人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5 综合素质评价附答案.docx

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1、人教版八年级英语上册Unit 5综合素质评价限时:120分钟总分值:120分第一局部(听力共30分)L听对话,选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10 分)B. News.B. Comedies.1. A. Game shows.C. Talk shows.2. A. Talk shows.C. Talent shows.3. A. Because they are not interesting.B. Because she doesnt like the

2、m.C. Because she has many things to do.4. A. To the zoo.C. To the library.5. A. At 7:00.C. At 7:30.6. A. Action movies.C. Comedies.7. A. Never.C. Three times a week.8. A Its boring.C. Its interesting.9. A. An actor.C. A dentist.10. A. Lily and Tom.C. Lily and Tina.B. To the park.B. At 7:15.B. Cartoo

3、ns.B. Once a week.B. Its relaxing.B. A reporter.B. Tina and Tom.第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从person, man or woman, stands on stage and tells funny stories, funny people or funny things that happened to them. The performers will try their best to make people laugh.Stand-up comedy is different f

4、rom other forms of acting. Unlike an actor, a stand-up performer is showing himself or herself. A stand-up performer fails or succeeds depending on his or her own talent. It usually takes days or even weeks of hard work to make people laugh for a few minutes. Thats why stand-up comedy has often been

5、 described as one of the hardest acts to complete successfully.Stand-up comedy can take many forms. It can include a monologue (独白)on funny things that may form a story. It can be simply a series of jokes. It can also be performed almost anywhere-clubs, bars or parties.Stand-up comedy has come a lon

6、g way in the West, but it is a new art form in China. Today the most popular stand-up comedy show in China is Rock & Roast (月兑 口秀大会).All of its three seasons were popular, especially the third season. When the third season came out last summer, it took the Internet by storm and soon became one of th

7、e hottest TV shows in China. The show is such a big success that it has opened a new door to the golden age of stand-up comedy. More and more young people have begun watching stand-up comedy, and some even start doing it part-time. They say its a great way to relax themselves.71. How do the performe

8、rs of stand-up comedy act on stage?They tell funny.72. Whats the purpose of stand-up comedy?hs to.73. How are stand-up comedy performers different from actors?Stand-up performers5 success depends on. 74. What does the writer think of Rock & Roast?The writer thinks its.75. Why do many young people in

9、 China like stand-up comedy?They think its a good way to.VIII.补全对话(共5小题,计5分)根据下面对话中的情境,在每个空白处填入一个恰当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: Hi, Lin Hui.B: Hey, Sally.A:76?B: Im watching a really funny sitcom.A:77.1 like to watch the news.B: Really?78 ?A: Because I hope to find out what5s going on around the world.B: That sou

10、nds interesting.79 ?A: I love them. I like sports very much.B: Oh, there is a wonderful soccer game on TV this evening. You can watch it!A: Thanks for telling me.B:80.IX.书面表达(共1题,计15分)【2021西安铁一中期中】假如你是Mike,你的父母对电视节目有不同的看 法,请根据所给表格的内容和提示,介绍他们对一些节目的看法和原因,同时发 表你自己对电视节目的喜好和看法。电视节目看法原因Mikes father体育节目爱好运

11、动肥皂剧无聊Mikes mother情景喜剧有趣肥皂剧令人放松Mike要求:1 .参考提示内容,可适当发挥。2 .语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整。3 .不得出现任何真实信息(姓名 校名和地名等)。4 .不少于70词(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。My name is Mike. My family have different opinions about TV shows.Unit 5综合素质评价听力材料1 .听对话,选答案第一节:听下面io段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的 内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。1. W: Jim, why not com

12、e to see the game shows? They are really funny.M: I cant stand them. I like talk shows.Q: What kind of programs does Jim like?2. M: Do you like talk shows or talent shows, Jane?W: Neither, I dont like them. I like comedies.Q: What kind of TV shows does Jane like?3. M: Linda, are you going to the mov

13、ies with me this afternoon?W: Sorry, I cant I have too many things to do this afternoon.Q: Why isnt Linda going to the movies this afternoon?4. M: Nancy, we have no classes today. What about going to the park?W: Oh, Paul, I went there last weekend. Lets go to the zoo instead.Q: Where do Nancy and Pa

14、ul plan to go?5. W: Come on. Ifs 7:00, and the comedy will be on.M: Dont worry. It will start at 7:15.Q: When will the comedy be on?6. W: Does your sister like action movies, Paul?M: No, she doesnt, She just likes cartoons and comedies.Q: What does Pauls sister dislike?7. M: Where did Lin Tao go yes

15、terday?W: To the movie theater. He goes to the movies every Saturday.Q: How often does Lin Tao go to the movies?8. M: Im practicing speaking English now. What about you, Nancy?W: Im watching Animal World. Its an interesting TV program.Q: What does Nancy think about the TV program?9. M: Do you know M

16、r. Zhang is in the action movie?W: Of course. He plays a very important role in the movie.Q: What does Mr. Zhang do?10. W: I love game shows. What about you, Tom?M: Oh, I don9t love them, Lily. But my sister Tina loves them.Q: Who loves game shows?第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从 所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当

17、的一项,每段对话读两遍。听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。M: So Emily, what do you like to do for fun?W: I like to go to the movies. What do you do in your free time?M: I also like going to the movies.W: Well, thats great! Its nice that we have something in common.M: Yeah. What kind of movies do you like best?W: I like movies

18、 about history best. I think theyre educational.M: I also like movies about history, but my favorite movies are action movies.Theyre so exciting.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。W: Hi, Bob. You must love watching TV, right?M: Yes. I watch TV at least three times a week.W: Well, what kind of TV shows do you like?M

19、: I like sports shows because theyre very exciting.W: What do you think of Animal World?M: Oh, I love it. I can learn a lot about animals from the show.W: What about Culture China and Healthy Living!M: I dont mind Culture China but I cant stand Healthy Living.W: Why cant you stand Healthy Living?M:

20、Lots of information is not useful in it. I think healthy eating habits and moreexercise can help us keep healthy.n.听独白,填信息此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)My name is Paul. I liked reading books last year because by reading books I could learn lots of funny things. But now I like vi

21、siting many places of interest. I can learn more about people and history. It is very interesting.I have many friends. They like doing different kinds of things. Eric likes watching talk shows. He says he can learn a lot from them. Lisa likes watching game shows. She thinks they are interesting. Jul

22、ie enjoys watching movies. She wants to have a movie theater when she grows up.I. 1-5 CBCAB6-10 ABC AC11-15 ABCABIL 16. reading books 17. history 18. talk shows19. interesting 20. movie theaterIII.第一节:【主旨大意】本文讲述了我的朋友奥利弗对不同电视节目的看法。21. C提示:句意为“他喜欢在周末看电视”。由“He likes”可知,此处为like doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。应选C。22.

23、 B提示:考查名词辨析和名词的数。SWhat.of TV shows does Oliver like 可知,此处指奥利弗喜欢什么种类的电视节目,What kind of.“什么种类 的”,固定句型。应选B。23. B提示:句意为“奥利弗最喜欢的电视节目是体育新闻和动物世界 由“Olivers favorite TV shows.Sports News and Animal Worlds 可知,本句 陈述客观事实,故为一般现在时;主语为复数,故用areo应选B。24. A提示:考查连词辨析。句意为“他经常在睡觉前看它们“。before在之 前;so 因此;after 在之后;when 当时。由

24、 “He often watchesthem.he goes to bed.”可知,此处指奥利弗经常在睡觉之前看电视节目。应选AoC提示:句意为“当他看体育新闻时,他了解很多关于有名运发动的事情”。know.about. 了解应选C。25. D提示:句意为“当他看到他们赢得比赛时,他感到非常兴奋”。interesting有 趣的,修饰事物;interested感兴趣的,修饰人;exciting令人兴奋的,修饰事 物;excited 兴奋的,修饰人。由He feels very.when he sees them win the match.“可知,用excited,修饰人。应选D。26. A提

25、示:句意为“他认为这个节目很有趣,他可以从这个节目中学到很多关 于动物的知识”。情态动词can后应用动词原形。应选A。27. B提示:句意为“奥利弗希望有一天能去澳大利亚看考拉”。hope to do sth.“希 望做某事二应选B。28. A提示:考查语境理解。句意为“至于健康之路,奥利弗受不了。由“He thinks it,s boring.”可知,奥利弗受不了健康之路。且can是情态动词,故 后面用动词原形。应选A。29. A提示:句意为“但他的爸爸和妈妈都喜欢both两个都;either也,用于否 定句句末;all三者及以上都;too也,用于肯定句句末。由“But his father

26、 and mother.like it.”可知选A。皿H-弟一B:【主旨大意】本文介绍了一些热线节目鼓励听众参与节目,但很多听众只是在 浪费主持人的时间,作者认为不应该让这些人参与节目。30. D提示:考查动名词辨析。shopping购物;testing测试;calling打 ; encouraging 鼓励。根据后面的“the listeners to take part in talk shows”可知它 是被用来鼓励听众参加谈话节目的。短语be used for doing sth.表示“被用来 做某事”,encourage sb. to do sth. “鼓励某人做某事”,应选D。31

27、. A提示:考查名词辨析。句意为“这是一个很好的主意idea主意;lesson课 程;medicine药水;drink饮料。根据上文它是被用来鼓励听众参加谈话节目 的,可知这是一个很好的主意,应选A。32. A提示:考查名词辨析。句意为“一些人对正在讨论的话题知之甚少”。 discussion 讨论;meeting 会面;party 聚会;film 电影。根据下文“Sometimes they do not even know what the host is talking about. 并结合Some people know little about the topic under . 可

28、知一些人对正在讨论的话题知之甚少, under discussion”在讨论中、应选A。33. B提示:考查动词辨析。make使 制作;tell告诉;teach教;feed喂养。根 据上文“Sometimes they do not even know what the host is talking about.”可知 主持人不得不告诉打 的人节目是关于什么的。ten sb. sth.表示“告诉某人 某事”,应选B。34. A提示:考查动词辨析。句意为“通常打 的人会问几个可以表达他的希望 和无知的问题”。ask问;solve解决;write写;read读。根据后面的“a few quest

29、ions”几个问题,可知是打 的人会问几个问题,ask a few questions”问 几个问题”,应选A。35. C提示:考查名词辨析。句意为“它浪费了很多时间。money钱;luck幸运; time 时间;information 信息。根据上文“Then the host has to answer and explain (解释).How silly this is!然后主持人回答和解释,这是多么得愚蠢!” 可知是它浪费了许多时间,应选C。36. C提示:考查副词辨析。句意为“他们只是想让听众听到他们二already已经; hardly几乎不;just仅仅 只是;never从不。应选

30、C。37. B提示:句意为“他们不在乎主题是什么和他们自己是否对主题感兴趣”。 when何时;whether是否;where哪里;what什么。应选B。38. C提示:考查形容词辨析。句意为“改进热线节目对于广播电台是有必要的”。 impossible不可能的;interesting有趣的;necessary有必要的;funny滑稽 的。根据后面的“for radio stations to improve the hotline programs”并结合选项 及语境,可知改进热线节目对于广播电台是有必要的。Ifs+形容词+for.to do sth.是固定句型,表示“对于来说做某事是怎么样的

31、”,应选C。39. A 提示:根据If a caller doesnt know what is going. , the operator should not let the caller take part in it.”并结合选项及语境,可知如果一个来电者不知道 发生了什么,接线员就不应该让来电者参与进来。what is going on “正在发生 什么,应选A。IV.第一节:A【主旨大意】本文介绍了国际影城好莱坞。它的标志性建筑和露天剧场。40. D 提示:细节理解题。根据“But Hollywood is still a very special part in Los Ange

32、les, California.”可知,好莱坞是洛杉矶的一局部。应选D。41. C提示:词义猜想题。根据文中表达可知,好莱坞以电影而知名,它是一座 “特殊的,与众不同的”地方。应选C。42. A提示:最正确标题题。本文介绍了好莱坞这座影城。应选A。B【主旨大意】本文表达了Jim Davis的生平事迹,他是加菲猫的创造者,他从 小在农场长大,喂养着25只猫,大学毕业后,他在一家广告公司工作,他发 现社会上有很少关于猫的连环漫画,于是就有了创造连环漫画的想法。后来 Jim Davis获得了奖项。43. D提示:细节理解题。根据文章第一段第二句He first叩peared in a comic s

33、trip (连环漫画)on June 19,1978.” 和第二段第一句、第二句Jim Davis is Garfields creator(创造者).Jim was born on July 28,1945 in Indiana.”可知,加 菲猫第一次出现时Jim的年龄应该用1978-1945=33得到。应选D。44. BC提示:主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了加菲猫的创造者Jim Daviso应选C。C【主旨大意】本文介绍了唐老鸭和他的配音演员克拉伦斯纳什成名的历程。1934年唐老鸭首次在动画片聪明的小母鸡中亮相,很快他成为比米老鼠 更受欢迎的明星。克拉伦斯纳什在1985年去世,今天的孩子仍然可

34、以在电 视上看到唐老鸭,听到那个有名的声音。45. B提示:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句The duck was the famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the film, The Wise Little 可知 唐老鸭在1934年第一次出现。应选B。46. DC提示:细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后一句But today飞children can still see the old cartoons on the television and hear that famous voice,”可知今天 的孩子们可以在电视上看

35、到唐老鸭。应选C。47. B提示:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasnt a goody-goody, likeMickeyr可知相比于米老鼠,人们更喜欢唐老鸭是因为他不像米老鼠那样是 个善于讨好卖乖的人。应选B。第二节:【主旨大意】如何让孩子们更好地度过他们的空闲时间?每个孩子可能都有自己 的方式,这篇短文给了我们一些很好的建议,如进行一些室外的活动 室内 的活动以及放松和休息。48. C 提示:根据下文“For younger kids

36、this can mean just going outside and running around in circles. Games are popular for the younger groups. For older children outdoor play might be a little more focused.”可知,不同年龄的孩子应 该参加不同的户外活动。由此可知选C。49. D提示:根据上句“Some kids are going to go into sports.“可知继续说明孩子 们从事什么样的运动,应选D,意为“他们可能花费时间踢足球 打棒球或者 打篮球”

37、。50. E 提示:根据这一段的标题 “Indoor play.”和空前Young kids arerft going to be able to run around all the time?5可知,这一段应介绍有关室内活动,应选E, 意为“一旦他们累了,他们可以在室内玩玩具或者做游戏”。51. B提示:根据这一段的标题“Rest and relaxation;以及空前这句话“This is not just lying down and taking a short sleep.”可知,“放松和休息并不意味着躺下 来睡觉”,应选B,意为“放松和休息意味着安静地谈一本好书”。52. F 提

38、示: 根据“However, allowing children to watch a movie on TV isnt going to be good for them.”可知,这里提到了不适合孩子们做的活动,如“在电视上 看电影”,应选F,意为“玩电脑游戏也不是一个好的选择”。V. 56. take your place 57. expect to learn58. is famous for 59. What do you think of 60. dress upVL 61. spends 62. comedies 63. wantededucational 65. happened

39、 66. meaningless67. reasons 68. culture 69. makes 70. stopsVIL 71. stories, people or things 72. make people laugh73. their own talent 74. successful 75. relax themselvesVIIL76. What are you watching/What are you doing所给的问题和三个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10 分) 听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。11. What does Emily th

40、ink of movies about history?A. Theyre educational.B. Theyre enjoyable.C. Theyre exciting.12. What kind of movies does the boy like best?B. Action movies.A. Sports movies.C. American movies.听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。13. How often does Bob watch TV?A. At least once a week.B. At least twice a week.C. At least

41、 three times a week.14. Why does Bob like sports shows?A. Theyre exciting.B. Theyre educational.C. He can learn a lot.15. What does Bob think of Healthy Living!B. Not useful.A. Not educational.C. Not interesting.IL听独白,填信息(共5小题,计10分)此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍。请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成 以下各题。(每空限填一个单词)16. Last year, Pa

42、ul liked.17. Now Paul likes visiting many places of interest because he can learn more about people and.18. Eric likes watching.19. Lisa thinks game shows are.20. Julie wants to have a when she grows up.第二局部(笔试共90分)1 dont like sitcoms/I cant stand sitcoms78. Why do you like to watch the newsWhat do

43、you think of sports shows/How do you like sports shows79. Youre welcome/Not at allIX.范文:My name is Mike. My family have different opinions about TV shows.My father likes sports programs because he enjoys doing sports which can make him strong and healthy. But my father doesnt like soap operas becaus

44、e he thinks they are very boring. How about my mother? She likes sitcoms best because they are interesting. She also likes to watch soap operas and she thinks they are relaxing. As for me, I like news. It can tell me what is happening around the world. However, I dont like TV series because they are

45、 boring.How about your opinions about TV shows?21. A. watches22. A. size23. A. is24. A. before25. A. at26. A. interesting27. A. learn28. A. going to go29. A. stand30. A. bothB. watchedB. kindB. areB. soB. inB. interestedB. learningB. to goB. stoodB. eitherC. watchingC. bowlC. wasC. afterC.aboutC. ex

46、citingC. to learnC. wentC. mindC. allD. watchD. groupD. wereD. whenD. forD. excitedD. learntD going D. mindedD. tooIII.完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节:阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从所给的 四个选项中选出一个最正确答案,使短文连贯完整。I have a friend. His name is Oliver, from England. He is a 13-year-old boy. He likes 21 TV on weekends. Th

47、ere are many TV shows every day. What 22 of TV shows does Oliver like and what does he think of them?Olivers favorite TV shows 23 Sports News and Animal World. Heoften watches them 24 he goes to bed. Olivers favorite subject is P.E. atschool. When he watches Sports News, he knows a lot 25 the famousplayers. He feels very 26 when he sees them win the match. Oliver alsolikes Animal World. He thinks the show is very interesting, and he can 27 a lot about animals from it. Pandas and koalas are


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