高中英语 unit 3 Celebration 3.Weddings课件 新人教必修1.ppt

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1、3.Weddings2021/8/11 星期三1.短语翻译1even if _【答案】即使,尽管2ought to _【答案】应该3contribute.to._【答案】把捐献给4link.to._【答案】把和连接起来5应某人邀请 _【答案】at the invitation of sb.2021/8/11 星期三26毕业典礼 _【答案】graduation ceremony7进入的入口/通道 _【答案】the entrance to.8上学 _【答案】attend school9好运气 _【答案】good luck10穿传统服装 _【答案】wear traditional clothes20

2、21/8/11 星期三3.句型转换11A.The man married a beautiful girl last year.BThe man_ _ _a beautiful girl last year.【答案】got married to12A.Now its time for us to go out of the city to travel.BNow its time_ _ _out of the city to travel.【答案】that we went13A.They are building a big theatre in the centre of our town.

3、BA big theatre_ _ _in the centre of our town.【答案】is being built2021/8/11 星期三414A.You contributed a great deal to our success.BYou_ _ _to our success.【答案】made great contributions15A.It is said the moon is its biggest and brightest on the MidAutumn Festival.BThe moon is said_ _its biggest and brightes

4、t on the MidAutumn Festival.【答案答案】to be2021/8/11 星期三5 If a friend gets an invitation to a wedding,you can go with him,even if you dont receive an invitation yourself.如果朋友接到婚礼请柬,你可以和他一同去,即便是你本人没有接到请柬。invitation n请柬,邀请an invitation to(prep.).参加的请柬an invitation to the party/wedding参加宴会(婚礼)的请帖send out i

5、nvitations发请帖at the invitation of sb.应某人邀请We had three invitations to parties.我们收到三封晚会请柬。2021/8/11 星期三6Thank you for your kind invitation.谢谢你的盛情邀请。We went to the party at the invitation of the chairman.我们应主席的邀请参加聚会。2021/8/11 星期三7 invite sb.to some place 邀请某人去某地invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人去做某事Id like to

6、invite you to dinner this evening.我想今晚请你吃饭。另外,even if/though即使Even if/though he can understand you,he wont follow your advice.即使他能听懂你的话,他也不会听从你的建议。Shes going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels.即使成绩全得A,她找工作还会有困难。2021/8/11 星期三8【解析】句意为“即使孩子的观点与我们的不同,也要给他们发表意见的机会”。until直到;unles

7、s除非;as though/as if好像,似乎,它们都不合句意。【答案】B 1.Allow children the space to voice their opinions,_they are different from your own.Auntil Beven ifCunless Das though2021/8/11 星期三9 Everyone can attend the reception afterwards.之后,人人都可参加婚宴。attend vt.出席,参加attend school 上学attend a meeting参加会议Many people attended

8、 the meeting.许多人出席了会议。I dont like attending a wedding ceremony because there are too many people.我不喜欢参加结婚典礼因为人太多。2021/8/11 星期三10 attend,join,join in与take part in用法比较:(1)attend指参加会议、婚/葬礼、典礼;去上课、上学、听报告等。I attended his lecture.我听了他的讲座。(2)join指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成为其成员之一。Will you join us in the discussion?你参加我

9、们的讨论吗?(3)join in 多指参加“球赛、游戏”等活动。而join sb.in(doing)sth.是“和某人一起做某事”的意思。Come along and join in the ball game.快来参加球赛。(4)take part in 指参加群众性活动,强调主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。He often takes part in politics.他经常参加政治活动。2021/8/11 星期三11 2.单词拼写The couple are fond of a_wedding parties.【答案】attending2021/8/11 星期三12 There is

10、 a box at the entrance to the reception and you ought to put money into it.在进入婚宴的入口有一只箱子,你要往里面投钱。entrance n入口at the entrance(of.)在(的)入口处the entrance to.的入口处,进入Excuse me,where is the entrance to the exhibition hall?对不起,请问展览大厅的入口处在哪里?2021/8/11 星期三13 entrance还可用作定语。a university entrance examination大学入学

11、考试What is the an entrance fee?入场费是多少?3.介词填空(1)We usually use the front entrance_the building but theres another entrance_the back.(2)The Status of Liberty was erected_the entrance of New York Harbour.【答案】(1)to;to(2)at2021/8/11 星期三14 .,but they usually wear traditional clothes.,但他们通常穿着传统服装。wear表示“穿;戴

12、”之意,表示状态。She is wearing a new dress today.她今天穿一件新衣服。The man wearing glasses is her father.戴眼镜的那个人是她的父亲。2021/8/11 星期三15 put on,wear,have on与dress用法比较:(1)put on意为“穿上;戴上”,和put off,take off相对。如:put on ones clothes/gloves/shoes/hat/cap.它强调“穿戴”的动作。Put on more clothes,or youll catch a cold.多穿一些衣服,不然你会着凉的。(

13、2)have on意为“穿着;戴着”,强调穿戴的状态。不用进行时态。She has on a new dress today.她今天穿一件新衣服。(3)dress可作及物动词,意为“穿衣”,只能接表示人的名词或代词作宾语。dress up作“化装”解。She is dressing her son.她正在给她的儿子穿衣服。Im dressing myself.我正在穿衣服。2021/8/11 星期三16(4)be dressed in/be in表示穿的状态后跟“衣服”或表示“颜色”的词。She is dressed in a new dress today.她今天穿一件新衣服。The man

14、 in black over there is our headmaster.那边穿黑衣服的那人是我们的校长。4.Do you know the woman_red clothes?Awear BdressingChave on Din【解析】in为介词。【答案】D2021/8/11 星期三17 .,you dont have to contribute a lot of money.,你没必要拿出很多钱。contribute vt.&vi.捐助,捐献,贡献;投稿He contributed to the church.他向教会捐款。Cigarette smoking is a major f

15、actor contributing to cancer.吸烟是导致癌症的主要因素。He often contributes to this newspaper.他经常向这家报社投稿。2021/8/11 星期三18 contribute.to.向捐献(投稿)contribute to.促成,起作用,有助于make a contribution to/towards.向捐赠;对做出贡献以上短语中to为介词;contribution为名词形式。He made great contributions to the Chinese revolution.他为中国革命做出了巨大贡献。2021/8/11

16、星期三19 5.Eating too much fat can_heart disease and cause high blood pressure.Aresult from Bcontribute toCattend to Ddevote to【解析】contribute to“有助于,成为的原因,对有贡献”,后跟结果;result from“因为”,后跟原因;attend to“注意”。attend有时有“伴随”之意,但结果应在前面。如:Great danger attends the experiment.“那实验很危险”;devote to“致力于”。【答案】B2021/8/11 星

17、期三20 .,the best man should help put crowns made of flowers on the heads of the bride and bridegroom.,司仪应帮助把花冠戴到新郎和新娘的头上。(be)made of由制造(be)made up of意思是“由组成”,强调构成部分;make up.组成(此为主动结构)。The table is made of wood.这张桌子是木制的。That country is made up of over fifty islands.那个国家是由五十多个岛屿组成的。2021/8/11 星期三21 be m

18、ade of与be made from用法比较:be made of和be made from都指“(某种成品)是用(原料)制成的”,它们之间的区别是:前者指从制成品中可以看出原材料,后者指制成品已变得看不出原材料。Books are made of paper and paper is made from wood.书籍是用纸张制成的,而纸是用木材造的。另外,be made into意思是“(原料)被制成(成品)”。Grass can be made into paper.草可以造纸。2021/8/11 星期三22 6.Helen always helps her mother even t

19、hough going to school_most of her day.Atakes up Bmakes upCsaves up Dputs up【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。take up占据(时间、地位、注意力);make up构成,组成;save up贮存,储蓄;put up张贴。most of her day为表达时间的短语,所以用take up。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三23 Along silk ribbon that links the crowns is a symbol of a long and happy life for the couple.连接花冠的长

20、丝带是新婚夫妻永远幸福生活的象征。link vt.连接,联系This road links the two villages.这条路连接着两个村庄。These two accidents are closely linked together.这两件意外事件有密切的联系。We link up with the company.我们与该公司携手合作。2021/8/11 星期三24 link.to.把和连在一起The new bridge will link the island to the mainland.这座新桥把这座岛与大陆连接在一起。7.His heart_the hearts of

21、the masses.Alinks with Blinks toCis linked with Dis linked to【答案答案】C【解析】句意为“他的心同人民大众的心连在一起”。link sth.with sth.把某事和某事连接起来,所以应该是sth.be linked with sth.。2021/8/11 星期三25.单项填空1John,look at the time._you play the piano at such a late hour?AMust BCanCNeed DMay【解析】句意为:约翰,你看现在几点了。你非得在这么晚的时候弹钢琴吗?must在疑问句中常用来表

22、示责备、抱怨等感情色彩,意为“偏要;硬要”。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三262Mr Bush is on time for everything.How_it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?Acan BshouldCmust Dmay【解析】句意为:布什先生什么事情都很准时。开幕式他怎么会迟到呢?通常用can或could来表示对现在或客观事实的疑问推测,含有惊异、怀疑、困惑、失望等感情色彩。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三273What should I do with this passage?_the main ide

23、a of each paragraph.AFinding out BFound outCFind out DTo find out【解析】本题是承接上文问句的答语,相当于(You should)find out the main idea.,故选C。【答案】C2021/8/11 星期三284Shall I go and buy more fruit for the party?No,I have already bought 3 baskets.That_be enough.Acan Bought toCmay Dmight【解析】句意为:“我需要再去为宴会买一些水果吗?”“不用了,我已经买了

24、三篮子了。应该够了。”ought to应该,符合题意。can表推测时常用于否定句和疑问句中;may,might表示的可能性较小,与no所表达的语境不符。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三295I dont know whether my cell phone can_to the Internet or not in Hong Kong.Aconnect BlinkCcommunicate Dcombine【解析】句意为:不知道我的手机在香港能不能上网。link.to.意为“将和连接”,符合题意。connect,combine意为“连接;联合”,通常与with搭配;communicate沟通

25、。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三306Will you go to Marys birthday party?No,_invited,I cant go to it.Ill be too busy then.Aif BunlessCeven if Dbut【解析】句意为:“你去参加玛丽的生日晚会吗?”“不去,即使我接到邀请也不能去,因为那时候我很忙。”even if即使,符合题意。if表假设;unless除非;but表转折。【答案】C2021/8/11 星期三317All the students in Senior Three are preparing for the nationa

26、l_examination now.Aentry BenteringCentrance Denter【解析】句意为:所有高三的学生现在都在为高考作准备。在表示入学考试时,通常用entrance。entry入口;登记;entering插入;输入;enter为动词,意为“进入”。【答案】C2021/8/11 星期三328The fire spread through the hotel very quickly,so I_leave there.Ahad to BwouldCcould Dmight【解析】句意为:火势很快蔓延了整个酒店,所以我不得不离开那儿。have to表示由于客观条件而“不得

27、不”,符合题意。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三339Will you go skiing with me this winter vacation?It_.Aall depend Ball dependsCis all depended Dis all depending【解析】要看情况而定。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三3410The young man acted strangely during the interview.He made a bad_on the employer.Aimpression BexpressionCexperience Dopinion【解析】

28、make a.impression on sb.意为“给某人留下印象”。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三35.完成句子11下周你会参加她的婚礼吗?Will you_ _ _next week?【答案】attend her wedding12她在讨论中提出了很多好的意见。She_a lot of good ideas_the discussion.【答案】contributed;to13新运河将两条河连在一起。The new canal will_the two rivers.【答案】link14即使我们失败十次,我们也不灰心丧气。We wouldnt lose heart_ _we failed ten times.【答案】even if15最后,他找到了峡谷的入口。Finally he found the_ _the valley.【答案答案】entrance to2021/8/11 星期三362021/8/11 星期三372021/8/11 星期三38


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