I usually do my 9. We often 10 my study when havingdinner. I usually go to bed at about 9: 30 p. m.1. A. getB. getsC. got2. A. inB./C. at3. A. farB. NearC. away4. A. hateB. dislikeC. like5. A. interestedB. interestingC. bored6. A. subjectB.

4、sportC. exercise7. A. forB. AmongC. with8. A. leaveB. returnC. get to9. A. supperB. mealC. homework10. A. talkB. discussC. tell.根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。People wear different kinds of clothes according to the 1 conditions intheir places.People in warm places have 2 clothes on all year round beca

5、use thetemperature there never falls below 18. Those places are Guangdong,3,etc.People in 4 places have to wear warm, thick clothes and even fur clothing on very 5 days. With the temperature as low as -20 or even lower.Sometimes in summer the people there also wear thin clothes, but in the early mor

6、ning and late evening, it is 6 to change for thicker clothes or theywill 7 a cold and become ill.In a word, weather 8 dressing. Whats the weather like in your city andwhat kind of clothes do you wear? Can you 9 me a short story about theweather and your dressing? Have a 10, please.1. A. weatherB. fo

7、odC. living2. A. thinB. warmC. thick3. A. HainanB. BeijingC. Harbin4. A. warmB. coldC. cool5. A. snowyB. sunnyC. hot6. A. betterB. worseC. luckierA Judys pen is black.B.Cindy found a watch on the school playground.C.The color of the eraser is blue.D.You call Frank at 217- 5691 for your eraser.17 .阅读

8、理解Dear Mona,Can you bring(带来)these things to me? My English book, my jacket and my dictionaries. My English book is on the quilt. The jacket and the dictionaries are on the table.Thanks,EricDear Frank,Your uncle*s tapes are on the sofa. Please take them to school. He wants to dance to the music in P

9、E class.Thanks,MomDear sister,I want my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the desk.Thanks,MikeDear Mike,Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the desk. But I find your dictionaries there. I cant bring them to you.Yours,Linda(1) Erics dictionaries are.A.on the bedB.on the de

10、skC.on the tableD.on the sofa(2) wants music tapes.A.FrankB .Franks motherC.Franks uncleD.Franks PE teacher(3) Mike is Lindas.A.brotherB.uncleC. fathergrandfather18 .阅读理解Mary: Hello, Gina. Do you want to have evening classes? On Monday evenings, there is a guitar(吉他)class.Gina: Fm busy on Mondays. W

11、hat about Tuesdays?Mary: Theres a class to teach you how to make bread. The teacher is Mr. Smith.Gina: The class is useful. And Mr. Smith!s bread is great. And Wednesdays?Mary: That class is about clothes. You can learn how to make clothes.Gina: Its fun. What class do you want to take?Mary: Well, on

12、 Thursdays, theres one interesting class about model planes. Thats my favorite class.Gina: Oh, thats great. But Im busy those days.Mary: There is another (另 一)interesting class on Friday evenings. You can learn about the stars.Gina: Its boring. Is there a class on Saturdays?Mary: Yes, you can learn

13、how to take photos.Gina: Great! I like this class. Til take it.(1) Mr. Smith gives (提供)lessons on.A.MondaysB.TuesdaysC.WednesdaysD.Thursdays.(2) Mary likes to have a class aboutbest.A.musicB.making clothesC.making model planesD. stars(3) Gina wants to learn.A.with MaryB.on SundaysC.how to make cloth

14、es.D.how to take photos.阅读理解In many English homes, people eat breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner a day. People have breakfast at any time between seven and nine in the morning. They eat porridge, eggs, or bread. Also they drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one oclock, The Englis

15、h people like take-away food. The most popular(最受欢迎的)food is fish and chips. They usually go to a fish and chip shop. They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work places. Some people eat take-away food in the park.Afternoon tea is about 4:30 in the afternoon. People usually dr

16、ink tea with milk. And dinner is at about half past seven and it is usually a big meal. First they have soup, and then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that they eat some other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their din

17、ner in the middle of the day. People often eat dinner at a restaurant or at homes, and they think all these meals are very necessary (必要的).(1) Many English people have meals a day.A. twothreeC.fourD.Five(2) English peoples favorite take-away food is. A.bread and coffeeB.fish and chipsC.meat and fish

18、D.tea and eggs(3) The underlined (下划线)word it refers to (指代).A.dinnerB.lunchC.breakfastD.afternoon tea(4) According to (根据)the passage, we know English peopleA.drink milk for breakfast.B.eat afternoon tea at six.C.often eat fruits after dinner.D.eat lunch only at home.(5) Whats the main idea (主旨)of

19、the passage?A.What is English peoples favorite food?B.When do English people eat meals?C.Where do English people have meals?D.What do English people eat every day?19 .根据材料内容,选择正确的答案。Lost: A white dogMy name is Alan Green. My phone number is 2160911.You can email me at alan6512 .Found: A purple schoo

20、lbagAn English book, a dictionary and some keys are in it. My name is Jenny Black. My phone number is 6127878.Found: A photoI found a photo in the school library. A teacher, a girl and a boy are in the photo. The teacher is in a bluejacket. Is it yours? Call Mike at 216-9871.Lost: A model planeI los

21、t my model plane. I must find it. Call Bill at 6780911. E mail me at .(1) Alan cant find his.A.schoolbagB.dogC.photoD.model plane(2) Whats NOT in the schoolbag?A.A dictionary.B.An English book.C.A notebook.D.Some keys.(3) What color is the teachers jacket?A.White.B.YellowC.Blue.D.Purple.(4) BilFs te

22、lephone number is.A.216-9871B.678-0911C216-0911D.612-7878(5) Which one is True (正确的)? Alt is a black dog.B .Jennys phone number is 216 0911.C.There are 3 people(A) in the photo.D.Bills in a bluejacket.20 .阅读理解Fashion models* life? Sounds great. But is it really wonderful? Its not an easy job,” Molly

23、, a model says. Today is an ordinary(寻常的)day of Molly*s weekdays. Let*s see what she does together. After breakfast, Molly starts her work. She goes to three companies, and gives them her photos and resumes(简历).She hopes to work for them.Then she goes to the fourth company(公司).The company is going t

24、o have a fashion show tomorrow. She comes to try on the clothes. At twelve, Molly eats an egg and some beef for lunch. She has a show at 1:30 p.m., so she cant eat too much. The show lasts for three hours, and Molly gets 500 dollars.At 5:00 p.m., Molly gets a call from one of the three companies tha

25、t she went to in the morning. It asks her to take part in a show the day after tomorrow. Molly is very happy to hear the good news. Work is over. Molly has a vegetable salad at six. Before going to bed at 11:00 p.m., she exercises for one hour, buys some clothes online and then face care. What a bus

26、y day!(1) What does Molly give to the three companies?A.Her photos and resumes.B.Some clothes.C.A letter.D.Some gifts.(2) Why does Molly go to the fourth company?A.To get a job.B.To visit her friend.C.To have a show.D.To try on the clothes.(3) When is the show over in the afternoon?A.At 1:30 p.m.B.A

27、t 4:30 p.m.C.At 5:00 p.m.D.At 6:00 p.m.(4) What do we know about Molly from the passage?A.Molly has a salad for breakfast.B.Molly gets 500 dollars every day.C.Molly has a show the day after tomorrow.D.Molly goes swimming this evening.(5) What is the passage mainly talking about?A.How to be a model.B

28、.How to be in fashion.C.Why being a model is great.D.What a models life is like.21 .阅读理解Dear Aunt Maria,How are you these days? Thank you for the pencil box. I love it. And how do you know I love yellow? Its my favorite (特别喜爱的)color. Now, Pm in Lindas home. Shes my good friend. Shes always nice to m

29、e. Linda thinks my pencil box is good. Hers is blue. Oh, Aunt Maria, Lindas mother, Mrs. Brown, is our English teacher. Im not good at English, but Lindas English is good. Linda is nice. She always helps me with my English. Do you want to see her?Yours, Tina(1) Maria is Tinas.A.auntB.motherC.friendD

30、.daughter(2) Tina has a pencil box from.A.LindaB.Mrs. BrownC.Lindas motherD.Maria(3) Lindas pencil box is.A.whiteB.yellowC.blueD.red(4) Which of the following is TRUE?A.Maria is Lindas mother.B .Tinas pencil box is yellow.C.Linda isnt a nice girl.D.Lindas pencil box is yellow.(5) The e-mail is to.A.

31、Tinas friendB .Tinas auntC.Tinas teacher D.Tinas mother 23 .阅读理解My name is Dale. Now I live in China with my parents. I am a middle school student. This is my classroom. Fifteen(十五)small desks and thirty(三十)chairs are in the classroom. They are for classmates and me. A big desk is in the classroom t

32、oo. Its for my teacher. A clock is on the back wall of the classroom. Next to the clock is a map. Its a map of China.My classroom is nice and clean. I like it very much.(1) Are Dale,s parents in China now?A.Yes, they are.B.No, they aren*t.C.Yes, he is.D.No, he isnt.(2) What is Dale mainly talking ab

33、out(主要谈论)?A.The family.B.The school.C.The classroom.D.The park.(3) Whats on the back wall of the classroom?A. A clock.B.A map.C.A map and a clock.D.A picture.(4) How many desks are there in the classroom?A.Fifteen.B.Sixteen.C.Thirty.D.Thirty-one.(5) Dale thinks his classroom is.A.interestingB.ugly(丑

34、陋的)C.uncleanD.tidy24 .阅读理解The story about Miss Evans is a true story.On the way to England from the U.S. in April 1912, a new large ship hit an iceberg (冰山)and water began to come over it.Everyone came out and went up to the higher part of the ship. The man put down some lifeboats into the water and

35、 helped the women and the children to get on them. Suddenly a woman shouted and wanted to stay with her children in the boat, but there was no more room for her. At that moment Miss Evans let that woman take her place. Soon after that the ship went down. Miss Evans lost her life.If you speak about M

36、iss Evans in Boston today, nobody knows more about her than that, but she is one of the greatest women in America.(1) Miss Evans is from.A.the U.S.B.EnglishC.ChinaD.we dont know(2) What happened to a woman?A.She lost her children.B.She lost her life.C.Her children were in the boat but she wasnt in i

37、t.D.She stayed with her children in the boat.(3) Who gave the woman a place?A.The woman in the ship.B.Miss Evans.C.The men in the ship.D.Nobody.(4) Did Miss Evans lose her life?A.No, she didnt.B.Yes, she did.C.She lost her life.D.She lost her leg.(5) What* s the title of this passage?A. A Woman with

38、 Her ChildrenB.A New Large ShipC.The Story of Miss EvansD.The Greatest Woman in America25 .根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案I have a love-hate feeling with 8 oclock classes. I like to get started that early, but most students dont. They usually came in late and looked sleepy at that hour. One day I was really angry a

39、t it. I was excited about the history lesson, but no one else seemed to be. I wrote things on the blackboard. I moved around the room. I told stories. I tried humor (幽默) It was useless. Their looks didnt seem to change. I was frustrated.I forgot to keep time. I was going to talk more when I looked d

40、own at my watch. It was already two minutes past the end of class. So I just ended suddenly and soon the students began to pick up their book bags and rushed out the door on their way to another class.While I was watching them leaving, I put away my own books, notes and papers, I took them up and st

41、epped out into the hall. I was tired and a bit sad. I had put everything I knew into that class and it had not seemed to work. Then, as I started across the hall to my nearby office, a student came out the back door of the classroom and caught up with me.Randy sat at the back of the classroom. I tho

42、ught he wanted to ask why I didn!t correct their exam papers or maybe he wanted to ask fbr leave or.It was none of that. With his eyes sparkling (闪烁),Randy said. This is the first time Ive not wanted a college class to end.”The tiredness lifted. I had done better than I thought. I dont know if Randy

43、 will ever understand how much he did for me that day.(1) The students usually came in late for 8 oclock classes because. A.they didn*t like teachers of 8 oclock classesB.they didnt understand the contents (内容)of the classesC.they didnt like to get started that earlyD.they didnt have any interest in

44、 the history lesson(2) I did what I could that morning to. A.tell them to make notesB.show that I was a history teacher C.talk as much as possible D.make my class more interesting(3) I stopped talking suddenly because.A.I had to look at my watchB.the students had to go to another class C.I was tired

45、 but pleasedD.the students were picking up things(4) When Randy came up to me, I thought.A.he might have some excuse for what he did in classB.he wanted to help me carry things to my officeC.he had left something in the classroomD.he would bring me something to eat(5) What did Randys words mean to m

46、e?A.He encouraged me a lot.B.He was my best friend.C.He was a top student.D.He wanted to quarrel with me.26 .根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案All over the world, people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy, happy and to live longer.Many people like to watch others play sports games. They buy tickets or tu

47、rn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when “their“ player or team wins.People play different games in winter and summer. Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football for example, had spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports and games go back thousands of years, like running Jumping or discusthrowing. But basketball and volleyball are rather


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