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《自选项目45857.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《自选项目45857.docx(88页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、一、 自选项目I Opttionaal Evventss表一自选项项目动作质质量、其他他错误常见见扣分内容容及标准Tablee 1 DDeducctionn andd Criiteriia foor Quualitty off Opttionaal Moovemeent类别Type编码Code扣分内容Deducctionn Conntentt常见错误Commoon Errrorss平衡类Balannces1搬脚朝天(侧侧踢抱脚, 侧朝天天蹬)直立立1. Brring the leg to tthe hhead leveel annd hoold tthe lleg wwhilee remmai

2、n stanndingg2. Siide kkick and holdd thee legg whiile rremaiin sttandiing3. Siide hheel-up lleg llift and stannce支撑腿弯曲曲Suppoortinng leeg beends上举腿弯曲曲Raiseed leeg beends后踢抱脚直直立Back kickk andd holld thhe leeg whhileremaiin Sttandiing支撑腿弯曲曲Suppoortinng leeg beends上体前倾超超过45度Torsoo bennds fforwaard eexce

3、eed 455仰身平衡Yangsshen Pingghengg YSSPH Backwward balaance前举腿低于于水平Lifteed leeg beelow horiizonttal llevell十字平衡Shizii Pinnghenng SSZPHBalanncingg witth arrms ooutsppreadd躯干低于水水平Torsoo bellow hhorizzontaal leevel前举腿低势势平衡Low bbalannce wwith leg streetcheed forwaard前举腿低于于水平Strettchedd legg bellow hhorizzo

4、ntaal leevel后插腿低势势平衡Low bbalannce wwith leg inseertedd behhind插出腿脚触触地The ffoot of iinserrted leg toucches carpeet低势前蹬踩踩脚Low ssteppping on kkick forwward支撑腿脚跟跟离地The ffoot of tthe ssuppoortinng leeg leeavessthe ccarpeet前蹬踩前腿腿膝部弯曲曲或脚尖未未外展The kknee of tthe kkickeed leeg beends,andthe ttiptooe iss nott d

5、irrecteed ouutwarrd侧踹平衡Cechuuai PPinghheng CCPHH Higgh baalancce with leg streetcheed siidewaay踹腿未由屈屈到伸The kkickiing lleg ddoes not undeergo the proceess ffrom bendding to sstraiight腿法类Leg TTechnniquees2前扫腿Qianssaotuui QSSTFrontt sweeep支撑腿大腿腿高于水平平Thighh of suppportiing lleg aabovee horrizonntal leve

6、el扫转腿脚掌掌离地Sole of ssweepping leg leavves tthe ccarpeet扫转腿弯曲曲Sweepping leg bendds后扫腿Huosaaotuii HSSTBack sweeep扫转腿弯曲曲Sweepping leg bendds扫转腿脚掌掌离地Sole of tthe ssweepping leg leavves tthe ccarpeet横钉腿Hengddingttui HDTHorizzontaal naail kkick钉腿直摆The nnailiing lleg sswayss awaay sttraigght 未横向异侧侧钉击Not nna

7、il sideewardd跌竖叉Dieshhuchaa DSCCLand on ffrontt spllit后腿明显弯弯曲Rear leg bendds obbviouusly前脚内扣触触地The ffrontt fooots solee poiints inwaard aand ttouchhes ccarpeet分脚、蹬脚脚Fenjiiao FFJ,Deengjiiao DDJPartiing kkick, Heeel kiick支撑腿弯曲曲Suppoortinng leeg beends上举腿弯曲曲Raiseed leeg beends摆莲脚Bailiianjiiao BBLJ Lotu

8、ss kicck击响脚未过过肩Slappped ffoot beloow shhouldder llevell雀地龙Quediilongg QDLLSlidee dowwn前脚掌内扣扣触地The ffrontt fooots solee poiints inwaard and ttouchhes ccarpeet跳跃类Jumpss3腾空飞脚、旋旋风脚、腾腾空摆莲Tengkkong Feijjiao TKFJJ, Xuanffengjjiao XFJ, Tenngkonng Bailiian TTKBLFlyinng frront kickk, Whhirlwwind kickk, and LL

9、otuss kicck击响腿脚未未过肩Slappped lleg bbeloww shoouldeer leevel击拍落空Slappping missses腾空正踢腿腿Tengkkong Zhenngtittui TTKZTTTFlyinng frront raisse kiick悬垂腿弯曲曲Hangiing lleg bbendss侧空翻、侧侧空翻转体体360度Cekonngfann CKFF,CKFF360Cartwwheell rolll,Caartwhheel roll 360空中腿明显显弯曲Leg bbendss obvvioussly旋子、旋子子转体Xuanzzi XZZ, Xu

10、uanzii Zhuuantii XZZZTButteerflyy, Buutterrfly twisst腾空转体时时躯干高于于水平455度以上(含45度度)The bbody is hhigheer thhan 445 (inncludding 45) in ttwistting in tthe aair腾空转体时时腿明显弯弯曲Leg bbendss obvvioussly跌扑类Tumblling4腾空盘腿3360度侧侧扑Tengkkong Panttui TKPTTFlyinng Crross legss kicck 3660and landd on the sidee摆动腿脚未未过头Ki

11、ck leg beloow heead llevell鲤鱼打挺直直立Liyu Datiing Zhilli LYYDTZLLCarp Skipp-up手撑地Lift-up wwith the helpp of the handds腾空双侧踹踹Tengkkong Shuaang CCechuuai TTKSCCCDoublle fllyingg sidde kiick踹出腿未并并拢或弯曲曲Kickeed leegs aare nnot cclosee toggetheer or beend步型类Stancces5弓步Gongbbu GBBBow sstancce前腿膝部未未达脚背Knee of

12、tthe ffrontt legg doeesntt touuch iinsteep前腿膝部超超出脚尖Knee of tthe ffrontt legg surrpassses tthe ttiptooe屈蹲腿未达达水平Squatttingg legg nott verrticaal后脚跟离地地Heel of tthe rrear leg leavves tthe ccarpeet马步MabuMMBHorsee-ridding stannce脚跟离地Heel leavves tthe ccarpeet屈蹲腿未达达水平Squatttingg legg nott horrizonntal两脚间距过

13、过小Feet too clossed eeach otheer躯干明显前前倾Torsoo bennds fforwaard oobvioouslyy虚步Xubu XBEmptyy staance后脚跟离地地Heel leavves tthe ccarpeet屈蹲腿未达达水平Squatttingg legg nott horrizonntal仆步Pubu PBCouchh staance屈蹲腿未全全蹲Squatttingg legg doees noot beend ccomplletelly平仆腿弯曲曲The ccouchhing leg bendds全脚掌未内内扣着地Wholee solle

14、 dooes nnot ttouchh thee carrpet单碟步Dandiiebu DDBSinglle buutterrfly stannce跪地腿小腿腿内侧未着着地Innerr sidde off thee kneeelinng leeg dooes nnot ttouchh thee carrpet步法类Foot Workk6上步(太极极拳)Shanggbu SSBGoingg forrwardd steep (iin Taaijiqquan TJQ)前腿支撑时时脚外摆超超过45度Foot incllininng ouutwarrd moore than 45后腿上步时时脚拖地Dr

15、aggging the foott whiile tthe rrear leg sstepss forrwardd器械方法类Apparratuss7挂剑、撩剑剑Guajiian GGJ, LLiaojjian LJUpwarrd paarry and uppeercutt直腕Wristt strraighht缠头、裹脑脑Chanttou CCT, GGuonaao GNNTwiniing, wrapppingg刀背远离身身体Broaddsworrd -bback too far fromm thee boddy拦枪、拿枪枪Lanqiiang LQ, Naqiiang NQ Parryy out

16、twardd andd parrry iinwarrd枪尖未划弧弧Head of tthe sspearr witthoutt cirrclinng moovemeent立舞花枪、双双手提撩花花棍Liwu Huaqqiangg LWWHQ, Shuuangsshou Tiliiaohuuagunn SSTTLHG Figurres 88, Uppperccut wwith bothh hannds未呈立圆Cudgeel orr speear mmovemmentss witthoutt verrticaal ciirclee器械抛接Throww andd cattch oof appparaa

17、tus抱接器械Catchh thee appparattus iin a hug mannner未单手接握握剑柄、刀刀柄Catchh thee hanndle withh twoo hannds顶棍(南棍棍)Dingggun DDG(Nanggun)把端未柱地地The eend oof cuudgell doeesntt touuch tthe ccarpeet梢端低于头头The ttop oof cuudgell bellow hhead leveel.其他错误类Otherr Errrors01持久平衡静静止时间不不足2秒Remaiiningg stiill and balaancinng

18、moove lless thann 2 sseconnds身体任何一一部分触及及线外地面面Any ppart of tthe bbody toucches outsside the ccarpeet器械触地、脱脱把、碰身身、弯曲变变形Apparratuss touuchess thee carrpet or tthe body, blaade ooff hhandlle orr defformeed apparrentlly上体晃动、脚脚移动或跳跳动Torsoo shaakes, fooot mooves or jjumpss02附加支撑(扣扣0.2分)Extraa suppportt (0.

19、2)器械折断(扣扣0.2分)Apparratuss breeaks (0.22)03倒地(扣00.3分)Fall ontoo thee carrpet(0.3)器械掉地(扣扣0.3分)Apparratuss falll onnto tthe ccarpeet(0.3)注:1、器器械接触线线外地面或或身体某一一部分在空空间超越了了场地,不不应判为出出界。 22、未标明明扣分分值值的均为扣扣0.1分。 33、在一个个动作中出出现一个或或同时出现现多个常见见错误内容容,均一次次性扣0.1分。累累计扣分。 44、在一个个动作中同同时出现两两个以上其其他错误,应应累计扣分分。Note: 1. Toucc

20、hingg thee flooor ooutsiide tthe ccarpeet wiith aapparratuss; orr parrt off thee boddy gooes outsside the linee is not counntedaas ouutsidde thhe caarpett. 2. Deduuctioon poointss nott inddicatted iin thhe ruules are all set at 00.1.3. 0.1 pooint shalll bee dedducteed foor onne errror or mmore erroo

21、rs ooccurrred in oone (1) mmovemment.The deduuctedd poiints willl be addeed upp toggetheer.4. Whhen ttwo (2) oor moore eerrorrs occcurrred iin onne moovemeent, the deduuctedd poiints willl be addded up ttogetther.表二 自自选项目演演练水平等等级的评分分标准Tablee2 SScoriing CCriteeria for Overrall Perfformaance of tthe O

22、Optioonal Evennts档次 Leevel级别 Deegreees分数段 SScorees很好SUPERRIOR级1STT 3.00-2.900级2NDD2.89-2.800级3RDD 2.79-2.700一般STANDDARD级4THH 2.60-2.500级5THH2.49-2.400级6THH 2.39-2.300较差INFERRIOR级7THH 2.10-2.000级8THH1.99-1.900级9THH1.89-1.800表三 自自选项目演演练水平编编排错误的的扣分内容容及标准Tablee 3 Deduuctioon Coontennt annd Crriterria ff

23、or tthe CChoreeograaphy of tthe OOptioonal Evennts编排Choreeograaphy扣分内容Deducctionn Conntentt编码Code内容Conteent规程所规定定的动作内内容每缺少少一个,扣扣0.2分0.2 sshalll be deduuctedd forr onee reqquireed moovemeent mmissiing80动作难度每每缺少一类类,扣0.2分O.2 sshalll be deduuctedd forr onee typpe off diffficuult mmovemmentss misssingg81

24、结构Struccturee 静止姿势(持持久平衡除除外)停顿顿超过3秒或太极极拳、太极极剑难度动动作前出现现停顿Motioonlesss poosturre (eexceppt loongtiime bbalannce)eexceeeds 33 seccondss or stopps beeforee diffficuult mmovemment of TTaijiiquann andd Taiijijiian82长拳类、南南拳类套路路中跳跃、跌跌仆动作前前助跑步数数超过4步Runniing-uup exxceedds foour (4) sstepss beffore the jumppin

25、g and tumbblingg tecchniqques in CChanggquann or Nanqquan83太极拳、太太极剑套路路中跳跃动动作前助跑跑步数超过过1步Runniing-uup exxceedds onne (11) sttep bbeforre thhe juumpinng teechniiquess in Taijjiquaan orr Taiijijiian84布局Compoositiion二个段落中中无动作难难度Lack diffficullt moovemeent wwithiin twwo (22) seegmennt85注:未标明明扣分分值值的均为扣扣0.1

26、分。Note: Thee dedductiion sscoree un-indiicateed inn thee rulles aare aall sset aat 0.1.表四自选项项目动作难难度等级内内容及分值值确定表Tablee 4 Moveementt Diffficuultiees annd Vaalue in OOptioonal Evennts表四1 长拳、剑剑术、刀术术、枪术、棍棍术动作难难度等级内内容及分值值确定Tablee 4-1 Moovemeent DDiffiicultties and Valuue inn Chaangquuan, Jiannshu, Daooshu

27、, Qiaangshhu annd Guunshuu分类Type难 度 等等 级 及及 加 分分 分 值值 Deggree of DDiffiicultty annd VaalueA +0.2编码Code B + 0.33编码Code C + 0.4编码Code平衡Balannces搬腿朝天直直立Bringg thee legg to the headd levvel aand hhold the leg whille reemainn staandinng111A十字平衡Shizii Pinnghenng SZZPH BBalanncingg witth arrms ooutsppreadd

28、133B后踢抱脚直直立Back kickk andd holld thhe leeg whhile remaain sstandding112C侧踢抱脚直直立Side kickk andd holld thhe leeg whilee remmain stanndingg112A仰身平衡Yangsshen Pingghengg YSPPHBackwward balaance123A腿法LegTechnniquee直身前扫5540度Zhishhen QQianssao 5540 ZSQQS Frontt sweeep 5540244A直身前扫9900度Zhishhen QQianssao ZZS

29、QS 9000Frontt sweeep 9900244B跳跃Jumpss旋风脚3660度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 360Whirllwindd kicck 3660323A旋风脚5440度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 540Whirllwindd kicck 5440323B旋风脚7220度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 720Whirllwindd kicck 7220323C旋子Xuanzzi XXZ Butteerflyy333A旋子转体3360度Xuanzzi Zhhuantti XXZZT 360Butteerflyy 3600353B旋子转体7720度X

30、uanzzi Zhhuantti XZZZT 7720Butteerflyy 7200353C腾空摆莲 360度度TengkkongBailiian TTKBL 360Lotuss kicck 3660324A腾空摆莲5540度Tengkkong Bailiian TTKBL 540Lotuss kicck 5440324B腾空摆莲7720度Tengkkong Bailiian TTKBL 720Lotuss kicck 7220324C侧空翻Cekonngfann CKKFCartwwheell rolll335A侧空翻转体体360度Cekonngfann Zhuuantii CKFZTT

31、3600Cartwwheell rolll 3660355B腾空飞脚Tengkkong FeijjiaoTTKFJFlyinng frront kickk312A腾空正踢腿腿Tengkkong Zhenngtittui TKZTTT Flyinng frront raisse kiick312B注:1、3353C落落地必须衔衔接跌竖叉叉;3233B落地必必须衔接跌竖叉或或提膝独立立;3244C落地必必须衔接马马步;3223C落地地必须衔接接马步或跌跌竖叉。2、3122B的踢起起腿必须是是起跳腿。Note: 1. Whenn thee 3533C moovemeent llandss on th

32、e carppet, it sshoulld bee follloweed byy a ffrontt spllit. When the 323BBmoveementt lannds oon thhe caarpett, itt shoould be ffolloowed by aa froont ssplitt (diesshuchha) oor liiftedd kneee sttancee(tixxidulli). The 324CC movvemennt shhouldd be folllowedd by Maabu (horrse-rridinng sttancee). 2. TTh

33、e kkickeed leeg off 3122B moovemeent sshoulld bee thee samme ass thee takke-offf leeg.表42 太极拳、太太极剑动作作难度等级级及分值确确定Tablee 42 Deegreee of Moveementt Diffficuultiees annd Vaalue in TTaijiiquann andd Taiijijiian类别Type难 度 等等 级 及及 加 分分 分 值值 Deggree of DDiffiicultty annd VaalueA +0.2编码Code B + 0.3编码Code C +

34、0.4编码Code平衡Balannces前举腿低势势平衡Low bbalannce wwith leg streetcheed foorwarrd143A后插腿低势势平衡Low bbalannce wwith leg inseertedd behhind143B侧朝天蹬直直立Side heell-up leg liftt andd staance113C低势前蹬踩踩脚Low ssteppping on kkick forwward142A侧踹平衡Cechuuai PPinghheng CCPHHHigh balaance withh legg strretchhed ssidewway132A

35、腿法LegTechnniquee蹬脚或分脚脚Dengjjiao DJFenjiiao FFJ Heeel kkick or Paartinng kiick212A跳跃Jumpss腾空飞脚Tengkkong Feijjiao TKFJJFlyinng frront kickk 312A腾空正踢腿腿Tengkkong Zhenngtittui TTKZTTTFlyinng frront raisse kiick312B旋风脚5440度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 5540Whirllwindd kicck 540323C腾空飞脚向向内转体1180度Tengkkongffeijiiao TT

36、KFJ inwaard 1180Flyinng frront kickk inwarrd 1880322B腾空摆莲5540度Tengkkong Baillian TKBLL 5400Lotuss kicck 5440324C旋风脚3660度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 360Whirllwindd kicck 3660323B腾空摆莲 360度度Tengkkong Baillian TKBL 360Lotuss kicck 3660324B注:1、3312A、312BB、323BB、324BB、323CC、324CC跳跃动作作起跳时,只只能上一步步起跳。 22、312BB踢起腿必必须是

37、起跳跳腿;3222B、323BB、323CC落地时必必须衔接提提膝独立;324BB、324CC落地时衔衔接雀地龙龙应左腿在在前。Note: 1. The jumpping moveementts off : 3312A, 3233B, 3324B, 3122B, 3323C and 324CC shoould use one stepp beffore jumpping. 2. Thhe kiickedd legg in 312BB movvemennt shhouldd be the samee as the jumpped lleg. Whenn thee movemmentss of 3

38、22BB,3233B annd 3223C lland on tthe ccarpeet, tthey shouuld bbe foollowwed bby Tixidduli (TXDDL). Whenn thee movvemennts oof3244B annd 3224C lland on tthe ccarpeet, tthey shoulld bee follloweed byy Queediloong QQDL (slidde doown aand tthe lleftlleg sshoulld bee in-fronnt.)表43 南拳、南南刀、南棍棍动作难度度等级及分分值确定

39、Tablee 43 Degrree oof Moovemeent DDiffiicultties andd Vallue iin Naanquaan, NNandaao aand NNanguun类别Type难 度 等等 级 及及 加 分分 分 值值 Deggree of DDiffiicultty annd VaalueA +0.2编码Code B + 0.3编码Code C + 0.4编码Code腿法LegTechnniquee直身前扫5540度Zhishhen QQianssao ZSQS 540Frontt sweeep 5540244A直身前扫9900度Zhishhen QQians

40、sao ZSQS 900Frontt sweeep 9900244B跳跃Jumpss腾空飞脚Tengkkong Feijjiao TKFJJFlyinng frront kickk312A旋风脚3660度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 360Whirllwindd kicck 360323A旋风脚5440度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 540Whirllwindd kicck 540323B旋风脚7220度Xuanffengjjiao XFJ 720Whirllwindd kicck 720323C腾空摆莲 360度度Tengkkong Baillian TKBL 360Lotu

41、ss kicck 3660324A腾空摆莲5540度Tengkkong Baillian TKBLL 5400Lotuss kicck 5440324B腾空摆莲7720度Tengkkong Baillian TKBL 720Lotuss kicck 7220324C原地后空翻翻Yuanddi Huuokonngfann YDHHKF Back carttwheeel rooll at thhe saame sspot346A单跳后空翻翻Dantiiao HHuokoongfaan DTHKFFSinglle juump bbackwward carttwheeel rooll346B跌扑Tum

42、blling 腾空双侧踹踹Tengkkong ShuaangceechuaaiTKSCCCDoublle fllyingg sidde kick415A向内转身跳跳720度劈劈棍(刀)Inwarrd Juump 7720with cudggel(broaadswoord) hackk 321B腾空盘腿3360度侧侧扑Tengkkong Panttui 3360 Ceppu TKKPTCPPFlyinng crrosseed leegs kick 360aand lland on the sside423A鲤鱼打挺直直立Liyuddatinng Zhhili LYDDTZLCarp Skipp-up445A注:3466A、346BB和323BB落地时必必须衔接蝶蝶步; 3312A、445AA落地时必必须衔接提提膝独立;324BB、323CC、324C落落地时必须须衔接马步步。Note: Wheen thhe moovemeents of 3346A, 3466B annd 3223B lland on tthe ccarpeet


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