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《大学英语语法主谓一致.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《大学英语语法主谓一致.ppt(44页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、大学英语语法大学英语语法 主谓一致主谓一致 主谓一致主谓一致 Subject-verb Concordn n“一致”(concord或agreement)指句子成分之间或词语之间在语法形式上的协调关系。主谓一致指主语和谓语动词之间在“人称”和“数”的方面的一致关系,这又叫做“主-动一致”(Subject-verb Concord)。指导原则指导原则n1.语法一致原则(Grammatical Concord)n n主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;主语为复数形式,主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;主语为复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。谓语动词也用复数形式。n nThe number of e

2、rrors The number of errors waswas surprising.surprising.n nJane and Mary Jane and Mary looklook alike.alike.n2.意义一致原则(Notional Concord)n n1 1)主语形式虽为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词为复数。)主语形式虽为单数,但意义为复数,谓语动词为复数。n nThe crowd The crowd were were running for their lives.running for their lives.指导原则指导原则n n单数形式代表复数内容的词有:单数形

3、式代表复数内容的词有:people,police,cattle,militiapeople,police,cattle,militia等。等。n n2)2)主语形式为复数,而意义上却是单数,谓语动词用单数。主语形式为复数,而意义上却是单数,谓语动词用单数。n nThe news was very exciting.The news was very exciting.n n形复意单的单词有形复意单的单词有news,works news,works(工厂)和一些以(工厂)和一些以icsics结尾的结尾的学科名称,学科名称,physics,economicsphysics,economics等。等

4、。n3.就近原则(Principle of Proximity)n n谓语动词的单复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。如用连词谓语动词的单复数形式取决于最靠近它的词语。如用连词or,eitheror,neithernor,not only,but alsoor,eitheror,neithernor,not only,but also等连接的并列等连接的并列主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,谓语动词与靠近它主语,如果一个是单数,一个是复数,谓语动词与靠近它的主语一致。的主语一致。n nEither your students or Mr.Wang Either your students or Mr

5、.Wang knowsknows this.this.I.以以S结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致n n1.以以S结尾的表示疾病的名词作主语时谓结尾的表示疾病的名词作主语时谓语用单数语用单数n n arthritis:关节炎 bronchitis:支气管炎 n n mumps:腮腺炎 diabetes:糖尿病 n n phlebitis:静脉炎n n但是measles(麻疹),rickets(软骨病)谓语可用单/复数n n2.以以S结尾的表示游戏名称的名词谓语常结尾的表示游戏名称的名词谓语常用单数用单数I.以以S结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致n ndar

6、ts:投镖游戏dominoes:多米诺骨牌n nmarbles:打弹子游戏 billiards:台球n n但cards(打纸牌)用复数;n n当它们表示所用工具时谓语用复数n nDarts is often played in English pubs.n nTwo darts are thrown at every turn.n n3.以以ics结尾的学科名称通常用单数结尾的学科名称通常用单数n nmathematics:数学 physics:物理学n noptics:光学 statistics:统计学n npolitics:政治学 acoustics:声学/音响效果n neconomics

7、:经济学 athletics:体育学n nmechanics:机械学 semantics:语义学n nlinguistics:语言学 tactics:兵法/策略n n当这类名词表示学科以外的其它意义时用作复数n nStatistics is not as difficult as some people think.n nThe latest statistics on crime are beyond description.n n注:下列以ics结尾的名词仅用作单数n nclassics:杰作,著作 comics:连环图画n nethics:伦理学 cosmetics:化妆品n4.以S 结

8、尾的地理名称如山脉,海峡,瀑布,群岛等谓语动词通常用作复数n nthe West Indies西印度群岛 n nthe Bahamas巴哈马群岛n nthe Himalayas喜马拉雅山脉 n nthe Straits of Gibraltar直布罗陀海峡 n nthe Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布n nthe Rockies 落基山脉 n n但如果是国名,则用作单数,如:the United States,the United Nations,the Netherlands(荷兰)。n5.由二部分组成的物体通常以S结尾,如果不带“一把”等单位词而单独使用,通常用作复数。n nsc

9、issors剪子 shears 大剪刀 pincers、tongs 钳子 pliers 老虎钳 pajamas 睡衣,宽长裤 suspenders吊裤带 knickers短裤,灯笼裤 pants 裤子 jeans 工装裤 shorts 短裤 briefs 三角裤 shoes glasses/spectacles 眼镜 binoculars 望远镜 chopsticksn如带有单位词,则由单位词的单/复数来决定谓语动词的单/复数n nA pair of shoes was on the desk.n n6.下列以s结尾的名词通常用作复数n n archives:档案 arms:武器n n eav

10、es:屋檐 contents:内容n n goods:货物 suburbs:郊区n n thanks:谢意 wages:工资n n stairs:楼梯 remains:遗体n n morals:道德,品行 minutes:记录n n 注:whereabouts(行踪,下落),dramatics(舞台艺术)可用单/复数n n7.凡是由-ings结尾的名词常用作复数n n clippings:剪下来的东西 filings:锉屑n n earnings:收入 diggings:掘出的东西n n lodgings:租的房间 surroundings:环境n n sweepings:扫拢的垃圾n n 注

11、:tidings(消息,音信)可用作单或复数n.以结尾的单,复数同形的名词,谓语动词形式取决于这些名词是用作单数还是用作复数;意义不同,单复数也不同n n barracks:营房 headquarters:总部n n means:方法,手段,工具 series:系列n n species:种类 works:工厂 n n crossroads:十字路口n n This glass works was set up in 2008.n n These glass works are near the railway station.n9.少数名词用作单数和用作复数意义不同n Whats the o

12、dds?有什么要紧?=what does it matter?(差别)n n The odds are against us.我们成功的机会很小。(可能的机会)n n The martyrs remains were buried at the foot of the hill.遗体n n Here is the remains of the temple.遗迹遗迹n n练习:练习:n n1.The 1.The Alps Alps(covers,(covers,cover)cover)an an area area of of 200,000 200,000 square square kil

13、ometers kilometers and and(is(is,are),are)the the greatest greatest mountain mountain range range in in Europe.Europe.n n2.Draughts(is,are)an easier game than chess.2.Draughts(is,are)an easier game than chess.n n3.What(is,are)his politics?3.What(is,are)his politics?n n4.The 4.The remains remains of

14、of Shakespeare Shakespeare(is,(is,are)are)buried buried on on Stratford-on-Avon.Stratford-on-Avon.n n5.Politics(is,are)the art or science of government.5.Politics(is,are)the art or science of government.n n6.Mr Smiths morals(is,are)above criticism.6.Mr Smiths morals(is,are)above criticism.n n7.Usual

15、ly 7.Usually a a bird bird species species facing facing the the danger danger of of extinction(extinction(gains,gain)public recognition.gains,gain)public recognition.n n8 The species of fish in the aquarium(is,are)numerous.8 The species of fish in the aquarium(is,are)numerous.II.集体名词集体名词(Collective

16、 NounCollective Noun)作主语的主作主语的主谓一致谓一致n n1.通常用作复数的集体名词:people,police,folk,youth,cattle,poultry,militia,verminn nHis cattle were still lean.n nSuch vermin as bugs and rats are hard to get rid of.n nMany cattle are kept.饲养了很多牲畜。n nSeveral hundred police were on duty.几百个警察在执勤。n nThe police are searching

17、 for him.n n2.通常用作单数的集体名词:advice,baggage,equipment,information,knowledge,machinery,scenery,news,foliage,merchandise,furnitureII.集体名词集体名词(Collective NounCollective Noun)作主语的主作主语的主谓一致谓一致n nThe merchandise on display in the shop window is very good.n nAll the machinery is new.n n3.既可用作复数也可用作单数的集体名词:fam

18、ily,army,group,committee,company,government,enemy,class,team,party,club,majority,crowd,audience,jury,union,fleet(舰队),faculty(能力;大学教职人员),crew,publicn nHis family are all music lovers.n nHis family isnt large.n nHis family_ going to have a long journey.n nThe whole family _ watching TV.n n练习:练习:n n1.T

19、he jury _in opinion about“sentence of death.”1.The jury _in opinion about“sentence of death.”n nA.disagrees A.disagrees B.disagree B.disagree n nC.agrees C.agrees D.has disagreedD.has disagreedn n2.Today the public _about the way nature is being ruined.2.Today the public _about the way nature is bei

20、ng ruined.n nA.are concerned A.are concerned B.is concernedB.is concernedn nC.have been concerned C.have been concerned D.is being concernedD.is being concernedn n3.The committee cant come to a decision because _at odds.3.The committee cant come to a decision because _at odds.n nA.it has B.they have

21、 C.it is D.they areA.it has B.they have C.it is D.they aren n4.The 4.The majority majority _on _on Bens Bens side,side,but but Peter Peter disagrees disagrees with with them them on two points.on two points.n nA.were B.was C.is D.areA.were B.was C.is D.areKeys:b d d dIII.并列结构并列结构(Coordinate Subject)

22、做主语做主语的主谓一致的主谓一致n n1.1.用用andand或或bothand bothand 连接并列主语,谓语通常用复数连接并列主语,谓语通常用复数n nTo mean to do something and to actually do something To mean to do something and to actually do something areare two separate things.two separate things.n n但但是是当当并并列列主主语语指指的的是是同同一一个个人人,事事物物或或概概念念时时,谓谓语语用用单单数数,这这时时andand后

23、面的名词没有冠词。后面的名词没有冠词。n nTruth and honesty Truth and honesty is is the best policy.the best policy.n nThe girls teacher and friend The girls teacher and friend is is a young doctor.a young doctor.n nTo love and to be loved To love and to be loved is is the great happiness.the great happiness.n nTo try

24、and fail To try and fail is is better than not to try at all.better than not to try at all.n nA knife and fork A knife and fork is is on the table.on the table.n nBread and butter Bread and butter is is our daily food.our daily food.n n类类似似结结构构有有:whisky whisky and and soda,soda,strawberry strawberry

25、 and and cream,cream,salt salt and and water,water,ham ham and and egg,cart and horseegg,cart and horse,fish and chipsfish and chips等。等。n n2.当and 连接的单数主语前面有 each,every,many a,no 等修饰时,(即 many aand many a;everyand every;eachand each;noand no)谓语动词用单数n nMany a boy and many a girl has seen the brighter-t

26、han-expected white flash of light.n nNo teacher and no student was present at the opening ceremony.n n3.如主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with,together with,as well as,as much as,no less than,more than,rather than,like,but,except,besides,in addition to等引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数n nThat man,as well as his wife,is accused of molestin

27、g minors since 1950s.n nA professor,together with his students,was sent to work in Nigeria.n nThe room with its furniture was rented.n n4.由or,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut(also),not but 等连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语与邻近的主语取得一致n nEither you or he is to go.n nNot only Joan but her sisters know the combination to

28、the safe which contains the list of the family securities.n n练习:练习:n n1._either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss?1._either he or his accountants going to claim for the loss?n n A.Are A.AreB.Were C.Is D.DoesB.Were C.Is D.Doesn n2.Joes 2.Joes father,father,along along with with his hi

29、s two two uncles,uncles,_in _in New New York York one one more day.more day.n n A.demand that he stay A.demand that he stayn n B.demands that he stays B.demands that he staysn n C.demands that he stay C.demands that he stay n n D.demand that he stays D.demand that he staysn n3.Every policeman and fi

30、reman _on the alert.3.Every policeman and fireman _on the alert.n n A.have been A.have been B.was B.was C.are D.wereC.are D.weren nKeys:c c b Keys:c c b IV.代词以及代词以及“限定词限定词+名词名词”作主语作主语的主谓一致的主谓一致n n1.由不定代词every,each,each one,each of,another,either,neither,no one,the other,everybody,everything,many a,m

31、ore than one 等作主语或修饰主语时,谓语用单数。n nMany a ship has been damaged in the storm.n nMore than one man believes that the promise of the American Dream is still out of reach for many blacks in the city.n n2.由“a great many,a good many,a group of,a number of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语用复数。IV.代词以及代词以及“限定词限定词+名词名词”作主语作主语的主谓一致

32、的主谓一致n nA great many graduates think they are all entitled to make a mistake once in a while.n n3.all of,some of,a lot of,half of,most of,the majority of,two thirds of,ninety percent of,the rest of,plenty of,part of,heaps of(堆)等+名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词的单/复数取决于后面的名词或代词的数,因为这些词是中心词n nHalf of the apples go bad.

33、n nThe rest of the land is uncultivated.n n练习:练习:n n1.Although the first part of the book is easy,the rest _.1.Although the first part of the book is easy,the rest _.n nA.are difficult B.has proved difficultA.are difficult B.has proved difficultn nC.is supposed difficult D.have been found difficultC

34、.is supposed difficult D.have been found difficultn n2.Mrs.Angel feels very happy when the rest _appearance.2.Mrs.Angel feels very happy when the rest _appearance.n nA.makes A.makes B.make their B.make their n nC.has made their C.has made their D.have made his D.have made hisn n3.More 3.More than th

35、an one one example example _necessary _necessary to to make make the the students students understand this rule clearly.understand this rule clearly.n nA.should be A.should be B.is C.are D.have beenB.is C.are D.have beenn n4.Another five weeks _necessary for us to finish the work.4.Another five week

36、s _necessary for us to finish the work.n nA.are A.are B.were C.is D.will have beenB.were C.is D.will have beenn nKeys:b b b cKeys:b b b cV.数词、量词作主语的主谓一致数词、量词作主语的主谓一致n n1.1.表表加加,减减,乘乘,除除等等算算式式时时,谓谓语语常常用用单单数数。如如数数词词是是复复数数形形式式,如如:thousands thousands of,of,millions millions of of 等等,谓谓词词常用复数常用复数n nTen m

37、inus two Ten minus two is is eight.eight.n nForty divided by eight Forty divided by eight is is five.five.n n2.2.当当a a portion portion of,of,a a series series of,of,a a pile pile of,of,a a kind kind of,of,a a great great deal deal of,of,a a great great amount amount of of 等等+复复数数主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词用用单数形

38、式单数形式n nA A large large portion portion of of Emilys Emilys poems poems waswas found found and and published published after her death.after her death.n nA A series series of of lectures lectures on on educational educational psychology psychology is is said said to to be be given by E.Stone.given b

39、y E.Stone.n n3.3.当当a a flock flock of,of,a a drove drove of,of,a a school school of,of,a a swarm swarm of,of,a a herd herd of,of,a a pack pack of of 等等集集体体名名词词被被看看作作一一个个整整体体时时,谓语用单数。如指个体,用复数谓语用单数。如指个体,用复数n nUsually,Usually,a a herd herd of of African African elephants elephants hashas up up to to on

40、e one thousand members.thousand members.n n4.the number of+4.the number of+复数主语,谓语用单数;复数主语,谓语用单数;a number of+a number of+复数主语,谓语用复数复数主语,谓语用复数n nA number of Britons A number of Britons werewere sent to Tehran yesterday.sent to Tehran yesterday.n nThe number of BritonsThe number of Britons was was fif

41、ty-four.fifty-four.n n练习:练习:n n1.The 1.The number number of of students students in in the the oral oral English English program program training _to 20.training _to 20.n nA.limits A.limits B.is limited B.is limited n nC.limited C.limited D.are limitedD.are limitedn n2.A 2.A series series of of deba

42、tes debates between between the the lecturers lecturers _ _ for for the next weekend.the next weekend.n nA.are scheduled B.was scheduledA.are scheduled B.was scheduledn nC.were scheduled C.were scheduled n nD.have beenD.have been scheduledscheduledn nKeys:b bVI.分句,从句作主语分句,从句作主语的主的主谓一致谓一致n n1.不定式分句和i

43、ng 分词分句作主语,谓语用单数n nWriting stories and articles is what I enjoy most.n n2.名词性从句作主语,谓语动词常用单数n nWhat caused the accident is a complete mystery.VI.分句,从句作主语分句,从句作主语的主的主谓一致谓一致n nThat blacks in Americas second-largest city fare the worst among all major races in education,health,economics,housing and crim

44、inal justice is said by a study released on Wednesday.n n3.定语从句中从句与先行词的数保持一致n nI am one of those people who by the general opinion of the world are counted both infamous and unhappy.n nGeorge is the one of the brightest confidants who has graduated from Mongolia University.n nI,who am your friend,wi

45、ll try my best to help you.n n4.4.存在句中,存在句中,be be 的单的单 复数适用就近原则复数适用就近原则n nThere There hashas to to be be a a lot lot of of give-and-take give-and-take in in any any successful successful marriage.marriage.n nThere There areare four chairs,a table,and a small bed in the room.four chairs,a table,and a

46、 small bed in the room.n n5.5.强强调调句句“It It is is I I who who.”.”中中,分分句句动动词词形形式式与与I I要要保保持持一一致致。非非正正式式英英语语中中,可可用用meme代代替替I I,随随后后的的分分句句动词常用第三人称单数动词常用第三人称单数n nIt is It is I I who who amam to blame.to blame.n nIt is It is meme that that waswas injured in the accident.injured in the accident.n n练习:练习:n

47、n1.John 1.John is is the the one one of of the the staff staff members members who who _to _to be be transferred.transferred.n nA.is going A.is going B.are goingB.are goingn nC.have been going D.has been goingC.have been going D.has been goingn n2.He is one of those persons who_ never satisfied.2.He

48、 is one of those persons who_ never satisfied.n nA.are B.is C.has been D.to beA.are B.is C.has been D.to ben n3.What they have done _useful to the people.3.What they have done _useful to the people.n nA.are considered B.is consideredA.are considered B.is consideredn nC.have been considered C.have be

49、en considered n nD.will be consideredD.will be consideredn nKeys:a a bKeys:a a b n n6 6 6 6某些固定结构中主语与谓语的数某些固定结构中主语与谓语的数某些固定结构中主语与谓语的数某些固定结构中主语与谓语的数 n n第一组:第一组:a great many+a great many+可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语用复数谓语用复数谓语用复数谓语用复数 a number of+a number of+可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语用复数谓语用复数谓语用复数谓语用复数

50、 the majority of+the majority of+可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语用复数谓语用复数谓语用复数谓语用复数 n n第二组;the number of+the number of+可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语用单数谓语用单数谓语用单数谓语用单数 each/every+each/every+可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语用单数谓语用单数谓语用单数谓语用单数 neither/either of+neither/either of+可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数可数名词复数 谓语用单数谓语用单数谓


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