高考英语一轮复习 unit1 Women of achievement课件 新人教必修4.ppt

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件届高考英语一轮复习课件新人教版全国通用2021/8/11 星期三12021/8/11 星期三22021/8/11 星期三3 behave vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现I trust you will behave better from now on.我相信,从现在起,你的表现会越来越好。链接链接behavior U n.行为;举止;习性2021/8/11 星期三4 behave vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现短语短语behave well 守规矩behave oneself 表现得有礼貌wellbehaved 守规矩的badbehaved 不守

2、规矩的2021/8/11 星期三5 behave vt.&vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)你的举止真的很好。You really _.(2)他知道在学校如何守规矩。He knows how to _ in school.(3)人的行为常受其所处环境的约束。_ is often regulated by his circumstances.behave quite wellbehave himselfA persons behavior2021/8/11 星期三6condition n.根据语境猜词义(1)We should pay more attent

3、ion to the poor living under the bad conditions.(2)My car is old but in good condition.(3)Ill do it on condition that you pay for everything.根据语义找匹配A.状况 B.环境 C.条件 BAC2021/8/11 星期三7短语短语be in(good)condition 健康,状况良好be out of condition 健康不佳,状况不佳on condition that 如果;在条件下on/under no condition 无论如何都不,决不(位于

4、句首时,句子用部分倒装)condition n.2021/8/11 星期三8活用活用 完成句子(1)The old house is _.这座老房子状况不好。(2)I will come _ Peter is invited,too.如果Peter也被邀请,我才会去。on condition thatcondition n.out of condition2021/8/11 星期三9根据语境猜词义(1)They were arguing about how to spend the money.(2)She argued him out of his decision.argue v.根据语义

5、找匹配A.据理力争B.说服C.争论BA2021/8/11 星期三10链接链接argument n.争论;争辩;争吵;论点;论据短语短语argue for(sb./sth.)为(某人/某事)而辩护 argue against(sb./sth.)反对(某人/某事)而辩护argue with sb.(about/over sth.)与某人(为某事)而争吵 argue that 主张argue v.2021/8/11 星期三11短语短语argue sb.into/out of doing sth.通过争论使某人做/不做某事 have an argument about/over sth.辩论某事set

6、tle an argument 解决争端 beyond argument 无可争辩argue v.2021/8/11 星期三12活用活用 根据语境填入恰当的介词(1)We are always arguing _ each other _ money.(2)They argued me _ buying a new bike.(3)He argued _ smoking,and insisted that it was _ argument that smoking was harmful to health.答案答案(1)with;about/over(2)into(3)against;be

7、yondargue v.2021/8/11 星期三13 inspire v.根据语境猜词义(1)Her experiences abroad inspired her and she made up her mind to create a new kind of TV station for Chinese viewers.(2)The story was inspired by a chance meeting with an old Russian duke.根据语义找匹配A.赋予灵感 B.鼓舞,激励 BA2021/8/11 星期三14链接链接inspiration n.灵感;启发;鼓舞

8、人的事或人inspired adj.受到鼓舞的;有灵感的 inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的,激励的 inspire v.2021/8/11 星期三15短语短语inspire sb.鼓励某人;赋予某人灵感inspire sb.to sth.鼓励某人某事inspire sb.to do sth.(encourage sb.to do sth.)鼓励某人做某事inspire sth.in sb.inspire sb.with sth.使某人产生;鼓励某人 inspire v.2021/8/11 星期三16活用活用 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子(1)The teachers words _.The

9、 teachers words _.老师的话使他产生了希望。(2)The students were all _ by the _ song.学生们都被这首振奋人心的歌曲所鼓舞。答案答案(1)inspired him with hope;inspired hope in him(2)inspired;inspiring inspire v.2021/8/11 星期三17intend v.根据语境猜词义(1)I intend you to take over my career.(2)The school is intended for the children whose parents ar

10、e doing odd work outside.根据语义找匹配A.专供使用B.打算 BA2021/8/11 星期三18短语短语be intended for 专供使用,专为而设计intend to do/doing 打算intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事intend sth.for sb./be intended for sb.打算供某人使用;打算送给某人Its intended that 按计划intend v.2021/8/11 星期三19活用活用 单项填空 Does your brother intend to study German?Yes,he intend

11、s_.A./B.to C.so D.that 解解析析 考查省略。省略了to后面的do 也就是study German。intend v.B2021/8/11 星期三20 你知道intended to do和intended to have done sth.的内在含义吗?解解析析 intended to do表示“过去打算做某事(可能做了,也可能没做)”,而intended to have done sth.表示“过去打算做某事而实际上没做”,是虚拟语气的一种表达形式,相当于had intended to do sth.。intend v.2021/8/11 星期三21observe v.根

12、据语境猜词义(1)The car I observed earlier was no longer there.(2)The police have been observing his movements.(3)I sat in a corner,observing what was going on.(4)It is our duty to observe the traffic rules.2021/8/11 星期三22根据语义找匹配A.看到 B.观察C.监视D.遵守答案答案 (1)A (2)C (3)B (4)Dobserve v.2021/8/11 星期三23链接链接observer

13、 n 目击者、观察员、观测员、旁听者observation n.观测、评论短语短语observe sb.do sth.注意到某人做某事observe sb.doing sth.注意到某人在做某事observe v.2021/8/11 星期三24活用活用 单项填空The patients were _ over a period of several weeks.A.watched B.noticed C.observed D.stared 解解析析考查动词词义辨析。observe观察(某一行为或现象);watch 观看,注意,留心看(活动,娱乐节目,事件)等;notice 是指无意识的注意到;

14、stare是指凝视,盯住。根据语境:病人被观察了好几个星期,所以答案是C。observe v.C2021/8/11 星期三25respect v.&n.根据语境猜词义(1)We all should respect our parents and teachers.(2)Mr.Smith always show respect to his childrens opinions.根据语义找匹配A.重视、尊重B.尊敬、敬佩 BA2021/8/11 星期三26链接链接respectable adj.可敬的、值得尊敬的、体面的、正派的respectful adj.有礼貌的、恭敬的respected

15、adj.受尊敬的respective adj.各自的,分别的respect v.&n.2021/8/11 星期三27解解析析考查形容词的词义辨析。根据语境:他开车送他们回各自的家,所以答案是C。活用活用 单项填空He drove them both to their _homes.A.respectable B.respectful C.respective D.respectedrespect v.&n.C2021/8/11 星期三28deliver vt.投递;传送,运送;发表(演讲等);宣布;助产,接生根据语境感悟其用法It is impossible to deliver this l

16、etter because the address is illegible.由于地址字迹不清,致使信件无法投递。链接链接delivery n.递送,分娩,交货2021/8/11 星期三29deliver vt.投递;传送,运送;发表(演讲等);宣布;助产,接生活用活用 指出下列句子中deliver的汉语意思(1)The mailman delivers the mail twice a day in this area.()(2)She will deliver a speech about how to study English tomorrow.()(3)She delivered a

17、 healthy baby.()投递发表(演讲)分娩2021/8/11 星期三30根据语境猜词义(1)Lets carry on our homework.(2)We must carry on until the rescue team arrived.carry on 根据语义找匹配A.坚持B.继续 BA2021/8/11 星期三31短语短语carry out 执行,实施;带出去carry away 带走,冲走 carry off 夺去,赢得,获得carry on 2021/8/11 星期三32活用活用 单项填空The meal over,the managers went back to

18、 the meeting room to _ their discussion.A.carry on B.put away C.take down D.look through 解解析析考查动词短语的辨析。carry on继续;put away收起来;take down 拿下来;look through浏览。根据语境:饭后,经理们回到会议室继续他们的讨论。所以答案是A。carry on A2021/8/11 星期三33 lead alife(live alife)过着的生活 He began to lead a luxurious life after inheriting a large a

19、mount of property.继承了一大笔遗产后他就过上了奢靡的生活。短语短语all ones life 某人的一生give new life into 给予活力,赋予生机bring to life 使苏醒(复活)2021/8/11 星期三34 lead alife(live alife)过着的生活活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)我们都想以我们自己的方式生活。We all like to _ in our own ways.(2)我出生的时候,我的祖父过着穷困潦倒的生活。When I was born,my grandpa _.lead our livesled a dogs

20、life2021/8/11 星期三35 lead alife(live alife)过着的生活活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(3)受伤的士兵很快就苏醒过来了。The wounded soldier _.(4)春天给整个城市赋予生机。The spring _ the whole city.was soon brought to lifegives a new life to2021/8/11 星期三36 by chance 碰巧,凑巧I found out this piece of news by chance.我偶然发现了这则消息。短语短语by any chance 或许,可能give

21、 sb.the chance 给(某人)以机会leave things to chance 顺其自然lose no chance 不放松,抓住时机2021/8/11 星期三37 by chance 碰巧,凑巧活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(1)我昨天在街上碰巧遇到了Tom。I met Tom _ in the street yesterday.(2)带上雨衣,也许会下雨。Take the raincoat _ of rain.by chanceby any chance2021/8/11 星期三38 by chance 碰巧,凑巧活用活用 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子(3)我们无能为力,我

22、们必须听其自然。There is nothing we can do,we must _.(4)我们必须抓住时机,因为机不可失,时不再来。We must _;for when it is once past,there is no recalling it.leave things to chancelose no chance2021/8/11 星期三39 Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.(P6)我突然想起,对于那时的女性来说接受医学训练一定很难。

23、2021/8/11 星期三40表示表示“某人突然想起某人突然想起”的表达:的表达:sth.occurs to sb.sth.strikes es to sb.It occurs to sb.thatclauseIt strikes sb.thatclauseIt crosses ones mind thatclause It hit me all of a sudden that I had forgotten her birthday.我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。2021/8/11 星期三412021/8/11 星期三42一、写作词汇一、写作词汇1.自然平衡 _2.濒危动物 _3.野生动

24、物保护 _4.对生态环境无害的 _5.环境保护 _environmental protectionnatural balanceendangered animalsprotection of wild animalsenvironmentally friendly2021/8/11 星期三43一、写作词汇一、写作词汇6.全球变暖 _7.温室效应 _8.森林覆盖率 _9.绿化面积 _10.自然保护区 _global warminggreenhouse effectforest coveragegreening spacenature reserve2021/8/11 星期三44二、句型操练二、句

25、型操练1.我们应该提高公众的环保意识。(arouse ones awareness/consciousness)2.只有这样我们才能对未来充满信心和力量。(be filled with)答案答案1.We should arouse peoples awareness/consciousness of environmental protection.2.Only in this way can we be filled with confidence and strength for the future.2021/8/11 星期三453.我们应该给野生动植物提供栖息地。(provide)4.

26、应该采取措施来控制和阻止污染,我们每个人都应该为此作出贡献。(make a contribution to)5.在节省能源和环境保护方面越来越重要。(matter)二、句型操练二、句型操练2021/8/11 星期三46二、句型操练二、句型操练答案答案3.We should provide habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants.4.Measures should be taken to control and prevent pollution and everyone should make a contribution t

27、o it.5.It matters more and more in energy saving and environmental protection.2021/8/11 星期三47三、实战演练三、实战演练请仔细观察下面两幅图画,理解其含义,然后就“人与自然”这一话题写一篇英语短文。注意:注意:1可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2词数:120左右。2021/8/11 星期三48One possible version:Nature is to us what water is to fish.Yet we dont always realize it until it is too late

28、.With the development of modern technology,there are more and more people on the earth and fewer and fewer resources left.Whats worse,pollution is getting more and more serious and the climate is becoming warmer and warmer.2021/8/11 星期三49So we must do something to protect not only our next generation but also ourselves.As is shown in the pictures,we plant trees and we will enjoy the shade ourselves as well as our grandchildren.If we do something good to nature,it will do more to us.2021/8/11 星期三502021/8/11 星期三51


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