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1、六年级小学小升初英语完形填空期末复习试卷拔高题及答案一、六年级英语完形填空.完形填空Sometime in the 1 scientists will develop knowledge 2.One day, a student needs help with his 3 and goes to the 4 He asks the doctor what kind of knowledge pills he sells.The doctor says, Heres a pill 5 English literature.The student takes the pill, swallows(

2、吞咽)it, and suddenly knows 6 about English literature.What else do you 7? the student asks.“Well, I have pills for 8, biology and world history, Hthe doctor says.The student asks for all of them. He takes them all and suddenly becomes 9at all three subjects.Then the student asks, nDo you have a pill

3、for math?The doctor says, n 10 just a minute/ He goes back into the storeroom,back a pill and puts it before him. The pill is 12 and heavy.I have to 13 that huge pill for math? Thats too big! The student says14.The doctor says, Well, you know, math is always a little 15 to swallow.1. A. pastB. futur

4、eC. airD. sky2. A. machineB. robotC. pillsD. pill3. A. studiesB. healthC. EnglishD. Maths4. A. schoolB. hospitalC. storeD. theater5. A. withB. ofC. forD. in6. A. everythingB. nothingC. anythingD. something7. A. knowB. takeC. needD. have8. A. healthB. artC. moneyD. water9. A. weakB. luckyC. intereste

5、dD.good10. A. WatchB. LookC. WaitD. Keep11. A. givesB. putsC. walksD. brings12. A. smallB. largeC. roundD. strange13. A. eatB. buyC. takeD. enjoy14. A. loudlyB. quietlyC. happilyD. sadly15. A. hardB. easyC. differentD. important2.根据短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确答案填空。Do you have a beautiful dream? I know almos

6、t everyone his own dream in his life. The dreams are very important 2 them. The dreams can makethem 3 harder.I am 4 in a school now. I do well in all my subjects.5 theteachers like me very much. My dream is 6 a teacher in west China. Many children there want to go to school 7 they cant. Their famili

7、es are poor and their parents don*t have enough money 8 their children to school. I think that going to school and studying is the only 9 to change their life.Teachers are needed there, so I want 10 a teacher to help them. I will bekind to my students and make 11 with them. All the childrenreading,

8、drawing, playing basketball and sleepingfilmslistening to music(1) Where is Wu Yifan from?A.Hes from England.BHes from Guangzhou. C.He s from Zhengzhou.D.Hes from Shijiazhuang.(2) What is Ning Zetao good at?A.Swimming.B.Singing.C.Reading.D.Sleeping.(3) What can we learn from the form (表格)?A.Ning Zet

9、ao is from Guangzhou.B.Wang Keyu likes singing.C.Kris likes sleeping.D.Zhou Dongyu is 23 years old.18 .阅读理解AHi, I am Joe. Im 13 years old. Im a student in middle school. Im from Sao Paulo, Brazil, but now I live in Los Angeles, USA.I have two brothers and a sister. My brothers are Carlos and Mattias

10、 and my sister is Giovanna. My parents are Luisa and JOhan. We live in a big house (房子)and we have a dog. My favorite room in the house is my bedroom. There is a big bookcase, a blue bed and a small sofa in my room. Carlos and Mattias are in a room. They have yellow beds, but they dont have a bookca

11、se. My sistefs room is nice and tidy. But in my room there are books everywhere.In my free time, I like reading and playing sports. My favorite books are about music and sports. I always play soccer or basketball with my friends after school. On Saturdays, I have a music class. On Sundays, I like to

12、 plOy basketball with my father and my brothers.I like traveling (旅行)very much I go on trips with my family every holiday (彳取 期)we go to many cities, like London, Tokyo, New York and Paris. We will go to Beijing next time.根据材料内容判断正误。(1) There are six people in Joes family.(2) Joe and his brothers ar

13、e in the same room.(3) Giovannas room isnt tidy.(4) Joe plays basketball with his family on Sundays.(5) Joes family like to travel on holidays.19 .阅读理解What subject do you like best (最)? Lets see these four students answers.I like numbers. I think everything is based on (以为基石出)numbers. So myfavorite

14、subject is math. And Pm good at it. I always do well in math tests.WilliamI like history. I read many books about history, and I can learn many things from the past (过去).History is my favorite subject. I want to be a history teacher.JennyI love to read maps and know about other people and places in

15、the world. I want to go around the world (世界各地)one day and see all the things I learn about.TomI like sports very much, so P.E. is my favorite subject. I have a P.E. lesson every Tuesday and Friday. My P.E. teacher is Mr. Brown. His classes are very interesting. All my classmates love him.Tony(1) Wh

16、o likes math best?A.Jenny.B.William.C.Tony.D.Tom.(2) What does Jenny want to be?A.A tennis player.B.A P.E teacher.C.A history teacher.D.A math teacher.(3) Toms favorite subject may be.A.geographyB.musicC.historyD.math(4) Which is FALSE(错误的)according to(根据)the passage?A.William does well in math test

17、s.B.Jenny can learn many things from history.C.Tony has two P.E classes every week.D.Tom loves to read books about the world.20 .阅读理解Tony is seven years old. He begins to go to school this term. He works very hard. He is polite(礼貌的)and has lots of friends. They all like him very much.It is Saturday

18、today. Tony, his sister Kate and their mother are at home. His mother does some housework and he watches TV. Kate does her homework. At ten oclock, his father comes back with a bag of apples for the family. Tony likes apples very much and wants to eat one. His mother gives four apples and says, Go a

19、nd wash them.”Tony washes the apples and then gives them back to his mother. His mother asks him? Which apple do you want, Tony? The biggest(最大的)one/ Tony answers quickly. What?H says his mother, nYou should want the smallest(最小的)one, Tony. You should be a polite boy!HShould I tell a lie(说谎)just to

20、be polite, Mum?(1) Tony begins to go to school when he is years old.A.fiveB.sixC.sevenD.eight(2) Tonys sister Kate is a.A. teacherB.studentC. workerD.nurse(3) Tonys mother gives him four apples to wash because.A.she doesnt want Tony to eat too many applesB.Tony cannot carry more applesC.Tony can eat

21、 four applesD.there are four people in his family(4) Tony wants to eat.A.the biggest appleB.the smallest appleC.the biggest and the smallest applesD.the four apples(5) From the story we can know Tony wants to be.A.friendlyB.helpfulC.politeD.honest21 .阅读下列短文,从每题所给的(A、B、C和D)四个选项中选出最佳选 项。Its seven oclo

22、ck in the morning in Chennai, India Lavin always has her morning bath before school. But she doesn*t have a bath at home. She has a bath in a small river outside with her best friend, a baby elephant.Lavin lives at Arignar Anna Zoo with her parents, brothers and sisters. Her father works at the zoo

23、and he is a special keeper for the baby elephants. Lavin is only six years old, but she can control(控制J)the elephants and she has a very special friendship with them.At eight oclock in the morning, Lavin goes to school, but she doesnt go on the school bus. She rides an elephant to school. After scho

24、ol, Lavin plays football with her elephants.Now it is the evening, and the baby elephants are tired Lavin sits next to them and sings to them. Sometimes, they all sleep together-friends together in the day and friends together at night.(1) Where does Lavin has her morning bath?A.At school.B.At home.

25、C.In a river.D.In a bathroom.(2) Why does she live at Arignar Anna zoo?A.Because her father works there.B.Because she likes elephants.C.Because she has a big family.D.Because she is only six years old.(3) How does she go to school?A.She takes a school bus.B.An elephant takes her to school.C.Her fath

26、er drives her to school.D.She walks to school with an elephant.(4) What does she usually do in the afternoon?A.Sings songs to the elephants.B.Plays with tile elephants.C.Sleeps with the elephants.D.Helps his father with some housework.(5) Whats the best title of the passage?A.Lavins FamilyB.Lavins z

27、ooC.Lavins JobD.Lavin!s Best Friends22 .阅读理解LostMv schoolbagIt s blue with a doe on it.Please call LindaPhone #416-3592FoundA red Enalish-Chinese dictionary is in Classroom 8E,Is it yours?Please call Alan at 485-7700.FoundLostI lost mv school ID card Mv name JJis Jim Broun Please email me at com or

28、call me at465-0921.Is this yours?I found it on my desk.Please call me at 4396175.Paul(1) If your watch is lost, you can callA.439-6175B.485-7700C.465-0921D.416-3592to ask.(2) Lindas is lost.A.phoneB.dogC.schoolbagD.ID card(3) Alan found an English-Chinese dictionaryA.in Classroom 8EB.on his deskC.on

29、 the sofaD.in the schoolbag(4) If you find a school ID card, it may be.A.AlansB.JimsC.PauFsD.Lindas23.阅读理解Its 14: 00. The house is quiet (安静的).Tom? Mom says. No one answers. Mom comes to Toms room. He is not on the bed. But his model plane is on the desk. He is not in his room, and he is not in the

30、yard (院子), Mom thinks. Then Mom comes to his grandparents1 room. Tom likes to play with Grandpas tape player. But he is not there.Mom looks for (寻找)him everywhere. But where is Tom? Mom is worried. She wants to call Dad. She comes to the living room to get the phone.“Whats that? ” Mom sees something

31、 black under the sofa. Oh, its Paul, Toms dog. It loves sleeping (睡觉)there. But what is next to Paul? It*s Tom!(1) Where is Tom*s model plane? A.On the chair.B.In the yard.C.On the desk.D.On the bed.(2) Tom*s grandpa has a.A.bookstoreB. watchC.computerD.tape player(3) Where is Tom?A.He is sleeping i

32、n his room.B.He is sleeping under the sofa.C.He is sleeping on the sofa.D.He is playing with Paul in the yard.(4) Which is the best title (最佳标题)for the passage?A.Toms family B.Toms room C.Where is Tom D.Tom and Paul24.阅读理解Mr. CooFs Clothes StoreCome and buy your clothes at our great sale.We have clo

33、thes at very good prices.Telephone: 8663-7868Address: No. 463 Main StreetUncle Bobs Dumpling House Do you like dumplings?We have some specials for you. Vegetable dumplings : 10. 00 Meat dumplings: 15. 00 Beef dumplings: 18. 00 Welcome to our house!Telephone: 5561-8823Swimmer WantedCan you swim? Do y

34、ou like children?Can you teach them to swim on Sunday?Come and join us!Call Mr. Smith at 8472-9999 for more information.(1) If you want to buy clothes, you can call.A.8663-6878B.8663-7868C.5561-8823D.8472-9999(2) Tom wants a bowl of meat dumplings and his parents each (各自)want a bowl of vegetable du

35、mplings, they need.A.15B.Y10C.Y25D.35(3) If your sister swims well and she is free on Sunday, she can call.A.Mr. CoolB.Uncle BobC.Mr. SimonD.Mr. Smith25 .阅读理解David is six years old. He is old enough to go to school. On Monday morning, his teacher teaches him three words: L you, he. Then the teacher

36、says, I am your teacher. You are my student. He is your classmate.n When school is over, David goes home. His mother asks him, What does your teacher teach you today? David says with a smile, “Listen, Mum. You are my student. He is your classmate, His mother says, No, dear. Youre wrong.n Then she sa

37、ys, nI am your mother. Youre my son. He s your father. The next day, Davids teacher asks David to make sentences with I, you and he.David stands up and says, “Pm your mother. Youre my son. He is your father.H All the students in David*s class laugh (发笑).(1) What does the underlined word enough“ mean

38、 in the 1st paragraph?A.差不多B.不仅仅C.有点儿D.足够的(2) When does Davids teacher ask him to make sentences?A.Sunday.B.Monday.C.Tuesday.D.Wednesday.(3) Why do all David*s classmates laugh?A.Because he is fun.B.Because he makes wrong sentences.C.Because his sentences are new.D.Because the teachers class is inte

39、resting.26 .阅读理解Hello! My name is Linda Smith. I am a 14-year-old (14 岁的)school girl. This is my schoolbag. It is yellow and blue. My English books and pencil box are in it. The pencil box is white. And there are three pens and four pencils in it. A red eraser is in it, too. My school ID card is in

40、the schoolbag, too. Its number is 2016071502. My keys aren*t in the schoolbag. They are on the table. What about my white ruler? It is not in the pencil box. It is on the table, too!(1) Linda Smith is years old.A.12.B.13C.14D.15(2) What color is Lindas schoolbag? A.yellowB.yellow and blue C.blueD.I

41、dont know(3) Where is Linda*s English books?A.in the roomB.on the tableC.in the pencil box.D.in the schoolbag.(4) Whats the number of her ID card?A.2017071502B.2016071502C.2017061502D.2016071602(5) Lindas and are on the table.A.keys; ruler B.keys; pens C.pens; rulerD.keys; English books27 .阅读理解Hello

42、, Im Ann Green. Ann is my first name and Green is my last name. Im an American girl. Im eight years old. I can speak some Chinese. I like Chinese. My favorite day is Friday. My favorite sport is swimming.My mother*s name is Laura and my fathers name is John. I have got a brother Tim and a sister Ali

43、ce. Tim likes to play balls with me all the time. He is only three years old. And Alice is seven months old.We have a pet called Pirate. He is my favorite dog! We all like to play with him. I love my family.(1) Ann!s family name is.A.AnnB. GreenC. LauraD.John(2) How many people are there in Anns fam

44、ily?A.3.B.4.C.5.D.6.(3) The underlined word pet” means(意思是)”H.A.宠物B.同伴C.机器D.保姆_(4) What is the best title(标题)about the passage?A.My Father.B.My Dog.C.My Mother.D.My Family.28 .根据短文,选择正确的答案Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didn*t have modern machines. There was no m

45、odern medicine, either.Life today has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious ki

46、nd of pollution. Its bad to all living things in the world.Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day. Sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog.Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. Factories must now cl

47、ean their water before it is thrown away. They mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air.We need to do many other things. We can put the waste things in the dustbin and do not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less pollution.Rules are not enough. Everyone must help to fight pollution.(1 ) Hundreds of y


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