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《法律英语经典表达.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《法律英语经典表达.doc(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、法律英语经典表达法律英语经典表达英文中有大量使用频率极高的句型和短语。这些句型和短语在结构上表现 各异,在语言交流中承担不同的功用。不同句型和短语的使用能够反映出作者 的语言风格,职业习惯和教育背景。在长期的翻译实践中,英文的译者就这些 常用的句型和短语形成了共识,使得它们在汉语中都有相对固定的结构和对应 的汉语译法。如英文中的 To kill two birds with one stone 一句, “一箭双雕”的 译法已经广为接受,虽然“一石二鸟”的译法国人也能大略领会到其意思蕴, 但仍然不如“一箭双雕”这个已经在汉语中有着广泛“群众基础”的译法易于 为人们领会,接受。 英文合同英语中的一

2、些句式、短语在其他文类、尤其是日常英语中使用频 率很低,这也是法律英语神秘化的主要原因之一。这甚至是一个相互作用的过 程使用频率低导致人们对之更感陌生,愈感陌生,法律英语则愈加神秘。其 实,在合同英语中,此类句型或短语的数量并不多,只是目前国内对之进行系 统化归纳的著作和文章仍然少见而已,鉴于此,作者将在本章中尝试进行归纳 与梳理。1. in accordance with/pursuant to o根据根据/ /依照依照/ /按照按照的规定的规定合同是当事双方的“法律” 。合同的目的在于尽最大可能使得合同项下的交 易行为依照法律规定或约定来开展,从而双方的交易变得具有可预见性。因此, 合同中

3、会经常出现“根据规定(约定)来采取行动”的表达。其中的“根 据”在长期合同实践中形成了法律人写作的固有取向,那就是使用 in accordance with 或者 pursuant to。EX1: The arbitration is to be administered by the American Arbitration Association and is to be conducted in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. 仲裁将由美国仲

4、裁协会主持并将根据根据该会的商事仲裁规则进行。EX2: After friendly consultations conducted in accordance with the principles of equality and mutual benefit, the Parties have agreed to enter into a sales contract in accordance with Applicable Laws and the provisions of this Contract. 各方在平等互利的基础上,经友好协商,一致同意依照依照相关法律和本合同 的规定签订

5、一份销售合同。EX3: “Shipment” shall mean the set of Equipment comprising an individual shipment to be delivered to Buyer by Seller pursuant to this Contract. “一批合同设备” 或 “一批货物” 指将由卖方根据根据本合同向买方交付的某批合同设备。1.1. In respect of|f|就就在其它文体的英语中,要表达与某事物相关这一语意,比较常用的是 regarding 或 concerning。此外 in connection with, in rel

6、ation to, relating, with respect to 等也可表示这一含意。但在合同英语中,这些表达的使用频率都不如 in respect of 高,其原因可能在于语气上不如 in respect of 正式,庄重。EX1: Unless in any enactment it is otherwise provided, the period of imprisonment, which may be imposed by a magistrate exercising summarizing jurisdiction, in respect of the non-payme

7、nt of any sum of money adjudged to be paid by a conviction, whether it be a fine or in respect of the property of the subject of the offense, or in respect of the injury done by the offender, or in respect of the default of a sufficient distress to satisfy any such sum, shall be such period as, in t

8、he opinion of the magistrate, will satisfy the justice of the case, but shall not exceed in any case the maximum fixed by the following scale 除成文法另有规定外,由治安法官行使简易程序就就不支付定罪裁定中要求 支付的任何数量金钱(无论系罚金还是犯罪主体的财产)的行为,或者不 支付与犯罪嫌疑人所为损害有关的赔偿金的行为,或不为此等金额之给付 提供足额抵押的行为所课处的刑期,应当系该治安法官认为能够体现案件 公平的刑期,但不得超过下表所列最长刑期Note:

9、这一段话中出现了四个 in respect of,有论者将之斥责为该短语的滥用(李 克兴,张新红) 。从清楚表达文意,减轻读者负担的角度来看,这种“滥用” 对于帮助读者迅速找出文中所述刑期的三个限定成分是非常有益的。in respect of 能够令读者迅速意识到该短语后面的词句是用来限定“ 刑期”的, 性质相同,这样一个较长句子的结构就因此变得明朗了。而且,有的读者 可能认为后面的三个 in respect of 可以略去,四个并列成分之间用 or 连接 就可以清楚表明均系介词 of 的宾语。果真如此,只怕会给读者理解造成极 大困难。读者只要试一试,就知道另外三个 in respect of

10、 其实是必要的重复。EX2: The Contract Price does not cover costs and expenses that are for Buyers account under this Contract, or any taxes (including but not limited to customs duty and value added tax) payable by Buyer in respect of this Contract. 合同总价不含根据本合同应由买方承担的费用和开销,或买方就就本合同应 支付的税款 (包括但不限于关税及增值税)。EX3:T

11、he Acceptance Payment for the Equipment shall be paid by Buyer by T/T within fifteen (15) days after Buyer has received the following documents from Seller: (a) Commercial invoice covering the Acceptance Payment in three (3) originals and three (3) copies; (b) One (1) original and one (1) copy of th

12、e Acceptance Certificate in respect of the Project. 合同项目的验收合格之后的付款,由买方在收到卖方提交的下述文件之后 十五(15)日内以电汇的方式支付: (a) 载明验收合格之后付款金额的商业发票,三(3)份原件和三(3)份复印件;(b) 合同项目的验收合格证书,一(1)份原件和一(1)份复印件。Note: 本例中译者将“in respect of”译为“的”实为翻译技巧纯熟的表现。 因为在这句话中的“Certificate in respect of the Project”若按其原意死译成 “就该项目的验收证书”或者增译成“就该项目制作的

13、验收证书”都不如 “合同项目的验收合格证书”来得简洁明了。EX4: If the Licensee becomes aware that any other person, firm or company alleged that any of the Licensed Trademarks infringes any rights of another party, the Licensee shall immediately give the Licensor in writing full particulars in respect thereof and may make no di

14、sclosure of information or admission to any third party in respect thereof. 如果被许可方荻悉任何其他人、企业或公司宣称被许可商标无效或被许可 商标的使用侵犯了他方权利,被许可方应立即以书面形式将上述详细情况 告知许可方,并不得向任何第三方披露与此有关的信息或承认(侵权) 。Note: In respect thereof 是 in respect of 的一种变化使用形式。Thereof 相当于 of the above-mentioned matters。此处的中文译文恰好是 in respect of 两个主要 译

15、法的总结:一个译成“有关” , 一个译成 “对于” 。总之,其用法相当 于 regaring,但其用法比较灵活,可以与一个包含 of 的古旧副词(thereof) 结合使用。这一点是 concerning 和 regarding 或 with regard of 所不具备的。 EX5: Where an employee is granted any period of annual leave, the employer shall pay him annual leave pay in respect of that period not later than the day on whi

16、ch he is next paid his wages after that period. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap.57, Employment Ordinance, Act. 41 B) 若员工被获准休任何时长的年假,则雇主最迟应于该年假之后首次发放该 员工的工资之日支付该员工的该年假薪酬。EX6: For the purpose of the Landlord and the Tenant Ordinance and for the purpose of these presents the rent in respect of the said premise

17、s shall be deemed to be in arrear if not paid in advance as stipulated by Clause 1 hereof. (ibid) 对于出租人而言,在租赁条条例,本协议及相关文件中,上述物业之租金 或未依本协议第 1 条之规定提前予以支付,则将视为拖欠。Note: 在 EX5 和 EX6 中,in respect of 相当于介词 for:在 EX中为减少表示所 属关系的“的”字引起的阅读障碍, “的”字被省略了,但并不影响读者明 了年假与薪酬之间的关系。万变不离其宗:in respect of 都表示与该短语之 后的名词之间的一

18、种从属关系。 “对于” , “有关”虽然含糊,但却是最 恰当,最不会出错的翻译。2.SAVE/EXCEPT (FOR)/UNLESS|除非除非/除除外外在普通现代英语中,save 是一个妇孺皆知、人人会用的及物动词。在合同 英文中,它是一个与 except(for)相同的介词。词源上这是一个法文词,由于 历史原因,法国人统治英国相当长时间。自然而然,相当数量的、反映法国统 治者意志的法语词进入了合同英语的范畴。save 便是其中较典型的、至今仍然 保留使用的一个。汉语的译文为“除外” 。不管是 save 还是 except(for)之 后都可跟一个名词性短语,也可以跟一个从句或另一个介词短语。

19、由于法律翻 译起草人员通常不太熟悉 save 一词的用法,故中译英的法律中很少用到该词。 自然,普通英语中的习语,except 或 except for 是更常见的表这方式。例如:EX7: Save as otherwise provided in this Contract, each Party shall bear its own legal and other professional costs in relation to the preparation, negotiation and entry into of this Contract. 除非除非本合同另有规定,各方负责自身

20、为准备、谈判和签署合同所花费的律 师和其它专业服务费用。EX8: Notwithstanding any other provision of this Contract, except for breach of confidentiality obligations or infringement of the other Partys IPR, neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for damages for loss of revenues or profits, loss of goodwill or any indir

21、ect or consequential damages in connection with the performance or non-performance of this Contract. 无论本合同其他条款有何规定,任何一方均不向另一方承担因本合同的履 行或不履行而造成的收入或利润丧失、商誉丧失或任何间接或附带性损失 的赔偿责任但该方有违反保密义务或侵犯知识产权情形的除外除外EX9: Unless the terms or context of this Contract otherwise provide, this Contract shall be interpreted

22、in accordance with Schedule A, and each of the terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to it in Schedule A (Definitions and Interpretation) or Schedule B (Special Terms) as the case may be. 除本合同条款或上下文另有所指,本合同应根据附录一进行解释,本合 的定义见附录一(定义和解释)和附录二(特别条款) ,以适用者为准。EX10: Except as stipulated in Artic

23、le 255 of this code, where a total loss occurs to the subject matter insured and the full insured amount is paid, the insurer shall acquire the full right to the subject matter insured. in the case of under-insurance, the insurer shall acquire the right to the subject matter insured in the proportio

24、n that the insured amount bears to the insured value. 除本法第二百五十六条的规定之外,保险标的的发生全额,保险人支付全 部保险金额的,取得对保险标的全部权利;但是,在不足额保险的情况下, 保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例取得对保险标的的部分权利。EX11:Except as provided in Articles 208 and 209 of this Code下列海事赔偿请求,除本法第二百零八条和第二百零九条另有规定外Note: 事实上, Save/except as (is)provided/stipulated 可以用另一个法律上

25、常用 的句式去取代。Unless otherwise provided/ stipulated 功能与其相同,可以是 一个标准的代替。3.NOTWITHSTANDING|无论无论如何规定如何规定/尽管有尽管有的规定的规定介词 notwithstanding 在普通英文中的使用并不多见,也可列入古旧废词的 行列,但其在合同英文中的使用已经达到“司空见惯”的程度。翻译带有该介 词的句子并不难,因为它的译法跟 although/though/even if 引导的状语从句没有 太大分别,基本上都可以译成“尽管” 、 “即使” ,表示一种让步。但该 词所引导的并非是一个让步状语从句,因为在习惯用法上该

26、词之后不跟句子, 只跟一个名词性短语。例如:EX12: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Parties agree that each Party has the right to seek temporary or permanent injunctive or other similar relief in any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction in respect of any claims of breach of confidentiality or IPR infringe

27、ment or for an order of specific performance or other injunctive relief as permitted under Applicable Laws. 无论无论本合同前述条款有何规定有何规定,双方同意每一方均有权就任何违反保密义 务或知识产权侵权的主张向任何一个有管辖权的法院或其他机关寻求临时 或永久禁令或其他类似的救济措施,或申请实际履行的执行令或其他相关法律允许的禁令救济。EX13: Notwithstanding any law or practice to the contrary, it shall be lawful

28、for, the court in any proceedings for an offence under Part to comment on the failure of the accused to give evidence on oath. (Laws of Hong Kong, Cap. 201, Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Art. 26) 即使任何法律或惯例有相反规定,在因第部所订罪行而进行的法律程序 中,法庭可就被控人不宣誓作供一事加以评论。EX14: Notwithstanding clauses (a) and (b) of thi

29、s Article 5.6 above, the Assigning Party may transfer all or part of its amount of the registered capital of the Company to an Affiliate (the “Affiliate Assignee”) of the Assigning Party on the following conditions: 尽管有尽管有上述 5.6 条(a) 、 (b)款的规定规定,转让方可将持有的合营公司注册 资本份额部分或全部按下列条款转让给其某一关联机构(“关联受让方” ):EX15

30、:Party agrees and acknowledges that, notwithstanding Article 13.1, Party or any of its Affiliates may establish joint ventures with, or acquire interests in Name specific partner and project in the PRC describe the relevant industry sector industry to provide services to manufacture products in the

31、PRC (each a “Permitted Investment“). 描述相关产业方同意并确认,尽管有尽管有第 13.1 条的规定规定,方或其任何关联机构可在中国具体合作者及项目的名称设立合营企业或获得相关权益,在中国提 供服务制造产业与产品(合称“允许的投资” ) 。Note: 虽然该词也可作连词使用,跟一个完整的让步状语从句,例如:He is honest, notwithstanding he is poor. (他虽贫穷,却诚实。 )但这种用法并法 律英语中的典型用法。上述大量例句已经充分说明了这一点。尽管由该词 构成的短语在英译中时并不成问题,但在法律文件的中译英实践中须特别 小

32、心,因为该词不作连词使用,不跟一个带主谓宾的句子。最典型的用法 与 subject to for the purposes of 相似,后面跟的总是 law/ordinance 或 section/subsection 之类的法律或法律条款的指代词,对应的汉语几乎千篇一 律:“尽管有法律/条款的规定” 。4.PROVIDED THAT|但(前提)是但(前提)是provided that是一个普通英文中很少使用的古旧表达方式,但该表达方式在法律文书,尤其是在合同条款中广泛使用。其用法与 if 或 but 非常相似, 汉语中的意思相当于“倘若/如果”或“但” 。该表达置于句首,引导出的是 法律英语

33、中的一个条件分句,与 if, when 或 where 引导的法律条件句没有本 质差异;但如果该表达之前存在一个主句,则它表示的是一个与之前的陈 述相反的“例外” ,相当于 with the exception of ,但英译汉时不能译成 “除外” ,而是译成“但”或“但是” ,所以法律界通常称这类句子为但 书(proviso) 。例如: EX16: The Chairman, following consultation with the Vice Chairman, shall decide on the timing and location of such interim Board

34、meeting, provided that such interim Board meeting shall be held not less than fifteen (15) days and not more than forty-five (45) days following delivery of such request. 董事长经与副董事长协商后,应确定此次临时董事会会议的时间和地点, 但是但是举行该临时董事会会议的时间必须在提议提交后十五日到四十五日之 间。EX17: In addition, with the prior approval of the Chairman

35、and Vice Chairman, any director may invite any other person to attend all or part of any Board meeting, provided that such guest shall sign non-disclosure agreements in such form as the Chairman and Vice Chairman deem appropriate. 此外,经董事长和副董事长事先批准,董事可以邀请其他人士作为嘉宾列 席会议的部分或全部,但前提是但前提是该嘉宾应按照董事长和副董事长认为适当

36、 的格式签署保密协议。EX18: provided that if any representation and warranty of a Party under Article B.1 is not true and correct in all material respects when made, or if there is a breach of Article E, then there shall be no Cure Period. 但是但是如果一方在第 B.1 条项下所做的任何陈述和担保在做出时在任何实质 方面不真实、不正确,或者违反第 E 条的规定,则没有补救期)。EX

37、19: The Licensee shall not be entitled to take any proceedings in any of the aforesaid matters provided, however, that the Licensor may, at its own discretion and cost, prosecute or otherwise stop or prevent such actual or threatened infringement in the name of both the Licensor and the Licensee or

38、either of them, and in each case the Licensee shall render all reasonable assistance required by the Licensor. 被许可方无权就上述任何行为起诉或要求许可方起诉,但但许可方可自行决 定并自付费用,以许可方和被许可方双方名义或任何一方名义,对实际发生或似将发生的商标侵权行为提起诉讼,或以其他方式阻止或防止该等侵 权行为。无论许可方采取前述任何行动,被许可方均应提供许可方所要求 的一切合理协助。EX20: Subject to section 17B, a travel document w

39、hich is surrendered tot eh Commissioner under this section may :Provided that a magistrate shall not hear an application under this subsection unless reasonable notice of the application has been given by the Commissioner to the person who surrendered the document. 除第 17B 条另有规定外,根据本条向专员交出的旅行证件可: 但但专

40、员就该申请向交出旅行证件的人给予合理通知之前, 裁判官不得聆讯 根据本款提出的申请。EX21: The covenanter hereby undertakes to procure that the Customer will comply with all the Customers obligations to you, the beneficiaries of this deed, (jointly and severally) but should the Customer default in the payment when due of any payment or defau

41、lt in complying with any other obligation, the Covenanter will, without the need for any demand, make immediate payment or performance thereof as the cse may be, at the place, in the funds and currency and/or in the manner required of the Customer and without any withholding or deduction whatsoever

42、PROVIDED ALWAYS HOWEVER that no time for limitation of liability in respect of this deed shall begin to run in favour of the Covenantor unless and until one or both of you shall have made demand on the Covenanter, and if more than one demand is made, then only from the date and to the extent of each

43、 demand respectively. 订约人承诺它将保证客户履行其对贵方,即本契约之共同或单独受益人, 应尽之所有义务,但是,如果客户未支付任何到期的款项或未能履行任何 其它义务,订约人将在无需对之提出任何要求的情况下,于客户被要求付 款的地点,按客户被要求付款的数量和币种以及/或付款方式,不扣减任何 金额地予以支付或履行本契约的义务(依具体情形而定) 。但是,不得以有 利于立约人的方式开始计算本契约项下的任何债务时效,除非组成贵方的 各主体之一或两个主体均对立约人提出要求,而且,若提要求不止一项, 则相关债务时效仅得自要求提出之日起就每一要求分别开始计算。Note: 值得注意的是:当

44、provided that 作“但书”使用时,其之前的语句如果是 单独成为一段的,该段通常以冒号结尾。如果用 provided 引导的“但书” 与主句同属一段,则它与语句往往用分号(;)隔开。在普通书面英语中 使用 provided that 无疑是不良的文风,if 和 but 绝对具有 provided that 相同的功能。而且事实上, provided that当 if 用的情况并不普遍,但作 “但书”用的情形比比皆是。主要原因是使用 provided that 可产生该待业文书。因为 if 与 but 是英语中普通得不能再普通的小词,很多从事律师待 业的人士认为在法律文书使用这类小词,

45、不能制作具有庄重风格的法律文 体。当然取代 if 的词非常多,有正式程序很高的 where 以及 when, in case,in the event that,但可以取代 but 以提高其正式程度的词除了 however 外似乎别无选择。于是,provided that 都被一并滥用。此外,不少从事法律 文书写作的人士喜欢玩弄文字,喜欢在“但是”后面在做文章:写完一个 条件后,往往觉得意犹未尽或者需要再补充一点什么,同时又不想回过头 来修改前文,所以最佳的做法就是来一段“但书” 。有时,他们甚至觉得 “但书”比前述的条件更重要,于是他们更会花样翻新,在“但书”内再 加上一些花色,如将该词大写

46、,或再添一个 always 之类的强调词。如:总之,本节讨论的短语或表达法在普通英文里应力戒使用,在法律文书的 英译汉里遵从惯例:原文功能相当于 if 的译成“倘若/如果” ;相当于 but 译 成“但是” 。6FOR THE PURPOSE(S) OF|就就而言而言/在在中中 这是合同英文中的又一个常用句式。其中的 purpose 可以是复数也可以是单 数但本节主要讨论的是 for the purposes of 。习惯普通英语的人士通常都会认为 翻译含有这个短评的句子可以不费任何心思:“为了目的”便是其对应的译 文。但是,在合同英语中,该短语的翻译并不如一般人想象的那么简单。尽管 在法律英

47、语中,该短语也作“为了目的”解。例如: EX22: For the purpose of this Section 3.8, Cause is defined as Party Bs gross negligence or willful misconduct in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement (“Default“) and failure to cure such Default within 30 days after receiving written notice of Default from Att

48、orneys. 就就第 3.8 条而言言, “起因”是指乙方在履行其本协议项下义务时的疏忽大意 和故意不法行为(以下称“违约” )以及在收悉律师发出的书面违约通知后 三十天(30)内未能补救该“违约” 。EX23: FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. The signature on this Agreement of any party that is faxed to the other party, will be deemed an original signature for the purpose of enforcement of this Agreement. 传真签名

49、。 通过传真方式发送给另一方的任何一方在本协议上的签署在在 本协议的实施中中将被视为原始签署。EX24: For the purpose of this Agreement, capitalized terms which are used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given such terms in the Plan of Reorganization and the following terms shall have the meanings specified in this Article 1. 就本协议而言,本协议中使用但未另行定义的英文首字母大写术语与重组 计划书中的该


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