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1、时代背景时代背景1. 从来没有哪一个时期想今天这样更加强调个人事业的成功 Today we live in an era where nothing else is more convincing in determining the meaning of life than career prosperity. 2. 良好的教育是很重要的,他的本质是让学生获得全面的知识和技能以及性格 的培养,以及价值观念的灌输。 Good education is vital, and the essence of good education is providing well-rounded and c

2、omprehensive coverage of all knowledge areas, cultivating practical skills and characters as well as instilling values and ideas. 3. 惩治犯罪是保证一个国家长治久安和人民安居乐业的必要手段 Crime prevention and punishment is imperative for every country to ensure lasting stability for its society and guaranteed security for its

3、 citizens. 4. 今天我们生活在一个网络能使我们能随时跟老师沟通和互动的时代, 这也 使让学生能够便利和低成本地在网络上接受高等教育 These days we live in a world where technology allows us to connect and interact with teachers instantaneously via the Internet for tertiary qualifications due to its convenience and low cost. 5. 今天的科学和科技的发展已经在很多方面极大地改变了我们的生活方式和

4、面 貌 Todays scientific and technological advancement has greatly transformed our lifestyles and reshaped our values in a variety of aspects. 6. 在过去的一百年中,人类的进步极大地影响了科学和技术的发展,所以人类 的创造力和生产力也得到了前所未有的释放 For the past century, the progress of humanity greatly influenced science and technology, and as a resu

5、lt, there were unprecedented advances in ingenuity, creativity and productivity. 7. 动物实验在推动医学进步和医药研究方面的作用是不可替代的 Animal testing serves an irreplaceable purpose in terms of medical breakthroughs and research. 8. 无所不在的广告给很多方面都带来了不可避免的影响,比较明显的方面是广 告重塑了消费者的购物习惯和给经营模式带来的变革。 The omnipresence of todays adve

6、rtising has had an inevitable impact in several aspects. This has been apparent ever since consumers shopping habits were reshaped and business conduct was revolutionized. 9. 日益增长的老龄化趋势给社会和政府带来了严峻的挑战, 因为这和人们退 休后的生活福祉和质量息息相关。 The growing trend in the aging population has posed a tremendous challenge

7、to both society and government, since it widely impacts the quality of life and wellbeing after retirement. 10. 当城市化进程在极大的改变着现代人的生活和思维方式时,越来越多的人当城市化进程在极大的改变着现代人的生活和思维方式时,越来越多的人 发现他们的生活质量是日趋下降,而不是更好发现他们的生活质量是日趋下降,而不是更好Modern urbanization has amazingly transformed ideas and lifestyles but there are a

8、considerable amount of residents who realize that their quality of life is actually in decline instead of improving.讨论的最高原则讨论的最高原则1. 因此,我们需要在学生的课堂学习时间和课外休闲的时间分配中找到平衡, 让他们能够在学习和课外活动都取得成功 Hence, the time allocation between studying and relaxation must be considered wisely to ensure children thrive in

9、both academic performances and extracurricular activities. 2. 因此,我们需要确保这些科技对人们生活的影响是正面和积极的 It is thus necessary to ensure that these impacts introduced by science be positively utilized. 3. 因此,我们应该发展出一种以监狱体系为主,其他必要和有效的手段辅助的 方式来震慑或者减少犯罪行为,例如社区服务或者罚款 Hence, the most efficient and effective method of d

10、eterring and reducing criminal acts is to develop a hierarchy which is centered by prisons and supplemented by other alternatives, such as community services or fines. 4. 但是,同时我们也要保证被实验的动物等够得到人道的对待和减少他们的痛 苦 It is also imperative to ensure that tested animals be treated humanely to minimize their suf

11、fering. 5. 因此,我们需要在学生的课堂学习时间和课外休闲的时间分配中找到平衡, 让他们能够在学习和课外活动都取得成功 Hence, the time allocation between studying and relaxation must be considered wisely to ensure children thrive in both academic performances and extracurricular activities.topic sentence 主旨句主旨句1. 最给力的原因就是学习者今天可以用最小的代价就能接受最好大学的教育 The mos

12、t supporting reason is that learners are now able to accept teaching from the most prestigious universities with minimized costs. 2. 监狱的主要目的在于保证那些违犯法律的人不再威胁到其他公民的安全和福 祉,同时也能给他们提供一个改过自新和重新教育成为合格公民的机会 Firstly, it is an undeniable fact that prisons serve an indispensable purpose of preventing those who

13、 pose a threat to the security and wellbeing of others, and simultaneously as a venue where lawbreakers can be rehabilitated and educated as qualified citizens. 3. 首先,由于动物和人生理结构和功能上的相似性,可以有效的保证人类能够从对动物的实验中受益. Firstly, animals used in scientific research can effectively result in substantial benefits

14、 for humans due to their functional and anatomical similarities. 4. 事实上,对学习的特别重视会让孩子们错误的认为学习成绩好才是衡量成功 或者人生意义的唯一标准 In fact, too much emphasis on studies inevitably causes children to believe that only excellence in academic performance can endow their lives. 5. 相应的,作为养老计划的重要补充,个人储蓄也能提供很大的灵活性和多样 性。 Si

15、milarly, it is also unfair to not recognize that personal savings, as the vital supplement of a pension plan, can also offer considerable flexibility and diversity. 6. 另外,事业是一个人们学习本领,扩展社交圈,回报社会,承担公民责任, 实现人生理想和价值的重要平台 Besides, a job is also a vital vehicle for enriching life experience, expanding soc

16、ial circles, adopting responsibilities, rewarding society and fulfilling life values. 7. 首先,花大部分时间在学习上会让学生产生厌烦或者额外的压力 To begin with, spending an excessive amount of time on study will cause unnecessary stress or tiredness for children, 8. 另外一个造成担忧的因素在于核能发电所产生的放射性和有毒废料的排放问 题。 Another concerning aspec

17、t would be the disposal of radioactive and toxic waste produced by nuclear plants. 9. 首先,作为社会福利体系的基石,政府有责任通过制定和实施法律来照顾和 保护好每个公民。 Firstly, as the cornerstone of the whole welfare system for retirees, government is obliged to care for its citizens by enacting legislation and implementing social protec

18、tion procedures. 10. 空间旅行最大的优点在于它能够有效地带动很多相关领域的发展 The largest advantage is that the breakthrough of space technology effectively leads to the flourishing of a variety of related fields让步:让步:1. 尽管是这样,科技进步所带来的副作用和潜在的社会问题也不容忽视 Nevertheless, science inevitably leads to some disturbing side-effects and p

19、otential social issues. 2. 诚然,无论科技多么先进,都不能去代替面对面的沟通和整体的发展 Admittedly, no matter how advanced the technology, there is hardly a substitute for face-to-face teaching and overall development 3. 尽管是这样,我们也不能忽视被实验的动物在这个过程可能承受的极大的痛 苦和不人道对待 Nevertheless, it would be fundamentally inhumane to neglect the eno

20、rmous suffering and pain inflicted on animals during the process of medical research. 4. 然而,如果一个国家用有限的财政资源不成比例地投入发展太空旅行,社会 的经济结构和人民的福祉就可能会受到伤害 Nevertheless, the reality that the overall health of domestic economy and its population might be undermined should also be realized if the government contri

21、butes financially but disproportionately to space research with limited financial resources. 5. 然而过度消费会不可避免的带来一些列的社会问题, Excessive consumption admittedly introduces a series of social problems解释解释1. 主要原因是博物馆需要致力于尽可能精确地记录历史信息 The main reason is that it is museums dedicated to recording history to get

22、the information as accurate as possible. 2. 这是因为每个领域在实现太空旅行方面都扮演了不可或缺的角色 This is mainly because each plays an indispensable role in turning space tourism into reality. 3. 鉴于目前状况下风力发电或者太阳能发电还存在间歇性和效率不高的情况, 核能,作为一种稳定的低碳的发电来源就显得十分必要 Given that wind and solar power are still intermittent and inefficient

23、, a constant source of low-carbon and low-cost electricity is greatly desired. 4. 这是因为消费者可以通过花钱直接来反映对经济的信心和乐观 Since consumers directly demonstrate their confidence and optimism in the economy by spending more. 5. 因为公司倾向于在有高素质高技能劳动力的区域设立企业 Since business tend to hire wherever highly-skilled and highl

24、y-trained workers are located举例举例1. 同样的, 基因改良的农作物也能够提高粮食产量,从而缓解某些国家的粮食 危机问题 Similarly, the elevated productivity of food spurred by genetically modified crops has resulted in the relief of some countries food crises 2. 例如,人们对科技和机器的持续依赖会阻碍学习新的技能或者对传统记忆的 忽视,比如说动手能力和书写能力。 For example, the growing depen

25、dence on machinery and technology could discourage any motivation to learn new skills and thus ignore traditions such as manual skills and handwriting. 3. 另外,鉴于经济发展是由科技进步驱动的,国家之间的贫富差距也会越来越 大 In addition, the international disparity of development widens the gap between rich and poor, since economic

26、growth is leveraged with the aid of technology. 4. 比如说航空业,电信业,光能利用,农业,军事等 including aviation, telecommunications, solar energy, material science, agriculture and military advancement. 5. 比如说作为一个国家最著名的地标建筑,埃及的金字塔和中国的万里长城已 经超越了建筑本身的意义;事实上,他们也是人类文明进步的象征 For instance, as extremely recognizable national

27、landmarks, the pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China are quite beyond the significance of the actual construction itself. In fact, they symbolize the invaluable advancement of civilization.反证反证1. 如果我们对所有的违法者都不加辨别的对待,看守犯人的成本也会为国家造 成压力。 If we treat every offender indiscriminately by throwing t

28、hem behind bars, regardless of their circumstances and consequently placing more public resources into jeopardy. 2. 假如动物实验完全被禁止的话,研究人员不得不用极高的成本将被试验的真 人置于非常危险和高风险的情况之下 Scientists would otherwise have to place human life into tremendous jeopardy in terms of risks and high expenses if animal experiment

29、s were to be banned altogether. 3. 如果没有类似电视广告,平面广告或者分类信息这样的途径,消费者就不得 不花时间和经历去搜集可供比较的信息 Conversely, those potential buyers have to waste time and energy searching for information and comparing brands if there are insufficient advertising channels, such as TV commercials, printed ads or classified web

30、site ads. 4. 相反,如果缺乏政府的支持或者税收的优惠,就可能出现由于个人储蓄意识 或者投资知识的短缺而导致个人的养老金不足。 In contrast, without the support of public financial aid and tax incentives, it would be quite possible that superannuation funds required by seniors become inadequate due to their lack of knowledge in investing or a willingness to

31、 contribute on a regular basis. 5. 反之,他们会把钱存在银行的账户里以备未来可能的经济萧条或者不稳定性 Otherwise the public would prefer to allow savings to remain in a bank account for fear that they could not support themselves in the event of economic uncertainty or stagnation.对比对比1. 在这种情况下,风能,电能,天然气或者生物燃料还是更加的环保和稳定 In this respe

32、ct, other clean energies that include solar, wind, natural gas or biofuel are more eco-friendly and physically stable. 2. 跟小家庭相比,大家庭的成员能够在重大决策上和危机处理上给予更多的建议 Compared with smaller families, they offer more advantages and productivity in terms when of significant decision-making, crisis management and

33、 counseling. 3. 跟面对面的传统方式沟通相比,人们可以在最短的时间内通过和尽可能多的 目标群体洽谈而达到双赢。 Compared with the traditional way of communication, it can achieve a win-win situation by enabling contact with as many target groups as possible in the shortest time. 4. 我们要确保医疗机构是以对人真正的关心为出发点的,而不是以盈利为目的 It is imperative that medical se

34、rvices are driven by genuine concern for anothers well-being rather than profit-making. 5. 相比于拿真人做实验,动物可以减少对人造成危害和风险 Experiments involving animals can initially guarantee the stability and reliability of procedures, as opposed to testing on humans. 强调强调1. 尽管是这样,当面沟通和信息交流的必要性也不应该被忽视, 特别是对于那 些重要的商业决定,

35、比如说企业的兼并与重组,重大投资,猎头招聘或者合同 交割 Nevertheless, the necessity of face-to-face information exchange cannot be ignored, which is particularly true during significant occasions such as mergers and acquisitions, important investments, HR recruitment or delivering contracts. 2. 特别是现在很多国家的政府都给予了个人养老储蓄的税收免除政策,能

36、够鼓 励他们持续的缴纳退休储蓄金 This is especially the case for current tax exemption benefits offered by governments, which encourage incentives for individuals to continuously contribute to their retirement savings accounts, 3. 特别是在海啸和地震中遭受核泄漏的日本福山核电站事件之后,使核能应用 产生了很多担忧 This was especially alarming when the Fukus

37、hima nuclear plants in Japan suffered a calamitous meltdown after an earthquake and tsunami. 4. 特别是对那些饱受失业问题困扰的国家,消费可以重振就业形势,从而挽救特别是对那些饱受失业问题困扰的国家,消费可以重振就业形势,从而挽救 经济经济 This is especially crucial for countries that struggle with unemployment and the encouragement to spend helps to invigorate the work

38、force, thus rescuing the economy. 5. 特别是对于缺乏独立性的年轻一代来说,没有了其他人的照顾,他们的生活 会处处充满挑战 This is especially the case for the inexperienced young generation who lack independence and discover that living alone is quite challenging and inconvenient, while support from relatives is absent. 效果效果1. 这样做的后果就是他们会花大量的

39、时间在学习知识和做练习题上,而不是在 旅游中扩展视野,在野营中培养勇气,在团体活动中学会分享,或者通过看电 视玩玩具中培养想象力和激发学习的兴趣。 Consequently, they would have to devote themselves to learning and participating in more exercises, rather than broadening horizons by traveling, stimulating interests in watching TV or exploring potential in playing games. 2.

40、 毕竟,今天社会的观点是一个学生的成绩越好,未来成功的可能性就会越大 After all, it is currently believed that the higher the score, the more qualified and promising the individual. 3. 作为结果,成千上万人的生命可以被现代科技所挽救 As a result, millions of lives have been saved thanks to modern science 4. 因此,政府的协调能力可以有效的带来长期稳定性和安全性 Consequently, government

41、 coordination can efficiently and effectively provide long- term stability and safety. 5. 作为结果,科技的整体突破能够带动工业技术革新,因此也有利于经济发展 In this respect, the whole progress inevitably results in industrial innovation and creation, thus greatly benefiting the economy through such a technological revolution. 总结陈词总

42、结陈词1. 总的来说,目前我们不得不仍然用动物来持续推动医学研究直到一种更好的 方法出现。 In conclusion, it is still necessary for medical advancement to constantly progress with animal testing until a more effective alternative is available. 2. 从以上的分析我们可以看出,监狱和其他的强制手段可以形成非常好的互补 In conclusion, it is apparent that prisons alongside other appro

43、aches can collaborate as a complementary entity. 3. 总之,学习和休闲时间的分配,完全取决于孩子的年龄段和家长对孩子的引 导和培养目标 In conclusion, the balance between study and play needs to be discovered by parents and teachers according to their ages and goals 4. 总而言之:科技进步对个人和社会来讲都是一把双刃剑,跟弊端相比,他的 好处还是更多 To conclude, it is evident that

44、scientific development has been a double-edged sword for both individuals and society. Compared with its flaws, the benefits exert a positive influence on our lives. 5. 根据以上分析,政府和个人的角色在养老金方案上并不冲突。 Based on the analysis above, a conclusion can be drawn that both roles are not necessarily exclusive fo

45、r such a plan.明天会更好明天会更好1. 教育提供者可以采取线上课程和线下面授相结合的方式来兼顾教学质量和成 本的降低 It is advisable for colleges to offer a more flexible plan of combining online courses and a conventional classroom to balance both quality and cost effectiveness. 2从而保证我们的下一代有足够的知识和关怀获得更美好的未来 to guarantee that our next generation has

46、 a brighter future with adequate knowledge and personal care. 3. 因此需要持续推动科技进步,让我们的生活更多收益其带来的创新和便利 Therefore, we need to continue to advance and allow science to excel innovatively, creatively and conveniently. 4. 总之,只有政府和个人的共同努力,才能够让每个人在退休后获得有效的保 障。 In summary, both government and individuals are required to exert efforts to ensure that the elderly are properly cared for. 5. 一定要保证最先进的科技可以保证外太空的进步能够带动经济繁荣 Its scientific technology must be cutting-edge to ensure that outer space advancement can positively affect a countrys economy.


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