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《状语从句课件--高三英语二轮复习.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《状语从句课件--高三英语二轮复习.pptx(18页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Translation 1.跑马拉松需要的不仅仅是努力,锻炼和耐心。2.这是一种极大地成就感,没什么比得上达成目标的愉悦。1.identify children at risk 识别处于危险中的孩子identification 身份2.disorder 失调,凌乱 in disorder3.Screen young children for hearing deficiencies 筛查有听力缺陷的4.Be associated with/be relevant to/be involved in/be related to/be linked to/with/be connected wit

2、h 与有关的5.Achieve desirable outcomes 取得理想的结果6.Restrict 限制 restricted 受限值得 restriction repetition 重复 repetitive behaviors 重复的行为7.Detect detection 发现,察觉 8.Self preservation 自我保护 9.Specifically 特别地,明确地 roughly 大致地,粗略地10.social-communication skills 社交技能11.Load with be loaded with 装满 12.Make donations to 捐

3、赠 12.sympathy and compassion 同情和怜悯13.it stands to reason 理所当然,显然地14.Shore up 支持 15.make for 有利于16.flashy 闪光的,瞬间的 in a flash/immediately 立刻17.Grand 极好的,宏伟的,豪华的 18.Chaos 混乱 21.exception 例外 exceptionally 例外地,特殊地21.Guarantee 保证 confirm 证明 assume 假设22.Abruptly 突然地,意外地 23.oppose/be opposed to 24.Alarmed 惊

4、恐的,害怕的 25.bitter 苦涩的26.Brilliant 才华横溢的,优秀的 27.live up to 不辜负,履行28.Come flooding back to 如潮水般涌入心头29 come up to 走近某人 30.hold on to 坚持31.Harsh words 残酷的言语 32.extensively 广泛地 It is a great feeling of accomplishment and nothing feels as wonderful as reaching my goal when I cross the finish line.Kindness

5、can be a small,simple act and still make an extremely large impact.It doesnt hurt that we also receive other rewards-status,cooperation,influence-that will help us survive and become successful.我们收到其它的奖励也无妨.Notice a need and then consciously offer a bit of yourself.有意识地As a saying goes,one mans meat

6、 is another man/s poison.甲之蜜糖,乙之砒霜AdverbialClause状语从句条件状语条件状语条件状语条件状语原因状语原因状语原因状语原因状语目的状语目的状语目的状语目的状语地点状语地点状语地点状语地点状语比较状语比较状语比较状语比较状语结果状语结果状语结果状语结果状语时间状语时间状语时间状语时间状语让步状语让步状语让步状语让步状语方式状语方式状语方式状语方式状语状语状语(adverbial)是是句子句子的重要修饰成分,一般的重要修饰成分,一般附加附加在谓语在谓语中中心语心语前面,从时间、前面,从时间、地点地点、原因,方式、条件、对象、范围、原因,方式、条件、对象、

7、范围和程度等方面对谓语中心词进行修饰、限制。英语中状语可和程度等方面对谓语中心词进行修饰、限制。英语中状语可由由形容词形容词、副词副词,介词,名词,不定式或整个句子充当。,介词,名词,不定式或整个句子充当。Point1:熟悉连接词:熟悉连接词,把握句子逻辑含义把握句子逻辑含义1.I was walking down the street _ I came across an old friend.2.i guess I felt strange _ it wasnt like she was my best friend or a relative.3.Youll be late again

8、_ you hurry.4.I was so excited _ it had such a great influence on her _ I decided to write a gratitude letter to someone each month.5._ anyone asks me the way somewhere,I would say“Im a stranger here.”6._ there is a will,there is a way.7.Much _ I like it,I wont buy it,for its too expensive.8.She oft

9、en wears sunglasses _ her eyes will get sunburnt.9.The old lady treats the boy _ he were her own son.when because unless that that If Wherever as/though for fear that as if时间时间1.听到消息的那一刻,人们震惊了。2._ I pass the school,I think of my first English teacher.3.You must go to the doctor if you feel any pain.

10、4.我尚未来得及说话他就挂断电话了。Point2:特殊连接词:特殊连接词的的含义和用法含义和用法 The moment people got the news,they got shocked.Each time/Every time Directly/Immediately you feel any pains,you must go to the doctor.No sooner had I begun to talk than he rang off.主要有主要有 everytime(每次每次),eachtime(每次每次),(the)nexttime(下次下次),anytime(随时随

11、时),(the)lasttime(上次上次),thefirsttime(第一次第一次):表示表示“-次次”的的 时间时间连词连词Ithoughtherniceandhonest_Imether.thefirsttime由由bythetime引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句在一般情况下,如果从句的谓语动词用在一般情况下,如果从句的谓语动词用一一般过去时般过去时,主句的谓语动词用,主句的谓语动词用过去完成时过去完成时;如果主句的谓语动词用如果主句的谓语动词用一般现在时一般现在时,主句,主句的谓语动词用的谓语动词用将来完成时将来完成时。例如:。例如:1)Bythetimeyoucameback,

12、I_(finish)thisbook.2)Bythetimeyoucomeheretomorrow,I_(finish)thiswork.hadfinishedwillhavefinished条件条件1._(只要)you keep on trying,you will surely succeed.2.2.在在保持整洁的条件下条件下,我可以让你使用这个房间。3.3.假如假如/假设假设他不肯帮忙,我们该向谁求助?4._(give)that I had the chance,I would make donations to those orphans.So/As long as Well let

13、 you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy.Suppose/Supposing(that)he wouldnt help,who should we turn to for help?=Assuming/Providing that-Given 原因1.Seeing that-鉴于,既然(now that=since)2.Considering that-考虑到Point2:特殊连接词:特殊连接词的的含义和用法含义和用法 They have made remarkable progress,_(consider)

14、that they only started last week.目的Point2:特殊连接词:特殊连接词的的含义和用法含义和用法Point3:状语从句中的倒装:状语从句中的倒装1.1.她正忙着家务,突然想起她竟忘记了去车站为他送行她正忙着家务,突然想起她竟忘记了去车站为他送行2.2.她在站台伫立良久,直到不见他的身影。她在站台伫立良久,直到不见他的身影。3.3.直到他消失在视线中,她才恋恋不舍的离去。直到他消失在视线中,她才恋恋不舍的离去。4.4.她自言自语安慰道:过不了多久还会再见的。她自言自语安慰道:过不了多久还会再见的。5.5.然而,自从车站分别到如今已经多年过去了。然而,自从车站分别

15、到如今已经多年过去了。6.6.多年分别后,当她再次见到他的那一刻,喜悦的泪水盈满多年分别后,当她再次见到他的那一刻,喜悦的泪水盈满眼眶。眼眶。7.7.她还未来得及擦去脸上的泪水,他已在微笑着向她挥手了。她还未来得及擦去脸上的泪水,他已在微笑着向她挥手了。-be doing-when-till/untilNot until-did she-It will not-before-since the moment/instant/second-No sooner-than-/Hardly-when-1.1.她正忙着家务,突然想起她忘记去车站为他送行了。她正忙着家务,突然想起她忘记去车站为他送行了。2

16、.2.她在站台伫立良久,直到不见他的身影。她在站台伫立良久,直到不见他的身影。3.3.直到他消失在视线中,她才恋恋不舍的离去。直到他消失在视线中,她才恋恋不舍的离去。4.4.她自言自语安慰道:过不了多久还会再见的。她自言自语安慰道:过不了多久还会再见的。She was busy doing housework when it hit her that she had forgotten to see him off at the station.She paused for a long time at the platform till/until he had passed out of

17、sight.(lose sight of)Not until he was out of her sight did she tore herself from the station.She murmured to comfort herself:“It will not be long before we meet again.”5.5.然而,自从车站分别到如今已经多年过去了。然而,自从车站分别到如今已经多年过去了。6.6.多年分别后,当她再次见到他的那一刻,喜悦的泪水盈满眼眶。多年分别后,当她再次见到他的那一刻,喜悦的泪水盈满眼眶。7.她还未来得及擦去脸上的泪水,他已在微笑着向她挥手了她

18、还未来得及擦去脸上的泪水,他已在微笑着向她挥手了。While it has been years since they separated at the station.(has gone)The moment she caught sight of him after years of separation,joyful tears welled up in her eyes.No sooner had she wiped the tears away than he waved at her with warm smile.(wipe at the tears that ran down her face)


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