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《亮亮图文-模板32.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《亮亮图文-模板32.pptx(63页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、现在,给你带来 创建演示PPT的银行基础教程,随着企业的发展,PowerPoint也逐渐替代Word办公软件成为企业内部资料共享,培训,外部宣传的主要工具.,作者林虎哲的My Story,高效PowerPoint9年经历,制作经营分析报告 MBR分析报告以及讲解制作CEO报告用资料 2012年新浪微博全国PPT大赛3等奖,LG电子SY Marketing Planning,哈尔滨工业大学,韩国INCHEON大学,LG电子CD Marketing TEAM长,交通银行 理财经理,林虎哲,lin_,Bank,银行业PPT初级讲座,或许你会问,银行做好存款和销售就可以还要站立式服务,哪来的精力来做P


3、的一环?,漂亮的模板?,精致的图片?,眼花缭乱的动画?,大气的配乐与视频?,你,还是久经雕琢的配文?,发布日期:2012.06.02,片长:20”13,商业类PPT第一场,LIN HU ZHE,LIN HU ZHE,2012:06:02 SAT,开始PPT讲座了,PowerPoint?PPT?,PPT(全名:PowerPoint)是美国微软公司出品的办公软件系列重要组件之一(另外还有Excel、Word等);最常用的就是用来制作幻灯片。,电子幻灯片=PPT+电脑+投影仪,胶片,slides,PowerPoint提供多种表达方式,文字,图形,色彩,动画,STEP,STEP,1,PPT的设计法则一

4、目了然视觉化,一目了然,保持简单,70%,有70%的人是视觉思维型,他们对图理解速度要远远快于文字,视觉化,把概念或数据翻译成图,模板设计,STEP,STEP,2,统一模板,统一模板,交行报告的模板统一无需单独设计,字体设计,STEP,STEP,3,推荐字体,字体大小,推荐字体,2003 Office- 黑体,宋体2010 Office-宋体,微软雅黑,字体大小,标题24主题内容20图表字体14,图表设计,STEP,STEP,3,常用图标,对比图适用于,月别或年别存款金额或完成数,DESIGN,DESIGN,DESIGN,DESIGN,分析图适用于,适合目标达成率,市场饱和率,饼图适用于,表示

5、占有率的图表(最常用),DesignInspiration,PremiumDesign,SubtleTouch,StylishDesign,VisualImpact,Simplicity& Beauty,3DEffect,UniversalDesign,A wide range of subjectsPresenterTemplates provides the themes that surrounds you every day. We cover a wide range of subjects including business, IT, lifestyle, nature, tra

6、vel, technology, school, culture and much more for you to choose from and about 200 are added every month.PowerPoint PresentationPowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing,

7、 outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and learn.,饼图适用于,表示占有率的图表(最常用),组织图适用于,组织结构图和内部结构图,发展图适用于,企业业绩或历史发展,Manufacturing,Construction,Clarity,Impact,Premium,Visual Appealing,Subtle Touch,More choices and visual trendsIts about giving you the v

8、ariety you need to meet the design on your mind. We create powerpoint templates based on new visual trends thats fresh, relevant and always on the cutting edge.,罗列图适用于,几个副题围绕一个主题,Easy SearchOur easy to use and functional search engine helps you locate the right templates quickly saving you time,拼图型适

9、用于,并列项目中突出一个项目,Its about giving you the variety you need to meet the design on your mind. We create powerpoint templates based on new visual trends thats fresh, relevant and always on the cutting edge.,More choices andvisual trends,PresenterTemplates provides the themes that surrounds you every day.

10、 We cover a wide range of subjects including business, IT, lifestyle, nature, travel, technology, school, culture and much more for you to choose from and about 200 are added every month.,A wide range of subjects,PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you nee

11、d to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and learn.,PowerPoint Presentation,2007,2008,2009,并列图适用于,月别或年度别主要事项,并列图适用于,月别或年度别主要事项,DesignInspiration,PremiumDesign,S

12、ubtleTouch,Clarity &Impact,VisualAppealing,VisualImpact,A wide range of subjectsPresenterTemplates provides the themes that surrounds you every day. We cover a wide range of subjects including business, IT, lifestyle, nature, travel, technology, school, culture and much more for you to choose from a

13、nd about 200 are added every month.,环绕图适用于,核心内容为主环绕,ImmenseVisual Appeal,Subtle TouchTrendy Design in contemporary colors and styles - PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds, PowerPoint Diagrams & Charts for your Presentation,Visual AppealingCaptivate your viewing audience - PowerPoint Templates & Backg

14、rounds, Sleek Diagram & Charts For Your Presentation,Ready to UseImmense visual appeal - Premade PowerPoint Templates, Professional quality templates in a couple of clicks away!,Animation PowerPointDynamic look to your presentation - Animation PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds for Your Impressive P

15、resentation,说明图适用于,分解说明一个主题,Visual AppealingCaptivate your viewing audience - PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds, Sleek Diagram & Charts For Your PresentationAnimationDynamic look to your presentation Animation PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds for Your Impressive PresentationEasy SearchOur easy to

16、 use and functional search engine helps you locate the right templates quickly saving you time,To offer you what you want, when you want,分解图适用于,重点突出一个主题加以说明,VisualAppealingCaptivate your viewing audience - PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds, Sleek Diagram & Charts For Your PresentationAnimationDynam

17、ic look to your presentation Animation PowerPoint Templates & Backgrounds for Your Impressive PresentationEasy SearchOur easy to use and functional search engine helps you locate the right templates quickly saving you time,集合图适用于,突出几个项目共同部分,A wide range of subjectsPresenterTemplates provides the the

18、mes that surrounds you every day. We cover a wide range of subjects including business, IT, lifestyle, nature, travel, technology, school, culture and much more for you to choose from and about 200 are added every month.PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything

19、you need to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and learn.,Ready to UseImmense visual appeal - Premade PowerPoint Templates, Professional quality templates in a

20、 couple of clicks away!Diversity of CultureExperience the diversity of arts and culture - predesigned PowerPoint Design Templates & Diagrams and Layout Slides.,SubtleTouch,StylishDesign,VisualImpact,3DEffect,PerfectLook,逾越图适用于,月别或季度年度存款业绩,齿轮图适用于,相关项目的互动,消除型图适用于,减少或移除浪费因素,颜色管理,STEP,STEP,3,3-3法则,颜色管理,

21、3,PPT颜色不要超过3种,且避免华丽的色彩字体颜色不要超过3种,且不要用倾斜字,内容分配,STEP,STEP,4,合理分配法,主页张数,10,颜色PPT主张数不超过10章,1逻辑性要强2思路清晰3简单明了,废话,废话,废话,废话,废话,BLAH,废话,你的听众需要在你传达的信息中理解你的想法,Best of Best,STEP,STEP,5,真正好的PPT,打破常规,简约而不简单,加强逻辑性,练习,而不是,点缀一些图片,打破常规,让你的PPT说话,LINHUZHE,PPT,mobilize,简约而不简单,这就是做PPT的思路,又美又纯,低俗,超越对手,理性,逻辑,思考,热情,坚持不懈者,韩国

22、仁河大学,哈尔滨工业大学,LG电子,银行,性,进化,银行,突破PPT-让你的PPT,会说话,固执,突破PPT-银行业,PPT该这样做,80后,说服力,缔造,完美的,演示PPT,时间改变一切,林虎哲,达人,延边,浠水,金达莱,阅读,写作,围脖,跑调,学习,天瓶座,80man,纯装爷们,理财,失控,写作,想象力,知识分子,AFP,30种,技能,博客,演讲,爱折腾,常识,双学历者,天然呆,宅男,已婚,IT,理财经理,理想,文字青年,清晰,ji情,琢磨,人肉搜索,玩家,内心,交通银行春晖,才子,PPT,现实,内训,关注,小纯洁,傻,被,幻想,老男孩,卖萌,强大,内心,有女,出差,本命年,不求人,善良,当你积累足够多你才会有不同的灵感诞生你展示越精炼你让别人记住记住得越多,Concise but not simple,简约而不简单,2012年制作的作品作品名:“远航”,撕掉的纸代表昨天纸船代表要起航的今天和明天。不用太多的语言,简约而不简单是思路.,多听,多看,多交流,加强你的逻辑性,PPT在我看来,是一门艺术,更是一种人生的修炼。不奢望众人能与我有同感,但我坚信在各自的领域中,只要你用心,任何事情都可以成为一门艺术,一种人生的修炼。,年的总结:,You can make it.你可以的!,


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