2022年高中英语倒装句练习 .docx

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1、精品_精品资料_1. Never in my lifesuch a thing.A. I have heard of or seenB. I had heard of or seenC. have I heard of or seenD. did I hear of or seen2. SeldomTV during the day.A. they watchB. are they watchingC. have they watchedD. do they watch3. Not until his comrades criticized himto admit his mistake.A.

2、 does he begin B. did he beginC. began heD. had he begun4. Not onlya promise, but also he kept it.A. did he makeB. he madeC. does he makeD. has he made5. nor read English.A. Can t he either writeB. He can neither writeC. Can he neither writeD. Neither he can write6. Only when thousands of flowers bl

3、oom together.A. spring will be considered hereB. could spring be considering hereC. can spring be considered hereD. spring can be considered here7. his appearance that no one could recognize him.A. So was strangeB. Was so strangeC. So strange wasD. Strange so was8. and caught the mouse.A. Up the cat

4、 jumpedB. The cat up jumpedC. Up jumped the catD. Jumped up the cat9. “ It was cold yesterday. ”“.” Which of the following is wrong.A. So it wasB. So is it todayC. So was it the day beforeD. So it did10. and the lesson began.A. In came Mr. BrownB. Mr. Brown in cameC. In came heD. Came in Mr. Brown11

5、. On the walltwo large portraits.A. hangsB. hangC. hangedD. are hanging12. Neversuch a wonderful place as Hangzhou.A. have I seenB. I have seenC. Had I seenD. I had seen13. ,she was very brave.A. Girl as she wasB. As she was a girlC. A girl as she was D. Girl as was she14. Littlethat she was serious

6、ly ill herself.A. Susan knewB. did Susan knowC. knew SusanD . was Susan known15. Suchthe results of the experiments.A. isB. wasC. areD. as be16. I didn t read the notice.A. So did heB. Neither didnt he C. Nor did heD. He didn t ,too17. , I would have phoned you.A. If I knew itB. Had I known itC. If

7、I know itD. Did I know it18. “ They have done a good job. ” “A. So they have doneB. So they haveC. So have theyD. So is it19. Nowyour turn to recite the text.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_A. there isB. has comeC. comesD. will come20. Hardlythe railway station when the train started.A. did I reachB. had I

8、reachedC. I reachedD. I had reached可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_21. 21.I“like to watch TV plays, but I don t watch TV every evening. ” “可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_A. So do IB. So I doC. I do soD. So it is with me22. Rarelysuch a silly thing.A. have I heard ofB. I have heard ofC. hear I ofD. was I heard of23

9、. the rain stop. the crops would be saved.A. DidB. ShouldC. WouldD. Will24. Seldomplay chess.A. weB. we willC. do weD. will we25. Only after his deathconsidered correct.A. was his theoryB. his theory wasC. did his theoryD. had his theory26. Albert Einstein cared little for money.Professor Wang.A. Ei

10、ther didB. So wasC. So didD. Neither did27. the plane.A. Flew downB. Down flewC. Down was flyingD. Down flying28. I don t think Jack will come today,.A. or Mary doesB. Mary will eitherC. and Mary doesn t D. nor will Mary29. “ Where is your father.” “. ”Oh,A. here comes heB. here does he comeC. he he

11、re comes D. here he comes30. he realized it was too late to return home.A. No sooner it grew dark thanB. Hardly did it grow dark whenC. I t was not until dark thatD. I t was until dark that答案15CDBAB610CCCDA11 15BAABC16 20CBBCB21 25DABCA26 30DBDDC1、that we all went out, lying in the sun.A The weather

12、 so fine wasB So fine was the weatherC So the weather was fineD So was fine weather2、Under his arma pair of shoes which he had bought from the shop a few days before.A isB areCwasD were 3、who had arrested him three times for carrying drugs.A Before George stood the policeman B Before George the poli

13、ceman stoodC Before the policeman stood George D Before George did the policeman 4、Thenwe had been looking forward to .A came the hourB the hour cameCcomes the hour D the hour is coming5、Only when he started to explainthe reason for this.A she realized Bdid she realize C she had realized D had she r

14、ealized 6、succeed in doing anything.A Only by working hard we canB By only working hard we canC Only by working hard can weD Only we can by working hard 7、Not for a momentthe truth of your story.A he has doubted B he doubts C did he doubt D he did doubt8、Nowhere else in the worldcheaper tailoring th

15、an in Hong Kong.A a tourist can find B can a tourist find C a tourist will find D a tourist has found可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_9、Hardlywhen the bus suddenly pulled away.A they had got to the bus-stopB they got to the bus-stopC did they get to the bus-stopD had they got to the bus -stop 10、Mary doesn t

16、 speak French, anddoes Joan.A notB neitherCeitherD so11、Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother. I don t know,.A nor don t I caBre nor do I care C I don t care neitherD I don t care also12、Not until the early years of the 19th centurywhat heat is.A man did know B man knewC didn t man knowD did m

17、an know 13、After that we never saw her again norfrom her.A did we hearB we heardC had we heardD we have heard 14、John won the first prize in the contest.A So he did. B So did he. C So he did, too.D So did he, too. 15、,he doesn t study well.A As he is clever B He is as cleverCClever as he is D As cle

18、ver he is 16、You can never use my tape recorder.time should you touch that machine.A At noB At anyC AnyD No17、 Scarcelythe roomthe phone rang.A.I had entered when B.Had I entered thenC.had I entered whenD.have I entered when 18、Onlysave his life.A can the doctorB the doctor canCwill the doctorD coul

19、d the doctor19、Hardly anybodythe boy , because he is rude.A does likeB likesCdo likeD like 20、So wellthat the teacher praised her.A she had done her homeworkB her homework had been doneC did she do her homework D she did her homework 21、Only whento know him will you get along with him.A do you come

20、B will you come C you come D you will come 22、Out, gun in hand.A did he rush B rushed he C he rushed D had he rushed 23、He had promised me to come to the party ,and.A so did heB so he didCso he wouldD so would he 24、Into the skythe light blue smoke.A went upB up wentCdid go upD had gone up25、Littlea

21、bout his own life at the meeting.A did he talk B he talkedChe was talking D had he talked 26、Under no circumstancesfirst use nuclear weapons.A will ChinaB China willC does ChinaD do China27、taken that examination, she could have passed it .A Were she B Had she be able toCIf she would have D Had she

22、28、tomorrow , we would put off the match till next Monday.A Should it rained B Were it to rainCIf it would rainD Had it rained29、Look, here.A Mr. Brown comes B does Mr. Brown comeC comes Mr. Brown D Mr. Brown has come 30、Oftenus good advice.A did she give Bshe did giveC she gaveD she has given31、Not

23、 until I began to workhow much time I had wasted.A didn t I realizeB did I realizeCI didn t realizDe I realize 32、Littleabout his own safety , though he was in great danger himself.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_A does he careB did he careChe caresD he cared 33、began our new lesson.A ButB ThusCSuchD So tha

24、t 34、By no meanslook down upon the poor.A we should B we should notC do we D should we 35、Only when30 years oldto learn English.A was he , did he beginB he was , he beganC was he , he beganD he was ,did he begin 36、Not oncetheir plan.A did they changeB they changedCchanged theyD they did changed37、“

25、 It s very hot toda”y“.”A So it isB So is itC So does itD So it does 38、A fish needs water and without water it will die.A So does a man B So will a manCSo it is with a man D So is it with a man39、They arrived at the farmhouse, in front of which.A sat a small boy B a small boy satCis sitting a small

26、 boy D a small boy sitting 40、Society has changed andin it .A so have the people B so the people haveC the people have soD have the people so、改错41、Only when was he 50 years old did he begin to learn French. 42、Little she knew Tom was was badly ill .43、Turn to the right and there are you.44、And all a

27、round the fox in a circle was dogs. 45、You can learn English well.So can we.46、I dare climb this tall tree, but do you. 47、 Not once he kept his promise.48、Many a time he has given us some good advice.49、Such a noise there was that I couldn t work in the room. 50、Only does my mother understand me.14

28、.8倒装练习1. Only when you have obtained sufficient datacome to a sound conclusion.a. can youb. you canc. would youd. you would2. that this region was so rich in natural resources.a. Little he knewb. Little did he knowa. Little he did knowd. Little he had known3. Never againpolitical office after his 19

29、28 defeat for the presidency.a. Alfred E. Smith seriously soughtb. seriously Alfred E. Smith soughtc. when did Alfred E. Smith seriously seekd. did Alfred E. Smith seriously seek4. Only in recent yearsbegun to realize that wild dogs, kept withinbounds, often do more good than harm.a. people haveb. s

30、ince people havec. have peopled. people who have5. , we were not going to make any concessions to his unreasonable demands.a. What may comeb. Come what mayc. May what comed. What come6. Not until I shouted at the top of my voicehis head.a. that he turnedb. did he turnc. he didn t turn d. he had turn

31、ed7. received law degrees as today.a. Never so women haveb. The women aren t everc. Women who have neverd. Never have so many women可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_8. Heat does not travel by convection in solid, because the solid does not move,.a. so does a liquidb. so a liquid doesc. as does a liquidd. so i

32、s a liquid9. On no accountto anyone.a. my name must be mentionedb. must my name mentionc. must my name be mentionedd. my name must mention10. that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.a. Such construction robots are cleverb. So clever the construc

33、tion robots arec. So clever are the construction robotsd. Such clever construction robots are11. do we go for picnics.a. Certainlyb. Sometimesc. Seldomd. Once12. is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person who has such faith in the bottle of medicine.a. Eitherb. Oftenc. Nord. Usually13. Heranswe

34、r is not acceptable, and.a. neither am Ib. either is minec. neither is mined. mine is neither14. , I must do another experiment.a. Be it ever so lateb. It is ever so late c. It be ever so lated. So late it be ever15. So fastthat it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.a. light travelb. travels t

35、he lightc. do light traveld. does light travel16. A sneeze cannot be performed voluntarily,be easily suppressed.a. nor it canb. nor can itc. it cannotd. and cannot it17. notebook and report that I promised you last week.a. Here is theb. Here are thec. Is here thed. Are here the18. a little more time

36、 to think, he might have acted more sensibly.a. Ifhe tookb. If he has takenc. had he takend. Should he take19. Beneath our feetthat our life depends on for food and clothing.a. the earth layb. the earth liesc. lie the earthd. lies the earth20. the beginning of the 19 th century did scientists know t

37、hat all matter is made up of atoms.a. Atb. Byc. Up tod. Not until21. Hardlyhe got out of the courtthe reporters raised a lot of questions to him.a. had whenb. had thanc. did whend. has than22. Among these booksa dictionary that his father gave him as a birthday present.a. have includedb. is included

38、c. has includedd. are included23. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country; is this more true than in Europe.a. nowhereb. hardlyc. littled. seldom24. Importanthis discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.a. tob. forc. asd. although25.

39、 According to the periodic table,still some elements undiscovered.a. there seem to beb. it seemsc. it seems to bed. here seems26. Hereyou want to see.a. the manager comesb. comes the managerc. comes a managerd. is cominga manager27. Barry can hardly drive a car,.a. so can t Molly b. can t Molly eith

40、erc. Molly can t tood. neither can Molly28. for the leadership of the Party, we should not have succeeded.a. Had not it beenb. Had it not beenc. There wasd. Is there29. no air or water, there would be no life in the world.a. Were thereb. There arec. There wasd. Is there可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_30. No

41、t onlythe data fed into it, but it can also analyze them.a. the computer can memorizeb. can the computer memorizec. do the computer memorized. can memorize the computer31. Not oncehis view of life.a. did the gentleman mentionb. the gentleman mentioned thatc. the gentleman mentionedd. does gentleman

42、mentioned32. By no meanstheir own language well.a. it is true that all English people knowb. is it true that do all English people knowc. it is true that do all English people know d. is it true that all English people know33. The molecules of gases move more freely than.a. do liquids and solidsb. l

43、iquids and solids doc. do those of liquids and solidsd. those do of liquids and solids34. The world s birth rates are on a decline andare the death rates.a. sob. alsoc. tood. the same35. is the volume of chemical goods.a. Constantly growing toob. Too constantly growingc. Growing constant tod. Too gr

44、owing constant36. Many a timeme with my English study.a. have he helpedb. has he helpedc. he have helpedd. did he have helped37. Typical of the new type of young people, who set a shining example to the whole nation.a. was Lei Fengb. Were Lei Fengc. Lei Feng wasd. Lei Feng were38. What Mr. Smith did

45、 was important , but.a. more important the way of he did things wasb. the way of he did things was more importantc. more important was the way he did thingsd. more important the way were he did things39. She didn t wt atonbuy it, .a. however good was itb. however good it wasc. for how good might it bed. for how good it might be40. , it is always possible to find out its volume.a. Whatever the shape of a body may be b. The shape of a body may be whateverc. May whatever the shape of a body be d. What


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