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《2019-2020学年广东省佛山市顺德区七年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年广东省佛山市顺德区七年级(上)期末英语试卷(附答案详解).docx(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2019-2020学年广东省佛山市顺德区七年级(上)期末英语试卷1.John: a studentDoes his homework. Reads (1) books.Listens to music.Plays games.His mother: a nurse Sends (2).His father: a (3)(4) the times of planes.His sister: a doctor Sees films every day. Buys clothes every (5).(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2. 一Is Ge You actor in China?Yeah.Y

2、ou can see his wonderful acting in the film My People, My Country.()A. aB. anC. theD. /3. Everyone knows our countrys 70th birthday is October 1, 2019.()A. inB. atC. onD. from4. Let*s go and get some for our family.All right? ()A. beefB. tomatoC. appleD. carrot5. 一 Hello, Linda speaking.Whos ?一 Hell

3、o, this is Jessica.()A. sheB. oneC. thatD. this6. I eat too much chocolate because its unhealthy.()A. sometimesA. sometimesB. oftenC. alwaysD. never7. 一 Have you got friends in Shunde?No, I havent.I am new here.(【解析】根据句意和now可知,是现在进行时,其构成为am/is/are doing,主语是第三人称单数, 用iso故选:Co你姐姐现在在干什么?她在和她的哥哥一起看中国机长。对

4、时态的考查,要求牢记各种时态的构成形式,结合时间状语和上下文的关系,找出正确答案。10 .【答案】B【解析】waits for等待;hears from收到某人来信;looks at看;listens to听。根据and she sometimes writes to him, too”有时也会给他写信”可知,此处是李娜经常收到朋友汤姆的来 信。故选:Bo李娜经常收到朋友汤姆的来信,有时也会给他写信。要抓出关键词结合句意选择合适的一项。11 .【答案】A【解析】根据But Td like a piece of cake, please (但是我想要一块蛋糕),推出是否定回答, Would yo

5、u like to do sth (你想要)的否定为 No, Thanks.(不,谢谢。) 故选:Ao-你想喝杯茶吗?-不,谢谢。但是我想要一块蛋糕。本题主要是考查学生的口语能力和对英语的应对习惯.掌握各交际项目的习惯用法,答题时要面 向整体内容,切忌片面理解.抓好关键词,进行推断,同时注意对话的表达要符合英美人的风俗 习惯。1221 ,【答案】C、B、D、D、C、A、B、A、D、A【解析】(1)名词辨析。A.mother妈妈;B.sister姐妹;C.students学生;D.father爸爸。根据 Miss Green teaches in a middle school.(格林老师在一所

6、中学教书。)可知,她和学生们在一起会 很高兴。句意:她总是很高兴和她的学生在一起。故选C。(2)疑问词辨析。A.Huw如何;B.Why为什么;CWhen何时;D.Whe代在哪里。根据答语I want to buy new shoes.(我想买新鞋子。)可知,是在询问原因。句意:你为什么这么伤心?故 选Bo(3)动词辨析。A.send发送;B.take拿;C.let让;D.give给。根据me any money可知,是指父 母不给钱买鞋。句意:我想买新鞋,但是我父母不给我钱。故选D。(4)名词辨析。A.job工作;B.thing东西;C.work工作;D.idea主意。根据thinks for

7、 a minute (想 了一会儿)可知,是想到了一个好主意。句意:格林老师想了一会儿,想出了一个好主意。故选Do(5)名词辨析。A.money钱;B.shoes鞋子;C.homework作业;D.time时间。根据to count (点数) your parents* shoes (数一数父母的鞋子)可知,这是一个特殊的家庭作业。句意:今天,我有一 个特殊的家庭作业给你一一数一数父母的鞋子,明天告诉我有多少。故选C。(6)动词辨析。A.tell告诉;B.speak说(语言);C.talk交流;D.say说(内容)。根据me the number tomorrow可知,是明天告诉老师答案。句意

8、:今天,我有一个特殊的家庭作业给你 数一数父母的鞋子,明天告诉我有多少。故选A。(7)连词辨析。A.or或者;B.and和;C.but但是;D.so所以。根据前句my father has three pairs (双)of shoes (我爸爸有三双鞋)以及后句mother has four pairs of shoes.(妈妈有四双鞋)可知, 前后句是并列关系。句意:好的,我爸爸有三双鞋,我妈妈有四双鞋。故选B。(8)特殊疑问词辨析。A.Howmany多少(问可数名词数量);B.How much多少(问价格或不 可数名词数量);C.Howold多大;D.How about你认为怎样。根据答

9、语Twenty.(二十。)可知,是问有多少双鞋。句意:你有几双鞋?故选A。(9)名词辨析。A.white白色;B.black黑色;C.yellow黄色;D.red红色。根据上文爸爸有三双 鞋,妈妈有四双鞋“以及”艾比自己有二十双鞋”可知,艾比会感到脸红羞愧。句意:艾比的的脸变 红了。故选D。(10)动词辨析。A.buy 买;B.make 制作;C.get 获得;D.have 有。根据 new shoes for my parents 可知,是存钱给父母买新鞋子。句意:我想存钱给我父母买新鞋!故选A。本文主要讲述了格林老师给艾比布置了一道特殊的家庭作业一一数鞋子。解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,

10、了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下 文。2226.【答案】B、D、A、C、B【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据 8th December, 2019 to 15th January, 2020 (2019 年 12 月 8 B 至2020年1月15日)可知孩子们可以在2019年12月28日参加该活动,故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据 Board games and puzzles、Lego building、Reading corner (棋盘游戏和拼 图、乐高积木、阅读角)可知不可以吃食物,故选D。(3)细节理解题。根据 Price: Children 6-12: 10 yuan

11、 for each (价格:儿童 6-12: 10 元/人)可 知如果一个8岁的女孩在活动角玩耍,她将支付10元,故选A。(4)细节理解题。根据 For more information, call the number: 0757-28511234.(欲了解更多信 息,请拨打电话:0757-28511234。)可知你可以打电话了解更多信息,故选C。(5)文章来源题。ft Ifs also a wonderful shopping place for mums and dads.(对爸爸妈妈来说, 这也是一个很棒的购物场所。)可知你可以在购物场所看到这张海报,故选B。本文主要介绍了儿童活动角的

12、相关信息。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确 定最佳答案。2731 .【答案】B、D、B、D、C【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段 Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can*t talk with words, but they can talk with sounds.(海豚会说话吗?也许他们不能用语言说话,但他们可以用声音说话。) 可知,海豚用声音说话并表达自己的感受。故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据第四段They make many more sounds under water.(它们在水下发出更多的 声音。)

13、可知,海豚在水下发出更多的声音。故选D。(3)词义猜测题。根据第五段 Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium.People can watch dolphin shows.Dolphins are sad and lonely there because they dont like to be away from their school.(有 时人们会为大型水族馆捕捉海豚。人们可以观看海豚表演。海豚在那里感到悲伤和lonely,因为 它们不喜欢离开学校。)结合选项可知,lonely是孤单的意思。故选B。(4)细节理解题。根据

14、最后一段Dolphin meat is good,but people don*t like to kill them.They say that dolphins bring good luck.Many people believe this.(海月豕 肉很好,但人们不喜欢杀死它们。他们说海豚会带来好运。许多人相信这一点。)可知,人们不 喜欢杀死海豚,是因为海豚会带来好运。故选D。(5)主旨大意题。根据第一段 Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can!t talk with words,but they can talk with sounds.(海豚会说话吗?也

15、许他们不能用语言说话,但他们可以用声音说话。) 第二段Dolphins travel in a group.(海豚结伴旅行。)第三段Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school.(海豚和学校里的其他海豚交谈。)第四段They make a few sounds above water.They make many more sounds under water.(它们在水面上发出 一些声音。它们在水下发出更多的声音。)可知,本文主要介绍了海豚的生活。故选C。 这篇短文主要讲述了海豚的一些生活习性。通读全文,理解文章大意,阅读题目后返回原文阅

16、读并找出与题目相对应的内容,仔细核对,选 择符合原文原意的答案,完成后再次阅读并检查。32.【答案】【小题1】F【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】G【小题5】E【解析】细节推理题。(1) 根据 Betty likes sweet cakes very much.She wants to taste a traditional rice cake in Shunde.(贝蒂 很喜欢甜蛋糕。她想尝尝顺德的传统年糕。)可知说的是年糕,结合选项,应说在这里你可以享 用一种叫做伦教年糕的传统小吃。它在顺德很受欢迎。它尝起来香甜可口。故选F。(2)根据 Mr Smith likes meat very m

17、uch.He likes eating pork and fish best.(史密斯先生非常喜欢吃 肉。他最喜欢吃猪肉和鱼。)可知说的是肉菜,结合选项,应说你喜欢顺德菜吗?君安清蒸整猪、 顺德生鱼片、香酥烧鹅、四杯鸡等美食应有尽有。故选B。(3)根据 Mary loves milk very much.And she likes all the food made of milk.(玛丽非常喜欢牛奶。 她喜欢所有牛奶做的食物。)可知说的是牛奶食物,结合选项,应说你可以在这里享用双层牛奶 冻。这是一种流行的中国南方甜点。这道菜实际上是炖牛奶,上面有一层由蛋清和牛奶混合而成 的固体覆盖物。故选C

18、。(4) 根据 Tony is interested in Chinese food very much, especially dumplings.He likes many kinds of dumplings.(托尼对中国传统食物很感兴趣,尤其是饺子。他喜欢很多种饺子。)可知说的是饺子, 结合选项,应说来自中国东北的厨师为您做美味的饺子和其他东北菜。故选G。(5)根据 Peter likes eating western food very much.His favourite food is French fries.(彼得非常喜欢 吃西餐。他最喜欢的食物是炸薯条。)可知说的是西餐,结

19、合选项,应说汉堡、沙拉、鸡肉、薯 片等。带你的家人和孩子来这里度过一个美好的周末。故选E。本文是五个人的饮食爱好的介绍以及适合他们的餐馆。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确 定最佳答案。33 .【答案】【小题1】teaches【小题2】for【小题3 my【小题4】the【小题5】trip【小题6】taking【小题7】so【小题8】There【小题9】favorite【小题10 world【解析】(1)考查动词。句意:我父亲在一所中学教英语。根据in a middle school (在一所中学) 可知,父亲在中学教英语。主语My fathe

20、r是单数,主谓一致。故填teaches。(2)考查介词。句意:他工作努力,经常使用电脑为他的学生搜索信息。search for搜索,固定 搭配。故填for。(3)考查代词。句意:她在我家附近的医院努力工作。根据home可知,此处要填形容词性物主 代词。she指代的是作者的妈妈,所以用形容词性物主代词my。故填my。(4)考查冠词。句意:她喜欢在网上购物,买了很多衣服、书和食物。on the Internet在互联网上, 固定搭配。故填the。(5)考查名词。句意:他现在正在参加学校组织的去长城的旅行。school trip学校旅行,空格前 有a修饰,用单数。故填trip。(6)考查动词。句意:

21、此刻,他正在长城上散步并拍照。take photo拍照,固定搭配;再根据is walking 以及and可知I,此空和walking是并列关系。故填takingo(7)考查连词。句意:我的学校离我家很近,所以我每天走路上学。根据前句My school is near my house (我的学校在我家附近)以及后句I walk to school every day (我每天步 行上学)可知,前后句是因果关系,S0+表示结果的句子。故填so。(8)考查副词。句意:有一个大图书馆,里面有很多种类的书。根据句意可知,此处表示“某地 有某物”,用therebe句型,句子首字母要大写。故填There。

22、(9)形容词辨析。句意:英语是我最喜欢的科目,因为它很有趣。根据because it is very interesting. (因为它很有趣)可知,作者最喜欢英语,favorite (最喜欢的)符合题意。故填favorite。(10)考查名词。句意:我喜欢和来自世界各地的人交朋友。all over the world全世界,固定搭配。 故填woldo本文主要介绍了作者本人以及家人的信息。题目要求用所给词的适当形式填空,考查学生对语法知识的掌握及对词性转换能力。做题时,要 根据题干中的相关提示来确定空缺处单词的词性及单词的形式,然后对所给单词进行适当的变形, 从而得出正确答案。34 .【答案】

23、What is your classroom like【解析】首先结合提示词和标点符合明确所要组合的句子是一个特殊疑问句,组合成的句子的句 意是”你的教室是什么样的?、句子含有be动词,特殊疑问句把疑问词what放在句首,后面跟 is故答案为:What is your classroom like?What is your classroom like?你的教室是什么样的?做连词成句这种类型的题,首先确定句子类型,如:陈述句、疑问句或感叹句等,然后根据所给 单词,明确主语、谓语等句子成分,在确定句意的前提下结合语法知识组合句子.35 .【答案】Darning is lying in the s

24、un【解析】Daming”大明”,为主语,位于句首;is lying为现在进行时的谓语动词结构,意思为“正 躺”;in the sun在阳光下”。故答案为: Darning is lying in the sun。大明正躺在阳光下。做连词成句这种类型的题,首先确定句子类型,如:陈述句、疑问句或感叹句等,然后根据所给 单词,明确主语、谓语等句子成分,在确定句意的前提下结合语法知识组合句子。36 .【答案】Do you sing it in English or Chinese【解析】Chinese汉语,是名词;sing唱歌,是动词,作谓语;or或者,还是,是连词;you你, 作主语;do是助动词

25、,放在句首构成一般疑问句;English英语,是名词;it它,是代词,作宾语; in是介词。根据句意和句末问号可知,是一般疑问句,句意为:你是用英语还是中文唱它?是一 般现在时。故答案为: Do you sing it in English or Chineseo你是用英语还是中文唱它?连词成句,要根据预猜句意,分析句子成分;要运用正确的时态和语序,有时还耍添加助动词。37 .【答案】There is a computer on the teachers desk【解析】根据题干,可知为there be句型,there位于句首,首字母需要大写;is位于主语a computer” 一台电脑”之前

26、;on the teachers desk”在老师的桌子上”。故答案为: There is a computer on the teachers desko老师的桌子上有一台电脑。做连词成句这种类型的题,首先确定句子类型,如:陈述句、疑问句或感叹句等,然后根据所给 单词,明确主语、谓语等句子成分,在确定句意的前提下结合语法知识组合句子。38 .答案What a big family it is【解析】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为感叹句。在感叹句中,what修饰名词,how修饰形容 词/副词,语境中big是形容词;family是单数可数名词,主语是it,系动词是is,句型结构为: What +

27、a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+主语+谓语动词/系动词!故答案为:What a big family it is。好大的家庭啊!牢记感叹句的构成。39 .【答案】February【解析】细节理解题。(1) Spring Festival usually comes in February in China.(在中国,春节通常在二月。)可知, 春节通常在二月。故填February。(2)根据 At 12 oclock on that evening, people play fireworks (烟花)and sayHappy New Yeadto each other.(在那天晚上12点,人们

28、放烟花,互相说“新年快乐”。)可 知,人们在春节前的晚上12点会互相说“新年快乐”。故填Happy New Year。(3)主艮据 People eat zongzi and have dragon boat races (比赛)on the river to remember Qu yuan.(人 们吃粽子,在江上赛龙舟是为了纪念屈原。)可知,端午节的目的是为了纪念屈原。故填to remember Qu yuan。(4) 根据 Mid-Autumn Festival is also a day for people to enjoy the round moon and eat moon c

29、akes.(中秋节也是人们赏月、吃月饼的日子。)可知,人们会在中秋节赏月、吃月饼。故填 enjoy the round moon and eat moon cakes o(5)根据 It is a special holiday for us to show our love and respect (尊重)to the old.(这是一个特殊 的节日,我们向老人表达我们的爱和尊重。)可知,重阳节是向老人表达我们的爱和尊重的节日。 故填 Double Ninth Festival o本文主要介绍了四个中国的传统节日。答阅读题时,先弄清楚短文的主旨大意和文章的脉络,然后在文章中找到对应的信息,完

30、成表格。40.【答案】 China is a country with a long history and it has many traditional festivals.My favourite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival.(最喜欢的节日)高分句型一 The Spring Festival is a popular holiday in our country.lt is in January or February.Our famil

31、y get together.We have a big dinner at my grandparents* home.I always eat a lot of delicious food.My cousin and I both get red packets from our grandparents.My parents usually go shopping with me.We buy some nice clothes for ourselves.【高分句型二】 We often watch TV at home and sometimes read books.Someti

32、mes, we greet other people on the phone.(在节日里人们常见的活动)Welcome to China to celebrate the Spring Festival with us next year.(邀请)【解析】【高分句型一】My favourite Chinese festival is the Spring Festival because I have lots of fun at the Spring Festival .我 最喜欢的中国节日是春节,因为我在春节有很多乐趣。because因为;引导原因状语从句。【高分句型二】We buy s

33、ome nice clothes for ourselves,我们给自己买了 一些漂亮的衣服。buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物。能够根据提示进行书面表达,能够围绕主题准确使用一定的语法、词汇、短语和句型等,清楚连 贯地表达自己的思想,进而完成写作任务。A. muchB. someC. noD. any8. your father play basketball every day? ()A. DoB. DoesC. IsD. Are9. What is your sister doing now?一 She the Chinese Pilot (中国机长)with my brothe

34、r.()A. seeB. seesC. is seeingD. are seeing10. Li Na often her friend Tom and she sometimes writes to him, too.()A. waits forB. hears fromC. looks atD. listens to11. 一Would you like to have a cup of tea?.But Fd like a piece of cake, please.()A. No, ThanksB. No, I dontC. Yes, I likeD. Yes, rd love toM

35、iss Green teaches in a middle school.She is always happy to be with her(12),And she always helps them.One day, she sees that a girl called Abby is sad.She says to her, n(13)are you so sad? ,nI want to buy new shoes, but my parents don,t(14)me any money, Abby says.Miss Green thinks for a minute and h

36、as a good (15),She says, Today, I have special (16)for you一to count (点数)your parents shoes and (17)me the number tomorrow.,The next day, Miss Green asks Abby, nDo you count your parents1 shoes? Yes, my father has three pairs (双)of shoes(18)my mother has four pairs of shoes.,H,19)pairs of shoes do yo

37、u have? Twenty.”Abby*s face turns (变)(20).H Are you still unhappy now? ”No, I am not.I want to save (存)money to(21)new shoes for my parents! And I will help them do somehousework, such as putting away my bedroom and doing some cleaning.nsays Abby.12. A. mother13. A. How14. A. send15. A. job16. A. mo

38、ney17. A. tell18. A. or19. A. How many20. A. white21. A. buyB. sisterB. WhyB. takeB. thingB. shoesB. speakB. andB. How muchB. blackB. makeC. studentsC. WhenC. letC. workC. homeworkC. talkC. butC. How oldC. yellowC. getMD. fatherD. WhereD. giveD. ideaD. timeD. sayD. soD. How aboutD. redD. havePOSTER

39、(海报)Kids Activity Corner8th December, 2019 to 15th January, 20202: 00 pm to 4: 00 pmWONDERFUL ACTIVITIESReading cornerPainting cornerBoard games and puzzlesLego buildingChildren can make new friends here and they will have a good time as well.Its also a wonderful shopping place for mums and dads.Com

40、e and join us.Sign up on the spot! Location: Daliang Town, Shunde DistrictPrice: Children 6-12: 10 yuan for eachChildren under 6: freeFor more information, call the number: 0757-28511234.22. Kids can join the Kids* Activity Corner on.A. November7th, 2019B. December28th, 2019C. January25th, 2020D. Fe

41、bruary 15th, 202023. Kids can do the following activities EXCEPT (除 了) .A. building LegoB. reading booksC. playing board gamesD. eating food24. If an 8-year-old girl plays at the corner, she will pay.A. 10 yuanB. 20 yuanC. 30 yuanD. 40 yuan25. You can to know more information.A. write a letterB. sen

42、d an emailC. make a phone callD. go on line26. You can see this poster in.A. a reading roomB. a shopping placeC. a holiday libraryD. a science museumNCan dolphins talk? Maybe they cant talk with words, but they can talk with sounds.They show their feelings (感情) with sounds.Dolphins travel in a group

43、.We call a group of fish aHschooLnThey dont study, but they travel together.Dolphins are not fish, but they swim together in a school.Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school.They give information.They tell when they are happy or sad or afraid.They saynWelcomenwhen a dolphin comes back to t

44、he school.They talk when they play.They make a few sounds above water.They make many more sounds under water.People cannot hear these sounds because the sounds are very, very high.Scientists study the sounds of dolphins.Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium (水族馆).People can watch dolp

45、hin shows.Dolphins are sad and there because they don!t like to be away from their school.There are many stories about dolphins.They help people.Sometimes they save somebodys life.Dolphin meat is good, but people dont like to kill them.They say that dolphins bring good luck.Many people believe this.

46、27. Dolphins talk and show their feelings with.A. wordsB. soundsC. eyesD. ears28. From the passage, we can know dolphins.A. study in a groupB. are big fishC. dont make sounds above waterD. make more sounds under water29. The underlined word n lonely means.A.惊奇的 B.孤单的C.兴奋的D.坚强的30. Why dont people lik

47、e to kill dolphins? A. Because dolphin meat is not delicious.B. Because dolphins dont help people.C. Because scientists study them.D. Because dolphins bring good luck.31. This passage mainly talks about.A. the sounds of dolphinsB. the school of dolphinsC. the life of dolphinsD. the show of dolphins3

48、2.配对阅读左栏是对五个人的饮食爱好的介绍,右栏是七个餐馆,请根据左边五个人的喜好 进行选择。(1) Betty likes sweet cakes very much.She wants to taste a traditional rice cake in Shundc.(2) Mr Smith likes meat very much.He likes eating pork and fish best.(3) Mary loves milk very much. And she likes all the food made of milk.(4) Tony is interested in Chinese fo


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