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《2022年唐山学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年唐山学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析).docx(46页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2022年唐山学院自考英语(二)练习题汇总(附答案解析)第1题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】I dont claim there isnt a force which guides us, which takes care of us, but the main element that helps us build up our future is our way of being. Our personality, our character, our way of perceiving (感知)reality and everything that surrounds us are the

2、elements which may bring us to the top, or on the contrary, make us miserable. The author thinks that our future is decided mainly by.A、a superior force like GodB、our way of being, such as our characterC、things and persons that surround usD、others choice and responsibility【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。虽然作者也声明自己

3、并不否认世界上存在任何一种具有 超自然力量的东西,但是根据文章本段的but the main element that helps us build up our future is our way of being可知,作者认为影响我们未来的最主要的因 素还是我们自己的所作所为,答案为B项。第2题【单项选择题】2007.04 The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its considerably.A、distributionB、contributionC、prescriptionD、circulation【正确

4、答案】D第19题【单项选择题】2010.04 In order to follow fashions, the girl has to great discomforts.A、catch up withB、put up withC、keep up withD、fall in with【正确答案】B【答案解析】此题考查短语辨析。【译文】为了跟随时尚,这个女孩不得不忍受 极度地不舒适。put up with:忍受。catch up with:追上,赶上。keep up with: 和保持联系。fall in with:偶然遇到,赞同。第20题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】There are many

5、other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old World. But some others went in the opposite direction. Brazil is now the worlds largest grower of coffee, and coffee is an important crop in Colombia and other South American countries. But it is native to Ethiopia, a country in Africa. It

6、 was first made into a drink by Arabs during the MOOs.Which country is the largest coffee producer?A、Brazil.B、Colombia.C、Ethiopia.D、Egypt.【正确答案】A【答案解析】答题依据在本段的第三句。Producer与grower意思等同。第21题【单项选择题】2007.04 It is difficult to the implication between the lines.10A、get toB、get withC、get atD、get down【正确答案】c

7、【答案解析】此题考查词组辨析。A.开始,接触;C.找出,发现;D.下来, 写下来。第22题【单项选择题】【概括大意】The VLT (Very Large Telescope) is the worlds largest telescope (望 远镜)and is taking astronomers (天文学家)further back to the Big Bang than they ever thought possible. Located 2,600 metres up in the Chilean Andes, it has four huge mirrors, each ab

8、out the size of a London bus. The VLT is so powerful it can spot a burning match 10,000 kilometres away.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Biggest telescopeB、Power of the telescopeC、Factions of VLTD、Birth of the new telescope【正确答案】A【答案解析】本段文字主要介绍了世界上最大的望远镜。第23题【单项选择题】2009.04 It is not decided the

9、conference will be held.A、whatB、which C whenD、that【正确答案】C11【答案解析】此题考查主语从句的引导词的选择。译文:大会什么时候召开还没 有决定。详细解答:A什么;B哪一个;C什么时候;D (无词义)。第24题【单项选择题】2009.10 As for family education, parents are encouraged to rely on ratherthan punishment.A、criticismB、intimidationC、persuasionD、scolding【正确答案】c【答案解析】此题考查名词词义区分。【译

10、文】关于家庭教育,鼓励父母们依靠 说服而不是惩罚孩子。A批评、指责B恐吓、威胁C说服、劝服 D责 骂、斥责第25题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 Although the researchers have only just made the technical details of the microscope public, it is already on sale. It is currently the size of a refrigerator and takes several minutes to scan a circuit, but Xiao and Schrag are w

11、orkingA、to take tiny chips we requireB、to making chips any smallerC、to shrink it to the size of a desktop computer and cut the scanning time to 30 secondsD、of conducting electricity【正确答案】c【答案解析】这局部所说的体积的减小和所需时间的缩短恰好与前半句中提到的 冰箱大小的体积和所需数分钟的时间形成了比照。即:目前它大约像冰箱那么大, 而且要用几分钟扫描一个电路,但是他们正在努力使它缩小到台式计算机那么大,12把

12、扫描时间缩短到30秒。第26题【单项选择题】2007.04)The furniture in her bedroom is quite different from in theliving room.A、thatB、itC、oneD、which【正确答案】A【答案解析】此题考查复合句。that在本句中指代the furniture,目的是为了避 免重复。which用于引导句子或短语,在此也不能指代the furniture。第27题【单项选择题】【完成句子】Sagan was noted for the vigour of his logic style, especially when c

13、riticizing some piece of pseudoscience (伪科学).I remembered a 1973 AAAS meeting at which he destroyed the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, who was maintaining that only a few thousands of years ago, Venus had repeatedly collided with Earth and Mars; events well noted. Velikovsky said, in the bible.In

14、Sagans opinion, Velikovsky might be.A、a member of the National Academy of ScienceB、a pseudo-scientistC、a science populariserD、a reporter【正确答案】B【答案解析】从这段文字中,我们可以了解到作者认为,Sagan与伪科学作斗争 的一个实例就是Sagan摧毁了 Velikovsky的错误论述,即Velikovsky提出,在过 去几千年中,水星与地球和火星反复屡次相撞,这在圣经中有加载。13第28题【单项选择题】The room is in a terrible;

15、it cant have been cleaned.A、messB、 greatC goodD、disaster【正确答案】A【答案解析】题目意思:房间里乱七八糟,一定没清扫过。这句话是否认的猜想, 根据后文可知答案选A.第29题【单项选择题】2008.04 Anxiety can with childrens performance at school.A、referB、 preferC、inferD、interfere【正确答案】D【答案解析】此题考查词语辨析。句子翻译为:焦虑可以阻碍孩子们在学校的表 现。A . refer to 提到、查阅、涉及;B. prefer to 更喜欢;C.

16、infer from (根 据某事)推断、推定;D. interfere with扰乱、阻碍。第30题【单项选择题】【填句补文】 Many beginning interviewers are afraid that they are forcing the other person to answer questions and have no right to inquire about his personal secrets., Unless the person really hates being interviewed, he is delighted that somebody

17、 wants to interview him.A、This fear is almost 100 percent unnecessary.B、 This doesnt necessarily mean that it will go well.14C、Most men and women lead lives that are uninteresting.D Both of you need time to get to know each other.【正确答案】A【答案解析】抓住关键词进行同义替换,也就是afraid,选项中this fear就是对 这种担忧的补充,这种担忧是完全没有必要

18、的,除非被采访者确实是讨厌别人问 自己。第31题【单项选择题】It makes good to bring an umbrella; it seems to be raining today.A、 senseB、reasonC、suggestionD、advice【正确答案】A【答案解析】【译文】今天天气看起来要下雨了,因此带着伞是合情合理的。【试 题分析】短语意义区分题。回【详细解答】A . to make (good) sense 很有意义、 合乎情理的、明智的B原因 C建议 D劝告第32题【单项选择题】【填句补文】The smoke that comes from a lit cigar

19、ette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past, scientists did not think that these chemicals could harm a nonsmokers health. They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amounts of these toxic (有毒的) chemicals in their bodies.A、The Gilsons have been married for 35 years.B、Recent

20、ly, though, scientists changed their opinion a代er they studied a large group of nonsmokers.C、We cannot avoid secondhand smoke in restaurants.D、 In the United States, nine million children under the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker.15【正确答案】B【答案解析】前一句讲的是科学家们过去对二手烟的看法,接下来应选表示他们 改变观点的句

21、子,因为下一句说明他们所持的观点已与过去截然不同。第33题【单项选择题】【阅读判断】Now, there are about 24 million microcomputers in use in the United Statesone for every 10 citizens. It is estimated that by 1996, 61 percent ofAmerican managers will be using some sort of electronic work station.Q.: At present about 10% of American citizens

22、 possess a microcomputer.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【正确答案】A【答案解析】答案选A。本段一开头就说到目前在美国大约有二千四百万台微型 电子计算机在使用中,平均每十人就拥有一台。因此此题的表述是正确的。第34题【单项选择题】2007.04 The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its considerably.A、distributionB、contributionC、prescriptionD、circulation【正确答案】D【答案解析】此题考查词义辨析。ci

23、rculation:(书报杂志的)销售量,发行额, 销路。符合句意。第35题【单项选择题】16【填句补文】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics., That is at least as important as how much we know.A、Much of what has been said about strangers also

24、applies to relationships with family members and friends.B、 He keeps looking over the other persons shoulder, as if hoping to find someone more interesting in another part of the room.C、Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for four minutes.D、 In his op

25、inion, success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.【正确答案】D【答案解析】后句中的代词we在D中才有呼应的代词,而且在文章最后出现观 点句是通常论述文的开展特点,因此判断D正确。第36题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch. Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting

26、your feet on the floor. Avoid the trouble of searching for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharp hours.You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will

27、.A、help to keep your energy for the day/s workB、help you to control your temper early in the dayC、enable you to concentrate on your routine workD、keep your energy cycle under control all day【正确答案】A【答案解析】此题问的是因果关系。回答这一问题的关键是看懂本段的第二句和 其他句子的联系。首先要注意这一段的第一句Get off to a slow start which saves17 your ener

28、gy”,也就是说早上慢慢起床可以节省能量。紧接该句的三个句子都是 慢慢起床的具体做法。因此选项A是正确答案。第37题【单项选择题】【2009.01 If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get.A、concentratedB、confusedC、confirmedD、convinced【正确答案】B【答案解析】此题考查形近形容词意义区分。句意:如果你试图一次学太多东西, 你就有可能糊涂了。A.浓缩的,专心的;B糊涂的,混淆的;C根深蒂固的;D 确信的。第38题【单项选择题】【完成句子】Intelligence was be

29、lieved to be a fixed entity, some faculty of the mind that we all possess and which determines in some way the extent of our achievements. Its Value therefore, was as a predictor of childrens future learning. If they differed markedly in their ability to learn complex tasks, then it was clearly nece

30、ssary to educate them differently and the need for different types of school and even different ability groups within school was obvious. Intelligence tests could be used for streaming children according to ability at an early age; and at 11 these tests were superior to measures of attainment for se

31、lecting children for different types of secondary education. It was once believed, and thus we can tell how successful he/she will be in the future according to his/her intelligence.A、born to be more intelligent or less intelligentB、taught to be more intelligentC、that intelligence was something a ba

32、by was born withD、and because of the lack of communication with his classmates18【正确答案】C【答案解析】空格处需要真正的主语(It是形式主语),因此根据语法结构判断C 是答案。该句大意是人们曾经一度相信,智力是一个孩子天生所具有的,因为 我们可以根据他/她的智力水平判断他/她在将来是否会取得成功。第39题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】Marian, the girl who wrote the original story about Roxaboxen that the childrens book is base

33、d on, was mayor. Other kids ran the stores which sold imaginary ice cream and baked goods. Kids drove imaginary cars outside of town, and the speeders went to jail, which was guarded by the sheriff, another kid. Elsewhere, boys and girls had battles, charging each others bases using spears made with

34、 ocotillo, a desert plant. Who is Marian?A、She is the author.B、She sold ice cream in Roxaboxen.C、She is the mayor of Roxaboxen in the book.D、She guards the jail in the book.【正确答案】c【答案解析】答案选c。事实细节题。根据关键词锁定短文本段。本段第一句话 给出了正确答案,Marian是最先写这个故事的人,但是并不是这本书的作者。 而且是这本书中那个小镇的镇长。第40题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】 Many research

35、ers, whose work depends on ocean sounds object to a limit of one-hundred-twenty decibels (分贝).They say such a limit is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent noises from harming creatures in the ocean.According to the passage, what will scientists most probably do in the future?A、

36、 They will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution.B、 They will protect animals from harmful noises.19【答案解析】此题考查词义辨析。circulation:(书报杂志的)销售量,发行额, 销路。符合句意。第3题【单项选择题】概括大意The key to gardening with kids, says Patti Kraemer-Doell, family garden coordinator at the New York Botanical Gardens, is “Letting

37、them experience it themselves. We have tried to guide them, but not tell them to put the sunflowers here and the tomatoes there. The emphasis is on developing their imagination and their appreciation for being out in the garden/The main idea of this paragraph is.A、 Different Kinds of Gardens.B、Kinds

38、 of Plants in s Home GardenC、The Most Important Point in Family GardeningD、How to plan sunflowers and tomatoes【正确答案】c【答案解析】本段指出家庭园艺的主旨是让孩子去体验,培养他们的想象力和鉴 赏力。所以答案为C。第4题【单项选择题】【完成句子】Lightning is generated when electrical charges separate in rain clouds, though processes are still not fully understood.

39、Typically, positive charges (正 电荷) build at the cloud top, while the bottom becomes negatively charged (负电荷的).In most instances of cloud-to-ground lightning, the negatively charged lower portion of the cloud repels negatively charged particles on the grounds surfaces, making it become positively cha

40、rged. The positive charge on the ground gathers at elevated points.In most cases of cloud-to-ground lightning, the grounds surface.A、is positively chargedB、is shifted sideways by strong windsC、is negative chargedC、They will try to set a limit of 120 decibels.D、 They will study the effect of ocean no

41、ise pollution.【正确答案】B【答案解析】They will protect animals from harmful noises.本段的最后一句话是 答案的出处。第41题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】I dont claim there isnt a force which guides us, which takes care of us, but the main element that helps us build up our future is our way of being. Our personality, our character, our way of pe

42、rceiving (感知)reality and everything that surrounds us are the elements which may bring us to the top, or on the contrary, make us miserable. The author thinks that our future is decided mainly by.A、a superior force like GodB、our way of being, such as our characterC、things and persons that surround u

43、sD、others choice and responsibility【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。虽然作者也声明自己并不否认世界上存在任何一种具有 超自然力量的东西,但是根据文章本段的but the main element that helps us build up our future is our way of being可知,作者认为影响我们未来的最主要的因 素还是我们自己的所作所为,答案为B项。第42题【单项选择题】【阅读判断】Over the weekend, Hillary Rodham Clinton, wife of former president Bill Cl

44、inton, announced her run for 2008 presidency. This is partly due to the biased thinking that women are weak on national security, though they might be strong on education and health care. This damages their prospects as a presidential contender.Q: One of Hillarys campaign promises is to reform the n

45、ation/s health care system.20A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【正确答案】c【答案解析】答案选c。问题句说Hillary的一个竞选承诺是改革国家的医疗制度J 而本段只是说女人做教育和医疗方面的工作有优势”,没有说Hillary的一个竞选 承诺式改革国家的医疗制度,因此问题句的信息在文章中没有被提到。第43题【单项选择题】【阅读选择】I dont claim there isnt a force which guides us, which takes care of us, but the main element that helps us bui

46、ld up our future is our way of being. Our personality, our character, our way of perceiving (感知)reality and everything that surrounds us are the elements which may bring us to the top, or on the contrary, make us miserable. The author thinks that our future is decided mainly by.A、a superior force li

47、ke GodB、our way of being, such as our characterC、things and persons that surround usD、others choice and responsibility【正确答案】B【答案解析】答案选B。虽然作者也声明自己并不否认世界上存在任何一种具有 超自然力量的东西,但是根据文章本段的but the main element that helps us build up our future is our way of being可知,作者认为影响我们未来的最主要的因 素还是我们自己的所作所为,答案为B项。第44题【单项选

48、择题】【完成句子】The importance of particular metals in the human diet has been realized within the past few decades, and the idea that geology might be related to health has been recognized for a number of elements such as iodine, zinc and selenium. For example, soils with low iodine contents produce crops, and animals21 deficient in iodine. A lack of iodine in the human diet lead


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