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1、学科代码编 号硕 士 学 位 论 文开 题 报 告学 号:研 究 生:导 师:研究方向:论文题目:学 科:学 院:入学时间: 年 月开题时间: 年 月 日年月日填 报 说 明一、开题报告中的一至七项必须采用计算机输入和打印,字体为仿宋5号,叶面采用A4纸张,在左侧装订。 二、各栏空格不够时,请自行加页。三、开题报告通过后,分别由研究生和研究生所在院系(所、中心)各存一份。四、如果另外有开题报告的详细内容提要,请附在本表之后。五、开题报告答辩记录,请附在本表之后。学位论文题目A TRANSLATION STUDY UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF LANGUAGE FORCE - TA

2、KING THREE CHINESE VERSIONS OF SHAKESPEARES DRAMA HAMLET AS AN EXAMPLE题目改成“语力指导下的翻译研究以莎剧哈姆莱特汉译为例”此外,在开题报告末尾需要有三个译本中关于语力理论的最典型最有说服力的例子,并进行具体的分析(至少五个例子,分析部分尽量多)请参考书英汉指令对比与语力翻译研究课 题 来 源一、课题意义及国内外研究现状综述Hamletts Chinese TranslationShakespeare is an eternal topic in the history of world literature. The tr

3、anslation of Shakespeares works is a great literary project. Shakespeare is a great dramatist. His plays have been warmly celebrated for centuries. Hamlet is Shakespeares most famous play. In China, translators have done their utmost to translate it. Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu are well-known tran

4、slators. Fang Pings translation is the latest translation of Hamlet in China.Language Force in dramatic dialoguesModal particles, verb reduplication, personal salutation and vocatives position play an important role in drama dialogue, and their effects can show strong emotional color and language st

5、rength. In the extensive study of linguistic theories, we introduce the concept of force in physical mechanics, which is called language force, the invisible force contained in language.Significance of topic selectionThis paper selects three versions of Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu and Fang Ping, and

6、makes a thorough comparison of modal particles, verb reduplication, personal salutation and address position in the translated text by means of force theory. It is a new attempt based on the existing research and a practical exploration of linguistic theory. It is hoped that this work will give us i

7、nspiration and reflection. Test. The study of this topic is of double meanings in terms of language theory practice and language art research.Research status1. The study of Hamletts Chinese versions.Zhou Zhenya (2005) compares three Chinese versions of Hamlet (Liang Shiqiu, Zhu Shenghao and Cao Weif

8、eng) based on comprehensive translation methodology. Liu Yuan (2009), taking Liang Shiqius translation as an example, explores the variant language of Shakespeares plays from the perspective of literary stylistics, analyzes its artistic effect, and evaluates the gains and losses of Liang Shiqius tra

9、nslation combined with the guiding function of literary stylistics. Gao Asia-Europe (2011), a corpus-based study of the translators style, takes the Chinese version of Hamlet as an example to study the translations of Liang Shiqiu, Zhu Shenghao and Bian Zhilin. Wang Xiaonong (2017) analyzes Hamlets

10、translations of Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu, Wang Hongyin and Huang Guobin from the perspective of translation flavor.2.The study of linguistic mechanicsLuo Zhiye (1998) holds that linguistic mechanics should be an integral part of pragmatics and a very valuable part. It is well known that all moveme

11、nts in the physical world are restricted by the principles of mechanics. In the typical physical world, objective mechanics plays a role, and that is natural. Human society is different from the physical world. The activities of human society are conscious and controlled by consciousness. To show co

12、nsciousness, one must go through the symbol system, which is a linguistic symbol system with cultural connotations. When people use language to communicate, there is a mechanics of collision between languages. The so-called collision is the transmission and reception of information. How the speaker

13、can enable the listener to capture the meaning of his speech and how the listener receives the speakers message are all related to the whole system of linguistic mechanics.Robinson (2003) conducted a study of speech translation from the perspective of generalization in speech act theory. In his opin

14、ion, Nidas Bible translation, feminist translation and manipulation of translation are all based on the theory of words and deeds. He regards the nature of translation as a performance performed by different performers according to music scores, and regards translation as a macroscopic act of words.

15、 Therefore, he believes that speech act theory has great prospects in translation.On the whole, there is little research on translation based on the theory of language force in the academic circles, but there is less research on Hamlets force in the academic circles at present.二、课题研究目标、研究内容和拟解决的关键性问

16、题The classical dialogues in Hamlet are widely praised, and the classical dialogues are the most important reason why Hamlet attracts readers and audiences. This thesis makes a detailed analysis of the theory of language force by comparing three Chinese versions of Hamlet: Zhu Shenghao, Liang Shiqiu

17、and Fang Ping. This paper attempts to draw a conclusion that although the three versions differ greatly in the expression of language force, they all reproduce the appearance of the original and each has its own success in language processing.1. The current research achievements of scholars in vario

18、us aspects of linguistic research of Hamletts Chinese translation are discussed.2. On the theory of language force.3. Translation Studies under the Guidance of Linguistic Mechanics: A contrastive analysis of the Chinese version of Hamlet.4. summarize and analyze the significance and Prospect of this

19、 research.This paper will discuss and contrast the phenomena of modal particles, verb reduplication, personal respects and The position of vocatives in Hamlets classical dialogues translation, and further discuss how to deal with these linguistic phenomena in translation to achieve translation equiv

20、alence. Through the reading of the existing literature and the comparative study of the three translations, I hope that more people can appreciate the translation work as an art and play a positive role in promoting the study and dissemination of classical literature.Outline1. Introduction1.1 Resear

21、ch background1.2 Significance of research1.2.1Hamletts important position in Literary Translation1.2.2 The significance of language force and three Hamlet versions in dramatic dialogues1.2.3 Practical significance1.3 Research methods1.4 Thesis structure2.Theoretical study of linguistic mechanics2.1

22、Interpretation of linguistic mechanics2.2 A review of linguistic mechanics theory3.A detailed analysis of the combination of language force and three Hamlet versions3.1 Translation of direct directives in Hamlet3.1.1 Command3.1.2 Permission3.1.3 Requirements3.1.4 Instructions3.1.5 Request3.1.6 Sugge

23、stion3.2 Translation of Indirect Directives3.2.1 Translation of declarative sentences 3.2.2 Translation of interrogative sentence3.3 Language problems in instruction translation3.3.1 Modal words3.3.2 Verb overlapping3.3.3 Person honorific3.3.4 The position of Vocatives in chinese translation4.Brief

24、introduction of Hamletts three Chinese versions4.1 Hamletts history of chinese translation4.2 Three chinese versions of hamlett4.2.1 Liang shiqiu4.2.2 Zhu shenghao4.2.3 Fang ping5. Conclusion5.1 Main findings and weakness5.2 Limitations5.3 Recommendations for follow-up studies三、 拟采取的研究方法、试验方案及其可行性分析

25、Basic Ideas: By reading the literature, this paper analyzes the linguistic research achievements of Hamlets Chinese version, the specific conditions and characteristics of the three Hamlets Chinese versions, and then makes a contrastive study of the English and Chinese language problems in the three

26、 versions-on the analysis of the language problems in Hamlet. It concludes the new thinking, method and significance of the study of Hamlets three translations and the prospect for the future.Basic Methods: 1. Literature Research Method: By investigating the literature to obtain information, so as t

27、o fully understands the current Hamlet Chinese translation of linguistic research results and I selected the three Hamlet Chinese translation features. 2. Thinking Method: By comparing the three versions of English and Chinese language problems, Hamlets language problems are analyzed and discussed,

28、and new research conclusions are drawn.四、课题的创新性The linguistic study of Hamlet has a long history. Scholars in the academic circles have paid close attention to Hamlet and have been actively exploring the Chinese version. However, the study of Chinese translation mainly focuses on translators subject

29、ivity,exaggerating cultural communication, translation theory and translation methodology. There are few studies on modal particles, verb reduplication, honorifics and the position of vocatives in Chinese translation. At the same time, the previous studies on the translation of Liang Shiqiu and Zhu

30、Shenghao are the most, while the latest translation studies are less.References1. JOSEPH,M.Shakespeares Use of the Arts of LanguageM.London:Hafner,1966. 2. GILL,R.(ed.).HamletM.Oxford:Oxford UniversityPress,1992. 3. LEVIN,H.General Introduction to the Riverside ShakespeareM.In The Riverside Shakespe

31、are By Evans,G.B.(ed.).Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,1974:9. 4. PATRIDGE,E.Shakespeares Bawdy:A Literary and Psy-chological Essay and GlossaryM.London:Routledge,1961:54. 5. MAHOOD,M.M.Shakespeares Word playM.London:Methuen,1957:34. 6. NIDA,E.A.and TABER,C.R.The Theory and Practiceof TranslationM.7

32、. Leiden:E.J.Brill,1969:22-24.8. 梁实秋.莎士比亚四大悲剧M.中国广播电视出版社远东图书公司,2002.9. 朱生豪.哈姆雷特M.中国国际广播出版社,2001.10. 朱生豪.莎士比亚全集(五)M.北京:人民文学出版社,1994:279-422. 11. 方平.哈姆雷特一新莎士比亚全集IVM.河北教育出版社,1991.12. 周兆祥.汉译哈姆雷特研究M.香港:香港中文大学出版社,1981:89-97. 13. 陈家林.从Hamlet六个中译本看莎剧翻译D.洛阳:解放军外国语学院硕士学位论文,1996:22-28.14. 王亚丽.两个哈姆雷特中译本修辞格翻译对比研

33、究D.西安:西北工业大学硕士学位论文,2004:21-26. 15. 罗志野.谈语言力学J.外语与外语教学,1998 (10) :1-16.16. 罗志野.语言的力量:语言力学探索M.东南大学出版社 , 2009.17. 管兴忠.英汉指令对比与语力翻译研究M.北京:中译出版社,2015.18. 崔永禄.文学译佳作对比賞析M.南开大学出版社,2000.10.19. 桂扬清.埃文河畔的巨人莎士比亚M,上海外语教育出版社,1996.12.20. 何善芬.英汉语言对比研究M.上海外语教育出版社,2002.21. 胡曙中.英汉修辞比较研究M,上海外语教育出版社,1993.22. 胡中.英汉新修学研究M.

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35、The most typical and convincing example of the three language versions of the theory of language forceExample 1: SCENE I-Elsinore.A Platform before the Castle, FRANCISCO at his post.Enter to his BERNARDO.Then Enter HORATIO and MARCELLUSIn SCENE I, the soldier FRANCISCO is on guard, and BERNARDO take

36、s over.Then HORATIO and MARCELLUS came over again.FRANCISCO I think I hear them Stand, Ho! Who s there?Liang shiqiu:佛 我好像是听见他们来了。站住,瞎!那是谁呀?Zhu shenghao:弗兰西斯科 我想我听见了他们的声音。喂,站住!你是谁?Fang ping:弗兰西斯科 (走远去,自语)好像听到他们了 霍拉旭及玛塞勒斯自远处上 站住!前面是哪一个?The translation of the three represents the commanding tone of the

37、 military, but it is different. The same is true of the three party translations which use 站住 translation, but Liang Shiqiu used 瞎! Zhu Shenghao used the word 喂, and Fang Ping omitted it. The omission of Fang Pings modal particles strengthened the tone of speech at that time and showed a stronger se

38、nse of speech.Example 2: In the first scene, people are talking about the kings ghost. Suddenly, the kings ghost comes again.MARCELLUS Peace! Break thee off; look, where it comes again Enter again Enter GhostLiang shiqiu:马 静,快别说话;看,又从那边来了。Zhu shenghao:马西勒斯 住声!不要说下去;瞧,它又来了!Fang ping:玛塞勒斯 别做声,快别讲了!瞧,它

39、又来啦!The translation of the three represents the tone of fear at that time, but it is different. Liang Shiqiu used the translation of 静, while Zhu Shenghao used 住声! Fang Ping used 别做声, The three speakers showed different sense of language, and Zhu Shenghao showed a stronger sense of language.Example

40、3: In the first scene, several people intend to have a dialogue with the kings ghost, but the ghost goes away without a sound.HORATIO Stay! Speak, speak! I charge thee, speakLiang shiqiu:何 站住!说话,说话,我命令你,说话!鬼下。Zhu shenghao:霍拉旭 不要走!说呀,说呀!我命令你,快说!(鬼魂下。)Fang ping:霍拉旭 (追上去)不要走,说呀,快说呀,我命令你快说阴魂消失The transl

41、ation of the three shows the hope to talk with the ghost, commanding the ghost to speak, but with some timid tone. The three versions are similar but different. Liang Shiqiu used the translation of 站住! and Zhu Shenghao used 不要走! Fang Ping used 不要走, The three have different force perceptions. Liang S

42、hiqius tone of command is stronger, while Zhu Shenghao and Fang Pings tone is weaker, which shows that the ghost may be king, not command. The overlapping of verbs is used to strengthen the tone and express the hope that the ghosts will have a dialogue.Example 4: Hamlet meets his best friend and say

43、s that his fathers funeral is to be held with his mothers wedding. Hamlet replies.HAMLET Thrift , thrift , Horatio ! the funeral bakd meats Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables. Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven.Ere I had ever seen that day . Horatio !My father methinks I see my fathe

44、r.Liang shiqiu:哈 节俭,节俭,何瑞修!丧事上用的冷烤肉正好搬在结婚筵席上。我宁愿在天上遇见顶刻毒的仇人,我也不愿看那天的那种情形,何瑞修!我的父亲,我仿佛看见我的父亲。Zhu shenghao:哈姆莱特 这是一举两便的办法,霍拉旭!葬礼中剩下来的残羹冷炙,正好宴请婚筵上的宾客。霍拉旭,我宁愿在天上遇见我的最痛恨的仇人,也不愿看到那样的一天!我的父亲,我仿佛看见我的父亲。Fang ping:哈姆雷特 图方便,图方便,霍拉旭。丧礼上吃剩的凉了的烤猪肉,就端上了吃喜酒的筵席。我宁可去天上面对我的死对头,也不愿亲眼目睹那一天,霍拉旭!我的父王我想我看见了父王。The translati

45、on of the Three Represents Hamletts somewhat awkward reply when he answers HORATIO. In Liang Shiqius translation, the translation of 节俭,节俭, is used successively, while Zhu Shenghao uses 这是一举两便的办法, and Fang Ping uses 图方便,图方便, The three have different linguistic power. Liang Shiqiu and Fang Ping have

46、more embarrassing tones, while Zhu Shenghaos translation is more implicit, which needs to be combined with the semantics behind in order to get a deeper understanding of the meaning of 这是一举两便的办法,.EXAMPLE 5: OPHELIA saw his brother LAERTES off when his father POLONIUES arrived and his father told HAM

47、LET to get on board quicklyPOLONIUS But here. Lacrtes! Aboard. Aboard, for shame! The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail, and you are stayd for. There, my blessing with the e!.Liang shiqiu:普 还在这里,赖尔蒂斯,上船吧,上船吧,岂有此理!风在船帆的肩头上坐着,就等你了。对了,我祝福你!Zhu shenghao:波洛涅斯 还在这儿,雷欧提斯!上船去,上船去,真好意思!风息在帆顶上,人家都在等着你哩。好,我为你祝福!Fang ping:波洛纽斯 还没走,莱阿提斯?不像话,上船去!上船去!好风正息在帆顶上要送你启程,人家都在等候你呢。(把手掌按在儿子头上)好吧,我为你祝福。The translation of the three shows POLONIUSs demands on his son as both a minister and a father. Liang Shiqius tran


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