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《精品解析:广东省广州市番禺区2020-2021学年八年级下学期期末英语试题(解析版).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《精品解析:广东省广州市番禺区2020-2021学年八年级下学期期末英语试题(解析版).docx(20页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020学年第二学期八年级英语科期末测试题IL纸笔局部(共90分)一、语音和语言知识(共两节,总分值15分)第一节单项选择(共10小题;每题0.5分,总分值5分)从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。1. The soldiers are brave enough our country.A. protectB. protectingC. to protectD. protected【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:士兵们足够勇敢来保卫我们的国家。考查非谓语动词。protect动词原形;protecting动名词形式;to protect动词不定式;protected动

2、词过去式。句中的形容词/副词+enough+to do sth.“足够做某事“,是固定用法。应选C。2. A mobile phone with 5G can send videos much than the one with 4G.A. fastB. more fasterC. fastestD. faster【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:5G手机发送视频的速度要比4G手机快得多。考查副词的比拟级。根据“than”可知,此空应填比拟级,“fast”的比拟级为“faster”。应选D。3. I phoned you this morning, but you didnt answer it

3、. Where were you at that time?Sorry, I forgot to bring my phone. I my relatives around the Canton Tower.A. showedB. am showingC. was showingD. would show【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意: 我今早打 给你,但你没接。那时候你在哪里? 对不起,我忘了带手机。我带 我的亲戚们参观了广州塔。考查过去进行时。根据上文u Where were you at that time?可知此句时态为过去进行时,应选C。4. 一 I have difficulty

4、English. Can you give me some advice?一 Sure. Try to speak English as much as you can.A. learningB. to learningC. to learnD. learnt【答案】Aprograms AI see” that your plates are empty and gives you points. You can use these points to buy yourself gifts or give away the points to buy meals for children in

5、 poor areas.The program was developed by Liu, a student at Tsinghua University. Liu came up with the idea in 2017.Technological innovation (创新)is a good way to cut down food waste,“ said Liu. He put together a 20-member team to work on the program. To teach the programs AI how to recognize empty pla

6、tes, the team spent half a year collecting 100,000 photo samples from cafes and restaurants in 10 cities.The team also started a campaign (活动)called Clear Your Plate in Chinese universities in 2018. Students competed against each other to see who could get those most points in Clear Plate. Now in it

7、s third year, the one-month campaign has reached 1,017 schools. In 2020, almost 1.6 million people took part in it, cutting down food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions by 3,337 tons.Thanks to his work, Liu was named by the United Nations in the list of 2020 Class of Young Leaders for Sustainabl

8、e (可持续开展的)Development Goals. We hope our efforts can start a new trend among the young people by encouraging them to value their food and develop the habit of thrift (节俭)J Liu said.34. How did Clear Plate encourage people to take pictures of empty plates after a meal?A. It gives points that people c

9、an use to buy things.B. It gives away meals to people forfree.C. It sends gifts to people with high scores.D. It makes people compete againsteach other.35. Lius team developed the program in order to.A. collect photo samples of foodB. cut down food wasteC. teach people to take fancy picturesD. help

10、children in poor areas36. What can we learn about the campaign Clear Your Plate?A. It was first started in middle schools.C. It brings a lot of good.37. What is the best title for the passage?A. A Funny WeChat Mini-ProgramC. A New Fashion of Taking Pictures【答案】34.A35. B 36. C 37. DB. It lasts for a

11、whole year.D. It attracts a small number of students.B. Liu- A Great HeroD. Clearing your Plate with Technology【解析】【导语】本文主要讲述了清华大学的学生开发了一个程序来减少食物浪费。【34题详解】细节理解题。根据第段”.encourages you to take pictures of your empty plates after a meal. The programs AI “see” that your plates are empty and gives you poi

12、nts.”可知是通过给可以用来买东西的积分,应选A。【35题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Technological innovation (创新)is a good way to cut down food waste”可知是为了减 少食物浪费,应选B。【36题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段“Now in its third year, the one-month campaign has reached 1,017 schools. In 2020, almost 1.6 million people took part in it, cutting down food waste by 8

13、62 tons and carbon emissions by 3,337 tons.” 可知这项为期一个月的运动现已进入第三年,已惠及1017所学校。2020年,近160万人参与其中,减少了 862吨食物垃圾和3337吨碳排放。所以这个活动带来了很多好处。应选C。【37题详解】最正确标题题。通读全文可知文章讲述了清华大学的学生开发了一个程序来减少食物浪费,应选D。(C)Most people think martial arts (武术)are all about kicking, punching (用拳打)and fighting. But tai chi is the other wa

14、y around. It is slow, calm and peaceful.UNESCO recently added tai chi to its Intangible Cultural Heritage List (非物质文化遗产名录).Tai chi is an ancient martial art, but it is still quite popular today. It has over 100 million fans in more than 150 countries.People do tai chi as a way to stay fit. Unlike ot

15、her exercises, it is “softthe muscles are not tensed (紧的),the joints are not fully bent (弯 曲 的),and you dont need to stretch too much. This means many people can do it. You can practise it almost anytime and anywhere, as no equipment is needed. During slow movements of tai chi, we can focus on our h

16、ands and feet. It is believed that practising tai chi can help us have better control of our bodies so that we can stand, walk, and run better. Slow movements also allow us to take deep, long breaths. This is good for our bodies.But the benefits (好处)of tai chi go beyond the physical. Marleni, a Peru

17、vian woman who has practised tai chi for more than 10 years, says its not only a sport, but also a way of life. Tai chi has taught her the value of living more slowly. Life and work used to stress her out. But she began to feel a change thanks to tai chi, which helped her “get inner peace. She said,

18、 “For me now, practicing tai chi is like speaking with my soul (灵魂) 38. According to the passage, which of the following is true about tai chi?A. It is about kicking, punching and fighting.B. It is a modern martial art.C. It is only popular in China.D. It can help people stay fit.39. Many people can

19、 do tai chi because.A it is soft and people dont need to stretch too muchB. they dont need to fbcus on their hands and feetC. it makes the muscles tensed and the joints bentD. it requires some equipment40. The writer supports his viewpoints in Paragraph 4 byA. comparing factsA. comparing factsB. lis

20、ting numbersC. giving examplesD. using famous sayings41. Whafs the purpose of this passage?A. To teach people how to do tai chi.B. To introduce the benefits of tai chi.C. To share a new way of peaceful life.D. To compare tai chi with other martial arts.【答案】38.D39. A 40. C 41. B【解析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介

21、绍了太极这种武术以及练习太极的好处。【38题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段“People do tai chi as a way to stay fit可知,人们把练习太极当作一种保持健康的方式,由此可知太极可以帮助人们保持健康。应选D。【39题详解】 细节理解题。根据第三段 uPeople do tai chi.it is soft.and you dont need to stretch too much.” 可知,很多 人练习太极是因为它很“柔软”,并且不需要人拉伸太多。应选A。【40题详解】推理判断题。通读第四段可知,本段讲述了 Marleni从太极练习中得到的好处,由此可知作者在第四

22、段是运 用举例子的方式来支撑他的观点的。应选C。【41题详解】推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了太极这种武术以及练习太极的好处,由此可知作者写这篇文 章的目的是介绍太极的好处。应选B。(D)I have depression. I always miss my old self. Every time I think of her, I cant control my tears. Can you help me find her?LisaDear Lisa,It hurts to know that youre in pain. I want to tell you how I got

23、 through this. One year ago, my grandfather passed away. Since then, I have drowned (沉浸)in sorrow. But one day, my father took me out to my grandpas vegetable garden. With his green and lively plants around me, I felt like my grandpa was encouraging me to be happier.After that, I often go camping an

24、d watch the sunrise with my parents. When I walk out into the world, I find that my past confusion (困惑)has disappeared. If youre in pain, go out to find something amazing.And above all, never be afraid to seek a doctors help. With a professionaPs (专业人士的)advice, youll be fine soon.LinDear Lisa,Im ver

25、y sorry to hear about your situation (情况), Depression is one of the hardest things that a person can go through. Til do what I can to help you.First of all, have you talked to anyone about it? I know it can be difficult. Your friends or even parents might just think youre a little sad”. But it reall

26、y helps a lot to talk to someone, even if they have no advice to give. Just listening is enough.If your sadness is troubling you in ways that make your life difficult (sleepless nights, loss of interest in hobbies), then you need to see a doctor. They can help you. If s necessary to remember that de

27、pression is not a personal failure and you are not doing anything wrong. If you cant get professional help, at least try to find comfort in a friend or family member.MikeIf someone is in depression, he or she is probably in a state of.A. feeling angry all the timeB. being a little sad sometimesC. fe

28、eling unhappy all the timeD. being interested in many things42. How did Lin get through her pain?A. Her grandpa encouraged her to be happier.B. She always asked her friends and parents for advice.C. She found some green and lively plants in a garden.D. She walked out and found something amazing in t

29、he world.43. Both Lin and M汰e advise Lisa to.A. watch the sunriseB. talk to someoneC. seek a doctors helpD. find comfort in a friendIn which section of a newspaper would you possibly read the above passage?A. Education.B. Feelings.C. Fashion.D. Local News.【答案】42.C43. D 44. C 45. B【解析】【导语】本文是一篇应用文。文章

30、大意:Lin和Mike就Lisa的精神抑郁问题给出了各自的抚慰和建议。【42题详解】推理判断题。根据第二格第一段“I want to tell you how I got through this.Since then, I have drowned in sorrow.可知,精神抑郁时的Lin沉浸在悲伤当中,由此可知当人处于精神抑郁的状态时总是会感到不开心。 应选C。【43题详解】推理判断题。根据第二格第二段“If yoiTre in pain, go out to find something amazing.”可知,Lin建议正处于 痛苦之中的人们出去寻找一些令人惊叹的东西,由此可知经历

31、过精神抑郁的她应是通过这种方式度过她的 痛苦的。应选D。【44题详解】细节理解题。根据第二格第三段“never be afraid to seek a doctors help.”和第三格第三段.then you need to see a doctor.可知,Lin和Mike都建议Lisa要去看医生。应选C。【45题详解】推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要内容和精神抑郁有关,选项B “情绪”与此联系最紧密,所以我们 最可能在报纸的“情绪”板块看到此内容。应选B。第二节阅读填空(共5小题;每题1分,总分值5分)阅读短文及文后AE选项,选出可以填各题空白处的最正确选项。Have you ever

32、 bought any second-hand things? 46 One million people are selling over 2 million second-hand items, such as clothing and books every day.People have made more money in recent years and bought more things than they really need. As more people turn to a simple lifestyle, they are selling their used it

33、ems for cheap. Shoppers like the low prices. 47Chen is a college student in Shanghai. When she wants to buy books, she searches for the books she wants on a second-hand book-trading site and adds them to her shopping cart, just like on any other shopping sites. 48 The price is as much as 70 % lower

34、than new books.Besides lower prices, people can also find out-of-print books. Yan is a picky (拟K易ij 的)reader. She has bought many classic versions (版本)of books.49 I looked for it fbr a long time. Now I have it!” she said.50 Zhao, a college student in Harbin, once found a note in a second-hand book s

35、he bought. Its previous (以前的)owner shared her thoughts and hoped I would enjoy it. It was so heartwarming,“ Zhao said. I want to do the same thing in the future, too.”They are also attracted to the fact that buying second-hand things is good for the environment.A. Buying old books can even connect r

36、eaders.B. One of them is a copy of Pride and Prejudice that was published in 1993.C. Buying second-hand items is becoming more popular these days.D. The difference is that the books are much cheaper.【答案】46.D47. A 48. E 49. C 50. B【解析】【导语】本文介绍购物二手物品变得越来越流行。文中介绍了人们购物二手物品的原因。【46题详解】根据 One million peopl

37、e are selling over 2 million second-hand items, such as clothing and books every day. “ 可 知,每天有100万人出售超过200万件二手物品,因此购买二手物品很流行,D项“如今,购买二手物品变 得越来越流行。”符合语境,应选D。【47题详解】根据 “As more people turn to a simple lifestyle, they are selling their used items for cheap. Shoppers like the low prices.可知,此处介绍人们购物二手物品

38、的原因,A项“他们也被一个事实所吸引,即购买二手物品对环 境有好处。”符合语境,应选A。【48题详解】根据The price is as much as 70 % lower than new books.可知,二手书比新书价格低70%,因此更廉价,E 项“不同的是这些书廉价得多。”符合语境,应选E。【49题详解】根据She has bought many classic versions (版本)of books.”可知,此处介绍她买的经典版本的书,C项“其 中一本是1993年出版的傲慢与偏见。符合语境,应选C。【50题详解】根据 “Its previous (以前的)owner share

39、d her thoughts and hoped I would enjoy it. It was so heartwarming,Zhao said.”可知,这本书的前任主人和她提供了自己的想法,因此表示购物旧书能把读者联系起来,B项“购买 旧书甚至可以将读者联系起来。”符合语境,应选B。四、写作(共三节,总分值30分)第一节语篇填词(共5小题,每题1分,总分值5分)请根据短文的内容,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词,并注意使 用该词的正确形式。It was a cold and snowy morning, and it was my first day t

40、o a new school. I was walking slowly and worrying about lots of things. A girl who was riding a bike passed me quickly. Suddenly, she fell off her bike a few steps in front of me. She tried hard to stand up but fell again. Without thinking, I went over and o 51 to help her. Shesaid Thank you. with a

41、 smile and then rode way.When I r 52 school, my class teacher led me to the classroom. At first, everybody keptq 53 and looked at me curiously. It made me feel nervous. Then, I heard a sweet voice say, Welcome toour class. It came from the girl at the front of the classroom. She was the one that I h

42、elped on my way to school just now. What a surprise! She invited me to sit next to her. Since I didnt have the new textbooks, she shared hers with me. A 54 it was my first day at school, I felt happy and relaxed.This experience always r 55 me that helping others is sometimes helping myself.【答案】51 (o

43、)ffered. (r)eached52 . (q)uiet. (A)lthough53 . (r)eminds【解析】【导语】本文讲述了我去新学校的第一天。我主动走过去帮助一个骑自行车的摔倒的女孩。当我到达学校 时,我们竟在一个班,她邀请我坐在她旁边。因为我没有新课本,她和我提供了她的。虽然这是我上学的 第一天,但我感到高兴和放松。这段经历总是提醒我,帮助别人有时就是帮助自己。【51题详解】句意:我想也没想就走过去主动帮助她。根据 “She tried hard to stand up but fell again. Without thinking, I went over andto h

44、elp her.”及首字母提示可知,这里是作者主动提供帮助,用动词offer表达;再由“went”可 知,此处应用一般过去时。故填(o)ffered。【52题详解】句意:当我到达学校时,我的班主任把我带到教室。根据When I.school, my class teacher led me to the classroom.及首字母提示可知,作者见的老师领着他去了教室,所以这时候他是到达了学校,用动词reach 表达;再由“led”可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填(r)eached。【53题详解】句意:起初,每个人都保持安静。根据 At first, everybody kept.and loo

45、ked at me curiously. It made me feel nervous. Then, I heard a sweet voice say”及首字母提示可知,教室里没人说话,很安静,后来是那个作者 帮助过的女孩打破了沉默,此处应用quiet表达“安静的”。故填(q)uiet。【54题详解】句意:虽然这是我上学的第一天,但我感到高兴和放松。根据.it was my first day at school, I felt happy and relaxed.”及首字母提示可知,此处前后为让步关系,用Although引导让步状语从句。故填(A)lthough。【55题详解】句意:这段

46、经历总是提醒我,帮助别人有时就是帮助自己。根据“This experience always .me that helping others is sometimes helping myself.v及首字母提示可知,此处表达“提醒”之意,即remind;由于主语This experience是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单数;且是表达一般事实,时态用一般现在时。故填(r)eminds。 第二节完成句子(共5题,每题2分,总分值10分)根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成以下句子。(每空限填一词).你应该尽快完成你的报告。You should finish your report.【答案】.as.soo

47、n.as(4). possible【解析】【详解】固定短语 as soon as possible“尽快故填 as; soon; as; possibleo.昨天,这张桌子被搬到图书馆了。The desk to the library yesterday.【答案】 was (2). moved【解析】【详解】搬:move,动词;根据时间状语yesterday (昨天)”可知,此句时态应用一般过去时,因为主 语“The desk”和谓语动词“move”是被动关系,所以此处应用一般过去时的被动语态,其构成为“be done” ;主语“The desk”为第三人称单数,be动词应用was, move

48、的过去分词为moved故填was; movedo 58.上周,那位彬彬有礼的男孩给我们留下了一个好印象。Last week, the polite boyon us.【答案】 .gave .a .good .impression【解析】【分析】【详解】give a good impression on sb.表示“给某人留下一个好印象“,根据Last week”可知,时态是一般过去 时,动词用过去式,故填gave; a; good; impressiono.阅读是多么重要啊!reading is!【答案】.How.important【解析】【详解】分析中英文句子可知,空格所在句为感叹句,其构成为“How+形容词+主语+谓语! ”,所以第一 空应填How,第二空应填形容词“重要的”的英文表达,即“important”。故填How; important。59 .直到把所有东西都准备好了,他们才出发。They off they got everything ready.【答案】.didnt .set (3)


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