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《湖南省长沙市雅礼集团2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省长沙市雅礼集团2022-2023学年九年级上学期期中考试英语试题.docx(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022-2023-1雅礼集团九年级上期中考试英语第二部分阅读(共三节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。Welcome to the pumpkin carving party.There are free snacks and drinks.Free carving tools are also provided for you. Remember to bring your own pumpkins.You can carve the pumpkins, watch scary movies and mak

2、e special masks with friends from all over the world. We make sure a happy time for you to better understand the culture and tradition of the festival.Join us! Spooky time!1. How many activities can you take part in at the party?A. 1B. 2C. 3Which of the following is true according to the information

3、 above?A. We can only get free snacks and drinks at the party.B. Everyone can join (he parly if he or she wants.C. Pumpkins are provided at (he party.LucasGermanyi think the best holiday in my home country is Christinas. It often snows a lot during the Christmas season. The snow- gives us a romantic

4、 (浪漫的)feeling. There are all kinds of special markets during the holiday. We have great funvisiting these markets with our friends.M i ngm i ng-Ch i naIn my opinion, the best holiday in China is the Spring Festival. It is the most important festival in China. My familygets together and enjoys tradit

5、ional food. We also visit our relatives and friends. The kids receive red envelopes with money inside. Everyone loves this holiday!Amy一U.S.A.I would say that the best holiday is Thanksgiving. Families get together and talk about the things they are thankful for.But I dont like some aspects (方面)of th

6、is holiday. For example, there is so much delicious food at the big dinner and I always cat too much of it!2. Who likes Christmas best?C. Lucas.C. Getting together.A. Amy.B. Mingming.3. What aspect doesnt Amy like about Thanksgiving?A. Eating too much.B. Being thankful.4. What do we know about the S

7、pring Festival according to Mingming?A. It is not a big day in China.B. It is a time to enjoy traditional food.C. It is a time for kids to give red envelopes.世界微笑HAs the saying goes, t4A smile is the best medicine? Nothing can heal a sick heart better than a warm smile. When you smile, your brain re

8、leases (释放)some special chemicals (化学物质).Together, they work to make you feel calm and relaxed. Smiling more often can even make your immune system (免疫系统)stronger. The importance of smiling can never be too greatly stressed (强调).World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October every year

9、. This year, it falls on October 7. The holiday was set up by American artist Harvey Ball. Bail created his famous yellow smiley face symbol in 1963. People loved it. However, more and more businesses began to use it for different purposes, which brought the symbol new meanings. Ball became worried

10、that the symbol was losing its original meaning. To remind people (o spread the “real” smile, he came up with the idea for World Smile Day. After that, the day gets more and more popular around the world.The theme of the day is, “Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile. This can be as simple as

11、 smiling at everyone you meet. You can also cook a dish for your parents or give a small gift to your friend. It would be even better if you could do sonic volunteer work, such as cleaning up the environment and helping the elderly. Lets spread laughter and hope on this World Smile Day!6. What does

12、Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?A. When your brain releases chemicals.B. How to make your immune system stronger.C. Why a smile is the best medicine.7. What docs the underlined word original” mean in Paragraph 2?A.公开的B.原来的C.全新的What do we know about World Smile Day?A. 1( is celebrated on every October

13、7.B. It was set up by Harvey Ball in 1963.C. It wins popularity around the world.8. How can people celebrate World Smile Day?a. By doing some volunteer work.b. By cooking a dish for our parents.c. By smiling at everyone we meet.d. By giving expensive gifts to friends.A. a b、cB. a、b、dC. b、c dWhat is

14、the purpose of having World Smile Day?A. lb meet more people.B. To create more businesses.C. To spread kindness and laughter.DAs winter comes, the need for winter essentials (必需品)has risen in European countries because of the energy shortage. Chinas factories of those essentials are working overtime

15、 to meet the increasing foreign orders. Womens skin-coiorcd thermal tights (保暖连裤袜),thermal underwear, flannel pajamas (法兰绒睡衣),hot water bottles, hand warmers, electric blankets (电热毯),electric heaters (取暖器)and sweaters are named as the Eight Made-in-China Magical Winter Essentials. Chinese media desc

16、ribe these products as the magical weapons to defend (防御)against the cold卸Families and businesses across Europe arc feeling the pressure of the shortage of natural gas. It has led to sky-high prices for heating and electricity. European customers have to look for creative ways to stay warm and cut d

17、own energy cost. As a result, (hose inexpensive and fine products made in China are in great need.It is reported that the electric blanket export volume (出口总量)reached 33.4 million dollars from January to July this year. In Yiwu, warming products exports rose 41.6 percent to 190 million yuan. Data fr

18、om Chinese international e-commerce platform AliExpress showed that the search for “sweater” on AliExpress has risen to the first place in the menswear kind in the past month. In addition, sales of Chinese-style flannel pajamas have also grown in Europe, while the sales of hot water bottles have inc

19、reased by 300 percent month-on-month since October. 11. What can we infer from Paragraph 1?A. European people dont need winter essentials.B. Energy is enough for European countries.C. Electric blankets can protect people from the cold.12. How many made-in-China winter essentials are mentioned in the

20、 text?A. Six.B. Seven.C. Eight.13. European customers choose madc-in-China products mainly because of theirA. low volumeB. low price14. How does (he writer end the text?A. By giving facts.B. By telling stories.15. Which magazine may the article come from?A. Travel ChinaB. Teenager World第二节(共5小题每小题2分

21、,满分10分)A. low volumeB. low price16. How does (he writer end the text?A. By giving facts.B. By telling stories.17. Which magazine may the article come from?A. Travel ChinaB. Teenager World第二节(共5小题每小题2分,满分10分)C. low qualityC. By showing opinions.C. International Market阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。每个选项

22、仅用一次。Learning Chinese is the journey toward understanding and speaking Chinese. Its easy fbr English-speakers to get discouraged when studying any foreign language, especially Chinese, since its so different from English. Take a deep breath. 16 Here are some tips to help you. Practice every day. Wit

23、hout daily practice, knowledge will flow out of your head like water through a basket. 17Create an interest. Studies show that if you arc interested in something, your brain is more active and its also easier for you to pay attention to it fbr a long time. 18 So if you find it boring to learn Chines

24、e, try watching Chinese TV shows, listening to Chinese music and reading Chinese newspapers, magazines or novels. 19 Unless you arc some sort of genius (天才),you may not remember a word that you only see oruse once or twice. So make sure to go back and review vocabulary and grammar structures that yo

25、uve learned. You wont realize how much youve forgotten until you look at them again. Don,t be afraid of speaking Chinese. You can never master one language well unless you are brave enough to speak it. Try speaking Chinese with Chinese speakers. 2()Chinese corners or salons are good places to practi

26、ce your spoken ChineseA. Good learners often connect what they need lo learn with something interestingC Always reviewD. It actually isnt that scaryE. So 20 minutes every day is better than a five-hour marathon on Sundays第三节(共5小题每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Happy National Coffee Day!International

27、Coffee Day falls on October I every year. This holiday is used to promote (推广)and celebrate coffee as a popular drink. Do you like coffee? And do you know who invented it? There are many interesting stories about the origins of coffee. One of them is about (he Ethiopian goat herder (牧羊人)Kaldi. One d

28、ay, his goats ate berries from a tree. The man noticed that the animals became very active as a result. After Kaldi told the local monks (僧侣)about this, the monks made a drink from the ben ies. The drink helped them stay up late for prayers (祈祷).They then kept drinking it. That berry tree later beca

29、me known as the coffee tree.Another story tells of a man named Omar from an ancient city. He was once driven into a desert. The man was very hungry and chewed (咀嚼)some berries from a tree. The berries, however, were too bitter. Omar tried to roast (烘烤)the berries to make them taste better, hut in th

30、e end they became too hard to chew. So he decided to boil them to make the berries soft. The man ended up creating a brown drink from them. After drinking it, he felt spirited. When Omar later traveled to Mocha (摩卡),he brought this “magical drink to the city.Which story do you believe? But anyway, t

31、he stories of coffee all ended the same way: The world has had this nice drink to enjoy! Il seems that many people all over the world drink coffee. Coffee lovers say that coffee is good fbr both health and business. Whats your idea?21. What happened to Kaldis goats after eating the berries?22. Did K

32、aldi make a drink from the berries?23. Where was Omar from?24. Why did Omar roast the berries?25. What do coffee lovers think of coffee?第三部分语言运用(共三节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was nine years old and growing up in New Zealand, I had a pen pal 26 Lisa

33、 in Chicago, U.S,A. We wrote to each other regularly for about five years. We shared stories about our families, pets and hobbies. However, in our early 27、Lisa and I lost (ouch.Two years ago, I read a stoiy about pen pals in an newspaper. In the story, a Russian woman tried very hard to find back h

34、er 28 pen friend in China. With the help of sonic warmhearted netizens and internet, the two people finally 29 after 55 years.After the story, I couldnt stop thinking about Lisa. 3(), I have thought about her many times over theyears. I even 31 her name on Google. But I could never spell her last na

35、me, Gutierrez, correctly: Did it have one t and two rs or two ts and one r ? Was the i before or after the t ? On that day, my spelling was once again 32. and I gave up my search.Twenty - four hours later I received a 33 in my mailbox: Is this the same Willow Green who grew up in New Zealand? This i

36、s your pen pal, Lisa.Later, I found that Lisa had read the same story in her newspaper. Since “ Grccn, is much easier to spell than“ Gutierrez,she 34 me in only five seconds. And so, after 30 years, wc became pen pals once again. This time, we wrote emails. However, we still like to send 35 to each

37、other, because our friendship really wasborn of pen and paper.26. A. writtenB. namedC. readA. teensB. twentiesC. thirties28. A. new-foundB. long-lostC. warm-hearted29. A. reconnected30. A. As a resultB. To start withC. In fact31. A. stoleB. searchedC. spread32. A. wrongB. correctC. proper33. A. sugg

38、estionB. requestC. message34. A. calledB. warnedC.found35. A. emailsB. postcardsC. flowersB. reviewedC. rememberedC. remembered第二节(共10小题每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A primary school in rural China with more than 100036 (teacher) and students has achieved foodself-sufficiency (自给 自足)by

39、 37 (offer) farming for students. Provided with farmland where students can take part in labor (劳动),Jingwai Mingde Primary School has fed itself 38 (successful) for 15 years.Each class is 39 (give) a piece of land by the school. They plant seasonal vegetables or raise livestock (牲畜)there which will

40、be served to their dinner tables. Students do farm chores 4() (two) a week under the help of the teachers.There 41 (be) also a zoo in the school keeping sika deer (梅花鹿),ostriches (鸵鸟)and other animals. It helps students develop 42 (they) living skills and get along with animals. The school set up a

41、green house with fruit trees and medicinal herbs (草药).Thal way students can learn about botanical (植物学的) knowledge in nature, instead 43 listening to the teachers in the classroom.“Children who have not kissed the land will not have a complete childhood? said the school principal Lei Yingfci. 4kWc a

42、ll look forward to 44 (take) up the labor because its not only useful but also meaningful. It helps us to form our hard-working qualities for a lifetime?, said one student proudly. t4We parents are truly thankful for what the school has provided. How 45 (usual) the farming experience is!” said one p

43、arent happily. 第三节(共5小题每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。Have you ever eaten a “painting”? Here it issugar painting. I.它是一种传统的中国民间艺术。Just as itsname suggests(暗示),the paintings are made from sugar. They can be regarded as works of art or eaten as desserts.The art of sugar painting goes back to the Min

44、g dynasty, about 400-600 years ago. At that time, the upper-class (二层的)people used sugar paintings as offerings (祭i品)to Gods. In the Qing dynasty, sugar paintings became more popular. 2. They were even sold as desserts by many people. Todays sugar painting is more creative in forms. Cartoon sugar pa

45、inting and 3D sugar painting arc bringing new life to traditional ones. 3. The shapes of sugar Dainlings usually include flowers, animals, cartoon characters and so on.Nowadays, this art is winning support from both the public and the government. 1( has already been listed as Provincial Non-Matcrial

46、 Culture Heritage (非物质文化遗产)by Sichuan government.4.制作糖画是相当特别的。The craftsman (手艺人)uses brown sugar as the main material, a spoon and a shovel as the tools and the marble slab (大理石板)as the “paper” . 5. The craftsman requires a lol of hard work lo finish the whole process. So the craftsman has to pract

47、ice it for hundreds of times. The culture of China and the spirit of sugar painting have been passed down through the sugar spoons of generations of craftsmen.46.47.48. 第四部分写作(满分15分)51.成长是一场必经的旅行,每一次改变都是沿途的回忆。回首两年多的初中时光,你在学习和生活中 一定有或多或少的变化。请你以Great Changes in My Growth”为题,谈谈自己成长过程中的转变和收获,并 谈一谈对未来的打算。要求:(1)可以参考以下思维导图,联系实际或发挥想象;(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名:(3) 80词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。Great Changes in My GrowthTimes goes by, and people sure change. I am not (he little boy (girl) anymore.


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