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1、JOB DDESCRRIPTIION工作职责JOB TTITLEE 职位位 : Supperviisor / RRestaaurannt Maanageer楼面主主管/ 楼面经理DEPARRTMENNT 部门门 : CChineese SSectiion中餐餐部GRADEE/LEVVEL 级级别 : REPORRTS TTO 直直接上司 : AAssisstantt Chiinesee Secctionn Mannagerr 餐厅经经理RESPOONSIBBLE FFOR 责责任范围 : REVIEEWED BY 制定/更更新于 : SCOPEE 工作范范围 : To asssistt the

2、e Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion MManagger tto acchievve orr surrpasss finnanciial ggoalss sett in bothh thee Resstaurrant budgget aand fforeccast throough on-ggoingg mottivattion and traiiningg of stafff meemberrs reeportting to yyou; to ensuure ttheirr commprehhensiion aand aadherrencee to the cl

3、eaarly estaablisshed servvice stanndardds; to ffolloow, ttrainn andd enssure the adheerencce too prooceduures; too reaady ssuborrdinaates for prommotioon ennsuriing aa smoooth operratioon att alll timmes aand bby seettinng ann exaamplee of perssonall atttentiion, caree andd antticippatioon off guees

4、t nneedss thuus crreatiing aan attmosppheree of proffessiionallism and welll-beiing iin thhe ouutlett, leeadinng too a hhighlly suuccesssfull opeeratiion.协助高级楼楼面经理完完成或超越越由餐厅预预算与对正正在进行的的经营活动动的预测而而制定出的的营业目标标,并培训训员工向你你报告;确确保他们理理解并执行行已确认的的服务标准准;执行、培培训并确保保服务程序序;使下级级服从管理理以确保运运作顺利,准准备关于对对客服务的的实例,如如对客人的的关注、

5、关关心以及预预计客人的的需求,从从而在餐厅厅内创造出出专业化与与良好的环环境,领导导极为成功功的运作。DUTIEES/REESPONNSIBIILITIIES:义务与责任任:-Creeate throough yourr tottal ccommiitmennt too exccelleence an eenvirronmeent oof coompleete wwell-beinng annd saatisffactiion oof ouur reestauurantt Pattronss by provvidinng frrienddly, fastt, coonsisstentt and

6、d proofesssionaal seervicce. 完完成你所有有的义务以以提供友善善的、快速速的、可靠靠的、专业业的服务从从而创造令令顾客满意意的良好环环境-Conntribbute in eeveryy wayy posssiblle too thee proofitaabiliity oof thhe ouutlett by ensuuringg fasst, aattenntivee andd proofesssionaal seervicce exxtendded tto alll guuestss andd by deplloyinng upp-selllingg tecch

7、niqques. Maake iit a poinnt too perrsonaally apprroachh eacch guuest/tablle annd ennquirre frrom tthe gguestt(s) how theyy aree, iff theey arre haappy withh theere ffood and the servvice theyy aree recceiviing. Recctifyy anyy neggativve coommennts ppersoonallly annd att oncce annd diiscusss anny nee

8、gatiive ccommeents in ddetaiil wiith tthe AAssisstantt Chiinesee Secctionn mannagerr. 确保向所所有的顾客客提供快速速、殷勤的的、专业化化的服务与与相应的推推销,利用用任何一个个可能的机机会增加餐餐厅的盈利利,亲自询询问每位/桌客人他他们所享受受的食物与与服务是否否让他们满满意。亲自自消除任何何负面的意意见,并与与高级楼面面经理一起起细致讨论论这些负面面意见。-Monnitorr daiily aactuaal saales agaiinst the budgget aand tthe fforeccast a

9、nd recttify any shorrtagees thhrouggh addditiionall salles. 监监控日常的的依照预算算所制定出出的现行销销售方式,并并预测和调调整附加销销售中的不不足。-Redduce overrheadd cossts bby miinimiizingg un-prodductiivityy in laboor deeployymentt. 根根据人员配配置的最小小化配置减减少超额费费用的花费费。-Mannage and orgaanizee youur opperattion. Deelegaate aan appproppriatte ammou

10、ntt of workk to yourr subbordiinatees. 组组织并管理理您的运作作。向您的的下属适当当授权。-Leaad byy exaamplee. 起起带头作用用-Youu willl bee tottallyy fammiliaar wiith tthe mmenu and the dailly sppeciaals, the modee of prepparattion and the ingrredieents usedd in eachh dissh. You willl makke itt a ppointt to checck wiith tthe CChe

11、f dailly ass to itemms avvailaable in tthe kkitchhen wwhichh neeed puushinng, iitemss whiich aare nnot oon thhe meenu aand kknow all dishhes nnot llisteed onn thee mennu whhich the kitcchen can preppare withh easse. Equaally, youu musst knnow aall ddishees/ittems on tthe mmenu whicch arre noot avvai

12、laable or ssold out and posssiblyy neccessiitatee a pprepaaratiion cchangge. Soldd-outt, noot avvailaable itemms muust bbe cllearlly wrritteen onn thee serrvicee boaard iin thhe kiitcheen/seervicce arrea bby yoou. 您您必须对菜菜单、每日日的特色菜菜、菜品的的准备方式式和每道菜菜所用的原原料都非常常熟悉。并并且每日向向厨师核对对每日需要要推销的菜菜品,哪些些菜品没有有上菜单,并并且知道

13、所所有没有列列上菜单但但是厨房可可以准备的的菜品。同同样的,您您也必须知知道菜单上上所有的菜菜品哪些不不能被提供供或者已卖卖完,并且且做出必要要的调整和和改变,售售完的和不不能提供的的菜品必须须由您清楚楚地写在厨厨房/服务务区域的服服务公告板板上。-Youu willl knnow tthe wwine listt by hearrt, bbe faamiliiar wwith all vinttagess andd thee chaaractterissticss of eachh winne. You willl be infoormedd by the Beveeragee Mannag

14、err reggardiing wwiness/bevveragges wwhichh neeed puushinng, vvintaages whicch haave cchangged aand wwiness whiich aare ssold out. 您您必须用心心了解酒单单,并且对对每种红酒酒酿造年份份和特性都都要非常熟熟悉。您需需要向酒水水部经理核核对需要特特别推销的的酒水/饮饮料,过期期的以及已已售完的红红酒。-If you are askeed byy thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion Manaager to cconduuct tth

15、e ppre-sserviice bbrieffing, alll perrtineent iinforrmatiion rregarrdingg thee aboove mmust be ppasseed onn to the stafff. 如如果您被高高级楼面经经理要求实实施班前会会,所有的的相关信息息都要求传传达给员工工。-In yourr possitioon, yyou wwill takee parrticuular caree of yourr andd youur suuborddinattes ggroomming at aall ttimess andd weaar yo

16、our uunifoorm wwith pridde annd grreat aploomb. Youu willl ennsuree thaat thheir unifform is wworn in tthe ssame spirrit. 您您的职务要要求您随时时特别注意意您的和您您下属的仪仪容仪表,保保证你穿着着制服时保保持自豪和和自信。您您必须确保保他们穿着着制服是保保持同您一一样的精神神状态。-Esttabliish eexcelllentt rappportt bettweenn youursellf annd alll otther depaartmeents and sectt

17、ionss in the hoteel annd exxtendd youur fuull cco-opperattion. Thhis wwill pay off in aa verry shhort timee in yourr areea. 与与酒店其他他部门机构构建立非常常友善良好好的关系并并开展好的的合作。-Youu aree tottallyy fammiliaar wiith aall eestabblishhed sstanddardss/ prrocedduress andd youur owwn annd yoour ssuborrdinaates job desccrip

18、ttionss so thatt youu cann makke cllear, conncisee commmentts onn alll youur suuborddinattes perfformaance. Yoou knnow tthe HHotell emmployyee aand tthe ddresss andd depportmment handdbookks byy heaart aand tthrouugh tthis keepp tigght, yet fairr reiins oon yoour ssuborrdinaates. 您您必须熟悉悉所制定的的所有的标标准/

19、程序序以及你的的与您下属属的职位要要求,以便便于您可以以给与您下下属的表现现清楚准确确地评价。您您必须熟记记饭店员工工手册并且且要求您的的下属贯彻彻执行以保保持工作激激情。-Youu musst bee tottallyy fammiliaar wiith aall ssafetty annd seecuriity sstanddardss andd prooceduures. 您您必须对安安全保卫标标准与程序序相当熟悉悉。-Youu willl meeet wwith the Assiistannt Chhinesse Seectioon Maanageer onn a ddailyy ba

20、ssis tto uppdatee himm on any and all occuurrennces haviing ttakenn plaace, but not recoordedd in the log bookk andd seeek hiis innstruuctioons aas too howw to prevvent any re-ooccurrrencces, sugggest addiitionnal aand sspeciializzed ttrainning for the suboordinnatess in a paarticcularr subbjectt an

21、dd makke yoour rrecommmenddatioons aas too hoow too sollve tthe pprobllem. 您您需要每日日同高级楼楼面经理会会面以更新新每日所发发生的任何何突发事件件,但不需需要记录进进值班日记记,只是寻寻求预防这这类事件的的再次发生生的方法。建建议组织下下属参加额额外的、特特别的培训训,建议这这一特别课课程的内容容为“怎样解决决问题”。 -Youu willl reead tthe RRestaaurannt loog boook oon a dailly baasis and notee thee mosst peertinnent

22、 poinnts ppartiiculaarly withh reggardss to any deviiatioon frrom sstanddardss. YYou wwill alsoo notte anny coommennts mmade regaardinng a partticullar gguestt andd hiss/herr speeciall reqquestts. 您必必须每日查查看餐厅的的值班日记记并签上中中肯的意见见尤其是有有关于违背背标准的行行为。并且且您还要备备注上有关关于特殊客客人与这些些客人特殊殊要求的内内容。-Makke cllear, conncise

23、e andd objjectiive ccommeents and recoommenndatiions to tthe AAssisstantt Chiinesee Secctionn. Maanageer ass to how you sugggest imprrovemmentss of the overrall stanndingg of yourr asssigneed reestauurantt couuld bbe moost eeffecctiveely aachieeved 向高级级楼面经理理清楚地、简简练的、客客观的提出出改进你所所负责的餐餐厅的意见见或建议,并并保证改进进

24、方案被有有效的实施施。-Youu willl arrrangge too havve a montthly meetting of nnot lless thann 10 minuutes withh eacch Caaptaiin too disscusss mattterss conncernning stafff, hhis/hher oown ppersoonal probblemss andd to get a beetterr feeel of tthe wwholee opeeratiion. Succh meeetinngs wwill be hheld in pprivaat

25、e. 您必必须安排不不少于100分钟的与与每位领班班的周例会会,讨论关关于员工,他他或她的个个人问题等等事宜,让让整个经营营过程都能能有一个很很好的感觉觉。这样的的会议应该该秘密的进进行。-Youu willl bee askked bby thhe Asssisttant Chinnese Secttion Manaager to aattennd thhe Seectioon meeetinng onn a wweeklly baasis. 您将被高高级楼面经经理要求参参加中餐部部的每周例例会。-Anyy speeciall reqquestts frrom yyou oor anny o

26、ff youur suuborddinattes wwill havee to be ddiscuussedd andd appproveed byy thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion Mannagerr. 任任何您的或或您下属的的特殊要求求都要经过过高级楼面面经理的批批准。-Shoould you for any reasson hhave to rrequeest ffor aa chaange in yyour dutyy schhedulle, sschedduledd dayy offf or scheeduleed annnuall leaa

27、ve, suchh reqquestt musst bee broought too thee atttentiion oof thhe Asssisttant Chinnese Secttion Manaager for his conssiderratioon/appprovval 如如果您因为为任何理由由要求改变变您的工作作时间、休休息时间和和年假时间间,这样的的要求都要要报给高级级楼面经理理,并获得得他的认同同/批准。-In casee of sickknesss or any otheer reeasonn preeventting you fromm comming to wwor

28、k, youu musst innformm thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion. Manaager or his reprresenntatiive aat thhe eaarlieest ppossiible timee. 如果您身体体欠佳或有有其他原因因让您不能能前来工作作,您必须须尽可能早早的告知高高级楼面经经理或他授授权的代表表他的人。- You wwill atteend wwith yourr subbordiinatees thhe seervicce sttaff foodd preesenttatioon/taastinng whhen

29、 ssuch pressentaationn/tasstingg hass beeen arrrangged bby thhe Asssisttant Chinnese Secttion Manaager.当高级楼面面经理安排排菜品介绍绍/试尝的的时候,您您将会与您您的下属一一起参加提提供给员工工的新菜品品的介绍/试尝。-Youu willl atttendd witth yoour ssuborrdinaates the servvice stafff wiine aand bbeverrage tastting/pressentaationn wheeneveer suuch ttasti

30、ing hhave beenn arrrangeed byy thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion MManagger. 当高级楼楼面经理安安排试尝的的时候,您您将与您的的员工一起起参加提供供给员工的的红酒和饮饮料的试尝尝/介绍。-Youu willl raaise everry/alll reequissitioons ffor ooperaatingg supppliees, nneedeed foor thhe opperattion and havee it apprrovedd. 您要负责责提出餐厅厅运作所需需的物品的的申请,并并使其得到到批准。-

31、Youu willl asssistt thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion MManagger wwith the propper sstoraage, the turnnoverr andd cleeanliinesss of guesst suuppliies iin hiis caare. 您需要协协助高级楼楼面经理留留意库存量量、营业额额以及客用用品的卫生生情况-Thee Capptainns arre enncourragedd to solvve anny guuest probblemss or compplainnts oof miinor

32、 impoortannce ddirecctly. Hooweveer, yyou mmust assiist tthe CCaptaains withhout delaay iff a gguestt is iratte, aabusiive oor thhe sttaff findds itt imppossiible to pplacaate hhim/hher. 鼓励领班班直接处理理不太重要要的关于客客人的任何何问题或投投诉。但是是,如果当当客人生气气、辱骂或或员工无法法安抚客人人的时候您您必须及时时协助领班班解决。 Inncideents of tthis natuure mmust

33、 be rreporrted as ssoon as ppossiible to tthe hhotell mannagerr on dduty. 整个个事件必须须尽快向酒酒店当值经经理报告。-If you hearr anyy neggativve guuest commmentss on any otheer seervicces pproviided by tthe hhotell i.ee. Teelephhone, Lauundryy, Hoousekkeepiing, Fronnt Offficee etcc., ppass suchh commmentts fuully and

34、corrrectlly onn to the Asstt. Chhinesse Seectioon MManagger. 如果当你你听到任何何关于酒店店其他服务务的负面意意见,如:电话、洗洗衣、客房房、前台等等等,请将将这些意见见完整的并并准确地向向高级楼面面经理汇报报。-Forr anyy reppairss of non-urgeent mmatteer, yyou wwill infoorm tthe AAssisstantt Chiinesee Secctionn. Maanageer. In hhis aabsennce, you willl raiise aa worrk orrd

35、er, appprovee it and handd thee coppies to tthe CChineese SSectiion HHead on hhis rreturrns ffor ffilinng, aand ffolloow upp. TThe oorigiinal has to bbe seent tto thhe Enngineeerinng Deeparttmentt witthoutt dellay. 关于不紧紧要的维修修事件应向向高级楼面面经理汇报报。在他缺缺席的时候候,您将递递交被批准准的维修单单,并将复复印件交给给中餐行政政经理,当当高级楼面面经理返回回后存档,并

36、并跟进。原原单及时交交与工程部部。-Forr urggent Engiineerring mattters, thee Chiief EEnginneer or hhis ddeputty muust bbe coontaccted withhout delaay. Alsoo, unnder thesse ciircummstannces a reepairr andd maiintennancee ordder mmust be rraiseed annd deealt withh as abovve. 很紧要的的工程事件件,需要及及时与总工工程师或他他授权代表表他的人联联系。同样样的,维

37、修修单将按上上述程序上上交。-Anyy mattter perttainiing tto thhe baar orr bevveragges iin geeneraal muust bbe brroughht too thee atttentiion oof thhe beeveraage mmanagger. 关于于酒吧与酒酒水的任何何时间需要要告知酒水水部经理。- YYou aare ddirecctly respponsiible to eensurre thhe saafetyy andd welll-beeing of aall rrestaaurannt paatronns thh

38、rougghoutt andd memmberss of stafff inn youur arrea iin paarticcularr. 您您有责任确确保餐厅内内所有客人人和在您管管辖区域内内的员工的的安全与健健康。-It is yyour respponsiibiliity tto innformm thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion MManagger wwithoout ddelayy reggardiing aany mmembeer off youur suuborddinatte teeam cconteemplaatingg to res

39、iign sso thhat aa suiitablle reeplaccemennt caan bee fouund oon a timeely bbasiss. 您有有责任及时时告知高级级楼面经理理关于您下下属的辞职职意愿,以以便及时安安排合适的的人选代替替空缺。- You willl infform the Assiistannt Chhinesse Seectioon. MManagger iimmeddiateely oof anny diisconntenttmentt or probblemss ariisingg froom anny meemberr of yourr sub

40、bordiinatee staaff. 您您应及时向向高级楼面面经理反映映关于您下下属的不满满情绪或问问题。-Anyy verrbal warnning giveen annd anny offficiial ddiscuussioon heeld wwith any of yyour suboordinnatess musst bee wriittenn dowwn, sstatiing aall ppertiinentt poiints disccusseed soo thaat itt cann be fileed onn thee inddividduals reecordd. 任任何

41、口头上上的警告和和任何与您您下属正式式的讨论都都要求被记记录下来,记记录下所有有讨论后的的中肯的意意见,以便便于在个人人记录中存存档。-Twiice aa yeaar yoou arre reesponnsiblle too preeparee a wwrittten aappraaisall of eachh perrmaneent eemplooyed Capttain repoortinng too youu mosst offten, givving a cllear and fairr asssessmment of tthe iindivviduaals perfformaance

42、, disscusss succh apppraiisal in ddetaiil wiith tthe CCaptaain cconceernedd, whho wiill hhave to ssign the apprraisaal. Thiss doccumennt iss to be ttreatted sstricctly conffidenntiall andd be passsed oon too thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion. Manaager by yyou ppersoonallly. 每年两次次,您需要要准备每位位长期雇用用领班

43、的评评估材料,并并对其个人人表现做出出清楚地、公公正的评价价,并就这这些评估与与相关的领领班细致讨讨论并签字字确认。这这些文件将将作严格保保密处理并并由您本人人亲自交给给高级楼面面经理。-Youu willl reead eeach apprraisaal maade bby yoour CCaptaains of ttheirr subbordiinatees annd iff youu conncur withh thee apppraissals, iniitiall theem, ppass themm perrsonaally on tto thhe Asssisttant Chin

44、nese Secttion. Mannagerr andd treeat ssuch docuumentt as conffidenntiall. 您需要阅读读下属对他他的领班的的评价,如如果您赞同同,签字后后将其亲自自交给高级级楼面经理理,并对这这些文件作作保密处理理-Youu willl coonducct thhe daaily pre-and postt-serrvicee briiefinng annd deebrieefingg. 您要主主持日常的的班前会和和班后会。-Youu willl atttendd alll traaininng seessioon acccordding

45、 to sscheddule. 依照时间间表,您将将参加所有有的培训。-Thee Asssistaant CChineese SSectiion. Manaager may ask you to cconduuct ttrainning sesssionss. IIt iss youur reesponnsibiilityy to preppare suchh traaininng seessioons wwith greaat atttenttion and caree to ensuure tthat the maxiimum valuue off leaarninng iss derrivedd by all atteendannts ffrom yourr sesssionns. 高级楼面面经理可能会会要求实施施培训课程程。您的责责任是用心心准备以确确保参加您您培训课程程的服务员员能最大限限度从您的的课程里获获得价值。-Yo


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