Unit 4 Natural Disasters Section C Reading for Writing 学案-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第一册.docx

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1、Unit 4 Natural DisastersSection C Reading for Writing 学案学习目标1、学会本节单词、短语。2、掌握本节句型表达与运用。知识运用power词性: 意思:搭配:within one, s power某人有权/能力power failure 停电1、 emergency词性: 意思:搭配:emergency exit紧急出口calm词性:意思:词性:意思:搭配:stay calm保持冷静calm sb. down使某人平静下来aid词性:意思:词性:意思:搭配:first aid急救in aid of为了帮助on hand意思:6 crash词性

2、:意思:词性:意思:搭配:crash into/onto sth.撞到某物上crash site坠毁现场crash barrier防撞护栏a car crash汽车失事sweep词性: 意思:搭配:sweep away消灭sweep out清扫干净sweep over环视四周,涌上心头wave词性:意思:词性:意思:搭配:wave at /to向挥手wave off挥手送别a wave of 一波;一阵make waves大肆张扬:制造麻烦7、 strike词性:意思:词性:意思:搭配:strike for为而罢工be/go on strike 在/开始罢/课10、the number of意

3、思:11、deliver词性: 意思:搭配:deliver the goods 发货deliver a baby 接生deliver sb. from danger 救某人脱险12、summary词性: 意思:搭配:in summary总的来说,总之make a summary 作总结13、effect词性:意思:bring/put sth. into effect 实行bring about effect 产生效果come into effect生效;开始实施have an effect on 对有影响14、length词性: 意思:at length最后,最终in length 长度句式梳

4、理1、过去分词短语作定语I)单个的过去分词作定语,通常放在被修饰词前。2)过去分词短语作定语时往往作后置定语,即放在所修饰词之后,它的作用相当于一 个定语从句。3)及物动词的过去分词作定语,表示被动意义或已完成的被动动作;不及物动词的过 去分词作定语,只表示动作已完成,不表示被动意义。2、be doingwhen正在做,这时表示在做某事的同时,突然发生另外一件事。3、现在进行时的被动语态1) 现在进行时的被动语态由“am/is/are+being+done”构成。2)现在进行时的被动语态既可以表示此刻正被进行的动作,句中常用now, at the moment等时间状语,也可以表示现阶段正被进

5、行的动作,但该动作在此时此刻不一定 正在发生。写作指导本单元的写作任务是概要写作中的“灾难事件”主题。概要写作是阅读理解和书面表达 的沟通桥梁0概要写作考查的是学生在实现自由的思维表达之前,对他人的信息在充分 理解的基础上进行大意表达的能力。进行概要写作的短文的体裁一般以说明文和议论文 为主。一、解题步骤概要写作一般遵循以下三个解题步骤:1 .读懂原文,抓住大意。2 .定位主题句,找到关键。3 .组织语言,转换表达。二、考前须知.概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节。1 .安排好篇幅的比例,同原文保持协调。2 .注意两点之间的衔接,用适当的关联词语贯通全文。3 .不排斥用原文的某些词句

6、,但不要照搬原文的句子;可对原文句子做一些同义替换。4 .计算词数,注意是否符合规定的词数要求。经典句式一、描写事物的性质或功用In the passage, the writer introduces .(对象)to us, especially its .(性质或功用), from which we know .(对象带来的好处) 二、问题+解决方法The passage represents . (I可题)and brings forth several measures/rnethods to solve the problem, which includes .(方法 1)(方法 2

7、).(方法 3) 三、现象+原因/本质The writer/author represents/introduces . of., because .(原因 1).(原因 2) 四、灾难事件常用表达Nowadays there have been frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, mudrock flows, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. They have destroyed countless homes, and wiped o

8、ut numerous pieces of fertile land.当下,自然灾害频发,如洪水,干旱,泥石流,地震,风暴和新的沙漠延伸。它们摧毁 了无数的房屋,摧毁了许多肥沃的土地。1. More and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth.越来越多的人意识到这些灾害都与我们对地球所作所为有很大关系。2. The natural disasters are mainly caused by human destruction. Def

9、orestation causes the soil erosion; the chaos of sewage water cause the gradually poor water quality; the disorderly automobile exhaust causes the air pollution; improper disposal of waste causes (he environment damage and so on.自然灾害主要是人为破坏造成的。森林砍伐造成水土流失:污水乱排导致水质逐渐变差; 汽车尾气乱排造成空气污染;垃圾处理不当造成环境破坏等。3. I

10、n face of natural disaster, we should timely forecast and do the preventive work. 面对自然灾害,我们要及时进行预测,做好预防工作。4. In case of emergencies and disasters we should keep our head and try to rely on ourselves to escape from the disasters.在紧急情况和发生灾难时,我们应该保持头脑清醒,尝试依靠自己逃离灾难。5. After the disasters, instead of ind

11、ulging oneself in sadness, one should be positive of life and contribute to the reconstruction of the hometown.灾后,我们不要沉湎于悲伤之中,应该积极面对生活,为家乡的重建做出贡献。6. We should unite together, build a sustainable and nature friendly society, making the world a better place.我们应该团结起来,建设一个可持续的、自然友好型社会,让世界变得更美好。7. The ea

12、rth is our only home. It is urgent for us to stop damaging it, and to do our best to protect it, for we have nowhere to go and sun ive except where wc arc now.地球是我们唯一的家园。因此,当务之急就是停止破坏它,并尽力保护它,因为除了我 们现在生存的地方,我们已经无处可去。练习一、根据首字母填写单词The government will d more food to the flooded area where food is in gr

13、eatdemand, (to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take somebody somewhere)(根据英文提示单词拼写)S while the iron is hot.(根据首字母单词拼写)1. You can have food d to you using food delivery apps and sites.(根据首字母单词拼写)二、根据汉语意思填写单词Does television have an(影响)on childreiVs behaviou

14、r?(根据汉语提 示单词拼写)2. If you decide to(发表)a speech, please make it brief.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)There is a(总结)at the end of the meeting.(根据汉语意思单词拼写)三、根据中英文提示填写单词3. Cars were s(横扫)away by huge waves caused by the strong earthquake.(根 据中英文提示填空)4. The president is scheduled to d(发表)a speech tonighl.(根据中英文提示填空)四、根据所给汉

15、语提示填空As the music band came back to the stage,.(观众们兴奋地鼓掌、挥舞手臂) (根据汉语提示完成句子)5. It was obvious that what happened to him in his childhood(对他有很大的影 响).(根据汉语提示完成句子)6. Apparently, blindly following othcrsadvicc (会影响我们的判断).(根据 汉语提示完成句子)五、汉译英(整句)7. 由于我们不熟悉贵公司的地理位置,我们将推迟交货。(be familiar wilh, localion, postpo

16、ne doing, deliver (he goods)(汉译英)8. 在我看来,读书对我们的人生有积极影响。(effect)(汉译英)9. 现在全世界科学家都对鸟类传播的病毒所产生的毁灭性后果忧心忡忡。(汉译英)六、完成句子10. she forgot to lock the door.她突然想到忘记锁门了。11. 他突然想到了他可以请求他的英语老师帮助。(strike)he could request his English teacher for help.参考答案:1. deliver【详解】考查动词。句意:政府给急缺食物的洪水淹没的地区送去更多食物。根据单词首字 母以及括号内的英文释

17、义“把商品、信等物品带给指定的人;把某人带到某地“,deliver”传 送,交付“,此处是一般将来时,应用动词原形。故填deliver。2. Strike【详解】考查动词。句意:打铁要趁热。根据单词首字母以及句意“打”可知应填动词strike, 为肯定祈使句,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Strike。3. delivered【详解】考查过去分词。句意:你可以通过外卖应用和网站让食物送到你身边。根据单词首 字母以及句意“让食物送到你身边”可知,此处应用动词deliver表示“递送”。have sb./sth. done 意为“使某人或某物被”,此处用过去分词作宾语补足语。deliver和food构

18、成被动关系。 故填 deliveredo4. effect/influence/impacto【详解】考查名词。句意:电视对孩了们的行为有影响吗? have an effect/influence/impact on 对有影响。结合汉语提示及句意,故填effect/influence/impact。5. deliver【详解】考查动词。句意:如果你决定发表演讲,请简短讲。根据汉语提示可知填入deliver 的适当形式,结合短语decide to do sth.,意为“决定做某事”,设空处接在不定式符号t。后面, 应用动词原形。故填deliver。6. summary【详解】考查名词。句意:会议

19、结束时有一份总结。根据汉语意思“总结”和前文的冠词a可 知这里需要一个名词做主语,summary符合题意,冠词a提示用其单数形式,故填summary。 7. swept【详解】考查动词。句意:汽车被强烈地震引起的巨浪卷走了。卷走为“sweep away,与主 语cars为被动关系。故填sweptodeliver【详解】考查动词不定式。句意:总统计划今晚发表演讲。分析句子且根据中英文提示可知, 空处应填动词原形deliver,与a speech构成固定搭配,表示“发表演讲故填deliver。8. the audience applauded and waved their arms with e

20、xcitement/excitedly【详解】考查动词时态。句意:当乐队I可到舞台上时,观众们兴奋地鼓掌挥手。分析句子结 构可知,as引导了时间状语从句,空处为主句局部。主句的主语为the audience“观众”,“鼓 掌”用动词applaud, “挥舞手臂”可以翻译为wave iheir arms。根据时间状语从句中的came 可知,句子时态为般过去时。兴奋地用介词短语wilh excilement或者副词excitedly,在 句中作状语。故填 the audience applauded and waved their arms with excitement/excitedly.9.

21、 had a great influence【详解】考查固定短语。句意:很明显,他童年的遭遇对他有很大的影响。根据汉语提示“对 他有很大的影响“可知短语为have a great influence/impact/ effect on him,结合上文was可知 为一般过去时。故填 had a great influence/impact/ effect on him。10. has an influence/impact/effect on our judgementor: influences/impacts/affects our judgementor: will have an in

22、fluence/impact/effect on our judgementor: will influence/impact/affect our judgement【详解】考查动词短语,名词和时态。句意:显然,盲目听从别人的建议会影响我们的判断。 表示“影响“用动词短语 have/has an influence/impact/effect on.,或动词influence/impact/affect;表示“我们的判断”用形容词性物主代词our,修饰名词judgement, 作宾语;时态可用般现在时或般将来时,动名词following作主语,谓语动词用单数, 故填:has an influ

23、ence/impact/effect on our judgementor: influences/impacts/affects our judgementor: will have an influence/impact/effect on our judgementor: will influcnce/impact/affect our judgementAs we are not familiar with (he location of your company, we are to postpone delivering the goods.【详解】考杳短语和时态。表示“由于的英文

24、为as,引导原因状语从句;表示“不熟悉”短语 为be not familiar with;表示“公司的地理位置“短语为the location of your company;表示“推 迟交货”短语为postpone delivering the goodso表示“将要做某事”可用be to do sth.o故可翻译 为 As wc are not familiar with the location of your company, we arc to postpone delivering the goods.11. As far as I am concerned (In my opin

25、ion/view), reading has (will have) a positive effect on our life.【详解】考查动词、名词和固定句式。表示“在我看来”应用短语As far as I am concerned或 In my opinion/view;表示“对我们的人生有积极影响”应用短语have (will have) a positive effect on our life,可用般现在时也可以用般将来时。其中have a positive effect on sth表对. 有枳极影响”,为固定短语搭配。故翻译为As far as I am concerned (

26、In my opinion/view), reading has (will have) a positive effect on our life。12. Now scientists from all over the world arc worried about the destructive effects of the viruses spread by birds.【详解】考查固定短语和时态。此处主语为复数名词scientist,表示“世界各地”短语为all over the world;表示“忧心忡忡”短语为be worried about;表示“鸟类传播的病毒所产生的毁灭性

27、后果”翻译为 the destructive effects of the viruses spread by birds,时态为一般现在时。故翻译 为 Now scientists from all over the world are worried about the destructive effects of the vinises spread by birds.13. It struck her that【详解】考查固定句型。表示“突然想起”可用固定句式it strikes sb+that从句,句型中“她” 用宾格her作宾语,根据语境和后文forgot可知,此处描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去 时,谓语动词用过去式。句首字母大写,故填It struck her that。14. It suddenly struck/hit/occurred to him that【详解】考查固定句型。It struck/hit/occurred to sb that某人突然想到 ,句中it作形式 主语,真正的主语为that从句。陈述过去事情,用一般过去时。根据句意,故填It suddenly struck/hit/occurrcd to him that。


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